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Search: cultural Marxism

Nov 11 2022

No Whites Need Apply

The MSM looks hard for evidence of the systemic racism that is a bedrock of its ideology, but cannot find any, so it is forced to superimpose racism on incidents that have nothing to do with it (e.g., George Floyd’s demise). This is because liberal journalists are looking in the wrong places. Resume Builder offers them a clue with a study on the difficulty of finding a job if you are a Caucasian in a society dominated by leftists. One thousand hiring managers were surveyed across the country. The findings:

• 52% believe their company practices “reverse discrimination” in hiring

• 1 in 6 have been asked to deprioritize hiring white men

• 48% have been asked to prioritize diversity over qualifications

• 53% believe their job will be in danger if they don’t hire enough diverse employees

• 70% believe their company has DEI initiatives for appearances’ sake

White women get hit nearly as hard as white men:

Sixteen percent of hiring managers surveyed say they have been told to deprioritize white men when evaluating candidates, and 14% have been told to deprioritize hiring white women. This is a consistent finding with past reports of “reverse discrimination”.

So-called “reverse discrimination” is the only kind of discrimination you will find in the USA in the 21st century.

Note that these numbers represent only what the respondents would admit to. Human resources departments are notoriously left-wing. The actual numbers are likely much higher.

Instead of acknowledging that all systemic racism is against whites (with spillover onto Asians for “acting white” by working hard and being successful), the MSM gaslights that no such racism exists and also that you are a racist for drawing attention to it. On behalf of the liberal establishment, propagandist Leonard Pitts Jr denounces an ad for having the courage to stand up for an identity group that really is discriminated against. I believe he means this one:

Intones Pitts:

Yes, the spot is obviously a direct descendant of the notoriously racist Willie Horton ad of 1988. But our attention today is on how it tries to neutralize the language of liberal protest by co-opting it, i.e., re-framing “racism” as something suffered by white folks. It’s a rhetorical trick the white right has used for years. Which is not to say it has lost its power to infuriate. This narrative that racism is a “both sides” phenomenon may be comfort food for them, but it is a libel upon my ancestors.

Pitts is of politically preferred racial heritage. Therefore, it would be racist to point out that his viewpoint is racist.

Cynical whites will continue to utilize Cultural Marxism to achieve power. Weak whites will internalize self-hatred as instructed. Others will push back.

On tips from R F and Feet2Fire.

Oct 31 2022

Virginia Military Institute Succumbs to Moonbattery

Outside the Virginia Military Institute in Lexington stands a statue called Virginia Mourning Her Dead. It honors 10 cadets from the school killed in the Battle of New Market in 1864. Virginia should spare a few tears for the school itself. VMI alumni include the great George Patton. But as moonbattery continues to corrode and subvert both education and the military, the school has succumbed:

“How have you benefited from adherence to your gender role?” a VMI diversity training presentation asks. The resources for it included journal articles like, “How Military Service Members Reinforce Hegemonic Masculinity.” There’s not meant to be any room for “hegemonic masculinity” at an institution whose students experience spartan living and the warrior tradition.

Imagine George Patton’s response to effete moonbats denouncing masculinity in the military. But Patton and his kind have been replaced. They fought so that a generation of liberal weenies might flourish in secure softness.

Cultural Marxism is a weapon designed by leftists to divide and conquer America by turning people against its core population. At VMI, this is packaged as diversity/equity/inclusion (DEI).

To see what DEI means, just go to VMI’s DEI resources list assembled by Lt. Col. Ticen and Maj. Carroll that includes Ta-Nehisi Coates’ “Between the World and Me” which states that the 9/11 firefighters and police officers “were not human to me” and Ibram X Kendi’s “How To Be an Antiracist” which contends that, “The most threatening racist movement is not the alt right’s unlikely drive for a white ethnostate but the regular American’s drive for a race-neutral one.” …

The resources also include not only the 1619 Project, which claims that America was built on racism, but also “The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution” and Howard Zinn.

The idea is to turn the officer corps into a liberal arts faculty lounge. Small wonder that VMI enrollment has fallen by 25%.

