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Apr 10 2023

Missing Persons Alert for Black Women and Children Only

As on Orwell’s animal farm, everyone is equal under moonbat rule, but some are more equal than others. Blacks are so equal that a California bill proposes an Ebony Alert system to report missing black women and children so they can be given priority over less favored identity groups:

In a release on the race-based crime bill, state senator Steven Bradford said that the bill would “address the often ignored or lack of attention given to Black children and young Black women that are missing in California.”

You know, like the White House needed to promote a Transgender Day of Visibility 4 days after the Covenant School Massacre because of the lack of visibility given to transsexuals.

The media will be encouraged to prioritize Ebony Alerts, missing women and children of other racial groups being less newsworthy.

Despite all the favoritism, blacks are systematically oppressed, according to the same people who tell us that men can be women. That is the justification for California preparing to give blacks $800 BILLION of other people’s money.

It pays to be extra equal, or as liberals put it, oppressed.

Bradford distributes privilege to his fellow oppressed persons.

On tips from Wiggins and R F.

Apr 05 2023

State and Municipal Democrats Will Stick Us for the Bill

Where moonbats are in charge, they throw gargantuan sums of money at all things left-wing. New York City offers illegal aliens free healthcare and phones. New York State provides them with free college. California may give out $800 billion to reward a loyal Democrat constituency for being black. Philadelphia will pay women $1,000/month to be pregnant. An Oregon bill would pay derelicts $1,000/month to be homeless. State and municipal Democrats spend as if they will never have to pay their own bills — because they won’t. Who will pay it? Everyone:

The balance-sheet risks for mismanaged states and municipalities have been hiding in plain sight just as they were at Silicon Valley Bank. Continued financial-market turmoil and a prolonged economic downturn could cause some pension funds to collapse and cities to declare bankruptcy.

Interest rates were too low for too long, encouraging irresponsible spending.

When borrowing is dirt cheap, why not max out the taxpayer credit card?

However, inflation caused by Biden’s looting spree put an end to the party. Now comes the hangover:

A report by the research shop Equable estimated that the 228 largest public retirement systems were running a $1.4 trillion unfunded liability at the end of last June.

The bluer the jurisdiction, the more wasteful spending, the deeper the hole.

Chicago’s four pension systems have only enough assets to cover about 25% of what they owe workers and retirees, which is less than Detroit’s pension funds had when the Motor City declared Chapter 9 bankruptcy a decade ago.

Dysfunctional Detroit serves as a model for other single-party Democrat jurisdictions.

Insolvent cities could declare bankruptcy, but states as a matter of federal law can’t. That means their taxpayers will inevitably have to pay more to cover the pension shortfalls. In Illinois 25% of general tax revenues pay for pensions. Many states—including Illinois—can’t afford to bail out their underwater cities, but they also may not want the stain of allowing them to go bankrupt.

The most likely outcome: A cascade of bailouts by some combination of U.S. taxpayers, the Fed and municipal bond investors. Democratic-run states and big cities are simply too politically important for the Biden administration to let fail.

The appeal of liberalism is that it forces someone else to pay. That someone else is all of us.

On a tip from Varla.

Apr 03 2023

Words Constituting Microaggressions Proliferate Explosively

Authoritarians require criminals to punish. Thought criminals are in short supply, liberal attempts to generate hatred toward preferred groups through outrageously unjust favoritism (e.g., Affirmative Action, reparations) having largely failed. So they resort to the concept of microaggressions, the list of which must constantly expand.

As usual, universities are at the vanguard of moonbattery. As reported by the New York Post, taxpayer-supported Michigan State University has issued an Inclusive Guide listing words that have been deleted from the Newspeak Dictionary and therefore constitute microaggressions.

Many of the forbidden terms apply to the War on Christmas, which has expanded to Easter. They include: merry, Christmas trees, wreaths, gifts, reindeer, bunnies, eggs (in an Easter context), and chicks.

Other forbidden terms reflect the thin skin of educrats and campus activists: crazy, insane, bonkers, nuts, loony, and lunatic.

