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Sep 28 2023

Civilization Succumbs to Social Justice

Lawless black mobs were lavishly rewarded for demanding that we pretend career criminal George Floyd was murdered by police rather than dying of a fentanyl overdose. Reward behavior and you get more of it:

Philadelphia suffered its second night in a row of mass looting incidents and destructive social media-fueled mayhem on Wednesday…

Needy social justice warriors…

…ransacked more than a dozen state-run liquor stores so thoroughly that the state announced it was closing its Philly locations until further notice.

The pretext:

The flash mob-style looting spree started just after 8 p.m. Tuesday at dozens of stores, including Foot Locker, Lululemon and an Apple store, just hours after a judge ruled to dismiss a murder charge against a White Philadelphia police officer who shot and killed Black resident Eddie Irizarry.

Don’t call it looting. That would be racially insensitive. Call it “reparations,” like they do in Chicago:

As public order collapses, stores are becoming infeasible. The leftists running Target reap the consequences of their own ideology:

On Tuesday the big box retailer announced plans to close nine stores, effective Oct. 21.

“We cannot continue operating these stores because theft and organized retail crime are threatening the safety of our team and guests, and contributing to unsustainable business performance,” the company said in a statement.

Can you guess where the stores are? That’s right, ultraliberal cities:

The stores set to close include one in Harlem, N.Y; two in Seattle, Wash.; three near San Francisco and Oakland, Calif.; and three in Portland, Ore.

Target loves liberalism but has no choice:

Target expects to lose roughly $1.2 billion in profits from retail theft in 2022 and 2023.

No worries. The same Democratic politicians who encourage rioting will replace Target with government stores. The nice thing about communism is that you don’t have to worry about theft, since there is nothing on the shelves to steal.

Here’s how Americans look from overseas, now that we have succumbed to moonbattery:

The police could put an end to this with a single machine gun. But we don’t have the will to defend civilization from savages. So we are losing it.

On tips from Lyle, Wiggins, KirklesWorth, seaoh, and Ed McAninch.

Sep 21 2023

New York May Cancel George Washington

Everyone knew when Robert E. Lee was canceled that it was only the beginning. George Washington was also a great man and a Virginian, and also lived back when people had owned slaves throughout the world since before recorded history; therefore, in New York:

The city’s Cultural Affairs Committee has demanded the eviction of George Washington and Christopher Columbus and others from public spaces because of links to slavery, along with the establishment of a reparations task force.

Meanwhile, the city is flat broke, having flushed away $12 billion on being a sanctuary for illegal aliens at the expense of the native population. Ten thousand grasping invaders pour into the declining city every month. No worries; federal taxpayers are sure to bail it out.

The Committee plans to remove any public statue or work of art that ‘depicts a person who owned enslaved persons or directly benefited economically from slavery, or who participated in systemic crimes against indigenous peoples or other crimes against humanity’.

From the liberal viewpoint, that means anyone who lived at the time of the nation’s founding.

Dozens of prominent statues across the city are at risk including those depicting Thomas Jefferson and former governor Peter Stuyvesant.

By erasing our history, they erase our identity. Then they can create a new identity as a nation of farm animals content to stay in their pens so long as they are fed free slop until it is time for a trip to the slaughterhouse.

As Todd Starnes jokes,

There are multiple statues and monuments to Washington, including Washington Square Park and the George Washington Bridge. It’s unclear whether the park and bridge will be leveled or just simply renamed.

At this point, maybe they should level the whole city and start over.

After the Father of Our Country has had his hero status revoked, he will be defiled and demonized before he is frog-marched to the memory hole and forgotten. Maybe the authorities will decide he impregnated a slave. That is a favorite liberal calumny against the author of the Declaration of Independence, whose statue leftists have already removed from City Hall.

This is cultural genocide. If we fail to defeat liberalism, Americans will soon cease to exist in any meaningful sense.

On tips from Wiggins and Ed McAninch.

Aug 07 2023

More Pushback Against Empowered Criminals

Stockton 7-Eleven employees beating the tar out of an arrogant parasite collecting his reparations was so fun to watch, let’s have another video about people pushing back. In this one, two armed thugs invade a 75-year-old woman’s Oakland home, but are sent scurrying by a blast from her .357 magnum:

Not the Bee draws a valuable lesson:

If you have young, armed, violent men stalking and home-invading a 75-year-old woman in your neighborhood, obviously ready to kill her, you better have yourself a gun, too. And you better be more proficient with it than the bad guys.