In related news:

For the first time the Heritage Foundation’s index of American military strength has ranked us as ‘weak’. The index warns that the Army “remains ‘weak’ in capacity with only 62 percent of the force it should have”. …

As Heritage and the Wall Street Journal note, “From 2005 to 2020, the U.S. fleet grew to 296 warships from 291, while China’s navy grew to 360 from 216.” The Navy however is focused on inclusion and diversity. The situation at the Air Force is much worse with the Heritage report warning that “the munitions stockpile” would probably “not support a peer-level fight that lasted more than a few weeks”. But the Air Force is also focused on diversity and inclusion.

The Navy is rated as very weak in capacity and weak in readiness. The Air Force ranks as very weak due to “problems with pilot production and retention, an extraordinarily small amount of time in the cockpit for pilots, and a fleet of aircraft that continues to age”. The Heritage index warns that “there is little doubt that it would struggle in war with a peer competitor”. …

It’s no coincidence that the ‘wokest’ service branches also show up as the weakest. …

We’re not ready for a serious fight and if history is anything to go by, that is exactly when we are likely to find ourselves in a war.

Virginia should weep for America’s future.

On tips from Franco and Dragon’s Lair.

Oct 18 2022

Pentagon Presents 9/11 First Responders as Menaces

The Pentagon exists to fight the enemies of the American government. Under Democrat rule, that means the core American population. That’s why the overtly hostile Lloyd Austin and Mark Milley have been put in charge. It is why Kelisa Wing is employed by the Department of Defense to indoctrinate the children of servicemembers.

Since we are the bad guys, the terrorists of September 11 must have been the good guys. So we read this:

A self-described “woke” Pentagon equity chief, who is currently under probe over anti-White tweets uncovered by Fox News Digital, recommended a “social justice” book for classrooms which called 9/11 first responders “menaces.”

Kelisa Wing is a diversity, equity and inclusion chief at the Pentagon’s education wing – the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA). She is involved in curriculum at DoDEA, which services over 60,000 military-connected children at 160 schools around the globe, according to a press release announcing her position in December 2021.

Soon military brats really will be brats — because they will grow up indoctrinated by kooks like Wing to think themselves entitled and superior either for not being white, or for hating themselves for being white. Public schools aren’t much different.

Fox News Digital found that on two occasions DoDEA’s diversity, equity and inclusion chief promoted the anti-police book “Between the World and Me” by Ta-Nehisi Coates while representing herself as an employee of the Pentagon’s education wing.

Ta-Nehisi Coates barked after 9/11 that the first responders who rushed into the falling towers “were not human to me” and “were menaces” that might “shatter my body.” Coates is revered as an enlightened intellectual among ruling class chin-pullers.

The World Trade Center was not the only site of carnage on 9/11; 125 people died in the Pentagon, along with 59 people aboard the flight Muslim terrorists crashed into it. There as in New York, the heroism of first responders saved lives.

Wing has also advocated defunding and disbanding the police. What do you need local police for, once you have woke-ified the military?

Wing projectile vomits contempt at Caucasians, sneeringly referring to white women as “Karens” and expressing amazement that they have “the CAUdacity to say that black people can be racist.” Self-awareness is not this professional racist’s forte.

She has said that she wants to “completely tear down” the American system. That makes her a perfect fit for her job, described here by Director of the DoDEA Thomas Brady:

“This new position will take a holistic approach to identifying and improving how we integrate the practice of diversity, equity and inclusion in every aspect of DoDEA, from curriculum and assessment to hiring and professional development.”

Cultural Marxism (aka diversity, equity, and inclusion) is not a tool for building. It is a wrecking ball fit only to destroy.

On tips from Varla and Wiggins.

Oct 05 2022

How to Reverse Failure of Environmental Movement

The purpose of the environmental movement is not to preserve the environment, or it would not promote the use of electric cars, which are environmentally devastating. It would not cripple the energy industry through the leftist tool Biden (see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, etc.), knowing that destroying the US economy will reduce it to a Third World country of the sort that cannot afford the luxury of environmental protection. The actual point is to advance modern leftism. This ideology is built upon a core of cultural Marxism. Yet many environmentalists continue to belong to the hated white race.