“Terrorist” is banned, presumably because it might offend the ghost of Osama bin Laden or Audrey Hale. “Freshmen” and “upperclassmen” are no good, because students must avoid “male-centric and western father-son language.” Meanwhile, “female” made the list because it is a “pejorative term [that] reduces women to their assumed biological anatomy.” The word “America” is banned because it is “American-centric.”

MSU has plenty of company:

Other schools with similar lists include Indiana University at Bloomington, the University of Texas at Austin, Brandeis University and the University of San Francisco.

The disfavored words are not literally banned, but there might be consequences for using them.

It isn’t only students who must live in fear of committing microaggressions. From Easthampton, Massachusetts:

Superintendent finalist Vito Perrone said Friday that the School Committee rescinded its offer to hire him in executive session Thursday night, alleging that the reason was a perceived microaggression contained in an email he sent to the committee chairperson.

The committee had offered him an annual salary of $151,000/year to be an educrat. But then he deviated from permissible vocabulary when he sent an email to committee members Cynthia Kwiecinski and Suzanne Colby in which he referred to them as “ladies.”

Evidently they are not ladies, but moonbats.

According to Perrone, Kwiecinski said that using “ladies” was a microaggression and “the fact that he didn’t know that as an educator was a problem,” he said.

Respect and courtesy can now cost you a cushy job.

No matter how bad they make a situation, liberals can always make it worse still. Inevitably, Big Government will get involved, imposing fines if not prison terms for committing oppression by saying “ladies” or “Christmas tree.”

It is already a crime to call illegal immigrants “illegal immigrants” in New York City.

In France, a woman was just fined $13,000 for calling resident Emmanuel Macron “filth” in a Facebook post. That wasn’t even racist, sexist, or ableist.

Considering how fast forbidden words proliferate, fining them could represent the most promising revenue-raising opportunity for Big Government since carbon offsets — although it is less efficient than the current Democrat practice of simply printing as much money as they want and letting us pick up the tab through inflation.

On tips from Jack D, Barry A, and Wiggins.

Mar 23 2023

Philadelphia to Pay Women $1,000/Month to Be Pregnant

Taking part in Black Lives Matter riots is not the only way to get free money from the government in Philadelphia. Women also have the option of getting pregnant:

Pregnant women in Philadelphia will be paid $1,000 a month as part of a trial program hoping to lower infant mortality rates in the city.

Starting next year, 250 expectant mothers will receive the no-strings-attached payments from their third month of pregnancy through their baby’s first birthday.

If they want more babies, a more sensible approach would be to stop aborting them. However, the liberals in charge have no problem with abortion.

They complain that Babies of Color are oppressed by premature birth and low birth weight. This is due to lifestyle factors, prominently including a junk food diet.

The solution as always is to throw other people’s money at them. Now they will be able to afford a double order of fries with their junk food.

As usual when it comes to moonbattery, San Franfreakshow got there first:

Meanwhile, the Abundant Birth Project pilot in San Francisco provides $1,000 monthly to mothers-to-be for a year.

If San Francisco’s reparations plans go through, for oppressed black baby mommas this will be on top of their $5 million cash payment for being black, a guaranteed $97,000/year income, and a home for $1.

Democrats can’t pretend they don’t know the demographic consequences of paying women to have babies — not after their War on Poverty turned cities like Filthadelphia into fatherless hellholes.

On tips from Lyle and Wiggins.

Feb 23 2023

Black Supremacist Mayflower Communist Angela Davis

Communist maniac and retired University of California professor Angela Davis finally has something to be proud of. Not supporting the USSR during the Cold War. Not receiving the Lenin Peace Prize from the slave state East Germany in 1979. Not openly advocating political violence. Not providing the weapons Black Panther terrorists used to kill a Marin County judge in 1970. Not taking a leadership position in the movement to free all nonwhite criminals. Not being named honorary cochair of the pussy-hatted Women’s March. Not having respect bestowed upon her by the liberal establishmentarians of Yale University and Time Magazine. Not even being a proud (i.e., noisy) lesbian. Despite her fervent hatred of Caucasians for being racists, like most American blacks Angela Davis has white ancestors — in her case, dating back to the Mayflower:

William Brewster, who traveled aboard the [Mayflower] with his wife Mary Wentworth Brewster, was Davis’s 10th great-grandfather.

