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Category: Decay

Nov 12 2023

What Satanists Do When Not Pushing Democrat Agenda

Although they often promote the liberal agenda (e.g., abortion [here, here], transsexualizing children [here, here]), Satanists differ from traditional Democrats in that they are not political 100% of the time. This behavior does not seem to promote the agenda:

A janitor at a New Jersey elementary school went online to brag about how he had contaminated food being served to children with bleach, bodily fluids, and even his own feces in order to get them sick, it is alleged.

Giovanni Impellizzeri, 25, claimed online to be a Satanist ‘doing the devil’s work’, has been charged with child endangerment, aggravated assault and tampering with the food at Elizabeth F. Moore School in the Upper Deerfield School District.

Boasts Impellizzeri:

“They had taco meat before, and I put some … poop in there and mixed it in and nobody knew the difference. They ate the s*** right up.”

Fittingly, the Satanist was arrested on Halloween.

Maybe Impellizzeri’s crimes were political after all. The kids might have been guilty of white privilege, like the 9-year-olds executed by Audrey Hale.

On a tip from seaoh.

Nov 11 2023

Princeton Bioethicist Peter Singer Promotes Bestiality

They normalized homosexuality and even transsexuality with no significant resistance. Pedophilia is virtually a done deal (see here, here, here, here, here, here, etc.). Already progressive social engineers have set their sights on the next hill they will take — sex with animals:

Peter Singer is a professor of bioethics at the University Center for Human Values and has written multiple books including “Why Vegan? Eating Ethically” and “Animal Liberation Now.” Singer tweeted a journal article titled “Zoophilia Is Morally Permissible,” which he called “thought-provoking” and said “challenges one of society’s strongest taboos.”

The taboos sustained by decent people for millennia are there to be “challenged” by creeps like Singer, who is a leading authority in the ethics of our ruling class.

“As one of our most deeply entrenched social taboos, zoophilia is widely considered to be wrong, and having sex with animals is illegal in many countries,” the article reads. “In this article, I would like to go against this de facto consensus and argue that zoophilia is morally permissible.”

Our moonbat overlords endorse raping animals — but not eating them in accordance with a normal human diet:

Singer is a vegetarian and previously argued in favor of not eating meat to combat climate change, according to The New York Times.

“The year of the first Earth Day, 1970, was the year I stopped eating meat. I didn’t do it to save the Earth, but because I realized that there is no ethical justification for treating animals like machines for converting feed into meat, milk and eggs,” he wrote in the Times.

What else would you expect of an Ivy League bioethicist?

For 2,000 years, ethicists drew primarily on the Bible. But the Good Book is not favored by the lunatics currently running the asylum. Passages like Leviticus 20:15 may soon get the Bible banned:

And if a man lie with a beast, he shall surely be put to death…

On tips from Dennis G and Franco.

Oct 30 2023

German Students Demand Gloryholes in Lecture Halls

To see what’s next as progressivism progresses, let’s plug into Bing Translator a German news story about students at the University of Augsburg demanding gloryholes in lecture halls:

“Three gloryholes are to be installed in the lecture hall center opposite the entrance, by the information boards. These are to be approved by the Department of Space and Construction and cleaned by the building management. In addition, they should be soundproof and opaque. The gloryholes should be designed to be as barrier-free as possible – the height should be adjustable, there should be wall handles that can be held onto. The lights should be dimmable and a possible knee padding should be installed. In addition, condoms, licking wipes, lubricants and disinfectants and wipes are to be provided free of charge in the gloryholes; trash cans are also needed,” the application reads.

The stated purpose is to reduce stress, but when use of the gloryholes inevitably becomes mandatory, it will be so as to display solidarity with the LGBT community.

On a tip from R F.

Oct 09 2023

Norman Rockwell Paints the Age of Moonbattery

Norman Rockwell captured the essence of America when it was healthy and strong. The magic of AI allows us to apply his iconic style to the America progressivism has reduced us to:

This one captures the essence of what liberals have done to education:

Revolver News has a whole collection of these gems. They poignantly emphasize the fundamental transformation promised by the moonbat messiah, Barack Obama.

On a tip from Stormfax.

Oct 06 2023

Empty Shelves Have Arrived

No need to wait until Marxists like Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson establish government stores. The empty shelves associated with socialism have already arrived in certain parts of the country, compliments of the crime that the liberals in control egg on and enable:

The only alternative to living like this is the rejection of moonbattery root and branch.

On a tip from Jester.

Oct 03 2023

Moonbat Journalist Taunts Fate and Gets Killed

FAFO applies double when it comes to taunting fate like left-wing journalist Josh Kruger:

On September 30, 2023, Kruger shared a tweet by Scott Adams, the creator of the Dilbert comic strip, that read, “If Biden is elected, there’s a good chance you will be dead within the year.” He had engaged in debate with conservatives on X over conservative incarceration policies regarding crime, policies he opposed, especially relating to drug offenders.

