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Search: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Mar 25 2021

Pat Condell: A Crisis of Free Speech

The good news is that Pat Condell is back. The bad news is that leftists are using the bogus concept of “hate speech” to destroy the fundamental right of free speech:

He’s right; “common purpose” is worth looking up. Wikipedia defines it as a “legal doctrine that imputes criminal liability to the participants in a criminal enterprise for all that results from that enterprise.” As they consolidate their power, progressives will use this concept of guilt by association to populate prison camps.

The Capitol Riot provided indications of how broadly guilt by association can be applied. Prominent Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez accused Senators Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley of inciting a riot because like the rioters, they had qualms about the 2020 election. Mark Ibrahim was fired from the Drug Enforcement Agency because he attended the same Trump rally as the rioters, despite not having set foot on the Capitol steps.

Applying common purpose to the coming hate speech laws might entail arresting everyone who works for a publication if any of them say something leftists find hateful. The publication’s subscribers may also face prosecution. No extreme of tyranny is improbable if progressives don’t start encountering resistance.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Mar 10 2021

Record Number of Kids in Cages at the Border

At least with Biden’s handlers in control, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez won’t have to theatrically burst into tears over “kids in cages” at the border. Oh wait — from liberal New York Magazine:

The U.S. Border Patrol is currently holding a record number of unaccompanied migrant children in its facilities, raising concerns about the government’s ability to handle the surge on the southern border.

Turns out inviting the entire Third World to come on in and climb aboard the welfare gravy train results in more kids in cages, not fewer. The people running the government must be too smart and highly educated to have anticipated this.

As of Monday, more than 3,200 children were being housed in Customs and Border Protection facilities, with nearly 1,400 of them reportedly being held beyond the legal three-day limit, according to government documents reviewed by CBS News. These facilities aren’t intended for long-term stays and are meant for adults. The documents also report that close to 170 of these unaccompanied children are younger than 13 years of age.

To treat the limb they severed, Biden’s handlers are applying a Band-Aid left over from the previous administration:

The Biden administration recently reopened a migrant facility intended for minors in Carrizo Springs, Texas. The facility was previously built in 2019 by the Trump administration tenure and can house up to 700 persons.

Maybe AOC will burst into tears again after all:

The lunatic fringe that has been pulling the Democrat Party ever further into crazy land would prefer if invaders of all ages were never taken into custody at all. But considering the large and growing numbers involved, there are limits to how quickly illegal aliens can be seeded throughout the country along with the COVID-19 that some of them carry.

On a tip from Bluto.

Mar 07 2021

AOC Calls Republicans Weird for Being Obsessed With Gender Identity

By now we are used to Democrats projecting their own characteristics onto their opponents, but this breaks new ground in terms of absurdity. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a prominent representative of the party that is aggressively imposing the transsexual agenda, screeches that Republicans who resist their grotesque social engineering are “weird”:

“Trans kids are awesome, incredible, beautiful, and wonderful. Bigotry is not. Republicans need to stop obsessing over other people’s gender identity bc frankly it’s very weird and they’re doing a lot of harm to children who are just trying to be themselves.”

It is progressives who created and obsessively promote the depraved concept of transsexual children.

These children are not trying to be themselves. In response to pressures created by liberals — often including their parents — they are trying to become something other than themselves on behalf of a sick political agenda.

AOC’s ejaculation was in defense of the Equality Act, which uses the force of the federal government to impose males on female sports teams and private facilities. That is weirdness taken to the last extreme and then rammed down our throats at gunpoint.

This is weird.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Mar 05 2021

San Francisco Reporter Mugged by Reality

If it is true that a conservative is a liberal who has been mugged by reality, there could now be a conservative among the San Francisco media.


A KPIX 5 reporter investigating a series of auto break-ins around Twin Peaks in San Francisco was robbed of his camera at gunpoint Wednesday. …

Don Ford … was preparing to interview nearby homeowners when a white luxury sedan with four men inside pulled up.

Luxury sedan? That couldn’t be right. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tells us that the crime wave of the past year is only a matter of impoverished oppressed people stealing bread so that they don’t starve.

“The car came up here while we were about to do an interview, three guys jumped out,” said Ford. “One had a gun and put in my face and said, ‘We’re taking the camera.’”

No degree of lawlessness surprises the residents of cities controlled by leftists:

“I was worried that this is what’s gonna happen, because as thieves get more and more brazen, they do more and more brazenly things. I’m not making that up. We just had that experience today,” a neighbor who asked not to be identified told KPIX 5.