Mary was one of only five adult women from the Mayflower to have survived the first winter after arriving in the US and one of only four such to survive until the ‘first Thanksgiving’ in 1621, which she was said to have helped cook.

Then there is her mother’s side:

Stephen Darden, her fourth great grandfather, was born in colonial Virginia around 1750.

He was a patriot who played the drums during the Revolutionary War, according to a muster roll. Afterwards he moved from Virginia to Georgia, where he owned a farm and at least six slaves.

The shame:

Angela Davis gets no credit for her illustrious ancestors. By the same token, the rest of us who have ancestors who owned slaves inherit no blame — especially considering that everyone on earth is almost certainly the descendant of both slaves and slaveowners.

However, the nutty professor would not agree. She has screeched that white Americans should be forced to pay slavery reparations.

On tips from Ed McAninch and Jester.

Feb 08 2023

Disney Attacks America and Censors for ChiComs

The wokest corporation in America corrupts impressionable children with more moonbat malice:

Disney has released the second season of “The Proud Family: Louder & Prouder,” a children’s show promoting a Critical Race Theory-inspired interpretation of history.

Clips from the colorful kids cartoon show an ensemble of characters repeating the phrase “slaves built this country,” in reference to the United States.

Slaves picked some cotton in the South going on 2 centuries ago. They did not build this country. America was built almost exclusively by the white men liberals demonize.

No constructive purpose can be served by telling vicious lies to stoke a sense of grievance in minorities. It is straight-up cultural Marxism, a tactic designed to destroy the country by turning it against itself.

Christopher Rufo reveals what children are fed by Disney, and who has been doing the feeding:

Disney has been brainwashing kids to despise their country, and to embrace anti-white race hate and sexual depravity. We couldn’t be worse off allowing the communist Chinese to take charge of children’s entertainment — which they eventually will, as Democrat rule renders us defenseless. Do not expect Disney to put up resistance:

Disney has cut an episode from The Simpsons that contains a reference to ‘forced labour camps’ in China from its streaming service in Hong Kong.

The episode two of season 34, ‘One Angry Lisa’, which first aired in October on television, is not available on the US company’s Disney Plus streaming service in Hong Kong…

In the episode, the character Marge Simpson is shown images of China’s Great Wall during an exercise class as her instructor says: ‘Behold the wonders of China: bitcoin mines, forced labour camps where children make smartphones.’

This isn’t the first time Disney has quietly complied with ChiCom censors:

In 2021, Disney removed an episode of ‘The Simpsons’ that made a reference to the 1989 Tiananmen Square crackdown when it first launched its Disney Plus service in Hong Kong.

The episode featured a visit to the square, which displayed a large sign saying ‘on this site, in 1989, nothing happened’.

Homer Simpson also called Chairman Mao a ‘little angel’ who killed millions.

Like Apple, Nike, the NBA, and the rest of the sanctimonious, morally rotten liberal establishment, Disney does not mind supporting oppression in China, righteously as they oppose the make-believe oppression of privileged minority groups.

No one will be surprised to read that the 1792 Exchange lists Disney as a maliciously liberal corporation:

The Walt Disney Company has fired employees, including celebrities, according to political views. Disney also threatened to move business out of Georgia if the governor signed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act in 2016. The company also has used its corporate power and money to support ideological groups and policies, like the Equality Act and the Southern Poverty Law Center. Additionally, Disney weaponized its PAC against election objectors, ceasing all donations to anyone who voted not to certify the 2020 election. It has leveraged its vast resources to fight state policies as well, using its money, content, and networks to object to Florida’s Parental Rights in Education Act.

