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Aug 21 2020

California Blackouts Presage Green Energy Future

It’s not as if Democrats want to take a chance on green energy, as if maybe it will work. They already know what will happen if we are forced to rely on it. It is already happening, right in front of everyone in California:

Millions of Californians have lost power in recent days amid a brutal heat wave, and state regulators warn of more outages in the days and perhaps years to come.

Democrats reflexively scapegoat the power companies, which have been hamstrung by hyperregulation and ideologically driven green energy mandates to the point that they are no longer able to keep the lights on.

California’s Independent System Operator (Caiso) has been warning for years that the state’s increasing dependence on intermittent renewables, especially solar, is making it harder to ensure reliable power. Renewables currently make up about 36% of California’s electric generation, and Democrats have set a 60% mandate for 2030 and 100% for 2045.

Absent some revolutionary scientific breakthrough that probably won’t happen, there is no possibility that green energy can meet 100% of California’s power needs. It can’t even handle 36%.

Caiso in part blamed cloud cover, weak winds and failures at a couple of power plants for this weekend’s power outages.

Society cannot function if there is only a reliable power source when it is sunny out and the wind is blowing.

California is forced by its own moonbattery to import power from other states. But during a heatwave, and with green energy lunacy metastasizing throughout the country, other states won’t always have enough to spare.

[Governor Gavin] Newsom on Monday waived the state’s emissions standards to allow businesses and utilities to run fossil-fuel generators, many procured for emergency power outages during wildfire seasons.

This proves Newsom knows that reliable power does not come from solar panels, wind turbines, or pixie dust. Yet California continues to shut down clean and efficient natural gas and nuclear plants out of sheer moonbattery.

Even now, Newsom proclaims that single-party California remains “committed to radically changing the way we produce and consume energy.”

Power to keep the lights on takes a back seat to the power they will have over us if they can impose the Green New Deal. Get used to sweltering in the dark if Democrats prevail.

On a tip from Varla.

Sep 21 2023

Biden Decrees Climate Corps

You’ve heard of Hitlerjugend. Introducing Klimajugend:

After being thwarted by Congress, President Joe Biden will use his executive authority to create a New Deal-style American Climate Corps…

In an announcement Wednesday, the White House said the program will employ about 20,000 young adults…

Being a federal program, it will grow exponentially from there.

The climate corps had been proposed in early versions of the sweeping climate law approved last year but was jettisoned amid strong opposition from Republicans and concerns about cost.

Not even the inflationary Inflation Reduction Act was a big enough blowout of wasteful spending to include the Climate Corps.

According to the Constitution, Congress has responsibility for public spending. Yet the Climate Corps was imposed by executive decree. Lacking the votes to pass it, leftist Democrats step forward afterward to place their stamp of approval. That task is accomplished here by the Senate Majority Leader, flanked on either side by communists:

Here’s why Democrats call their agenda the Green New Deal:

The program is modeled after the Civilian Conservation Corps, created in the 1930s by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, a Democrat, as part of the New Deal.

The pretext for Roosevelt’s massive expansion of the federal government was the Great Depression, which it prolonged. To recreate the FDR Big Government glory days is the objective of Bidenomics.

The explicit purpose of the Climate Corps is to “fight climate change” and “support environmental justice.” There is zero chance this make-work patronage program will prevent the climate from fluctuating as it always has, but inflicting environmental justice — defined as racial favoritism in the name of the global warming hoax — is a likely application.

On tips from ABC of the ANC, Mr. Freemarket, Wiggins, and Anonymous.

Aug 08 2023

Michelle Wu Introduces Boston to Democrat Death Spiral

One problem with putting people in positions of authority based exclusively on their status as left-wing Women of Color is that you end up having to live under the likes of Kamala “Heartbeat Away” Harris, Ketanji “I Dunno What a Woman Is” Brown Jackson, and Boston Mayor Michelle Wu:

Wu signed an executive order that prohibits city-owned buildings from being constructed or renovated in a way that allows for the use of fossil fuels.

