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Search: Disney

Dec 14 2022

Virtually No One Watches AOC’s Climate Hysteria Movie

Don’t feel bad, Disney. Although your attempts to ram homosexuality down children’s throats have been crashing at the box office (Strange World, Lightyear), prominent Democrat congresscritter Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has produced a still greater failure:

Her Climate Change (which is a hoax) documentary grossed just $81 per screen.

Director Rachel Lears’ To the End screened at Sundance, features AOC and made its weekend debut on 120 screens.

On those 120 screens, it grossed just $9,667, which averages to $81 per screen.

Critics love it, which is all the more reason for audiences to stay away.

Awful as this movie looks, it is surprising that well under a thousand out of a third of a billion Americans were willing to watch it. AOC’s climate delusions may prove to be highly relevant to our daily lives.

Along with ultra-left Senator Ed Markey, AOC is the ostensible author of the Green New Deal, an apocalyptic program of total social transformation reminiscent of what the Khmer Rouge inflicted on Cambodia. Democrats have already managed to impose some of it through the massive spending blowouts that are largely to blame for runaway inflation. When they achieve the leverage, they will hit us with the rest.

If AOC is the Future of the Democratic Party, as the liberal establishment media and former Democratic National Committee Chair Thomas Perez attest, her climate kookiness isn’t just the random raving of a malevolent lunatic; it is what we will have to live under, assuming Democrats prevail.

On a tip from Varla.

Dec 11 2022

The Old Twitter Personified: Yoel Roth

Twitter degenerated into a propaganda tool of the Democratic Party prior to Elon Musk’s takeover due to the quality of its employees, which appears to have been on a level with Disney. For example:

Twitter owner Elon Musk is going scorched-earth on the company’s former head of Trust & Safety, Yoel Roth. On Saturday, Musk responded to the resurfacing of this 2010 tweet from Roth linking to a Salon article asking if high school students can “meaningfully” consent to sex with their teachers.

That the question even needs to be asked tells you a lot about the mindset of the man who, until recently, headed up Twitter’s Ministry of Truth — the same company that banned the use of the word “groomer” in July.

That the word “groomer” is accurate is confirmed by the groomers who want it struck from the Newspeak Dictionary. Calling groomers “groomers” was explicitly defined by Twitter as “hateful conduct. Libs of TikTok — which became famous for exposing LGBT groomers in the public school system — was repeatedly suspended.

Musk replied with a bombshell quote from Roth’s Ph.D. thesis — which was focused on the gay hook-up platform Grindr.

Roth proposed that raunchy sites catering to deviant sexual hookups “accommodate” children. This would be accomplished by “safely connecting queer young adults” — i.e., facilitating homosexual activity between children who don’t know each other. No word from Tony Fauci on how this might help contain HIV and other viruses.

Small wonder Twitter let child sexual exploitation stand even as it censored news stories that hurt Democrats.

Musk has been wise to purge most of his workforce. Afterward, he should have the offices fumigated.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Dec 08 2022

American Girl Circumvents Parents to Transsexualize Kids

Dollmaker American Girl has joined the rest of the liberal establishment in attempting to groom children on behalf of the grotesque LGBT agenda:

A Smart Girl’s Guide: Body Image, contains lines that give advice to prepubescents on how to change their gender – without their guardians’ blessing. …

A passage in the book – marketed to girls aged between three and 12 advises: ‘If you haven’t gone through puberty yet, the doctor might offer medicine to delay your body’s changes, giving you more time to think about your gender identity.’

Only a few years ago, children did not have to think about their “gender identity.” Then came the leftist campaign to sexually derange them for the sake of LGBT recruitment.

It also provides a list of resources for organizations the children can turn to ‘if you don’t have an adult you trust’.

By this they mean, “if your parents are not on board with the LGBT agenda like your teachers probably are and therefore need to be circumvented.”

The book, penned by resident American Girl author Mel Hammond, is currently available on shelves in bookstores across the country and on the company’s website.

Hammond put your tax dollar to work by acquiring a master’s degree in children’s literature from Kansas State.