Any large city is likely to see more crime in the wake of the Black Lives Matter–driven campaign to marginalize police. San Francisco has the added disadvantage of being located in California, whose rulers are so pro-criminal that they have decriminalized shoplifting. At the local level, the district attorney is Chesa Boudin, offspring of Weather Underground cop-killing terrorists Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert. He was raised by Obama mentors Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn while his parents festered in prison. The platform that got him elected could be summarized as “F*** the police!

On a tip from Don M.

Feb 28 2021

AOC’s Craziest Excretions

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the Future of the Democrat Party, has projectile-vomited massive quantities of moonbattery over the past 2 years. Mr Reagan attempts to narrow it all down to the 10 craziest things she has said and fails. But he did manage to narrow it down to 20:

20. Cauliflower is racist.

19. Democrats should take back all three chambers of government.

18. Unemployment was low under Trump because everyone had two jobs.

17. There is crime in Democrat-run cities that have collapsed into lawlessness because people are stealing bread.

16. Southern states need to be liberated from “economic, social, and racial oppression.”

15. It is not okay to have children.

14. The world is going to end in 12 years.

13. Leftists need to occupy everything — every airport, every border, every ICE office, everything.

12. Being factually correct is not important if you are morally right.

11. While getting owned by Thomas Homan, former acting director of ICE, she had nothing coherent to say.

10. White people cause catastrophic climate change.

9. The USA is literally running concentration camps on the southern border.

8. AOC getting elected to Congress was an accomplishment comparable to the moon landing.

7. Before taking office, she threatened Donald Trump Jr with a subpoena for trolling her.

6. She tried to talk like a black at a NAN event.

5. “I’m the boss.”

4. “We’re gonna flip this seat red.”

3. She displayed absolute ignorance regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

2. She expressed wonder and terror upon discovering a garbage disposal and could not figure out what it might be used for.

1. She accused Ted Cruz of trying to have her murdered.

For context and to see for yourself that it really is possible for a single person to spew this much stupidity over a span of just a couple of years, watch the video:

A country that consents to be ruled by deranged and malevolent idiots has no future.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Feb 16 2021

Dem Rep Sara Jacobs Calls for Truth Commission

Rep Sara Jacobs (D-CA) confirms several things we knew, including: (1) Democrats see George Orwell’s 1984 not as a warning, but as an instruction manual; and (2) the dystopian horror that has been made of South Africa serves them as a role model.

Via Summit News:

“You know, a truth commission, a lot of people will think of South Africa. We’ve used them in countries around the world,” Jacobs stated while touting the deranged idea.

Hard left Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has also demanded a South Africa–style “truth and reconciliation” commission.

Jacobs’ call for a truth commission follows a recent call in the New York Times for Joe Biden to appoint a “reality czar” to debunk “disinformation,” a notion that many pointed out conjures up the Ministry of Truth from Orwell’s 1984.

See here for more on the NY Times vision for imposing the Ministry of Truth.

Bringing Minitru to life is necessary because, as their transsexual and green energy agendas make particularly obvious, liberals are at war with reality.

Jacobs also confirms that the impeachment spectacle was “just the start” of holding Donald Trump and anyone likely to have voted for him accountable for the scandalous lack of security at the Capitol on January 6 and the farcical “insurrection” that resulted. Democrats won’t stop milking this until they are laughed off the public stage.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Feb 09 2021

Coming Soon: Climate Lockdowns

One thing Big Government has learned from the coronavirus crisis is that we will tolerate far more repression than might have been expected. Even after the economic devastation wreaked with largely counterproductive lockdowns in states they controlled, Democrats were able to seize power nationally. They will use this power to apply their lessons.

Another lesson is that if COVID-19 was good for Democrats, an even bigger crisis will be better still. How about a crisis that threatens all life on earth according to liberal rhetoric?

That’s why Stephen L. Miller expects climate lockdowns:

Mariana Mazzucato, an author and a professor in innovative economics at the University of London, raised the prospect of climate lockdowns in MarketWatch last September:

‘Under a “climate lockdown”, governments would limit private-vehicle use, ban consumption of red meat, and impose extreme energy-saving measures, while fossil-fuel companies would have to stop drilling. To avoid such a scenario, we must overhaul our economic structures and do capitalism differently.’

The idea of ‘doing capitalism differently’ is the driving rhetorical motivation behind the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset (another term for the implementation of global Marxism).

