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Search: Mark Dice

Jun 24 2022

Biden Cheat Sheet Confirms Advanced Senility

The corrupt mediocrity Joe Biden was chosen by the radical left to serve as its figurehead because he will go along with anything, being not only devoid of principle but also helplessly demented. To get an idea of how senile this puppet is, check out the sort of instructions his handlers have to give him when he appears in public:

The New York Post reports:

Biden on Thursday inadvertently held up a comically detailed cheat sheet prepared by his staff instructing the gaffe-prone leader of the free world to “take YOUR seat” and to limit his remarks to “2 minutes.”

A photographer snapped an image of the document when Biden held it up backward at a meeting with wind industry executives, which he attended after skipping his administration’s morning meeting with oil companies about combating record gas prices.

He holds it up backward while arranging boondoggles with the useless wind industry, as energy prices continue to climb through the stratosphere. This has to be reality; it is too over the top to be comedy.

This isn’t the first time Biden provided a glimpse behind the scenes by holding up his handlers’ notes the wrong way:

Biden’s use of staff notes at events has been embarrassing before, such as last July, when an aide scrawled, “Sir, there is something on your chin.”

It will take the USA a century to live down this presidency, assuming the country survives it.

In the meantime, at least Biden is providing Mark Dice with some laughs:

On tips from Wiggins, Chris Neilson, and KirklesWorth. Hat tip: Information Liberation.

May 28 2022

More Child-Grooming Sickness From Disney

Just how sick are the creepy perverts running Disney? To get an idea, consider that this has evidently been on Disney+ for a year now:

When the guy calling himself Nina West barks about affirming the sexual identity of “LGBTQ+ students in grades K through 12,” he is literally referring to lesbian, homosexual, bisexual, transsexual, sexually confused, and otherwise sexually deviant children as young as 4 years old.

No such person exists, except in the repugnant fantasies of the sexually “diverse.” But that does not stop predators from attempting to groom.

Even if the depraved rug rat sex fiends they pretend to be protecting are as unreal as the menstruating men they demand we believe in, no mind is too young to subject to real damage.

As noted at Twitchy,

Research shows that the early elementary grades are the best time to reach young minds before them become ingrained with “cisnormative” thinking.

Consider the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah. Then imagine what we deserve for letting the LGBT agenda fester.

Mark Dice has more on the sickness seeping out of Disney and similar woke corporations like pus from an infected wound:

On tips from Franco, KirklesWorth, and Rapinhoe.

May 23 2022

Reactions to GOP Ban on Tampons

Living inside their bubble of BS, most moonbats have no idea what conservatives actually stand for. That makes duping them child’s play for the liberal media — and for Mark Dice, who documents the reaction of passersby to an imaginary GOP plan to ban tampons:

Morons vote, which is why the country finds itself in its present predicament.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

May 20 2022

Karine Jean-Pierre May Be Qualified After All

Karine Jean-Pierre gives the impression of being yet another unqualified Affirmative Action hire. Unlike Kamala Harris and Ketanji Brown Jackson, she wasn’t explicitly given her position for identity politics purposes. Yet she checks more boxes than either of them, being not only a Woman of Color but also ostentatiously sexually aberrant and an immigrant born of a Haitian mother in Martinique. However, watching Mark Dice’s summary of her career as a propagandist suggests that she has the one skill required to be spokesmoonbat for Biden’s failing presidency.

Democrats are down to their last resort — namely, yelling their favorite word “racism” as if it were a magic incantation. Fortuitously, the one thought in Karine’s otherwise empty head appears to be, “Racist!”

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

May 15 2022

Progress in the War on Gender

The male/female dichotomy is fundamental to the human conception of reality, as confirmed by gendered languages like Spanish, Russian, and German. The basic unit of civilization, the family, is based upon it. Leftist social engineers are determined to destroy it. Mark Dice brings us up to date on their alarming progress:

It seems radical that Democrats want to change our system of government through systemic election fraud, packing the Supreme Court, and abolishing the Electoral College. Actually, imposing a single-party authoritarian regime as they have effectively already done in California and New York is one of their more conventional objectives.

Where cultural rot has allowed them to take sufficient control (e.g., California, New York), liberals impose criminal penalties against people who use objectively correct rather than politically correct pronouns, because refusing to refer to eccentrics like Bruce Jenner as “she” violates the precept that 2 + 2 = 5 if our moonbat rulers say it does.

Liberals would destroy reality itself, but that lies beyond their power. So they are destroying our perception of it; that is, they are at war with sanity.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

May 06 2022

Newspeak Dictionary Update: Parasite Not Baby

While pranking passersby to see how they would react to abortion clinics at Walmart, Mark Dice came across a timely update to the Newspeak Dictionary. We are no longer to refer to babies as “babies” unless the mother decides not to kill them. Otherwise, we are to refer to babies as “parasites.”