As with her extravagant electric bus campaign, taxpayers will be saddled with the cost.

Fossil fuels are the lifeblood of modern civilization. Without them, society would collapse. Most of us would perish of starvation. Yet liberals have decreed that fossil fuels are politically incorrect.

While the new order only applies to city-owned buildings, Wu is moving forward with a plan she announced last year that would ban fossil fuels in new residential building projects throughout Boston.

Warns Greater Boston Real Estate Board CEO Greg Vasil:

[I]f Boston is not a conducive business environment for development, I am sure other nearby communities would welcome the enhancement this would mean to their property tax base.

Like Chicago, New York, and before them the slum that was once the wealthiest city in the USA, Boston has entered the Democrat Death Spiral.


Chicago’s far-left Mayor Brandon Johnson praised the move.

Wu’s election suggests that Boston has already passed the tipping point:

Wu is a self-professed “progressive” who campaigned on so-called “climate justice.” While delivering her victory speech in November 2021, she said that Boston was “ready to become a Green New Deal city.”

Difficult as it may be to imagine, those who follow Wu will be worse still. As productive citizens are driven out, ever more radical leftists will be elected by a population comprising an ever-rising percentage of kooks and parasites.

On tips from Franco and MrRightWingDave.

Aug 08 2023

Biden Regime Comes After Ceiling Fans

Yesterday the temperature here in Phoenix broke 110° for the 37th time in the past 39 days. No worries; even after the Democrats have deliberately made air conditioning prohibitively expensive, at least we will still have ceiling fans. Or maybe not:

Earlier this summer, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) published a notice of proposed rulemaking regarding energy conservation standards for ceiling fans. If adopted, the new “energy efficiency” standards would apply to all standard ceiling fans, hugger ceiling fans, large-diameter ceiling fans and high-speed belt-driven ceiling fans. …

The proposed rule comes as part of the Biden administration’s “climate change” agenda.

Anyone who believes that restricting ceiling fans will have any perceptible effect on the climate is encouraged to get in touch regarding great deals on oceanfront properties in the Phoenix area.

Add ceiling fans to the list, along with air conditioners, refrigerators, heat pumps, washing machines, dishwashers, water heaters, showers, gas stoves, gas generators, cars, et cetera.

The face of tyranny perpetually changes to trick us into letting our guard down. Here’s what it looks like nowadays:

By the time the ChiComs get around to invading, they will be welcomed as liberators.

On a tip from Dr. Kufi Tutite.

May 08 2023

Reparations Push Approaches Maximum Insanity

Blacks are so oppressed that a pejorative for them cannot be spoken even as a direct quotation because it is regarded as blasphemy. They are first hired and last fired, their race counting as primary qualification for any position, including pilots and the highest levels of government. Even mildly criticizing blacks as a group is likely to end your career. Many trillions of expropriated dollars have been funneled into welfare programs that disproportionately benefit blacks. So aggressively do the media and advertising establishments promote blacks that according to YouGov polling, people believe blacks constitute 41% of the population rather than the actual 12%. Police are less likely to use lethal force against black than white criminals, for reasons made obvious by the immolation of Derek Chauvin.

The only way to make amends for all this oppression is with direct cash payments — i.e., “reparations”:

California’s reparations task force has approved recommendations which could give black residents $1.2million each as compensation for slavery and discrimination.

Slavery was abolished in the United States in 1865, generations before anyone living today was born. It was never legal in California.

Regarding discrimination, it works heavily in favor of blacks, not against them. When they aren’t pretending to be Indians, racial imposters pretend to be black, so they can benefit from this discrimination. Not even the palest octoroon pretends not to be black.

Surely even the most shameless race grifters will be satisfied with this demented looting spree, right? Wrong:

[R]esidents who attended the official meeting in Oakland hit out at the estimated costs of reparations, which some believe it is ‘nowhere near enough,’ demanding $200million direct cash payments to individuals instead.

As for where the money would come from, white people have plenty of money. They have been rendered defenseless by liberalism, so now is the time to take it.

