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Sep 14 2021

Organic Farming Causes Food Crisis in Sri Lanka

Under rule by Biden and the Democrats, the cost of food is climbing. If it’s any consolation, there is a place where food inflation is even worse: Sri Lanka. There as here, the crisis was caused by letting moonbats have power:

The surge in food prices and a real fear of hoarding of essential food items was the last straw that forced President Gotabaya Rajapaksa to impose the economic emergency on 31 August under the public security ordinance.

At the root of this economic catastrophe is a bizarre overnight flip by Rajapaksa’s government on 29 April to ban the import of chemical fertilisers and any other agrochemicals to make the Indian Ocean nation the first in the world to practice organic-only agriculture.

The result: prices of daily food items like sugar, rice and onions have soared over twice, with sugar even touching record Rs 200/kg; kerosene oil and cooking gas prices are surging; tea crops are predicted to fail in October; and there are fears over a hit to production of other crucial export crops like cinnamon, pepper, rubber, cardamom, cloves, nutmeg, betel leaves, cocoa, and vanilla.

Big Government eagerly exploits the crises it creates to grow even bigger:

The crisis has now reached such a proportion that a former army general has been appointed as ‘commissioner general of essential services’ to raid and seize food stocks.

If ham-fisted authoritarianism driven by lunatic liberal ideology that ignores disastrous real world consequences sounds familiar, you may be thinking of the Green New Deal policies of the Biden Administration.

Typical of coercive ecomoonbattery, the organic farming mandate is a matter of posturing, not of improving the environment:

Eminent researchers have also noted that organic farming increases farmland due to its low yields. This results in deforestation, leading to large scale extinction of species and a rise in greenhouse emissions.

Get woke, go broke — and eventually go hungry, as the world around you goes to hell.

On tips from R F and Dragon’s Lair.

Sep 10 2021

Biden Wants Jets to Use Sustainable Fuel

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal confirms that air travel will eventually have to be abolished for the sake of the climate. It calls for high-speed rail — presumably powered by sustainable pixie dust — “at a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary.”

Until enough high-speed rail projects along the line of California’s failed boondoggle are in place, we will still be able to fly, so long as we wear our Covid masks and the plane is powered by sustainable alternative jet fuels:

The Biden administration announced a goal Thursday of replacing all jet fuel with sustainable alternatives by 2050, setting forth a plan to dramatically boost production of fuels made from waste or plants to drive down the environmental cost of flying. …

Aviation accounts for about 3 percent of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.

There is zero chance that eliminating air travel altogether would result in a perceptible change in the weather. But this is about ideology, not reality, so Biden is willing to print any amount of money to finance politically correct green jet fuel.

Currently, the alternative fuels have to be combined with conventional jet fuel, and eliminating fuel made from crude oil would require technological breakthroughs to allow engines to run entirely on the alternatives.

No problem; just mandate that all jet fuel has to be made entirely out of crabgrass. The technological breakthroughs will have to happen if they are mandatory.

Like the auto industry, airlines go along with green idiocy so as to receive carrots from Big Government instead of the stick. Biden’s budget calls for a $2/gallon tax credit for using fuels that reduce harmless carbon emissions.

The industry has also called for grants and loan programs to support investments in production facilities.

Until Biden issues the executive order mandating crabgrass fuel, “sustainable” aviation fuel will continue to consist of waste fat, oil, and grease mixed with real fuel from crude oil. Like more efficient normal fuel, it produces CO2 emissions.

The emissions savings come from either growing sources of carbon — which pulls carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere — or using waste as an ingredient. Determining the benefits requires a complicated analysis known as a life cycle assessment.

According to Nikita Pavlenko, a fuels researcher at the International Council on Clean Transportation, some sustainable jet fuel could actually produce higher emissions. But since emissions don’t do any harm anyway, it’s only the intention that counts.

Before the pandemic scrambled the industry, airlines paid about $2 per gallon for jet fuel. Airlines for America says the alternative fuels can cost at least three times as much.

That’s okay. We can just print the money:

Government subsidies could help bridge the gap.