“The Dilbert dude is like Nostradamus. Look at this prediction from 2020. Wow. Eerie,” Kruger wrote.

Adams was a couple of years off. Kruger was shot seven times at his Philadelphia home yesterday. The Philadelphia Inquirer has details:

Detectives believe Kruger’s death may have been the result of a domestic dispute or may have been drug-related, according to three law enforcement sources with knowledge of the case. The sources, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation, said police investigators recovered troubling text messages between Kruger and a former partner. Investigators also recovered methamphetamine inside Kruger’s bedroom, the sources said.

Kruger was…

…proudly queer and openly HIV-positive. He had overcome a number of struggles in his life, including bouts of homelessness and addiction, and leveraged those experiences to fiercely advocate for and write on behalf of those communities.

Kruger’s experiences included “sex work.”

Kruger was a former city spokesperson who advocated for more support for some of the city’s most vulnerable residents, including people experiencing homelessness, people in addiction, and the LGBTQ community.

If it wasn’t a former gay paramour who killed him, it could have been a guy (apparently) calling himself Lady Diabla:

Two weeks ago, Kruger took to Facebook to complain about a mysterious threat from someone who called themselves “Lady Diabla, the She-Devil of the Streets.”

Kruger described himself as a “destroyer of stigma” and a “believer in the common good.” Readers can decide for themselves whether destroying the stigma that used to protect civilization from degeneracy advances the common good.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Sep 30 2023

Disney Employees Busted in Human Trafficking Operation

It is no secret that monsters have been gravitating toward Disney and public schools due to the emphasis both place on the perverse sexualization of children. So it comes as no surprise that those arrested in a Florida human trafficking operation include three Disney employees and a teacher.

[Those] arrested included Russell Rogers from Winter Haven, Florida, who was accused of negotiating to have sex with a prostitute.

Rogers, who is married with three children, is also the athletic director at Vanguard School and a teacher at Auburndale High School. …

Meanwhile three Disney employees, Kenneth Green, Marquis Nixon and Carlos Ro were also arrested in the operation for soliciting prostitutes.

As for those charged with human trafficking:

Freddy Escalona, 30, and Maria Guzman, 36, were charged with human trafficking and deriving proceeds from prostitution.

Both were in the country illegally. A border deliberately left undefended has its uses for some.

Although children may not have been involved this time, they often are. There is no shortage of prostitutes in the USA, but as with fentanyl, meeting the demand for underage prostitutes can require moving the goods across the open border.

No wonder the liberal establishment was so adamantly opposed to the movie Sound of Freedom that Bloomberg dispatched an actual pedophile activist to trash it. The degenerate ruling class does not want attention paid to human trafficking. It would crimp the lifestyle of those with certain preferences. Love is love!

If the stuff you see on TV makes you sick, imagine what is going on behind the scenes, as social engineers relentlessly define deviancy downward. A climate of moral decline will breed unspeakable crimes.

On tips from Ed McAninch and ABC of the ANC.

Aug 21 2023

Western Support Comes at a Price for Ukraine

Russians aren’t the only foreign force Ukraine needs to fend off. It seems to have adopted a strategy of obtaining massive funding by currying favor with the leftists running Western countries like the USA. So far this has been good for $113 billion from Democrats, and Biden has been croaking for $25+ billion more. But free money from our government comes at a price: your soul.

Ukrainian pandering goes beyond appointing a transgender leftist political operative as a spokeskook. RT is Russian, but it makes a fair point:

Ukraine’s former deputy culture minister has proposed legalizing same-sex civil partnerships, arguing it would both reward the service of LGBTQ soldiers and please Kiev’s foreign backers.

It is doubtful that “LGBTQ soldiers” make a significant contribution to the war effort. But foreign backers (i.e., American taxpayers) sure do.

Same-sex “marriage” is wisely banned by the Ukrainian constitution. Expect this to change if the money flow slows, despite the overwhelmingly negative attitude of Ukrainians toward homosexuality.

Fending off aggression from the East could mean succumbing to cultural imperialists from the West:

Taiwanese-American influencer Fan-Pei Koung traveled from her native Houston to the front lines of the Ukraine conflict to offer her services as an “emotional support stripper,” she told the Daily Beast…

The beauty pageant contestant turned self-described “globe-trotting girlfriend” offers racy photos of herself in skimpy variations of military gear posing with armaments on the erotic pay-per-view platform OnlyFans, though she says the content is free to Ukrainians, soldiers, and volunteers.

That’s not the only thing that’s free, according to her profile on the DIY porn site, which lists “free emotional breastfeeding to soldiers and volunteers” as one of her specialties.