The book explicitly encourages children to “change certain things” about their bodies and to use puberty blockers.

American Girl’s parent company Mattel put a transgender Barbie doll on the market earlier this year.

The homosexualization/transsexualization of children is corporate policy, just as it is education policy, media policy, and Democratic Party policy. It is liberal establishment policy and therefore ubiquitous.

An entire generation is growing up with psychosexual problems that have been deliberately instilled and nurtured for political reasons. The future promises to be even more nightmarishly bizarre than the present — by design.

On a tip from Ed McAninch.

Dec 05 2022

Profiles in Liberal Education: Skye Tooley

Perverts who prey on children naturally gravitate to professions that leave them alone with other people’s kids. That the liberal establishment is aggressively using schools to implement the LGBT agenda is a dream come true for sexual deviants. Guys like Skye Tooley have the full backing of Hollywood, the teachers unions, the Democratic Party, Big Business, and the media as they exert their authority over impressionable children:

A woke teacher who identifies as ‘trans demi-boy non-binary’ teaches children about gender and pronouns using ‘gender-fluid’ stuffed unicorns and narwhals.

Skye Tooley indoctrinates fifth graders at Saturn Street Elementary in Los Angeles, where his concept of education may not be a violation of community standards.

Rather than focus on the three R’s of yore, he instructs kids on alternative pronouns to match the depraved sexual identities they are encouraged to adopt.

Chirps Skye:

“[Children] are very much ready for these topics and are way more accepting than adults when it comes to discussing these topics and talk about gender, gender assumptions, pronouns, all the things.”

We now live in a society that is a novelty in the history of human civilization in that Skye can publicly admit to doing this and not have to worry about fathers doing some educating of their own.

The school appear to be perfectly comfortable the methods, with a description of the Tooley’s philosophy appearing on the school’s website.

Public schools are an institution the Long March of the Moonbats has already stomped into submission.

Tooley teaches more than perversion and dysphoria:

“I diligently push to create a safe space and brave space for my students. We work on being uncomfortable, challenged, and communicating. We work to understand our identity, bias, and privilege.”

That is, kids are force-fed the whole woke enchilada, including both cultural and economic Marxism. Taxpayers are forced to fund it.

Tooley bubbles with delight as he describes the school’s “rainbow club”:

“The rainbow club is effectively a GSA [gay–straight alliance] for elementary… One wonderful thing about the rainbow club is talking about different identities, talking about who we are, and talking about how to support the LGBTQ+ community.

According to his creed, “the gender binary is constantly harming us.” He does his part to combat it by encouraging children to reject “societal norms.”

Tooley claims such discussions in class are ‘developmentally appropriate, part of our curriculum because we know our gender at a young age, and we know our sexuality at a young age.’

What kind of society leaves people like this alone with children?

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Nov 25 2022

Gay Teen Animated Movie Strange World Is Bombing

The twisted social engineers at Disney have stepped on a rake yet again while promoting homosexuality to and among children in the animated film Strange World.

On Monday, the moonbats at Variety were gloating:

By far the most overdue of these innovations is the way [the hero] Ethan has a crush on a boy named Diazo (Jonathan Melo) … and everyone is cool with it. The only drama that subplot generates is whether Ethan will find the nerve to tell Diazo how he feels — although it’s pretty clear Diazo already knows, and shares Ethan’s feelings. Sure, some countries will lose their minds over there being a gay character in a Disney movie, which makes it all the more courageous that producer Roy Conli deemed it time to expand the studio’s “Someday My Prince Will Come” idea of romance. It’s normal that some kids should feel as Ethan does, just as it’s normal that his mom is also a pilot.

These days, it is normal for moonbats to dictate that perversity is normal, and for them to claim that compliance with degenerate ruling class ideology is “courageous.” Ramming this down not only American throats but those of foreign audiences is another example of woke imperialism.

Breitbart was less enthused:

The child groomers who now infest Disney have a big, new, animated children’s film set for release next week that features homosexuality involving two teenage boys. …

This is the second time Disney has tried to sneak innocence-shattering homosexual material into a children’s movie. It blew up in the groomer’s smug face the first time when Lightyear tanked. Yeah, someone at Disney thought it was a good idea to add homosexuality to the Toy Story franchise.