Esteemed countermoonbat Ron DeSantis steps forward to confront the leftist dragon:

DeSantis is relieving Disney of its control over a special tax zone in Orlando, Florida, ending the corporation’s 55-year-reign over the district…

“Florida is dissolving the Corporate Kingdom and beginning a new era of accountability and transparency,” DeSantis’ office said. “These actions ensure a state-controlled district accountable to the people instead of a corporate-controlled kingdom,” the statement added.

DeSantis is holding Disney legally accountable legally. It is up to customers to hold the evil kingdom accountable culturally.

On tips from Ed McAninch and KirklesWorth.

Dec 16 2022

Biden Denounces America to African Leaders

Slavery was a virtually universal institution throughout the world from before recorded history until it was largely ended by the British navy in the 19th century. Even now it persists in places like Africa. In the USA, it was ended at the cost of an estimated 620,000 American lives. Speaking at the US–African Leaders Summit, Joe Biden spit on those graves:

Biden on Wednesday apologized for the ‘unimaginable cruelty’ of slavery, which he referred to as America’s ‘original sin’, and pledged $55 billion in investment to the continent.

Biden was unlikely to mention that the slaves were purchased from those who had enslaved them — i.e., other Africans. He did explain that the “investment” will consist of pouring our money down ratholes and into the pockets of dictators in the name of “climate change” and “women’s initiatives.”

As visited earlier, Democrats like Gavin Newsom are applying Biden’s brand of anti-American demagoguery at a state level by pushing for reparations:

The grifters are lining up to make their case for why the money spigot should be opened wide. We will be treated to a long line of people who have never been slaves explaining to people who have never owned slaves why they should donate billions to apologize to long-dead slaves in a state that never held slaves. …

American slaveholders have paid their dues by dying. Account closed.

California … is now losing both people and businesses because the people in power are more concerned with dividing up the spoils than creating new wealth.

The same could be said for America as a whole under liberal rule. No one should be surprised to see Democrats loot to death a country they noisily despise.

On tips from ABC of the ANC, Biden’s Heroes, and TCS III.

Dec 06 2022

Tyrannical New York Hate Speech Law Now in Effect

If you object to New York paying out a massive “reparations” jackpot, maybe you had better keep your views to yourself. The state has officially banned online speech that liberals don’t like:

A new law went into effect in New York State on Saturday and it has free speech advocates up in arms for good reason. The law seeks to squelch any vaguely-defined instances of “hate speech” online. But this one goes much further than previous proposals to silence people on the major social media platforms. It applies to blogs and any other websites that allow readers to leave comments… such as the one you are reading right now. The law requires the operators of such sites to post a content moderation policy, and remove comments that may offend or “incite violence against” a list of favored demographic groups.

Moderators are obligated to solicit and directly respond to complaints of offensiveness. Liberals have already weaponized such complaints, which they use for example to get sites like this one blacklisted by online advertisers.

The apparent intent of the law is to put an end to comments sections altogether, lest someone leave a comment that contradicts the Democrat platform.

As we all know by now, “hate speech” simply means any speech leftists want silenced:

[U]nder the modern Left’s new definitions, anything that someone in a protected group doesn’t want to hear is being redefined as “violence.” If you complain about the genital mutilation of children, you’re posing a “threat” to transgender people. If you point out that BLM turned out to be a massive cash-grabbing scheme, you’re a racist who is “endangering” Black people. The list goes on. (Of course, you can say anything you want about straight, white, Christian males and they’re never in any danger at all.)

New York imitates California by attempting to impose its own authoritarian moonbattery on the rest of the country. Given the political leverage, there is no doubt that Democrats would directly inflict this level of tyranny from Washington.

Eugene Volokh and the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression are suing New York for this glaringly obvious violation of the First Amendment.

Yet again we see that the Constitution is the only thing that stands between us and absolute tyranny. A sufficient number of Democrat-appointed judges will render the Constitution effectively null and void.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Dec 02 2022

California Panel Wants to Pay Blacks $223,200 Apiece

There is no limiting principle to moonbattery. Consequently, there is no limit to the percentage of our money liberals will pass out to favored identity groups that they demand we pretend are oppressed. Once again, California is the tip of the spear, as it prepares to pay people nearly a quarter $million apiece to win the Cultural Marxist lottery jackpot by being born black:

A California task force studying the long-term effects of slavery and systemic racism on black residents in the state has estimated a whopping $569 billion in reparations is owed to the descendants of enslaved people, according to a report.