Kamilah Moore, a reparatory justice scholar and an attorney, chaired the task force and previously stated she plans to be as ‘radical as possible’ when it comes to deciding who will receive reparations and how much.

Nearly 2 million Californians lay claim to black privilege. Expect that number to rise sharply.

Democrats know that the concept of reparations stokes racial animosity on both sides and creates it where there was none, and that implementation would lead to economic ruin. Yet they press onward — and not only in California:

A Denver councilwoman caused a stir when she declared that white-owned businesses should pay reparations.

Candi CdeBaca, a 37-year-old Democratic Socialist who is facing a run-off election in June, told a business forum Thursday that white-owned businesses should pay an additional race-based tax, which would be given in turn as reparations to minority-owned businesses.

As with most leftist lunacy, New York is not far behind on reparations. Neither is the once great city at the bottom of the Democrat Death Spiral, Detroit:

Last year, 80% of Detroit voters in a 78% black city cast their ballots in support of a reparations commission.

Slavery was banned in Michigan in 1787. Not that it matters.

Chairwoman Lauren Hood of the Detroit City Planning Commission said that she didn’t know who the 20% were, but assumed it was maybe newcomers to the city or non-black residents.

“Detroit is the blackest big city in the nation. Eight out of every 10 people here are due some sort of reparation,” Chairwoman Hood argued.

Unless blacks are to pay themselves to be oppressed, this will come at a hefty price to the few remaining Caucasians who have not escaped Detroit.

When California and other liberal jurisdictions go bankrupt paying people outlandish fortunes for being black, the rest of the country will be forced to bail them out — unless Democrats take the looting spree national. Then it could be financed the way Biden pays for his version of the Green New Deal — through inflation. Refer to Zimbabwe and the Weimar Republic to see how that works.

As the reparations issue demonstrates, moonbats are unreasonable and irresponsible. The USA will collapse into a failed state if they are not pried loose from power.

On tips from R F, Chuck A, Franco, Bluto, Jack D, Varla, and ABC of the ANC.

Dec 14 2022

Virtually No One Watches AOC’s Climate Hysteria Movie

Don’t feel bad, Disney. Although your attempts to ram homosexuality down children’s throats have been crashing at the box office (Strange World, Lightyear), prominent Democrat congresscritter Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has produced a still greater failure:

Her Climate Change (which is a hoax) documentary grossed just $81 per screen.

Director Rachel Lears’ To the End screened at Sundance, features AOC and made its weekend debut on 120 screens.

On those 120 screens, it grossed just $9,667, which averages to $81 per screen.

Critics love it, which is all the more reason for audiences to stay away.

Awful as this movie looks, it is surprising that well under a thousand out of a third of a billion Americans were willing to watch it. AOC’s climate delusions may prove to be highly relevant to our daily lives.

Along with ultra-left Senator Ed Markey, AOC is the ostensible author of the Green New Deal, an apocalyptic program of total social transformation reminiscent of what the Khmer Rouge inflicted on Cambodia. Democrats have already managed to impose some of it through the massive spending blowouts that are largely to blame for runaway inflation. When they achieve the leverage, they will hit us with the rest.

If AOC is the Future of the Democratic Party, as the liberal establishment media and former Democratic National Committee Chair Thomas Perez attest, her climate kookiness isn’t just the random raving of a malevolent lunatic; it is what we will have to live under, assuming Democrats prevail.

On a tip from Varla.

Nov 14 2022

Ed Markey Menaces Elon Musk

The purpose of the climate crisis hoax is to provide a veneer of ostensibly benevolent intentions. Leftist Senator Ed Markey (D-MA), cosponsor of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal, makes it easy to see through to what lies beneath.

After making many $millions on government-subsidized electric cars, Elon Musk has betrayed the liberal establishment by indicating that he will allow free speech on Twitter. This enrages Markey to the point of letting his mask slip:

Markey demanded answers from Musk about Twitter’s verification process after the Democratic lawmaker colluded with a Washington Post writer to create a Twitter account impersonating him. …

In a letter, Markey demanded answers from Musk for the “haphazard imposition” of changes to Twitter because “[a]llowing an imposter to impersonate a U.S. Senator on Twitter is a serious matter that you need to address promptly.” Of course, Markey failed to disclose in the letter that he gave the Washington Post writer permission to impersonate him.