Climate Czar John Kerry is a proponent of imposing the Great Reset fast and hard.

Karl Lauterbach, an MP for the German Social Democratic party wrote in Die Welt last December that ‘we need measures to deal with climate change that are similar to the restrictions on personal freedom [imposed] to combat the pandemic.’ How long before this theory makes its way into news outlets and politicians’ speeches here?

The suppression of economic activity in the name of the ChiCom virus caused a drop in supposedly harmful CO2 emissions. The globalist liberal ruling class has seized on this as evidence that economic suppression is good. Barks the World Economic Forum, “Emissions fell during lockdown. Let’s keep it that way.”

If we can all just stay home for two weeks (which would inevitably become four weeks), it’s worth it to save the planet. Anyone who questions such proposals will be labeled a science denier and accused of wanting to kill their fellow neighbors (you know, like what you hear if you don’t wear a mask for a casual walk around the block).

Temporary measures to address the imaginary crisis will become the new normal. Important people like John Kerry need to fly across the world on private jets to collect rewards, but why should we little people be allowed to fly at all when it might offend the climate?

Big Government could impose climate lockdowns…

…by declaring that climate change is an immediate public health and national security crisis, and using the same authority granted to them by public health departments to implement them under the same guidelines they did for COVID-19.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has called for Biden to declare a “climate emergency.” Prominent Democrats Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have introduced a bill that would force him to do so.

The amount of tyranny we will tolerate is the amount that will be inflicted by Democrats, no less.

Hat tip: PJ Media.

Feb 05 2021

Rep Dean Phillips Exploits Capitol Riot

Not to be outdone by the extravagant theatrics of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (who in reality was not even in the Capitol building), aspiring drama queen Dean Phillips (D-MN) has milked the Capitol Riot for every drop of pathos and political advantage.

As per the official Democrat narrative, he pretends that the mob was racially motivated and ignores that it was hostile to Republicans like Mike Pence and Mitch McConnell. His voice wobbles with a repulsively sheeplike bleat as he begs us to forgive him for his “white privilege.”

To be ruled by people of this caliber is the ultimate insult:

Phillips represents the suburbs west of Minneapolis, a city that has sustained massive and still largely unrepaired damage from repeated Black Lives Matter rioting, during which a police station was actually set ablaze. Whereas he implies that all Republicans and all white people share blame for the Capitol Riot, he refuses to hold left-wing rioters accountable for the havoc they wreak:

A Minnesota congressman asserted that Black Lives Matter and other leftist groups are not responsible for violence and rioting that plagued U.S. cities for months.

That congressman was Phillips.

On a tip from Henry.

Jan 18 2021

Get Ready for Deradicalization

The Capitol Riot provided Democrats with an opportunity to marginalize their opposition as maniacs in need of deradicalization. This is rich coming from the liberal establishment’s USA Today:

De-radicalization is the process of giving up your belief in an extreme idea. It’s also accepting pluralism – allowing for a reality in which we can all hold different beliefs and recognizing that we shouldn’t impose our beliefs on others. Extreme ideologies usually maintain that other versions of reality aren’t acceptable.

If only the mainstream media would accept pluralism, people might trust it again, and not be driven off into the fever swamps looking for an alternative to homogenous left-liberal spin.

Speaking of imposing beliefs on others, the Future of the Democratic Party wants the federal government involved in deradicalization — i.e., in controlling your opinions. From the New York Post:

The federal government needs to fund the de-programming of white supremacists and conspiracy theorists, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said Friday night.

You don’t have to be slow to kneel to Black Lives Matter to qualify as a “white supremacist.” This label is now applied to anyone liberals don’t like. The maniacs of the Capitol Riot were white supremacists, not because they were in any way motivated by race, but because Democrats don’t like them. Even Ben Shapiro, an orthodox Jew who vigorously denounces racism at every opportunity and who is the #1 enemy of the Alt Right, has been characterized as a white supremacist.

As for “conspiracy theorists,” these can range from people who believe that Trump won in a landslide to those who would just like to see some of the sloppiness cleaned up so that the voting system will be less prone to fraud going forward.

Ocasio-Cortez said the House subcommittee on civil rights she serves on has held hearings over the prior two years on white supremacy and said there are programs to “de-radicalize” brain-washed adherents.

To get an idea of what “civil rights” will mean under single party Democrat rule, consider that rabidly anti-Caucasian racist Kristen Clarke is Biden’s choice to run the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department.