We all know what happens next if Strange World bombs. We bigots and homophobes will be blamed.

Stand by for denunciation, fellow bigots and homophobes. The box office has spoken:

Strange World,” is bombing, grossing a disappointing $4.2 million on Wednesday as it eyes a five-day haul of under $24 million. That’s a terrible result for the $180 million-budgeted animated adventure.

Maybe the sort who run Disney figure it is worth wasting nine-digit figures to advance their agenda by corrupting little kids. Or maybe, if they step on the rake enough times, the handle flying up to whack them in the forehead will knock sense into their heads.

On a tip from Bluto.

Nov 12 2022

BBC Offers No Escape From the Message

Because only a fool would take the leftist propaganda passed off as news by the moonbat establishment at face value, the social engineers who control what we see on television infuse nonrelated programming with political ideology. Just as sports are actually about denouncing the American flag, hyping hate hoaxes, indoctrinating small children into deviant sexuality, et cetera on Disney’s ESPN, looking for a house is actually about celebrating demographic displacement on the coercively financed BBC:

Moonbattery is a totalitarian ideology. Everything everywhere must be viewed through its lens.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Jun 30 2022

Good News From the Entertainment Establishment

The liberal entertainment establishment would rather impose its twisted ideology than make money by pleasing audiences. This creates the impression that we live in a sick, dying society comprised of sheer moonbattery. But the contrived woke culture portrayed on screens is not our real culture. One indication of this is that if a movie slips through that doesn’t pander to political correctness, audiences stampede to see it:

As the patriotic anticommunist Walt Disney spins in his grave, Disney keeps doubling down on its depraved radical left stance. Maybe Disney will succeed in its mission to sexualize, homosexualize, and transsexualize American children. Or make it will drive itself out of business.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

May 31 2022

Paramount+ Sponsors Children Dancing at Drag Event

When it comes to corrupting children on behalf of the LGBT community, Disney may be in the lead, but it has competition. Paramount+ sponsors children dancing on stage for money alongside drag queens:

The event, RuPaul’s DragCon 2022, took place in Los Angeles and welcomed over 60 featured drag queens from across the country. Featured “talent” included drag queens such as “A’Whora,” whose Instagram is ripe with videos of men wearing fake bouncy breasts, “Madame LaQueer,” and “Trinity the Tuck.”

Paramount+ pitches its programming:

Not all the participants were adults:

At least two children are seen on stage with one dancing, “dropping it low,” and collecting money from a crowd of grown adults cheering the child on. The other dances with a drag queen.

If you have children in the house, here is why you should not let Paramount+ into it:

Paramount owns Nickelodeon, which is infamous for subjecting small children to sexualized brainwashing.

Woke corporations will not stop subjecting children to depravity so long as we keep giving them money.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.

May 29 2022

School Librarian Promotes Prostitution to 11-Year-Olds

If 4-year-olds can be sexual deviants, then it stands to reason that 11-year-olds can be prostitutes:

Police in Northern Virginia are investigating after a middle school librarian allegedly defended a pro-prostitution book by saying it belonged in the library because many of the school’s 11- to 13-year old students are sex workers, The Daily Wire has learned.

Northern Virginia has become a sprawling suburb of the Debt Star. This would explain it being rife with ideologically driven degeneracy. Schools in the county where this happened have come to our attention many times before.

A shocked Loudoun County teacher went to the police after the librarian, Stefany Guido, allegedly made the comment to her. The teacher had asked Guido about a book a parent had flagged on Twitter called “Seeing Gender,” which included a chapter titled “‘Sex Work’ Is Not a Bad Term.”

“Sex work,” a liberal euphemism for prostitution, is undergoing destigmatization — like heroin. Social engineers want kids to grow up seeing nothing wrong with it.

“A person may exchange sex or sexual activity for things they need or want, such as food, housing, hormones, drugs, gifts, or other resources,” reads one shocking passage in the book.

The book laments that “Sadly, sex work is generally misunderstood,” even though some people love working as prostitutes, a job that is equated to being a store clerk or an architect.