Wails Britain’s The Guardian:

The environment sector has failed to act on its ambitions to become more inclusive, suggests new research that finds just one in 20 organisations are enacting plans to increase ethnic diversity.

According to a sector-wide survey, out of 44 environment charities, 84% had considered or were taking action over a lack of inclusion, but only 4% said they had a consistently implemented action plan. …

[W]hile 86% of leaders agreed it should be a top priority for the sector, only 22% felt it actually was. …

[I]n 2021, just 4.8% of environment professionals had an ethnic minority heritage, compared with 12.6% of the workforce overall, according to official figures. Only farming had lower ethnic minority representation.

Only countries populated by whites or Asians are economically successful enough to indulge in environmentalism rather than focus on staving off starvation. Asians don’t seem that interested, and whites are politically unclean.

The current solution to this conundrum is to displace the population of white countries. But as the USA and UK come to resemble Venezuela and Jamaica, they will develop more pressing problems than the imaginary climate crisis.

The LGBT example suggests a more sensible solution. If men can identify as women and vice versa, why can’t the moonbats of the environmental movement identify as members of preferred races? The strategy works for Rachel Dolezal, who has launched a new career as a transracial lingerie model.

Some in the LGBT community identify as nonbinary, meaning that they are neither one sex nor the other. Likewise, environmentalists could identify as nonracial. That way, they could leap ahead to the day when miscegenation blends all races into one. As the ideological homogeneity of college faculties and newsrooms attests, only when we are all the same can we achieve true diversity.

On tips from Steve T and Wiggins.

Sep 23 2022

Alarming Indoctrination in US Air Force

No worries about Biden stumbling into a nuclear war with China or Russia. Our Air Force can easily handle both of them, thanks to its strategic emphasis on trans-inclusive language:

A diversity and inclusion training by the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado instructs cadets to use words that “include all genders” and to refrain from saying things like “mom” and “dad.”

A slide presentation is entitled, “Diversity & Inclusion: What It Is, Why We Care, & What We Can Do.”

“Some families are headed by single parents, grandparents, foster parents, two moms, two dads, etc.: consider ‘parent or caregiver’ instead of ‘mom and dad,'” the presentation states. “Use words that include all genders: ‘Folks’ or ‘Y’all’ instead of ‘guys’; ‘partner’ vs. ‘boyfriend or girlfriend.’”

Meanwhile, our adversaries are still bogged down in outdated constructs like the conventional nuclear family.

Not everyone grasps the strategic importance of the Pentagon’s approach:

Rep. Mike Waltz, R-Fla., a Green Beret and Afghan War veteran… pointed out during an interview with Fox News Digital that “it’s been a tradition in the military to get letters from mom and dad or your boyfriend and girlfriend for as long as there’s been a military.”

“Now we’re instructing every cadet entering the Air Force to not say ‘mom’ and ‘dad,’ to not say ‘boyfriend’ or ‘girlfriend,’ and this kind of drive towards gender neutrality,” he said. “I think the Air Force should be worried about the macro aggressions against America that are happening all over the world.”

You can see why Lloyd Austin’s first priority upon becoming Secretary of Defense was to purge the armed forces of dinosaurs who think like Waltz.

The cultural Marxism goes beyond wasting time on PC silliness at the expense of constructive training.

The academy also offers a “Cadet Wing Diversity and Inclusion Program,” where graduates are given a purple rope to wear across their left shoulder “symbolizing their position as a diversity representative” so that they can “advise students on diversity,” according to a press release.

Democrats are reducing the military to cross between a religious cult and a fanatical political sect. It has been weaponized not to fight America’s enemies, but to fight on behalf of the worst enemy we have ever had, moonbattery.

Waltz, a ranking member of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Readiness, told Fox News Digital that the program’s structure is particularly concerning because it appears to create a “separate, parallel chain of command.”

“To those of us who are a little bit older, it reminds us of what the Soviets used to do or what the Chinese do today, where they literally have political commissars inserted at every level end of the chain of command, but they have a separate reporting chain to ensure that the military is abiding by their ideology and their political doctrine,” Waltz said.

Maybe we don’t have to worry about being conquered by the ChiComs. Maybe we have already been conquered by Marxists from within.

On tips from Franco and Varla.