The nine-member panel concluded that black Californians whose ancestors were in the US in the 19th century are due $223,200 each due to housing discrimination practices utilized from 1933 to 1977, the New York Times reported.

It pays to be oppressed. Hiring preferences and immunity from criticism are nice, but direct free cash is better still.

The work of the Reparations Task Force, which was created by legislation Gov. Gavin Newsom signed in 2020 — and the potential payouts –represent the largest reparations effort in recent history.

Given the conspicuous incompetence and pronounced unlikability of his Affirmative Action VP, and Biden’s own rapidly advancing state of senility, Newsom is likely to be the next president, should Republicans opt to nominate someone unelectable.

Eventually, California taxpayers will have nothing left to hand out to the most loyal Democrat constituency. That won’t be the case when these same kooks run the federal government, because the US dollar is the world reserve currency. As Biden has already been demonstrating, the plan is to print and spend until runaway inflation causes total economic collapse. At that point, progressives will be in a position to impose the Great Reset.

Never mind that Newsom says he won’t challenge Biden in 2024. By then, Biden will to be brain dead. Those who installed him in power will force him to step aside.

On a tip from Jack D.

Dec 01 2022

EPA Moves to Drive Prices Into Stratosphere

Our money buys ever less since Biden’s handlers took power, correspondingly reducing our standard of living. The Environmental Protection Agency wants to throw this into overdrive by imposing a massive increase in the cost of carbon emissions:

The so-called Social Cost of Carbon was first set in 2009 under then-President Barack Obama. Under Democrats it has been set for most of the last decade at $51 per metric ton. But in a rulemaking notice in mid-November, EPA said it had devised a new calculation that raises that damage estimate to $190 per metric ton by 2022 standards and as much as $410 by the year 2080.

The “social cost of carbon” has no basis in reality. Whether more CO2 is bad or good and whether it has any significant impact on the climate are both matters of opinion. Bureauweenies can make up any number they think will float.

If enacted, it could affect everything from the cost of methane regulations and tailpipe emissions to the “climate reparations” that President Joe Biden has committed the United States to paying to poor countries in the future.

It will drive up all prices. The advantage of the global warming hoax as a means of implementing authoritarianism is that all products and services produce emissions that according to leftists offend the weather gods. Of strategic importance, this is especially true of the agriculture and transportation sectors.

Most immediately obvious, as the “social cost of carbon” is ratcheted upward, will be increased pain at the pump:

At the $340 price point, for instance, there would be a $2.99 tax/penalty per gallon of gasoline and $3.47 per gallon of diesel, [U.S. Oil and Gas Association President Tim] Stewart said.

“In other words, EPA is saying you’re causing $3 in damages for every gallon of gasoline you use,” he explained.

If we cannot afford to pay, so much the better.

“It originates from a motivation to move away from fossil fuels,” [Louisiana Solicitor General Liz Muiller] said. “And so once you start from that fundamental motivation, there are a whole lot of groups and organizations” that “all collectively have the same objective, and they start looking for ways and tools to accomplish that objective, and this is one of the tools that they’ve come up with that would help them accomplish that.”

That there is no viable replacement for the fossil fuels that constitute the lifeblood of society is not a concern to our moonbat overlords, because they exist in an alternate reality comprised entirely of leftist ideology.

On a tip from R F.

Nov 30 2022

Mass General Brigham Speech Code for Patients

Leftists have subverted medical education (see here, here, and here). Before long, this will have devastating effects on our health, as qualifications are abandoned in favor of identity box checking and training is dumbed down accordingly. The effects of moonbats having taken over the administration of hospitals will be more immediate:

“Words or actions that are disrespectful, racist, discriminatory, hostile, or harassing are not welcome” at Mass General Brigham (MGB), according to a “Patient Code of Conduct” imposed this fall after a year of development.