Pure evil doesn’t really look like the latex demons in horror movies. It is more likely to look like the girl in the crop top in the video below:

If they have that much contempt for the worth of an innocent baby’s life, imagine how little they must value the lives of sexists, racists, homophobes, et cetera.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

May 05 2022

Beware Cultural Appropriation on Cinco de Mayo

Cinco de Mayo may not be a big deal in Mexico, but in the USA it is an excuse to party and an opportunity to tip our hats to Mexico and acknowledge its influence on American culture. However, liberals have decreed that whites have no right to partake of Mexican cultural influences, despite Mexican culture itself being the result of Europeans interacting with Amerindians.

Whites must be boxed off from all other cultures, the better to hate them, because hatred of Caucasians is the cornerstone of modern leftism. That’s why social justice warriors are advised to watch for cultural appropriation today. Mark Dice warns of the sort of microaggressions to be on guard for, lest they slip past unnoticed:

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Apr 26 2022

Liberal Twitter Meltdown Tells You All You Need to Know

Of all the media meltdowns over Twitter potentially allowing free speech under Elon Musk’s ownership, this clip of MSNBC host Ari Melber may be the most revealing:

Squawks Melber:

“If you own all of Twitter or Facebook or what have you, you don’t have to explain yourself. You don’t even have to be transparent. You could secretly ban one party’s candidate or all of its candidates, all of it nominees. Or you could just secretly turn down the reach of their stuff and turn up the reach of something else and the rest of us might not even find about it ’til after the election.”

This is exactly what liberals have exploited their control of social media to do. As Jason Rantz puts it, “He’s merely reciting what Twitter did to conservatives.” Twitter is infamous for shadow-banning. Its aggressive suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story, which implicated Joe Biden in treasonously taking payoffs from our communist Chinese enemies in exchange for influence, possibly cost America the 2020 election.

Mark Dice weighs in, and warns that the liberal establishment will now come after Musk with all its vindictive viciousness, with the intention of totally destroying him for disrupting the left-wing monopoly on control of the information highway:

No one seriously expects Musk to transform Twitter from a left-wing to a right-wing platform. The hope on the right and the fear on the left is that he will make good on his promise to make it a neutral platform that honors the fundamental American principle of free speech. That this sets liberals’ hair on fire tells you all you need to know about them.

On tips from Occam’s Stubble and KirklesWorth.

Apr 17 2022

Americans Sign Petition to Ban the Bible

The Bible has served as the foundation of Western Civilization for 2,000 years. Would the average zombie shambling around in California sign a petition to ban it? Mark Dice documents the answer:

California came close to banning the Bible in 2018. Assembly Bill 2943 “effectively [would] make it illegal to buy or sell anything that promotes the view that homosexuality is an abnormal lifestyle choice.”

Throughout human history, if you asked any given 10,000 people whether homosexuality is an abnormal lifestyle choice, about 9,999 would answer, “Of course.” This attitude is firmly reinforced in the Bible. It is an attitude liberals suppress.

AB2943 was withdrawn for the time being, but banning the Bible remains entirely consistent with the mentality of our progressive ruling class.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Mar 21 2022

Mainstream Conservatives Go Woke on Gay Adoption

According to the liberal establishment, countermoonbats oppose the LGBT agenda because we are filled with hate. The actual reasons are based in love, not hate.

Those who love virtue and purity oppose degeneracy and depravity. Those who love the human race want to defend the nuclear family from the Left’s campaign to destroy it, which has been explicit all the way from Karl Marx to Black Lives Matter. Those who love the Christian faith — or their own spouses — do not want to watch deviants make a blasphemous mockery of holy matrimony. Those who love children want them to have wholesome upbringings in proper families, so that they have a chance to live healthy lives.

That’s why conservatives tend not to regard homosexual liaisons as marriages, regardless of what authoritarian decrees might have come down from social engineers on the Supreme Court. They do not want to subject innocent children to grotesque parodies of families through homosexual adoption. They do not want to exclude either a father or a mother from children’s lives.

None of this applies to those willing to sacrifice core principles so as to be part of an establishment that is dominated by leftist radicals. Sadly, this includes some platforms that do good work, like Prager University and the Blaze.