Even with lavish subsidies financed through inflation, green fuel will make flying more expensive. Eventually, only the ruling elites will have the mobility and thereby the freedom enabled by air travel. That is the objective.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Aug 16 2021

Heat Inequity

Decisions, decisions. Should neo-Marxists tear down America and impose authoritarianism in the name of cultural Marxism or in the name of the global warming hoax? Maybe they can prioritize both at the same time. The Climate Adaptation Planning Alliance shows the way.

CAPA activists drive around Portland with sensors on their cars, mapping urban heat. They find that high temperatures target the most vulnerable.

From Fox12 Oregon:

Joey Williams, CAPA Heat Watch program manager, … said East Multnomah County has a lot of asphalt and not a lot of tree cover – the two combined, along with other social factors, make for hotter days for residents who live there.

“The asphalt we’re standing on is a great example right now. It’s black and has low surface albedo, which means it’s absorbing all the short waves, high-energy radiation from the sun and it’s holding onto it. Whereas if we were on grass or under a tree we would see this dispersing heat much more quickly,” Williams said. “We know that people out here are also less equipped to handle that heat – social vulnerability aspects that can really affect someone’s ability to cope.”

Watch any random minute of liberal establishment news and you will be reminded that “social vulnerability” is correlated with politically preferred racial status. That means global warming is racist.

It follows that anyone who questions ostensible mitigation efforts — like the flagrant Green New Deal waste that makes up much of the Democrats’ next spending blowout — is a racist. No racist deserves to have an opinion. Anyone who defends a racist is subject to cancelation. The debate is over.

On a tip from Steve T.

Aug 04 2021

Gargantuan “Infrastructure” Bill Includes Mileage Tax

There are so many nasty surprises in the colossal spending bills Democrats plan to ram through, it would be hard to shake your fist at them all. First comes the so-called “infrastructure” bill that some RINOs are colluding on.

A draft of the $1 trillion bill is 2,702 pages long. It mandates that vast amounts of money we do not have will be spent on removing invasive plant species, studying the phenomenon of deer getting hit by cars, Transportation Resilience and Adaptation Centers of Excellence, upgrades for Amtrak in Canada, combatting human trafficking even while leaving the border wide open, ensuring equity of outcome in the trucking industry, studying the safety of the limousines our rulers ride around in, imposing “driving prevention technology” (i.e., equipping our cars with breathalyzers), studies on driving while high on the marijuana Democrats have been legalizing throughout the country in violation of federal law, ensuring recreational boating safety, green energy handouts, imposing “digital equity,” massive subsidies for inefficient electric cars and even electric ferries, $billions to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (presumably to generate global warming propaganda), green energy boondoggles for laundering payoffs to campaign donors à la Obama, $billions to the Department of Energy for more posturing intended to convince us that the government controls the weather, $21.5 billion for clean energy demonstrations, a $1 billion payoff to the Appalachian Regional Commission to bribe Joe Manchin into going along, a $75 million payoff to the Denali Commission to bribe RINO Lisa Murkowski, $250 million to reduce truck emissions at ports, $500 million for the Healthy Streets Program that deploys “cool and porous pavements” to mitigate urban heat islands among other dubious activities, and $350 million for the Wildlife Crossings Pilot Program (i.e., bridges for wild animals).

In addition, mountains of money will be “invested” to grow the federal bureaucracy in general, including $14.2 billion for the FCC; $3.4 billion for the Federal Buildings Fund; $330 million for the DHS, which is no longer serious about defending the homeland, as the situation at the border makes obvious; $455 million for the Fish and Wildlife Service; $510 million for the US Geological Survey; $2 billion for the pernicious and tyrannical EPA; $3.5 billion for the Indian Health Service; et cetera, ad nauseam.

Not all of this looting spree will be paid for through inflation. There is also a revenue-raising aspect. The bill imposes a national mileage fee.

The Washington Examiner reports:

The $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure accord would institute a multiyear “national motor vehicle per-mile user fee pilot” program that, without future intervention from the White House, could potentially violate one of President Joe Biden’s previously stated red lines.

Biden has emphatically promised that he would not raise taxes on people earning less than $400,000 per year. This was a brazen lie, if only because most of the ongoing Democrat looting spree will be financed by inflating the currency. Inflation is a tax on everyone who holds so much as a penny of American money.