Democrats aspire to make the situation dramatically worse by disarming law-abiding citizens, leaving the criminals they egg on with leftist rhetoric and allow to run free armed to the teeth.

Neighbors acknowledge the lady as a hero. Let’s hope authorities don’t punish her, which as predicted may be the fate of the heroic 7-Eleven guys:

Instead of giving the clerk a medal, the police department launched an investigation. And now the clerks face possible assault charges.

In a society deranged by moonbattery, outlaws are heroes, as the worship of George Floyd attests. By the same token, heroes are outlaws. Just ask Daniel Penny.

On tips from Lyle and Chris Neilson.

Jul 20 2023

$800K Jackpot Justice Because McNugget Was Too Hot

If McDonald’s starts serving room temperature McNuggets, here’s why:

A Florida court awarded a mother $800,000 from McDonald’s after her daughter received second-degree burns from a piping hot McNugget that fell on her lap in 2019.

The jury reached the verdict after less than two hours of deliberation Wednesday afternoon.

Philana Holmes’s lawyers had demanded $15 million. Maybe she will receive the remainder when reparations are imposed.

McDonald’s is a favorite target of predatory lawsuits due to its visibility. In 1994, Stella Liebeck earned $millions by spilling McDonald’s coffee on herself in an infamous milestone in jackpot justice. That’s why cups come with a warning label that coffee might be hot. Surprisingly, there is no “This End Up” label on McDonald’s cups, leaving the company vulnerable to future lawsuits.

Like shoplifting, these lawsuits drive up prices for the rest of us.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jul 07 2023

Major Rachel Explained

In case you were wondering how squishy-soft mentally ill perverts make it into the US military,

It could not be more obvious that diversity is our weakness.

David Strom writes:

One of the lies we are being told, relentlessly, is that when the military makes efforts to expand the types of people admitted into the services the standards applied will remain the same. This has been clearly false forever. This has been particularly true when it comes to sex differences. As we know, different standards of physical fitness are applied to men and women, in opposition to what we were told when recruitment opened up, and now we see that the standards have been changed even more drastically for transgender people.

On its face, the argument that being transgender would present no barrier to military service is absurd, simply because transgender soldiers require constant medical care in order to maintain their gender treatments. Regardless of any other potential issues, this alone should make policymakers leery of including transgender-identifying people in the rolls of active duty personnel.

The military, though, is a social scientist’s playground. Under total control of the government, it is easy to use as a laboratory for ideological experiments.

Using the military as a social engineering lab precludes using it as an effective fighting force. But as noted here earlier today,

To the extent the Democratic Party controls them, all government institutions exist so as to consolidate its power and promote its ideology. They have no other purpose.

The purpose of the US Military is not to win wars, but to promote sexual perversion and gender psychosis, consistent with the ideology of the Democratic Party.

That is the most charitable interpretation of our rulers’ motives. Also consistent with Democrat ideology is that America is inherently bad. After all, “white supremacy is ingrained in the DNA” of this country. It stands to reason that America must be destroyed. Militarily incapacitating the global hegemon as China prepares to replace it will achieve this objective.

If the Chinese Communist Party had direct control of the Pentagon, what would it do differently?

On tips from Anonymous and Brian Brandt.

Jul 05 2023

No Guns Needed in San Francisco

Maybe denying gun rights will work better in the USA than it has in France, where foreign savages roam the streets with belt-fed machine guns while the disarmed native population cowers in the closet. Maybe Democrats will manage to disarm not only the law-abiding, but criminals too. Then everything will be fine, like in the liberal mecca San Francisco:

Baseball bat-wielding gangs of children are mugging mothers and nannies on the school run in the latest crime wave to hit San Francisco.

Last week Noe Valley, also known as “stroller valley” because of the growing population of young families, endured 11 phone robberies that are believed to have been carried out by the same gang who are targeting women picking up children from school.

One woman was reportedly hit with a baseball bat, while another was punched in the face, before the offender ran to a getaway car and drove off.

No wonder the moonbats running New York City abandoned the stop and frisk policies that made the city safer under Rudy Giuliani. Why bother taking away their guns when the yutes would just as soon bash your head in with a club anyway?