This is not about impersonation; the purpose is to put a scare into Musk so that he will not allow speech that contradicts the party line. Orwell would have called such speech “thoughtcrime.” Democrats call it “misinformation” or “disinformation.” They don’t have to worry about hearing it from the Washington Post.

Markey then drew attention to his complaint by going on Twitter to accuse Musk of “putting profits over people and his debt over stopping disinformation.”

“Putting profits over people” is boilerplate Marxist rhetoric. The reference to “disinformation” is a demand for political censorship of the sort imposed under Twitter’s previous owners.

Musk did not become the world’s richest man by being easy to push around. His response:

“Perhaps it is because your real account sounds like a parody?” Musk mocked.

“And why does your [profile picture] have a mask!?” he said.

That brought the mask off. Growled Markey:

Fix your companies. Or Congress will.

Biden too has threatened Musk, croaking about inflicting a federal investigation regarding his “relationships with other countries.” This is rich, coming from a swamp creature who openly boasted of using US taxpayer money to protect his bagman Hunter’s unsavory activities in Ukraine, and who required the help of Twitter to suppress information regarding his influence peddling to our communist Chinese adversaries. The media has been egging on Biden, asking whether Musk is a threat to national security.

Democrats may as well drop the global warming window dressing. By now we all know what we are dealing with: tyranny.

On a tip from Bluto.

Nov 07 2022

Biden Doubles Down on War on Energy

Virtually everyone agrees that to the extent we have a fair election tomorrow, Democrats are in for a drubbing. This is because they are too arrogant and/or politically incompetent to back down from their malevolent radicalism. Three days before the midterms, Biden was still croaking that he will continue to drive up prices and hamstring the economy with his maniacal war on energy:

Biden vowed to shut down coal plants “all across America” during a speech on Friday.

If the Chinese tried to do this, it would dwarf Pearl Harbor as an act of war. For all we know, the Chinese are behind it — through their asset, the Big Guy.

“So it’s going to become a wind generation,” Biden said at an event in Carlsbad, California.

Wind turbines are highly effective at killing eagles, but no reasonable person will claim they can meet more than a tiny fraction of our energy needs. The limousine leftists comprising the Democrat Party/mainstream media want us shivering in the dark.

Biden proclaimed, “We’re going to be shutting these plants down all across America and having wind and solar power.”

Think prices are high now? Wait until there is no gasoline, and the only electricity is from wind and solar, so that most of us will have none.

It’s as if Democrats intend to provoke a civil war.

Even Joe Manchin has had enough, gasping,

“President Biden’s comments are not only outrageous and divorced from reality, they ignore the severe economic pain the American people are feeling because of rising energy costs.”

Manchin characterized the energy sector job losses that Biden is “being cavalier” about causing as “offensive and disgusting.” But he could hardly be surprised.

Biden previously proclaimed that he would shut down the coal industry.

For example, Biden stated in a primary debate back in July 2019 that the coal industry as well as fracking would be “eliminated.” People foolishly voted for him anyway. The consequences are unfolding.

Manchin still has a knife sticking out of his back from when he shafted the country and was shafted in return by his fellow Democrats after he voted for a slightly watered-down version of the Green New Deal — the Inflation “Reduction” Act — which is predictably crushing us with inflation. Although it beggars belief that he thought other Democrats could be trusted, forgiveness may be in order, so long as he repents and switches parties.

We are past the point where anyone who means America well can remain a Democrat. It is the party of the brie-munching globalist left, implementing an agenda that is, to put it mildly, not in our interests.

Exhibit A in the case for impeachment.

On a tip from Bluto.

Oct 02 2022

How Much Energy Will the World Need?