Aug 22 2022

Vanguard Pushes Antiwhite Moonbattery

Vanguard manages over $7 trillion in client assets. It is a pillar of the establishment. These days, that means it aggressively imposes the establishment’s ideology, as during a brainwashing session in July entitled, “The Critical Lever: Engaging White Male Managers in Advancing Diversity & Inclusion.”

Diversity consultant Laura Sherbin lectured white male managers to acknowledge their racism, to accept criticism “even if it’s uncomfortable,” and to take charge in ferreting out “bias, exclusion, and microaggressions.”

Then came a Maoist-style struggle session, in which white male Vanguard managers denounced their “racial identity” and proclaimed the glory of Cultural Marxism. Bleated one manager:

“One of my most fruitful mentor-mentee relationships was with somebody who is black, transgender, born in Kentucky to Baptist minister parents. I can tell you to this day — I learned way more from them than they ever learned from me.”

In addition to Critical Race Theory, Vanguard employees are expected to embrace sexual deviancy:

One manager said that he brought his daughters to Vanguard’s pride celebration — which he called the “most amazing Vanguard event that’s been put on in a long, long time, if not ever.” As The Post Millennial revealed last month, Vanguard’s pride festivities on its main campus in Pennsylvania included a “family-friendly” drag show.

Other asset management firms like BlackRock and State Street are comparatively pushy in promoting leftist groupthink, even at the expense of profitability.

On a tip from Blackjack.

Aug 21 2022

GOP Lets U. of Tennessee Become Reeducation Camp

As reported at National Association of Scholars, the University of Tennessee is subordinating all subjects to Cultural Marxism. Every part of the school — including even the Herbert College of Agriculture and the Tickle College of Engineering — has been required to develop a Diversity Action Plan to combat what Chancellor Donde Plowman calls “systemic racism and injustice.”

Key takeaways:

• The Diversity Action Plans institute a far-reaching curriculum overhaul for every academic department.

• The plans espouse an unmistakably ideological orientation. This includes explicit endorsement of critical race theory.

• The plans make [Diversity/Equity/Inclusion] an effective litmus test for professional advancement.

The level of ideological intrusion is like something the Khmer Rouge would have imposed in Cambodia. For example, engineering students are required to submit essays denouncing their own “biases.”

What makes this especially infuriating is that Republicans are allowing this to happen:

The University of Tennessee is a public school. Last year’s budget includes $684 million in appropriations from the state government…

Plowman is an appointee of University of Tennessee president Randy Boyd. Boyd, in turn, is an appointee of the UT Board of Trustees (which also confirms chancellor appointments). And who chose them? The Board of Trustees has eleven voting members, and every single one of them is appointed by the governor of Tennessee. Ten of the commissioners also require confirmation by both houses of the state legislature.

That means they have to be confirmed by Republicans.

Republicans control almost 3/4 of the state house, and they have held at least 70 out of 99 seats since 2012. In the state Senate, they outnumber Democrats more than four to one and have for a decade.

Where Democrats control the government, they ram moonbattery down everyone’s throat. Where Republicans control the government, they stand by idly while Democrats ram moonbattery down everyone’s throat.

Democrats have succeeded in normalizing a sick ideology thanks to their approach, which is to smash you in the mouth relentlessly. The Republican approach has been to occasionally squeak objections while meekly going along.

Those who do not play to win will lose. Losing the Culture War is not an option. Leftist indoctrination must be defunded wherever possible or moonbats will cancel our future as surely as they are canceling our past.

On a tip from Gringoman.

Aug 17 2022

RAF Hold on White Male Recruits

The Royal Air Force earned the world’s admiration by holding off overwhelming Nazi airpower to win the Battle of Britain. Don’t expect similar accomplishments in the foreseeable future. Defending the British nation is no longer the priority — quite the reverse. Consequently,

The head of RAF recruitment has resigned in protest at an “effective pause” on offering jobs to white male recruits in favour of women and ethnic minorities, defence sources have claimed.

This unnamed officer is a woman herself. Like any patriot, she prefers combat readiness to Cultural Marxism.