“There are people who are radicalized right now. It’s going to take a very long time to de-radicalize these people and a lot of effort,” [AOC] said.

AOC, a Democratic Socialist who was put in office by the Justice Democrats, is among the most radical members of Congress. Letting radicals determine who gets deradicalized is the equivalent of putting the lunatics in charge of who gets lobotomized at the mental asylum.

On a tip from Bill V.

Jan 14 2021

AOC: Let’s Exploit Riot to Exert Control Over Media

It isn’t only Silicon Valley technoweenies who see the January 6 insurrection as an opportunity to crack down on free speech. During a Tuesday night livestream on Instagram, Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was asked if the Democrat-controlled Congress is considering “truth and reconciliation or media literacy initiatives” in the wake of the riot.

This recalls the Truth and Reconciliation Commission featured in South Africa as leftists transitioned it from a First-World to a Third-World country. “Literacy” is liberalese for political indoctrination.

AOC’s response will alarm advocates of free speech:

“I can say, there is absolutely a commission being discussed but it seems to be more investigatory, in style rather than truth and reconciliation, so I think that’s an interesting concept for us to explore, and I do think that several members of Congress, in some of my discussions, have brought up media literacy because that is a part of what happened here and we’re going to have to figure out how we rein in our media environment so that you can’t just spew disinformation and misinformation.”

As we have been reminded repeatedly over the past year, the overwhelming majority of the media is effectively a propaganda service for the Democrat Party. But information and opinion that conflict with the party line is still disseminated by Fox News, the New York Post, and a few other outlets. Democrats want these outlets controlled, so that every public source of information will speak with a single voice.

On a tip from Henry.

Dec 08 2020

AOC’s First Constructive Accomplishment

Since the successful Justice Democrats casting call that made her a Congresswoman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has not done much besides spew alarming Marxist rhetoric and drive jobs out of New York. But at last she has been honored for a constructive accomplishment:

Goya Foods CEO Bob Unanue has revealed that democratic socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (D-N.Y.) call for Democrats to boycott his company’s products over his praise of President Donald Trump actually led to skyrocketing sales so monumental that he named the congresswoman “employee of the month.”

Nice work, AOC. You have done for Goya Foods what Barack Obama did for gun sales.

No one is allowed to say anything nice about Donald Trump. Those who do will be punished by totalitarian bullies like AOC. If only their punishments always blew up in their faces so spectacularly.

Unanue announced AOC’s Employee of the Month Award on the Michael Berry show, as reported at the Daily Wire:

“You know, communism works until you run out of other people’s money to spend. We’re not going to be able to do that. It’s interesting that AOC was one of the first people to step in line to boycott Goya; go against her own people, as supposedly a Puerto Rican woman, to go against people of her own Latin culture. She’s naïve. To some extent I can understand AOC; she’s young; she’s naïve; she doesn’t get it. But you’ve got someone like (Bernie) Sanders, who’s older than us, older than me, and he still doesn’t get it.”

Sanders gets it, all right. The lifelong socialist owns three houses and gets to call the tune Joe Biden plans to tax us to. Marxism has been very very good to Bernie Sanders.

Unanue continues:

“We still have to chat with AOC; I love her. She was actually our Employee of the Month; I don’t know if you know about this, but when she boycotted us, our sales actually increased 1,000%. So we gave her an honorary — we never were able to hand it to her but she got Employee of the Month for bringing attention to GOYA and our adobo. Actually our sales of adobo did very well after she said ‘Make your own Adobo.’”

Unanue is not overtly partisan. He worked with Obama as well as Trump, but didn’t face any boycotts from Republicans. The Party of Tolerance is the one you get punished for crossing.

“Look at that sound,” squeaks AOC.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Nov 24 2020

The Green New Deal Song

There is at least one difference between the Green New Deal and the lunatic social engineering schemes the Khmer Rouge used to depopulate Cambodia. Pol Pot never thought to set his policies to music. Clap along with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as moonbats sing the Green New Deal Song:

The purpose of the event was to remind Joe Biden that radicals like AOC expect to call the shots within the Democratic Party. They have run roughshod over Nancy Pelosi. Steamrolling befuddled Biden should be child’s play — perfectly suited to their childlike mentality.

Just because these people are absurd doesn’t mean they can’t destroy the country.

On a tip from Dragon’s Lair. Hat tip: Not the Bee.