Violent robberies are being carried out in broad daylight in wealthy enclaves such as Noe Valley, a tight-knit community, where free yoga classes are held every Sunday in the town square.

One victim of the string of recent attacks, who only wished to be identified as CW, said the police appeared to have “zero interest” in investigating her attack.

According to the ideology of the kooks running San Francisco, the police are the bad guys. They are racist. Crime is social justice. It would hardly be surprising to learn the police department is staffed with cynics who are only there to draw a paycheck. Most cops who think civilization is worth defending probably prefer to work where it isn’t a lost cause.

Assuming the well-to-do moms of Noe Valley are Democrats like virtually everyone who hasn’t fled Nancy Pelosi’s home district, they are getting what they voted for.

On a tip from Anonymous.

Jun 17 2023

Federal Stormtroopers Descend on Montana Gun Shop

Meanwhile, as the wannabe dictator croaks “God save the Queen” while demagoguing against our right to bear arms, this is what the weaponized federal bureaucracy is up to in the Heartland:

[Tom] Van Hoose says for two years his Highwood Creek Outfitters gun shop [in Great Falls, Montana] has been the subject of surveillance by state and federal agencies including the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Occupational Safety & Health Administration, the Department of Homeland Security, the State of Montana and now the Internal Revenue Service.

Then on Wednesday,

“At 7:30, I came in and they pulled in behind me with 20 heavily armed agents.”

If they had dragged him off in handcuffs, it would have been the full Mark Houck treatment.

The ostensible purpose was to search for financial documents.

An IRS spokesperson confirmed to MTN News that the agency was at Highwood Creek Outfitters on official business, but declined to provide any details.

Van Hoose was told that his store had been reported.

He doesn’t know by whom, or the reason. He thinks it’s part of a nationwide pattern and feels it’s political.

That’s how things work in the sort of country Democrats are turning this into.

Van Hoose says his shop has a good relationship with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, which was also present. He says because his shop carries “fun guns” like AR-15’s and AK-47s their level of licensing draws more scrutiny.

“We have a reputation of dotting all the i’s and crossing all the t’s because there’s so much legal fun to be had,” said Van Hoose. “It’s just not worth doing things that are going to get you in trouble.”

Unless you are Hunter Biden and don’t need to worry about legal consequences.

Cascade County Sheriff Jesse Slaughter says there is no law stating that the sheriff must be notified prior to any such investigation by federal agents.

The Great Falls Police Department was notified of the investigation and provided security.

In the future, local law enforcement will be pushed out of the picture altogether. Undermining it was one of the main objectives of the establishment-endorsed Black Lives Matter rioting. Locals cannot be counted on to side with federal bureaucrats against the American population.

Rep Matt Rosendale (R-MT) sent a letter to ATF Director Steven Dettelbach and IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel, putting it on the record that the incident was “outrageous”:

“Under Director Dettelbach’s leadership of the ATF, a pattern of intimidation and harassment against hardworking Americans has emerged – Montanans will not tolerate these political witch hunts. I remind both Director Dettelbach and Commissioner Werfel that Congress has the power of the purse, and I will ensure that funding for these agencies is not weaponized against the American people,” Rosendale said in his letter.

That is only conceivable so long as Democrats do not control Congress.

This incident suggests preparations for a roundup of firearms, which will require federal bureaucrats to know who legally owns them. Via Gateway Pundit, here’s Rep Rosendale on Newsmax:

On a tip from Chris Neilson.

Jun 12 2023

Open Thread

Welfare states on both sides of the Atlantic have discovered that largesse to losers does not reduce their hostility to society, but only increases it. Far from producing gratitude, generosity is seen as an admission of guilt, and the reparations as inadequate compensations for injustices - leading to worsening behavior by the recipients. - Thomas Sowell

On a tip from Jack Bauer.

May 26 2023

Actual Housing Discrimination Against Blacks Uncovered

If you are going to rent out your property to vacationers, do it in Jamaica. You won’t have to worry about getting canceled for racism if experience persuades you to adopt a policy like this one:

A Jamaican business owner who leases small cottages as short-term rentals to tourists has said she will be blocking “Black Americans” from renting from her in the future.

Like most everyone in Jamaica, she is black herself.

The owner said she rents to people from all over the world but has had difficulty with most of her Black American clientele. She categorized them as “Disrespectful, entitled, unappreciative” and said the reason they are is because they have been spoiled and given too much “free sh[**]” in America.