The program itself directs [Transportation Secretary Pete] Buttigieg and [Treasury Secretary Janet] Yellen to “establish, on an annual basis, per-mile user fees for passenger motor vehicles, light trucks, and medium- and heavy-duty trucks, which amount may vary between vehicle types and weight classes to reflect estimated impacts on infrastructure, safety, congestion, the environment, or other related social impacts.”

This offers the advantage that it can be used to punish those of us who drive efficient vehicles powered by gasoline rather than inefficient but politically preferred electric moonbatmobiles.

The bill being “bipartisan” means a handful of left-leaning “Republicans” like Murkowski and Mitt Romney will support it, thereby enabling Democrats to use reconciliation to ram through another bill several times the size, which will inflict many aspects of the Green New Deal and establish new entitlements to speed us along on the road to national bankruptcy. The inevitable hyperinflation and economic collapse will be followed by the straightforward Soviet-style communism that is the increasingly obvious ultimate objective of all Democrat policy.

On tips from Dragon’s Lair and R F.

Jun 03 2021

As Gas Prices Rise, Biden Shuts Down Alaska Drilling

When the price of lumber started skyrocketing, pulling the price of housing after it, Biden responded by doubling the tariff on Canadian lumber, diverting this precious product to our ChiCom adversaries. As an unsurprising result of his energy policy, gasoline prices are also climbing steeply. This inflates the price of everything. How would you expect Biden to respond? That’s right: by further restricting our oil supply:

The Biden administration on Tuesday suspended oil and gas leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge…

The move by the Interior Department, which could spark a major legal battle, dims the prospect of oil drilling in a pristine and politically charged expanse of Alaskan wilderness…

The “pristine wilderness” consists largely of frozen tundra — i.e., wasteland. It is no good for anything but oil drilling. Once in a while, a man-eating polar bear lumbers across it.

Interior Secretary Deb Haaland, a leftist radical who supports the insane Green New Deal and whose qualification for office is that she is an Indian, has called a halt to all drilling activity so that leftist bureaucrats can conduct “a new, comprehensive analysis of the potential environmental impacts of the oil and gas program.” If they find that so much as a mosquito is inconvenienced, the oil will lie wasted in the ground as our standard of living declines.

As noted at Daily Wire,

The news comes as gas prices under the Biden administration have risen every month that he has been in office and are currently more than $.60 per gallon higher than in January.

Biden made his hostility to the energy industry obvious from the beginning by maliciously shutting down the Keystone XL pipeline. But evidently thanks to a generous lobbyist, Biden is okay with Russia building the Nord Stream 2 pipeline to make Germany dependent on it for the natural gas that it can no longer buy from us because he won’t let us produce it.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Apr 26 2021

Biden Administration as Viewed From Abroad

The world is watching the shameful self-induced decline that Joe Biden personifies. Friends like Australia get no pleasure from the spectacle. On Anzac Day yesterday (their version of Veterans Day), James Morrow of Sky News lamented a great nation’s disintegration:

Morrow is right to be alarmed. America’s decline into an abyss of critical race theory, multi-$trillion looting sprees, and apocalyptic Green New Deal lunacy will create a power vacuum that will not be filled by benevolent actors.

Apr 21 2021

AOC: Unreachably Insane and Driving the Agenda

The Future of the Democratic Party has arrived:

Congressional Democrats, led by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.), reintroduced the Green New Deal on Tuesday, a sweeping progressive legislative agenda designed to fundamentally transform the U.S. economy to end capitalism while promoting so-called racial, economic, and climate “justice.”

Some think of Biden’s multi-$trillion “infrastructure” blowout as the New Green Deal in disguise. Actually, it only represents a small down payment. Leftists don’t plan to cripple the country. They plan to destroy it. Utopia will be constructed on its ruins, just like in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge. You might call the current regime the Khmer Vert.

Markey’s name has been in the news lately because he leads the Democrat charge in the Senate to pack the Supreme Court so that the Constitution will no longer be a hindrance to their plans to remake America as a totally different country.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez personifies the ultraleft vanguard in the House. She squeaks:

“We’re going to transition to a 100% carbon-free economy that is more unionized, more just, more dignified and that guarantees more health care and housing than we’ve ever had before.”