The book was intended to be read by eighth graders. At this point, few eighth graders work as prostitutes. As we often see with LGBT grooming, social engineers justify their attempts to corrupt children by claiming that the kids are already corrupt.

Stefany Guido is an activist moonbat:

In 2017, Guido told the Human Rights Campaign she was canvassing for votes for a transgender Democrat political candidate. …

Earlier this month, she used Facebook to raise money for abortions.

The school’s other librarian has pushed LGBT reading materials on children.

If people like this continue to dominate schools, our country has no future.

On a tip from Anonymous.

May 24 2022

State Farm Promotes LGBT Indoctrination of 5-Year-Olds

Just 2 years ago, corporate America was liberal-leaning but more or less conventional. Then came the Black Lives Matter riots, which inspired virtually every major corporation to throw in its lot with the radical left. The devotion to extreme moonbattery by companies like State Farm is now almost beyond belief:

State Farm is encouraging its agents in Florida to donate books promoting transgenderism to 5-year-olds to their local schools or public libraries, according to an email shared by a whistleblower.

That will teach Ron DeSantis a lesson for putting the brakes on sexual indoctrination in the classroom for kindergarten through third grade.

State Farm has partnered with the GenderCool Project, which promotes issues of gender identity in children through various advocacy and public awareness programs, to donate a packet of three books to local schools and public libraries.

The books push the insane, perverted, and exceedingly unhealthy dogma that boys can become girls and vice versa. GenderCool Project markets them to age 5 and over.

“The project’s goal is to increase representation of LGBTQ+ books and support our communities in having challenging, important and empowering conversations with children age 5+,” the email said.

How siccing LGBT groomers on 5-year-olds helps sell insurance is anyone’s guess.

In the email, State Farm’s Jose Soto, a Florida “corporate responsibility analyst,” seeks to recruit insurance agents to help distribute the books. The purpose is “to give back,” confirming that this expression is as meaningless as it is irritating, and to “help support the LGBTQ+ community” — that is, support it in its efforts to corrupt children by sowing seeds of mental illness and sexual depravity.

Florida may be ground zero because Disney leads the march to hell as the quintessential morally rotten moonbat corporation and because Governor DeSantis has put up resistance. But this campaign is not limited to one state:

“Nationwide, approximately 550 State Farm agents and employees will have the opportunity to donate this three book bundle to their local teacher, community center, or library of their choice,” Soto wrote in the email.

Such books will be illegal in Florida classrooms through third grade as of July 1, thanks to the Parental Rights in Education Bill.

Some degree of trust is required when buying insurance. Would you trust the sort of people who ignore the law in an attempt to sexually corrupt 5-year-olds?

We have seen what pushing the sick LGBT agenda on children has done for Disney’s public image. Let’s hope it does the same for State Farm.

“Like a good neighbor,” go the ads, “State Farm is there.” If you have neighbors like State Farm, keep them away from your kids until you can move.

On tips from Rapinhoe, R F, Dragon’s Lair, Chris Neilson, and Franco.

May 07 2022

Cory Mills Triggers Moonbats

Even if Cory Mills accomplishes nothing else in his run for Congress in Florida, he has triggered moonbats admirably with this ad:

The liberal media is not amused. Shrieks the Daily Beast:

Cory Mills made his fortune selling tear gas used on Black Lives Matter demonstrators, the MAGA businessman boasted in a new ad that the “liberal media is crying about it” before suggesting he’d tear-gas them himself.

Wokescolds can’t seem to take a joke.

Additionally, the company’s tear gas was used against racial and social justice protesters in 2020 following George Floyd’s murder, resulting in probes by congressional Democrats about the health hazards of the firm’s products.

Rioting can be harmful to your health because you might get tear-gassed. Someone needs to get the word out to mostly peaceful protesters before pro-abortion riots pick up steam.

Note that even now, the liberal media presents the vermin who exploited a career criminal’s fentanyl overdose as a pretext to loot and destroy as somehow heroic. As Donald Trump accurately observed, the establishment media is the enemy of the American people. Its hostility is the ultimate endorsement for Cory Mills.