Miss Koung will be happy to hear about this development:

Lawmakers in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine announced on Friday that they have collected enough signatures for a bill that would decriminalize the production of pornography. Lead sponsor of the proposal, Yaroslav Zheleznyak, has argued that the current laws encourage corruption and that legalizing porn could help raise funds for the military.

Finally a solution to the corruption that characterizes Ukraine: legalizing the production of pornography.

On tips from Barry A.

Jul 22 2023

Tiktok’s NPC Trend

The latest contribution of social media to societal decay is the bizarre NPC TikTok trend…

…where users livestream themselves acting like an “NPC”—or an automated “non-player character” with pre-written dialogue—complete with nonsensical phrases like “ice cream so good” used in response to gifts given by their audience…

The “users” are essentially online prostitutes. Paul Joseph Watson describes the phenomenon as “PG porn, the TikTok to OnlyFans pipeline. … They’re just pushing preporn on preteens, again.”

For the morbidly curious, he documents another chapter in our civilizational decline into degenerate idiot insanity:

The apparent goal of those in charge is to reduce us all to NPCs.

On tips from KirklesWorth and ABC of the ANC.

Jul 02 2023

Julyteenth Celebrations Underway in Baltimore

Historic first female four-star admiral Richard “Rachel” Levine has proclaimed the extension of Pride Month into Pride Summer. Looks like Juneteenth has been extended as well. Julyteenth celebrations are underway in diverse Baltimore:

At least two people were killed and more than two dozen others were injured in a mass shooting that took place during a block party early Sunday morning in Baltimore.

Baltimore Police Department Acting Commissioner Richard Worley said an 18-year-old woman was found dead at the scene. A 20-year-old man also died, and three others are in critical condition, WBAL TV reported. …

During a press conference, Worley confirmed there were a total of 30 victims in the shooting, which broke out just after 12:30 a.m. in the Brooklyn Homes area of South Baltimore.

The tradition continues (see here, here, here, etc.). Because the moonbats overseeing all this are all about tradition. It’s just our traditions that they don’t like.

On tips from Wiggins and Varla.

Jun 22 2023

Our Societal Collapse Summed Up in a Scene

In better times, we had Norman Rockwell to paint wholesome scenes of American life. In the 2020s, we need an anti-Norman Rockwell to document scenes like a recent one in Boston — since the mainstream media won’t do it. Thomas Lifson provides an introduction:

Apparently as a counterpart to the ongoing lavish media attention paid to “Pride Month,” a media black hole has opened up and swallowed a horrifying story of four children, ages five to ten, rescued from a transsexual sex party in a Boston housing project that turned deadly. Nary a word about it from monarchs of mainstream media, including the hometown Boston Globe. But the always lively Boston Herald either didn’t get the memo or didn’t care.

From the Herald:

Four children living in squalid conditions while being hidden from first responders were found in an apartment filled with “alcohol, drugs, sex toys” and a dead man, according to an incident report and outraged officials.

“This is sickening,” said At-Large City Councilor Michael Flaherty. “I was informed by people at the scene that there were drugs, alcohol, sex toys all around the apartment as well as a dead body on the floor.”

That is the culture being bred at your expense for its votes the way farmers breed chickens for eggs at housing projects like Boston’s Mary Ellen McCormack.

Firefighters’ incident report is a glimpse into the hell on earth liberals have been engineering:

“The apartment was in extremely unsanitary conditions. Approximately 6 adults, who appeared to be males, were seen in the apartment,” they wrote, saying they subsequently found “four children in the back bedroom being hidden by an adult male from first responders.”

Whoever wrote the report had better take care. Misgendering can put your job in danger.

“All of the adult parties were being uncooperative and did not provide helpful information. All adults present denied having children inside the apartment,” they wrote.

The Massachusetts Department of Children and Families could not be reached for comment on what happened to the kids because it was closed for Juneteenth, aka George Floyd Day, the federal holiday honoring lawlessness and urban decay.

Flaherty, Public Safety chairman on the council, told the Herald Monday night the dead body found on the floor was “from an apparent overdose” and that “a man wearing a wig claiming to be the father” of the kids was found in a back bedroom.

Multiple sources tell the Herald some of the adults were dressed as women when first responders arrived at the scene.

Imagine what the establishment media would do with this story if it were not devoted to promoting the lifestyle that produced it.

David Strom places this apparent botched party by a transsexual pedophile sex ring into context:

[W]hat happened in that apartment in Boston wasn’t exactly Drag Queen Story Hour, but it wasn’t exactly as far away from it as the proponents of this sick practice would like you to think. We have already moved from men dressed up as female clowns fully clothed in libraries to men prancing around in skimpy lingerie twerking in front of children, and the entire Leftward side of the country is applauding.

Parents take their children to these shows, and governments and corporations sponsor them.