Enjoy your First World standard of living while you can. It won’t be for long. A “carbon-free economy” would entail total economic collapse, followed by mass starvation. It is simply not possible for windmill and solar panel boondoggles to provide more than a tiny fraction of the energy needed to sustain the economy. This is not a bug but a feature. Liberals believe there are too many of us.

Ocasio-Cortez first introduced the Green New Deal in 2019 as a nonbinding resolution in the House that broadly outlined a Democratic legislative agenda to remake the economy. The plan sets a goal of “net-zero greenhouse gas emissions” which will be met after a “10-year national mobilization” that would restructure government social programs, vastly expand government power to centrally plan the economy, and dramatically increase federal taxes and spending to fund it all.

The idea is to convert the USA into a Third-World socialist hellhole in the name of improving the weather, even though the weather is the one thing Big Government won’t control.

Ocasio-Cortez said the Democratic initiative must “rectify the injustices of the past” by providing free higher education for all Americans, “affordable, safe, and adequate” housing, free health care, and millions of “union jobs.”

Any difference from communism is a distinction without a difference.

As for the global warming pretext, AOC shrieks:

“It’s not just human-caused, it’s societally-caused. The climate crisis is a crisis born of injustice. And it is a crisis born of the pursuit of profit…

“We must recognize in legislation that the trampling of indigenous rights is a cause of climate change. That the trampling of racial justice is a cause of climate change…”

The climate doesn’t change because that’s what climate always does. It changes because there is resistance to the radical left agenda. Soon this resistance will be crushed. Then the climate will never fluctuate.

As you can see, AOC is unreachably insane:

Our future is in the hands of crazy people who do not mean us well.

On a tip from Varla.

Apr 14 2021

Technical Director Admits CNN Produces Propaganda

The purpose of liberal establishment “news” services is not to inform the public. On the contrary, it is to misinform the public, so as to drive a left-wing agenda. Project Veritas provides documentation in the form of surreptitiously recorded video of Technical Director Charlie Chester claiming credit for driving the president out of office and explicitly admitting that CNN produces propaganda.

Chester specifically states that CNN’s “focus was to get Trump out of office.” Scarier even than these militant moonbats selecting our president for us is what he promises will come next — a concentrated effort to stampede the public into going along with a radical expansion of the size, scope, and cost of Big Government in the name of the global warming hoax. To quote Chester,

“So our next thing is going to be for climate change awareness.”

He needs to get with the program. Orders have come down from above to call weather the “climate emergency” now.

Chester says CNN will “beat to death” the bogus narrative of the planet being imperiled by our unwillingness to succumb to Green New Deal power grabs. This campaign will have “longevity,” he says. The beauty of the imaginary climate crisis is that unlike the ChiCom virus, it never has to end, since there will always be weather that can be blamed on it. Chester says they will “milk that for quite a bit” — unless of course viewers get sick of being manipulated and choose instead to become informed by looking for alternate sources of information.

In Part 2, Chester admits that CNN deliberately instills panic in its audience, and that its reporters do not ask questions but rather manipulate those being interviewed into supporting the desired narrative. Our worst suspicions are again confirmed:

On tips from Chuck A, KirklesWorth, and Dragon’s Lair.

Feb 01 2021

Why Electricity Is So Expensive

Charles McConnell, who was Assistant Secretary of Energy in the Obama Administration, explains why the cost of electricity keeps going up, even though the price of natural gas and coal, the primary resources required to generate electricity efficiently, keeps going down:

The scale of green energy waste is already staggering, but we haven’t seen anything yet. Wait until the Biden Regime gets its version of the Green New Deal up to full speed. In utopia, only John Kerry types will have access to fossil fuels.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Jan 05 2021

Jon Ossoff No Friend of Police Either

Radical racist Raphael Warnock isn’t the only Senate candidate in Georgia with limited use for the police. Boyish trust fund socialist Jon Ossoff is no friend of law enforcement either:

On Wednesday, Ossoff, campaigning in Marietta, Georgia said that he is opposed to local law enforcement authorities cooperating with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) through the 287(g) program, which permits local officers to turn over criminal illegal aliens to ICE for arrest and deportation, according to Breitbart.