Nov 13 2020

AOC: The Face of Cold Hate

Representing a sensible state, Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) has refused to get on board with the plan to destroy our system of government for the sake of creating single-party rule the moment Democrats have control of both the White House and the Senate. He won’t go for abolishing the filibuster, much less for turning the Supreme Court into a junta by packing it with leftists. He has also denounced socialized medicine and the insane “defund the police” policy embraced by the Democrats’ nihilist base.

From the Washington Examiner:

“Defund, my butt!” he said in response to the idea of stripping funding of police departments. He also criticized efforts to provide “Medicare for all”…

“Hell, we’re not able to take care of the Medicare for some that have earned it. I said, Christ, you want Medicare for all, you’d better take care of the some you already owe it to,” he said.

As for the welfare state,

“People just have the perception Democrats just want to give away everything. I don’t. I wasn’t raised that way. I’ll help you if you’re down and out. If you can’t take care of yourself, I’ll make sure we take care of you, but by golly, if you can contribute, get off your ass and start working.”

This has not endeared him to other Democrats:

Pure hate is scary on the face of someone as powerful as the Future of the Democratic Party. Imagine what AOC will do with her hatred if she becomes even more powerful.

The Independent reports, via Yahoo:

AOC concisely summed up her displeasure … by posting a single photo of her staring deadpan at the back of Sen Manchin’s head during a State of the Union address in 2019.

It only took clapping at something Trump said to earn that look. The look on her face now would probably ignite kindling.

Her vicious intolerance of dissent is shared by many a moonbat on Twitter.

The progressive Democratic congresswoman received over 200,000 likes on the platform in just an hour following its publication on Thursday evening.

Switch parties, Joe Manchin. And sleep with one eye open.

On tips from Varla and Adam.

Nov 11 2020

Already Dems Turn on Each Other

Without their hatred of Donald Trump to unite them, Democrats will inevitably fall at each other’s throats like a gang of thieves fighting over loot. Already a schism has opened between relative moderates and the spittle-spewing Marxist maniacs comprising the Squad, who unsurprisingly play the race card as they jockey for power.

Screams Rep Rashida Tlaib (D-MI):

“Me not being able to speak on behalf of many of my neighbors right now, many of which are Black neighbors, means me being silenced. I can’t be silent.”

You would have to be deaf to imagine Rashida Tlaib silent. However, if everyone doesn’t shut their mouths and bob their heads in compliance while she endlessly shrieks, Tlaib regards it as being silenced.

The more moderate Democrats honk about unity and healing under their dominance. But Squad members don’t feel close enough to victory to have any use for unity.

“We are not interested in unity that asks people to sacrifice their freedom and their rights any longer,” said Tlaib… “And if we truly want to unify our country, we have to really respect every single voice. We say that so willingly when we talk about Trump supporters, but we don’t say that willingly for my Black and brown neighbors and from LGBTQ neighbors or marginalized people.”

So much for trying to convince white suburbanites that they don’t want to start a race war.

Tlaib and other progressive leaders are making it clear there will be no honeymoon for Joe Biden.

Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer get pulled out on limbs by these rabid Harpies. What are the odds befuddled Biden can get them in line?

Squad leader Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez plays the race card too:

“It’s not just like some moral question about how you confront racism in elections, but it is now an existential crisis for the Democratic Party,” Ocasio-Cortez said. The problem, she said, is Democrats don’t want to talk about race. “Anti-racism plays zero percent of a role in Democratic electoral strategy — zero, explicitly, implicitly,” she continued.

“Antiracism” in this context means codifying the race hate toward Caucasians that is a prime motivator for the radical base personified by AOC and Tlaib.

As for outdated notions like bipartisanship and civility,

“We’re always messaging around bipartisanship and how much we love working with Republicans all the time in a lot of these sensitive areas,” [AOC squeaked contemptuously]. “We need to have an unapologetic agenda, have an actual alternative and countermessaging that is distinct from the Republican Party instead of trying to play to notions of civility. … I just really hope that it gets through to a lot of people that this idea that we can win over white voters on a civility argument is like not a reliable strategy.”

Civility is not a serious option for the party that obsequiously embraced Black Lives Matter race rioters.

So long as the Senate holds, it can stall the Dems’ demented agenda for 2 years. Then their inability to keep the radicals who represent their base from projectile-vomiting pea soup at normal people like Linda Blair in The Exorcist will cost them the House. By then Biden will be in a dementia care facility and Harris will be in helplessly over her head.

Hat tip: Liberty Daily.


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