Prior to taking power, Joe Biden explicitly promised to “end fossil fuels.” The entire economy is to run on wind and solar energy. This is the basis of Biden’s war on domestic energy production (see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, etc.) and of the vast fortunes Democrats have spent incrementally imposing the Green New Deal, thereby driving up inflation.

It is all a lie. Wind and solar are not viable replacements. Virtually all of our energy continues to come from fossil fuels, despite all the hype and subsidies. Without oil, gas, and coal, we would experience absolute economic collapse, and most of us would die of starvation.

Manhattan Institute Senior Fellow Mark Mills presents the stark reality that it is politically correct to ignore:

Good thing the climate crisis that we are supposed to believe is caused by fossil fuels is also a lie.

On a tip from Dragon’s Lair.

Sep 01 2022

Scientific American Tells Us We Like Climate Radicalism

As the name suggests, Scientific American was once a scientific publication. Then it succumbed to moonbattery. Now it churns out cartoonish left-wing propaganda, regarding itself to be safe from ridicule because like Anthony Fauci, it embodies The Science.

On behalf of the LGBT agenda, it has come out against identifying babies as male or female. On behalf of the Great Reset, it tells us that we like watching the US economy destroyed in the name of the global warming hoax.

Actual headline:

Climate Change Actions Are Far More Popular Than People in U.S. Realize

Never mind what you think you think. The Experts will tell you what you think as well as what everyone else thinks.

From the article:

A multibillion-dollar slate of moderate climate-mitigation measures in the Biden administration’s Inflation Reduction Act has been met so far with general public approval. But a broader reaction to the historic federal action underlies the discourse: What took you so long?

During a time of stratospheric inflation, the Democrats flagrantly waste hundreds of $billions on frivolous crap that not a single reasonable person expects to have any perceptible impact on the supposedly problematic climate. Because this massive looting spree is certain to drive inflation significantly higher, they call it the “Inflation Reduction Act.”

Note that dissipating a vast fortune that we cannot afford on inefficient, eagle-killing, taxpayer money-laundering wind turbine boondoggles and EV subsidies for rich moonbats is portrayed as “moderate.” Scientific American would prefer more radical measures — the kind likely to inflict total economic collapse, like the Green New Deal.

Adding insult to injury, we are told that we enjoy seeing our future canceled by corrupt scoundrels like Biden on behalf of laughable lies. The article even tells us that we like the Green New Deal.

Americans almost universally underestimate the extent of climate concern among their compatriots. They also underestimate the extent of public support—at the state and national level alike—for policy measures to address the climate emergency.

The point of the article is that if only we realized that everyone else wants society fundamentally transformed so that Big Government can control the weather, then the Great Reset could proceed.

Left unexplained is why we would underestimate other people’s support for radical measures in the name of pretending to control the climate when the media is run by ideologues who aggressively advocate these measures. Instead, we are told,

Major media outlets should probably give more coverage to public support for climate policies because people don’t seem to get how popular they are.

Evidently, the media relentlessly browbeating us for years on end with the hoax, twisting stories and fabricating nonsense to support Al Gore’s swindle, has been sufficient to convince us that there is a “climate emergency,” but not to convince us that everyone else is convinced.

This isn’t even bad science. It isn’t science at all. It is fanatics who want to destroy your way of life peeing on your leg and telling you that climate change is making it rain.

This is what moonbattery leaves of a long-respected publication. Anything it infiltrates, it renders pernicious and contemptible.

On a tip from Steve D.

Jul 28 2022

Dems Confirm Inflation Is Intentional

Democrats have created crippling inflation through massive wasteful spending and phony climate change fanaticism. Now they impose a blowout bill to throw both into overdrive. The effect this will have on inflation would be obvious to a child. In the spirit of the Democrat instruction manual 1984, they call the bill the Inflation Reduction Act.

In the same spirit, they named a bill designed to further desecrate marriage the “Respect for Marriage Act.”