The corrosive effects of our handout society are evident from abroad. Yet through the use of ideological blinders, many Americans manage not to perceive it.

Alleged housing discrimination is among the pretexts supporting demands that blacks be given still more free sh**.

Jamaica had better hope it never falls under Democrat rule. Imagine how much it would have to inflate its currency to pay itself reparations.

Rather than the groveling apology we have come to expect, she responded to the inevitable social media backlash from the woke mob with this:

She said those complaining are the clientele she hopes to weed out, “My peace is more important than your frickin’ opinion.”

She announced on Instagram that she would rather “let goats and cows into my house than have you come in and disrespect it.” If only her attitude were more prevalent in the USA, goats and cows would not currently run the place.

On a tip from Marty.

May 15 2023

Equity Applied to Fines

A truly totalitarian ideology like moonbattery can be applied to everything — even fines for civil infractions:

[New York] City Councilmember Justin Brannan … is proposing the creation of a pilot program to implement a day-fine system for civil offenses.

The concept was tried in Staten Island back in the 1980s.

“First, the court sentences the offender to a certain number of day-fine units (e.g., 15, 60, 120 units) according to the gravity of the offense, but without regard to his or her means,” explained the Vera Institute of Justice’s Judith Greene in a 1990 report assessing the efficacy of Staten Island’s program. “Then the value of each unit is set at a share of the offender’s daily income (hence the name ‘day fine’), and the total fine amount is determined by simple multiplication.”

Why settle for justice when you can have social justice?

Inevitably, reparations ideology will be applied. If blacks deserve to be paid vast fortunes for being black, surely they deserve to pay lower fines.

Next after that, the principle will be applied to prison sentences — if it isn’t already. How else to achieve equity?

From there, our moonbat overlords will apply it to the cost of housing, food, and all other goods and services. If you have less, then you should pay less. It follows that if you have nothing, then everything should be free. An advantage of this approach is that since there would be no point working, we would all have more free time.

On a tip from Wiggins.

May 10 2023

California Stasi Hotline

Like East Germany, except nauseatingly liberal — that’s California under the rule of leftists like Gavin Newsom, who proudly announces a Stasi hotline for turning in thought criminals:

Last Thursday, Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) and the California Civil Rights Department announced the launch of CA vs Hate. Through the hotline, Californians will be able to snitch on their neighbors for committing “hate acts,” which the service explicitly states do not always include violence.

Violent crime is disproportionately committed by an identity group designated as “oppressed.” How could an oppressed person commit a hate crime? From the moonbat viewpoint, it would not compute.

“A hate incident is a hostile expression or action that may be motivated by bias against another person’s actual or perceived identity,” the website states.

The list of protected identities goes on long enough to lull you to sleep. Authorities wake up with a start when the alleged victims are blacks, sexual deviants, or illegal aliens.

Acts of hate include “derogatory name calling.” Not even the Stasi would terrorize people over that.

The new hotline, Newsom explained, is “an unequivocal message that hate will not be tolerated” in California.

Define “hate” as “defiance of moonbattery” and these could be the first true words Newsom has spoken in public.

Reports made to the hotline “will not be shared with law enforcement,” unless the person making a report requests it. The hotline, however, will share information with law enforcement “if needed.”

Meanwhile, actual crime is so rampant in California that it is becoming impossible to do business there. Even child rapists are released after minimal jail time.

The term for the California system of government is “anarchotyranny.”

As with the global warming hoax, Democrats are snuffing out liberty to fix a problem that does not exist in any significant sense. As Michael Shellenberger notes,

“California’s total number of hate crime complaints is trivial. There were just 285 hate crime complaints in California, a state with 39 million people, in 2021. There was an order of magnitude more homicides in California, 2,361, in 2021.”

They say one in 100 East Germans was an informant for the communist secret police. California could top that by paying a bounty on thought criminals. But the kooks in charge appear likely to spend themselves into insolvency paying people to be black instead.

On tips from R F and MrRightWingDave.

Apr 18 2023

Are ChiComs Staging Invasion of Mainland USA?

As the Pentagon focuses on encouraging sexual perversion and instilling antiwhite race hate, the ChiComs are racing ahead of the USA militarily. Some assume that they won’t actually invade, at least until after their Democrat de facto allies have managed to disarm us. “There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass,” as a Japanese admiral is said to have said. Or maybe they are already staging the invasion:

This is how war is fought, now that we no longer defend our border because moonbattery.