MGB includes the highly prestigious and therefore influential Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital.

The Patient Code of Conduct is a speech code. It applies to patients, families, visitors, and research participants.

The code covers … “offensive comments about others’ race, accent, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or other personal traits” or refusal to see staff based on those traits.

As for those who violate the speech code,

MGB warns that it may ask them to “make other plans for their care” in response to some violations. They might also be banned from “future non-emergency care.”

No minimum number of violations is given, nor is it explained who determines when thoughtcrime has been committed.

Failure to use preferred pronouns could constitute “harassment,” disputing the existence of systemic racism could be deemed “racist,” and favoring equal access to care over equity could be labeled “discriminatory,” according to Do No Harm.

That medical care would be provided on a racial basis is a legitimate concern:

Do No Harm noted that one of MGB’s founding members and Harvard Med’s training hospital, Brigham and Women’s, launched a pilot last year that explicitly granted “preferential care based on race” to redress past wrongs, even while acknowledging it might be illegal.

It won’t be illegal for long if Democrats have their way.

Antiwhite racism appears to be rampant at MGB, as noted at Behind the Black:

MGB’s website shows it to be totally invested in the agendas of critical race theory as well as diversity, equity, and inclusion. The top of its About page includes a link to a description of its “Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion,” which describes in careful terms the quota policies the hospital now follows, designed to choose minorities in hiring rather than those with better medical qualifications.

Modern liberalism is pernicious and insane. It can only be imposed by force. The regulation of all speech everywhere is as inevitable as the confiscation of firearms if progressives are not pried away from power.

Already, getting canceled by militantly tolerant liberals for saying something that contradicts their ideology can cost you employment. Soon it may cost you your health.

On a tip from R F.

Nov 14 2022

Our Money to Be Wasted on Climate Gender Equity Fund

With the midterms behind them, Democrats can get back to wasting money we don’t have by the most insolently foolish means possible. This is not parody but an actual headline:

Biden Launches ‘Climate Gender Equity Fund’ to Advance ‘Women-Led Climate Solutions’

This latest excursion into politically correct profligacy was announced at the religious pilgrimage of climate cult clowns convening in Egypt.

Daily Wire reports:

[T]he “Climate Gender Equity Fund,” … will “leverage private sector contributions to help provide women climate leaders with technical skills, networks, and capital to develop and scale climate solutions,” according to a statement from the White House. The program was seeded by $3 million from USAID and $3 million from Amazon.

Fascism involves both Big Government and Big Business. So does moonbattery:

“As an important step in solving climate change, we must address the gender inequalities that persist in climate finance, and ensure female entrepreneurs have an equal seat at the table and access to the funding, networks, and technical support they need to scale climate solutions,” Amazon Worldwide Sustainability Vice President Kara Hurst said in a statement.

“An equal seat” means going to the front of the line for climate cash at the expense of those without the good fortune to be marginalized.

Amazon will commit an additional $50 million toward climate technology companies led by women.

Biden’s Supreme Court pick cannot define the word “woman.” Amazon probably can’t either.

Women and men who may find it lucrative to identify as women aren’t the only passengers aboard the global warming gravy train:

The White House also launched the “Indigenous Peoples Finance Access Facility,” a $2 million program that will enable “continued climate stewardship by Indigenous peoples and local communities improving their access to climate finance.”

Maybe we will pay indigenous peoples to perform human sacrifices to appease the weather gods, as their ancestors did on a genocidal scale before Europeans put a stop to it.

Among other programs, the administration will also devote $150 million toward the President’s Emergency Plan for Adaptation and Resilience in Africa and launch a new initiative to promote wind and solar development in Egypt.

This must be what liberals mean by “climate reparations.” According to their dogma, the climate is bad and all bad things are caused by white people. Therefore, we owe the corrupt rulers of African regimes huge sums of money.