The Daily Signal observes the obvious:

With inflation hitting 9.1% in June, this is a stagflationary economy. Inflation-adjusted wages for the average American worker have fallen by nearly $3,400 since President Joe Biden took office. …

The government’s policies over the last two years have been a perfect recipe for the highest inflation in four decades: trillions of dollars in government spending financed by the Federal Reserve’s printing presses coupled with lockdowns, new regulations, a war on energy, and anti-work programs that drove down supply. …

The so-called Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, in reality, only would add to the inflationary pain families are already feeling thanks to hundreds of billions in new government spending and job-destroying tax hikes.

Democrats tell us to look at the bright side: raising our taxes will supposedly counteract the inflationary spending.

Unfortunately, the Inflation Reduction Act doubles down on the same irresponsible fiscal policy that has caused inflation: All of the new government spending is upfront, while the deficit-reducing revenues are backloaded.

The result would be higher short-term deficits and higher inflation.

In the long term, the taxes will prevent economic recovery. The inevitable effect is too obvious not to be intentional. Poor people are easier to rule.

The Inflation Reduction Act would even advance the radical Green New Deal agenda, spending an astonishing $369 billion in the name of “decarbonizing all sectors of the economy.” Biden’s anti-fossil fuel policies have already cost us dearly, driving up prices.

Fossil fuels are the lifeblood of any modern economy. Without them, everything will stop and we will starve. Liberals cannot “decarbonize” the economy without provoking the violent overthrow of the government. However, they can waste enough money to drive inflation into the stratosphere. Debasing American currency makes it easier to make payments on the debt they are running up.

Because American currency was relatively sound before the likes of Joe Biden took control of the federal government, the dollar is the world’s reserve currency. Inflation forces people throughout the world to pay for Democrat spending, so long as they hold American currency — which they won’t do for long.

Calling a bill that will obviously push inflation to new heights the “Inflation Reduction Act” goes beyond Orwellian. It is a finger in the eye of regular Americans. They may as well call it the “We Are Destroying Your Lousy Country on Purpose and You Can’t Stop Us Act.”

There is no climate crisis.

On tips from Varla and Occam’s Stubble.

Apr 24 2022

Profiles in Progressivism: Emily Drabinsky

One by one the institutions that collectively comprise civilization fall to the leftists who infiltrate and subvert them. Once an organization has completely succumbed, its course is charted by the likes of Emily Drabinsky, the self-described “Marxist lesbian” who has been elected president of the American Library Association.

Historically, libraries are the primary repositories of culture. That gives Drabinsky a role in controlling ours. She describes her mission on her website:

So many of us find ourselves at the ends of our worlds. The consequences of decades of unchecked climate change, class war, white supremacy, and imperialism have led us here. If we want a world that includes public goods like the library, we must organize our collective power and wield it. The American Library Association offers us a set of tools that can harness our energies and build those capacities.

That is, the ALA will be used to promote the global warming hoax, wage class warfare, and punish people for being Caucasian. She decries the “dominance of North American and European publishers and vendors that restrict access and audience for readers and researchers around the world.”

Drabinsky’s priorities include “economic and racial justice” as well as a “Green New Deal for libraries.”

Social and economic justice and racial equity requires [sic] that we make a material difference in the lives of library workers and patrons who have for too long been denied power and opportunity on the basis of race, gender, sexuality, national origin, spoken language, and disability. As ALA president, I will direct resources and opportunities to a diverse cross section of the association and advance a public agenda that puts organizing for justice at the center of library work.

As Marxists march through the institutions, the purpose of each is subordinated to identical goals. The ALA isn’t about libraries anymore. It is about moonbattery.

On a tip from gregtuco.

Nov 21 2021

Drivers Locked Out of Their Teslas

Democrats’ fanatical push to force us into economically inefficient electric cars that do not even benefit the environment is finally starting to make sense:

Tesla drivers say they have been locked out of their cars after an outage struck the carmaker’s app. …

The Tesla app is used as a key by drivers to unlock and start their cars.

A regular key can also be used, but some drivers don’t carry them, assuming the app will always work. It would not be hard to imagine the app overriding the key.