When Title 42 is lifted on May 11, the floodgates will open. About 400,000 illegal immigrants are expected to cross the border every month.

There is no guessing how many Chinese nationals will pour into the country. Nor is there any guessing what they might get up to when war breaks out over Taiwan.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Apr 12 2023

2023’s Answer to Rosa Parks Gets Punched at Target

Stop the presses — a black person has been oppressed:

The ugly incident happened in October at the [Target] megastore in Blue Ash, Ohio, and began when Karen Ivery asked a cashier for their manager regarding the bill and reparations, according to the police report reviewed by The Post.

The suits at obnoxiously woke Target probably thought the crocodile would eat them last. As usual with those who pander to leftism, they were wrong.

When speaking with the manager, the customer first asked for reparations and grew angry as she walked “aggressively” toward the manager, according to the report.

Lunacy spawned in the leftist fever swamps of California and New York soon finds its way to places like Blue Ash, an inner suburb of Cincinnati.

“Ivery kept berating her about reparations and her privileged life,” the report alleges as the patron kept walking toward the manager.

Entitlement is not an easy beast to get back in its cage.

Security officer Zach Cotter tried to get Ivery to calm down and leave…

But she allegedly began screaming at Cotter and followed him to his office.

When he tried to shut the door, Ivery allegedly forced her way in and Cotter threw a punch, according to the report.

The respective races add up to oppression — and yet:

After reviewing footage of the incident, authorities wrote that they determined Ivery was the “aggressor” and she was placed under arrest.

Black Lives Matter tried to warn us that police are racist. You can see why they must be defunded and abolished.

“Ivery was confrontational with officers on the scene and didn’t want to explain her actions,” the report states.

Grunts Ivery:

“This is my Rosa Parks moment.”

We have come a long way since Rosa Parks.

Ivery was charged with disorderly conduct. We’ll see if that counts for or against her when she brings her lawsuit demanding $millions.

On tips from Franco and ABC of the ANC.

Apr 10 2023

Here Comes a War We Can’t Afford to Lose

Meanwhile, as communists make final preparations to conquer Taiwan…

China’s military is rehearsing the encirclement of Taiwan during three days of military drills. …

The exercises began hours after President Tsai Ing-wen returned from a trip to the United States.

The Taiwanese Defence Ministry said 71 Chinese military planes and nine ships crossed the Taiwan Strait median line.

The line is an unofficial dividing line between Chinese and Taiwanese territory.

…Commander in Chief Joe Biden prepares by ensuring that the Navy is a “safe space” for the sexually abnormal…

When a rainbow-colored Navy training video on the proper use of preferred pronouns surfaced last year, many people thought it was a joke. Sadly, many people were wrong.

Recently, a top Department of Defense official offered testimony to Congress that doubled down on the video’s underlying message: the armed services must be a “safe space” in which each and every member feels validated and affirmed on his and/or her journey of self-discovery. Remarkably, the video discussed how to make the Navy a “safe space” for people who wish to explore their gender identity. …

The DOD’s chief diversity and inclusion officer (CDIO) reportedly told the House Armed Services Committee that the “concerns young Americans have about safety are negatively impacting [military] recruiting.” The CDIO further claimed that potential recruits do not “feel safe reporting to work for fear of discrimination.”

…and passing out goodie bags to children at drag queen events on military bases.

By the way,

The U.S. has devoted millions of rounds of munitions to Ukraine since Russia invaded more than a year ago, draining U.S. stockpiles and setting off alarm bells in Congress and the White House on the state of America’s arsenal in light of higher-than-expected consumption rates in Ukraine. Senior leaders in the Department of Defense and military service branches, in statements to justify the Pentagon’s budget request for the coming year, warned that the U.S. has massive hurdles to overcome to rebuild to the level necessary to counter China, and remains vulnerable in the meantime.

Turns out giving all our ammo to a corrupt backwater country to fight a war that has nothing to do with us may not have been the best military strategy.

Even leftist hack Mark Milley has enough sense to get out before it hits the fan.

Nothing invites aggression like weakness. Rotted through with corruption, senility, and liberalism, Joe Biden is weakness incarnate. The power vacuum created by America’s self-induced decline will be filled violently.

On tips from Franco, ABC of the ANC, and Anonymous.


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