Already we have seen photos and videos of drag queens exposing their genitals to children, and bare buttocks are de rigueur these days. …

Grown men flashing their privates at children is not outré; it is sick.

And any society that allows this to happen is on the road to allowing much, much worse.

God’s wrath against Sodom and Gomorrah was not indiscriminate, even if not everyone who perished personally wallowed in sin and depravity. What a society allows to flourish, the whole society is responsible for.

On tips from StephaneDumas, R F, seaoh, and No Hammer for Nanzi.

Jun 18 2023

Birth Rates Reflect Malignancy of Liberalism

The ultimate test of any ideology is whether it is conducive to human life. So let’s compare the states with the highest and lowest birthrates. This shows births per 1,000 people per the CDC:

Top 10 States With Highest Birth Rate
South Dakota – (68.60)
North Dakota – (66.70)
Alaska – (64.90)
Nebraska – (64.40)
Utah – (63.60)
Louisiana – (62.70)
Arkansas – (61.70)
Oklahoma – (61.50)
Kansas – (61)
Iowa – (60.80)

The 10 States With Lowest Birth Rate
Vermont – (44.90)
Rhode Island – (48.30)
Oregon – (48.90)
Massachusetts – (49)
New Hampshire – (49.90)
Maine – (49.90)
Connecticut – (52.10)
Colorado – (52.50)
California – (52.80)
New Mexico – (52.90)

Notice anything about the red/blue color scheme?

Liberal ideology is explicitly hostile to humanity, which progressives regard as a form of planetary cancer. Literally everything that human beings do is offensive to the sacred climate.

As Catholic Vote notes,

The prospect of overpopulation is commonly used to justify not having children, but America’s birth rate has actually been below the replacement rate since 1971.

Yet liberals actually argue that homosexuality is good because it leads to less human reproduction.

Uncoincidentally, states that gave Biden the largest share of the vote have the lowest birth rates. This is a stronger prediction of birth rate even than cost of living and church attendance.

If we succumb to leftism, the human race will die out, possibly out of sheer self-disgust.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.

Jun 17 2023

Some Perverts Dog It, Others Branch Out

The liberal establishment has gone out of its way to underscore its reverence for sexual depravity. The emphasis on corrupting children makes clear that pedophilia is up next after homosexuality for normalization and then sanctification. What’s next after that?

Given that the disease presented to us as our culture is engineered and incubated in academia, maybe next up will be sex with dogs:

[Penn State University Professor Themis] Matsoukas was seen engaged in sexual acts with a dog near the restrooms at Rothrock Sate Forest on at least one occasion.

Park rangers reportedly identified the professor on the basis of his North Face backpack, present in the video where Matsoukas was allegedly otherwise naked but for his socks and shoes.

North Face. Perfect.

The trail camera, set up to monitor people stealing bags of hand sanitizer from the state park restrooms in the Alan Seeger Parking Area, reportedly filmed a man in a state of undress masturbating, molesting a collie, and performing other lewd acts while trying to record the degenerate performance on an electronic device, reported WPMT.

The [Department of Conservation and Natural Resources] indicated the area where the alleged acts took place was within viewing distance of Stone Creek Road, frequently transited by visitors on their way to the nearby picnic area, campgrounds, and Penn Roosevelt State Park.

Incidentally, “dogging” is a British euphemism for engaging in sexual acts in public.

Professor Matsoukas explains why he records himself raping his dog:

“I do it to blow off steam.”

Unfortunately for Matsoukas, he is slightly ahead of his time. He has been relieved of his duties and faces various criminal charges. On the bright side, when mainstream culture catches up with him, he will be remembered as a martyr. The Navy might name a ship after him.

Then again, given their anachronistic worship of primitive nature gods like the Climate, liberals might take up the cause of having sex with plants:

A naked man was arrested after apparently having sex with a tree. Police were called to a park in Salisbury in Wiltshire [England] after reports from members of the public.

Video shows the man kissing and rubbing against the stump on Tuesday. Onlookers say 25 people were in the area at the time enjoying the heatwave.

He too is ahead of his time. The sexual pioneer has been arrested for “suspicion of indecent exposure” according to Wiltshire Police


You were warned not to watch.

Be sure not to express disapproval of these activities on social media, lest you later find yourself canceled for being a pedophobe, cynophobe, or botanophobe.

On tips from Varla, Ed McAninch, John Doe 123, Jack D, MrRightWingDave, Heckrules, and Wiggins.

Jun 11 2023

2023 Condensed Into 25 Seconds

If you think you can stomach America in the year 2023 condensed into a 25-second video clip, go ahead and click View. Not for children or those with weak hearts:

If only she had been brandishing a Pride Progress flag, and the Prius had featured a Coexist bumper sticker, this would have been perfect.

On a tip from Wiggins.


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