About 500 users reported an error on the app at around 16:40 ET (21:40 GMT) on Friday, according to the outage tracking site DownDetector.

How convenient it would be for authoritarians to be able to control from a central location whether people are able to access their own vehicles.

Self-driving cars open other possibilities. In the near future, your car may not take you where you want to go.

Transportation is freedom. That’s why Democrats want us on public transport. If we must have our own vehicles, better that they can be shut down or otherwise controlled remotely.

Eventually, they will go for broke. Seizing federal control of elections is already on the table. So is packing the Supreme Court. When they attempt to impose tyrannical fantasies like the Great Reset and the Green New Deal, things will get ugly. You will want your car to be on your side, not theirs.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Oct 22 2021

Biden to “Protect” Our Savings in Name of Fake Crisis

Forcibly subordinating wealth to moonbattery doesn’t stop with your retirement account. All money is subject to federal control in the name of leftist ideology. The woke propagandists at Business Insider are delighted:

[Last] Friday, Biden unveiled a 40-page report titled “A Roadmap to Build a Climate-Resilient Economy,” which focuses on mitigating the financial risks climate change puts on people’s retirements, pensions, savings, and more. This follows up on an executive order the president signed in May that was dedicated to analyzing and mitigating the risk the climate crisis poses to homeowners, businesses, consumers, and the government.

By “mitigating the risk” posed by the weather, Democrats do not mean taking adaptation measures to prepare for inevitable climate fluctuation. They mean suppressing economic activity and wasting vast sums of wealth on Green New Deal nonsense.

Specifically, the report outlines a “whole-of-government” approach to promoting the resilience of the US financial system to climate-related risks, protecting life savings and pensions, incorporating climate-related financial risk into federal lending like mortgages, and building more resilient infrastructure.

“Whole-of-government” refers to a totalitarian focus on inflicting leftist ideology by all available means. “Protecting” means exerting control over; the implications in the present context are unclear but alarming. “Resilient infrastructure” refers to green boondoggles.

Biden pledged during his campaign to reduce fossil-fuel usage, and he is pushing for Democrats’ $3.5 trillion social-spending bill to be passed, which includes investments to combat the climate crisis, such as green affordable housing.

Creating a nation of Cabrini Greens will improve the weather, as surely as Biden’s “campaign to reduce fossil-fuel usage” has kept gas prices so manageable.

While there’s no question on the urgency of the crisis, the Bank of America economist Ethan Harris wrote in a Friday note that actions addressing the climate crisis will likely hurt economic growth “during the transition from a dirty to green economy” because workers will need to move from one sector to another.

As someone once said, “Repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth.” Here’s some real truth that you can confirm for yourself by stepping outdoors: There is no climate crisis. The weather is no more of a danger than it always has been and always will be. Stating that there is “no question on the urgency” of a crisis that plenty of people understand to be imaginary is not journalism; it is a brazen lie. If the global warming hoax were less relentless and ubiquitous, people would laugh it off instead of letting Democrats exploit it to confiscate our money, expand their power over us, and lower our standard of living.

The idea that shifting from efficient to inefficient energy will impose only transitory economic harm is preposterous. Vastly less wealth will be created when energy costs vastly more. That means jobs will be scarcer and less remunerative.

But in the long term, as Harris noted, the stunted economic growth will be well worth it.

Worth it for what? There will be no benefit whatsoever except to power-hungry Democrats and the crony capitalists who receive a return on political donations through flagrantly corrupt green energy money-laundering operations like those that flourished under Obama.

“We are clear-eyed to how climate change poses a systemic risk to our economy,” National Economic Council deputy director Bharat Ramamurti said on the press call. “We are taking a precautionary approach that reflects the fact that inaction is not an option.”

How wonderful that the capable Joe Biden can perfect the weather, and all it will cost us is property rights as Democrats tighten control over our money.

To a leftist, property is theft. By that, they mean that your property is their property. That’s why Democrats regard tax cuts as an expenditure. It is why every penny you have is subject to their control in the name of the weather.

On a tip from Anonymous.


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