From outside the corrupt establishment, Mark Dice says no thanks to any cigars passed out by Dave Rubin to celebrate his pseudofamily, now that Rubin and his gay paramour are adopting babies:

Getting carried away with the big tent strategy causes the tent to collapse altogether, after it has been infiltrated by people who do not belong inside it because they oppose the core principles that hold it up. To see this principle in action, refer to Christian denominations that liberals have subverted and eaten from within the way baby wasps eat their hosts, ensuring the collapse of these denominations into irrelevance.

Conservatives waving the white flag on gay marriage and gay adoption are effectively surrendering the entire Culture War. Is there a hill these people are willing to die on, or is their conservativism only a pose?


It was painful to see Dice and Matt Walsh at odds with each other in the video above, as both are highly esteemed countermoonbats. Fortunately, there seems to be no lasting ill will between them. Walsh addressed the issue in today’s podcast, and did not disappoint:

On tips from KirklesWorth and ABC of the ANC.

Feb 03 2022

CNN Continues to Collapse

Jeff Zucker did not resign from his post as top moonbat at CNN because of sexual indiscretions that were an open secret for some time. He was fired because ratings are collapsing for the liberal propaganda platform. Turns out that a 24-hour Trump-bashing channel has limited appeal with Trump no longer in office. Even with Zucker gone, the nosedive into oblivion is likely to accelerate; Megyn Kelly promises other shoes will drop.

Mark Dice stands ready with a spadeful of dirt for CNN’s grave:

The situation is so bad at CNN that for the first time in memory it has resorted to actual journalism, even daring to report negatively on Biden’s ChiCom proprietors:

Too little too late. CNN has zero credibility and little appeal even for liberals. Rabid moonbats who want to indulge in an endless Two Minute Hate directed at regular Americans watch MSNBC instead.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Jan 20 2022

Why We Question Biden’s Cognitive Fitness

If the highlight posted earlier provided the essence of Biden’s dumpster fire of a press conference yesterday, this exchange taken from it sums up his cognitive condition:

James Rosen: Why do you suppose such large segments of the American electorate have come to harbor such profound concerns about your cognitive fitness?

Joe Biden: I have no idea.

Seriously, that was the full extent of his answer.

The Obama/Biden Administration had it in for James Rosen to the extent it had the weaponized Injustice Department collecting his phone records and tracking his movement. Rosen has just signed himself up for more of the same or worse.

In case Biden didn’t answer the question to your satisfaction, Mark Dice provides a more elaborate response:

On tips from KirklesWorth and Jester.

Jan 12 2022

Ted Cruz Goes There: Did Feds Incite January 6?

Ted Cruz disappointed conservatives when he assisted leftists by characterizing the overblown January 6 debacle as a “violent terrorist attack.” Now he makes amends by asking questions the liberal media will not regarding the federal government’s possible involvement in inciting the riot.

Yesterday, Cruz grilled the FBI’s Jill Sanborn (Executive Assistant Director, National Security Branch) before a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.

Cruz: Did any FBI agents or confidential informants actively participate in the events of January 6th, yes or no?

Sanborn: Sir, I can’t answer that.

Cruz: Did any FBI agents or confidential informants commit crimes of violence on January 6th?

Sanborn: I can’t answer that, sir.

Cruz: Did any FBI agents or FBI informants actively encourage and incite crimes of violence on January 6th?

Sanborn: Sir, I can’t answer that.

Sanborn also refused to say whether riot inciter Ray Epps is a federal agent. However, the January 6th Committee proclaims that Epps denies being a government agent, so apparently the matter is settled to the satisfaction of Liz Cheney et al.

Cruz finally did manage to extract a “Not to my knowledge” from Sanborn on the question, “Did federal agents or those in service of federal agents actively encourage violent and criminal conduct on January 6th?”

Secretiveness about sources and methods is not a luxury we can afford in this case, because Democrats have been exploiting January 6 in an attempt to change our system of government by institutionalizing election fraud to secure permanent single-party control.

Epps reminds Mark Dice of FBI informant Emad Salem, who would have gotten burned on the 1993 World Trade Center attack if he hadn’t wisely distrusted the FBI enough to record conversations with them:

Because they have gone to such lengths to exploit it, January 6 is Democrats’ Reichstag fire, regardless of whether the Federal Bureau of Instigation lit the match.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket and KirklesWorth. Hat tip: Not the Bee.

Dec 22 2021

Shriveled and Absurd

Media analyst Neil Postman observed that “under the governance of television,” discourse in America “has become shriveled and absurd.” That would explain how we ended up with our current president.

As his fellow media analyst Mark Dice notes,

“We have become a society filled with mindless mass media-consuming morons who can’t distinguish fantasy and reality anymore.”

That has been the result of overindulging in the mental junk food served up by the liberal establishment. Be sure to consume it only in moderation.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.


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