This is consistent with the current Democrat policy of opening the floodgates wide to illegal immigration, to hell with the many Americans looking for work.

“I think that federal immigration law should be the purview of federal authorities and not local law enforcement, and here’s why, here’s why I oppose the 287(g) program,” Ossoff said.

“There have to be bonds of trust between local communities and law enforcement.”

Characteristically of Democrats, Ossoff’s duckspeak runs 180° contrary to the truth. As you might guess from its cop-demonizing Black Lives Matter rhetoric, his party opposes the trust between local communities and law enforcement. As noted earlier, this is a prime reason for the Democrats’ war on police. If Dems try to implement their full agenda (gun confiscation, Green New Deal insanity, etc), there will be pushback. They don’t want local police siding with their neighbors against the federal Debt Star.

Actually, the 287(g) program does not apply until illegal aliens are already in jail. The idea is to prevent criminal illegal aliens from getting released back onto the streets to commit further crimes. But Ossoff doesn’t need to know what he’s talking about. He just needs to bark the current left-wing talking points and vote the way Chuck Schumer tells him so as to “change America” into a very different country.

Ossoff also advocates amnesty for the many millions of illegal aliens in the country, a move that would result in millions more crossing the border. He can’t be too clueless to understand the effect this will have on the unemployment rate. A demographic transformation that will ensure Democrat preeminence is all that matters to this party, which openly opposes its own country’s interests.

Hat tip: Liberty Daily.

Nov 12 2020

Biden Advisor Calls for 4- to 6-Week Lockdown

You think Anthony Fauci is bad? Wait until you see what we are in for if Biden’s handlers take power. Presenting Biden COVID-19 Advisory Board member Michael Osterhold:

If suppressing efficient energy in the name of the Green New Deal could help the economy, so could business-crushing lockdowns.

Back on planet Earth, the economic outlook is starting to brighten, despite the best efforts of Democrat governors. But there is nothing right with the economy that futile and tyrannical lockdowns can’t break.

As noted at Twitchy,

We’re old enough to remember when we were all supposed to stay home for two weeks to slow the spread. We’re also old enough to remember how well the economy was doing under President Trump before the Chinese virus and subsequent lockdowns destroyed it — imagine the 2020 election had COVID-19 never left that lab in Wuhan.

If the Democrats stand for anything sincerely, it is government coercion as an end in itself. The ChiCom virus is a dream come true for these people. They will milk every drop of authoritarianism they can get from it.

On tips from DCGere and Rapinhoe.

Nov 07 2020

Top Democrats Ready to Impose Radical Agenda

The election was so close that nearly a week afterward, whether Biden won is still a matter of opinion. Democrats lost ground in the House; the relatively sane among them expect to lose more in 2022 if they don’t tone down the radicalism. Even Jim Clyburn says that if they don’t back off from socialism, they are “not going to win.”

If Biden did win, it was by the skin on his teeth. So at least they won’t try to ram the full hard left agenda down the country’s throat, since it could not be more obvious that they do not have a consensus. Then again, these people are so arrogant and drunk with power that maybe they will:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) insisted several times Friday that Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has a “mandate” to carry out their party’s agenda, referring to Biden as “president-elect” despite the fact that no winner has been declared in the close race between him and President Donald Trump.

Not just a mandate; a “tremendous mandate”:

The only thing preventing them from capitalizing on their imaginary mandate to transform the USA into Venezuela overnight is control of the Senate.

Like Pelosi, top Senate Democrat Chuck Schumer meekly complies with kamikaze radicals like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who may take his Senate seat in 2022 if he doesn’t dance to her tune.

Barks Schumer,

“Now we take Georgia, then we change the world!”

This is frightening:

It would change the world, all right. If America succumbs to socialism, authoritarianism, and economic collapse, the rest of the planet may follow us into a new Dark Age. Schumer would bring this about by packing the Supreme Court and the Senate, ensuring indefinite single-party rule. Literally insane policies like the Green New Deal and unprecedented levels of spending and taxation would become a reality.