There is more for liberals to hate than trolling about tear gas. Mills lists these priorities:


Mills wants to represent the 7th district, a suburban area between Orlando and Daytona Beach. Some disgruntled Disney employees will have an opportunity to stick a finger in the liberal establishment’s eye by casting a vote for Cory Mills.

Hat tip: Not the Bee.

May 03 2022

Discovery+ Sexually Exploits Children With Generation Drag

Unless you are a member of the minority that approves of sexualizing children for the sake of advancing the LGBT agenda, Discovery+ is less interested in entertaining you than in poking you in the eye. This is accomplished with a new series about underage drag queens to be launched this June in honor of “pride” month:

The series’, “Generation Drag,” executive producer is modeling superstar Tyra Banks and is set to air six episodes in June. It follows the young aspiring drag performers as they prepare for “Dragutante,” a drag ball for queer teens in Denver, Colorado.

Discovery+ is taking sides in the war between parents and LGBT groomers that has been raging in Florida. It is as if the people in charge believe their subscriber base consists entirely of liberal degenerates.

In virtually any society that has ever existed, the perverts responsible for this would be imprisoned — if they survived long enough:

President of TLC Streaming and Network Originals Howard Lee praises this sick filth on the grounds that the children being sexually exploited demonstrate a commitment to “being true to themselves and recognizing the importance of living authentically” by pretending to be members of the opposite sex.

The plan must be to immerse us in depravity and insanity until we succumb to it. If decency is not dead, it will work as well for Discovery+ as well as it has for Disney.

On a tip from Bluto.

Apr 21 2022

Devotion to Wokeness Sends Netflix Into Tailspin

People are tuning out the endless barrage of moonbattery that gushes out of their TVs like a leaky sewer main. The woke are going broke: Disney, CNN, the odious Jon Stewart, and best of all, one of the most pernicious forces in modern society, Netflix:

Netflix saw its stock tank 25 percent after it reported losing 200,000 subscribers in the company’s first quarter – the sharpest decline in a decade. …

With the closing of the second quarter, Netflix is projected to lose 2 million global subscribers.

In desperation to raise revenue, Netflix is going to try inflicting ads. That will not increase viewership, but refraining from producing crap like this might:

Then again, it might be too late. The public already associates Netflix with in your face and down your throat moonbattery. As Elon Musk notes,

“The woke mind virus is making Netflix unwatchable.”

This is the cancerous company that created Cuties, a series sexualizing prepubescent girls, and Dear White People, devoted to denouncing whites as bigots. It has worked with and/or glamorized the most reprehensible representatives of the ultraleft, including professional haters of whites and America Ibram X. Kendi and Colin Kaepernick. It gave $50 million to the Obamas out of Democrat cronyism.

Speaking of the Obamas,

What, people don’t want to listen to the Moonbat Messiah drone about how wonderful he is? Who would have guessed?

Wokeness has reached maximum saturation. At last, the floodwaters can begin to recede.

On tips from seaoh, Occam’s Stubble, Mr. Freemarket, and Varla.

Apr 20 2022

Jon Stewart Show Flops

They call antiwhite wokescold Jonathan Leibowitz’s new show The Problem With Jon Stewart. The problem is that no one wants to watch him:

Stewart’s Apple TV+ show, which debuted in September, averaged only about 180,000 U.S. homes within the first week. By the fifth episode in March, viewership went down 78% to only 40,000 U.S. homes within seven days, according to Bloomberg. …

Stewart’s latest show was previously panned by many news outlets after its initial release. The series has also been blasted by online viewers for offering “super-woke” and “anti-White” takes.

Joe Biden may have done us a service. By demonstrating where the path of progressivism leads, he may have inspired the country to turn back on the road to ruin. People are tuning out the liberal establishment’s drone of wokeness. Leftist Disney and Netflix are bleeding subscribers. CNN+ fell on its face straight out of the gate. Now it looks like Jon Stewart may finally go away.

Let’s have more countermoonbat programming to fill the gap as toxic liberalism recedes at last.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.


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