In addition to having to pay for this lunacy through taxation and inflation, American citizens get the usual stick in the eye:

The commander-in-chief similarly announced efforts to limit methane emissions from natural gas production among American energy companies…

Turn by turn, the garrote tightens around the neck of the energy industry. The objective is to price us out of keeping our houses warm, because if the weather gods didn’t want us to be cold, they would make it be summer all year round.

The COP27 production is sponsored by the United Nations, which is funded largely by US taxpayers. We are supposed to believe that Earth “is literally on fire” according to Secretary-General António Guterres, yet he warms it further with his overheated rhetoric:

“Greenhouse gas emissions keep growing. Global temperatures keep rising. And our planet is fast approaching tipping points that will make climate chaos irreversible. We are on a highway to climate hell with our foot still on the accelerator.”

Too bad these “tipping points” never arrive. Once we get one behind us, it will be too late to appease the weather gods, so we will have to admit that we cannot control the climate. Then we can go back to adapting to the ever-changing climate as necessary, as we always have. Leftists won’t have it as a pretext to waste our money and control us.

Feb 28 2022

Feds to Close Down Energy-Generating Dams

The silver lining to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is that at least we have learned from it not to hamper our own ability to produce energy, lest we become reliant on countries that will use it as leverage against us. Germany just closed half its nuclear plants, making itself more dependent than ever on Putin. Who would follow that example now?

Under Biden, the USA is who. Slow Joe’s puppeteers are not just strangling the oil and gas industry. They are not only suffocating nuclear energy, which produces none of the carbon emissions leftists hold to be harmful. They are even going after clean, renewable hydroelectric.

Via AP:

Federal regulators on Friday issued a draft environmental impact statement saying there were significant benefits to a plan to demolish four massive dams on Northern California’s Klamath River to save imperiled migratory salmon, setting the stage for the largest dam demolition project in U.S. history.

Our rulers can’t expect much gratitude from fish, but Putin is sure to send a nice thank you note. Already, Russian oil sales to the USA have nearly tripled under Biden.

A final environmental impact statement would allow the extensive preparations necessary for the nearly $500 million demolition and habitat restoration plan to begin in earnest.

That’s how much it costs Big Government to wreck an energy source. Imagine the cost if it were to do something constructive.

The environmentalist jihad won’t stop on the Klamath River:

The project on California’s second-largest river would be at the vanguard of a push to demolish dams in the U.S. as the structures age and become less economically viable and as concerns grow about their environmental impact, particularly on fish.

Delta smelt have representatives in Washington looking after their best interests, unlike regular Americans who want affordable electricity.

Despite the campaign to suppress more effective means of keeping the lights on, Americans are still encouraged by their rulers to generate what meager energy they can from notoriously inefficient and unreliable wind and solar, since these industries afford such large scale opportunities for Democrats to launder taxpayer money before turning it over to their campaign donors.

On a tip from Dragon’s Lair.

Feb 10 2022

Putting the Moon in Moonbattery

Tomorrow is the 1-year anniversary of the Declaration of the Rights of the Moon. Begin preparations for your celebration by studying the document carefully. Highlights:

We the people of Earth –

Conscious that wealthy nations and corporations are developing technologies that may make it possible to return to, live on, mine and otherwise alter the Moon …

Declare that –

The Moon possesses fundamental rights, which arise from its existence in the universe, including:

(a) the right to exist, persist and continue its vital cycles unaltered, unharmed and unpolluted by human beings;

(b) the right to maintain ecological integrity;

(c) the right to be defined as a self-sustaining, intelligent, cohesive, intact lunar ecosystem, beyond current human comprehension;

An intelligent ecosystem. On the moon. No one can say moonbats have no imagination.

(d) the right to independently maintain its own life-sustaining relationship with the Earth’s environments and living creatures; and

(e) the right to remain a forever peaceful celestial entity, unmarred by human conflict or warfare.

In a world run by moonbats, even a lifeless piece of rock floating around in orbit has human rights. Yet they intend to deny you the fundamental rights of freedom of expression and self-defense as codified in the First and Second Amendments.

On a tip from Phil.


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