Fortunately, Georgia is not likely to hand these maniacs the Senate. But we have certainly come to the very edge of a steep precipice.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket and Varla.

Nov 07 2020

Leftists Have Plans for Those Who Opposed Them

Leftists can smell victory, even if their vehicle Joe Biden just barely squeaks into office with the help of systemic election fraud. They look forward to punishing those who opposed their rise to power. As totalitarians have done in other countries, people like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are taking names and making lists:

“Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future?” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted on Friday.

Some people still react to these threats like Americans:

“Joseph is proud of you!” one user wrote, referring to notorious Soviet Union dictator Joseph Stalin.

Another person posted a photo of Mao Zedong with the caption: “Big shoes to fill but you’ll get there.”

What happens to the people on the list? Possibly inspired by the Spanish Inquisition and the book 1984, Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich (now a Berkeley professor) wants to subject them to a “Truth and Reconciliation Commission”:

After this commission finds them guilty of thought crimes, what happens next? Let’s ask a representative of the entertainment industry, one of the left’s securest pillars of power.

The Blaze reports:

Actress and singer Janelle Monáe went on a rant where she lambasted the nearly 70 million Americans who voted for President Donald Trump in the election. Monáe said that every person who supported President Trump should “burn.”

Entertainers do tend to be wacky. Monáe, for example, wants to abolish the Electoral College for being “RACIST BULLS***” and has proclaimed herself to be “pansexual.”

Let’s ask someone more sober. How about a guy who used to anchor the flagship program on MSNBC? To quote Keith Olbermann,

“Trump … and his enablers, and his supporters, and his collaborators, and the Mike Lees and the William Barrs, and Sean Hannitys, and the Mike Pences, and the Rudy Gullianis and the Kyle Rittenhouses and the Amy Coney Barretts must be prosecuted and convicted and removed from our society…”

So, gulags then. At least they aren’t openly calling for executions yet. They still fear the public a little bit.

We can laugh at these people for now. But anyone crazy enough to try to impose economic collapse through the Green New Deal is crazy enough to kill people in large numbers for objecting to starvation. Readers are referred again to Stalin and Mao.

On tips from Varla, Dragon’s Lair, Henry, and Greg O. Hat tips: NTEB, Post Millennial.

Oct 23 2020

Biden Is Lying, Has Repeatedly Opposed Fracking

The good news is that in the debate last night, Joe Biden vehemently denied that he opposes the energy production that is the lifeblood of the economy. The bad news is that, as usual, he was lying.

Of all the insolently brazen lies Biden told last night, “I never said I oppose fracking” was among the easiest to disprove.

Via the Blaze:

Trump reacted by saying, “You said it on tape.”

Biden responded, “Show the tape, put it on your website.”

“I’ll put it on,” Trump declared.

Another promise kept by Trump:

By the time Thursday night’s presidential debate had ended, the Trump campaign released a video compilation of Biden and running mate Sen. Kamala Harris (Calif.) making remarks opposing fracking. By Friday morning, the video had over 10 million views and over 325,000 Likes.

Here you go, Joe:

You know Biden’s compulsive lying has gotten out of hand when even CNN calls him on it:

CNN did a fact check on Biden’s history of fracking comments and admitted: “Biden falsely claims he never opposed fracking.”

Fortunately, we do not yet live in a dictatorship where an insane or treasonous president can destroy the economy by unilaterally banning all efficient energy production.

Despite several Democrats promising to ban fracking, including Sens. Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and Kamala Harris, the president can not issue an outright ban on fracking across the United States.

However, they can repress this highly beneficial practice via hyperregulation and a ban on federal land. After they have packed the Supreme Court — an option Biden explicitly leaves open — anything is possible.

Despite his self-praising rhetoric, Biden conspicuously does not best Trump in character. The only reason to vote for him would be policy preference. His election would mean people can be manipulated into preferring economic stagnation at best (and a genuine depression if not absolute economic collapse if Democrats inflict their Green New Deal promises) to a return to the vibrant economy we had under Trump before the ChiCom virus hit. The leftists running the establishment media and Big Tech might be that powerful.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.


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