The senior female officer apparently handed in her notice in recent days amid concerns that any such restrictions on hiring … could undermine the fighting strength of the Royal Air Force (RAF), the sources said. …

The defence sources accused Air Chief Marshal Sir Mike Wigston, the head of the RAF, of appearing willing to compromise UK security at a time of growing threats from Russia and China in pursuit of albeit important goals such as improving diversity and inclusion.

Why diversity and inclusion should be regarded as “important goals” for the military rather than a security threat given massive Islamic immigration to Britain is not explained.

Successive governments have been challenging all three armed services – the RAF, the army and the Royal Navy – for years to improve their diversity statistics in what has traditionally been a predominantly white, male profession.

Until such a time as robots do the fighting, an effective military will always consist mainly of men. As for the charge that the RAF allows in too many white people, it apparently needs to be noted that Britain is located in Europe.

Senior leaders appear to be prioritising diversity over operational needs, according to defence sources.

Looks like the USA is not the only country whose military recruitment has been crippled from within by Mark Milley and Lloyd Austin types and their moonbattery.

As British top brass focuses on wokeness…

…the military’s flying training system – a fundamental part of a functioning air force – is in crisis, as revealed by Sky News earlier this month.

The Chinese and Russians watch and plan accordingly. Joel Abbott is correct that with the current lot in charge of the RAF, Britain would have lost to the Nazis.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Jul 24 2022

Why WHO Declared Monkeypox Global Health Emergency

Looks like a state of emergency is the new normal. The World Health Organization’s communist Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has declared a global health emergency over monkeypox — despite only five people having died worldwide and despite his own expert committee voting against the declaration.

Here’s why it qualifies as an emergency:

“Although I am declaring a public health emergency of international concern, for the moment this is an outbreak that is concentrated among men who have sex with men, especially those with multiple sexual partners,” Tedros told a media briefing in Geneva.

A disease is more serious if it is spread primarily among homosexuals, because according to the value system of the Liberal World Order, members of the LGBT community are worth more than normal people. That’s why so much of our money is spent on AIDS relative to more prevalent lethal diseases:

[The National Institutes of Health] spends about $2,583 each year per person with HIV/AIDS, $418 each year per person with cancer, and only $38 each year per person with diabetes.

Confirming that this is about Cultural Marxism, not public health, Tedros yelps that “Stigma and discrimination can be as dangerous as any virus.”

At least, since it is primarily a disease of homosexuals, we don’t have to worry much about children. But I’m forgetting — there is now such a thing as LGBT youth, enabled and empowered by the groomers who dominate public schools. Consequently, at least 181 K-12 educators have been arrested for sex crimes involving children in the USA so far this year. This could make monkeypox an issue for kids.

On tips from Blackjack, ABC of the ANC, Dragon’s Lair, and Mr. Freemarket.

Jun 19 2022

Making Covid Tyranny Permanent

Power seized by government is not readily relinquished. That’s why Covid may never be over. Even if the ChiCom virus dies away completely, restrictions will linger.

Authoritarians in the land of Karl Marx and Adolf Hitler plan to impose mask mandates permanently:

Here’s a link to the study PJW mentions, “Correlation Between Mask Compliance and COVID-19 Outcomes in Europe.” Key quote:

These findings indicate that countries with high levels of mask compliance did not perform better than those with low mask usage.

Mask mandates are a mere inconvenience compared to the underlying agenda. Their purpose is symbolic, like Gessler’s hat. Cheryl Chumley details what they symbolize in her new book Lockdown: The Socialist Plan to Take Away Your Freedom. Via Frontpage Magazine:

Chumley … is not reticent about identifying as “evil” the forces wreaking ruin in the world today; nor is she vague about their aim: leftists “want total and complete lockdowns of individual freedoms, individual rights, individually held liberties so they can stage their reset and reshape a new America, a new world, more in line with their collectivist and elitist beliefs. It’s called destroy, then rebuild. What they’re destroying is the Constitution; what they’re trying to rebuild is cultural Marxism and communist control.”

Jane Fonda isn’t the only leftist who regards Covid as a godsend. As Chumley writes, “Democrats saw opportunity to control. To expand power. To rule. To crush. To subjugate. To usher in political reforms, economic changes, and societal shifts…”

The fight against the ChiCom virus is petering out, but the real menace was always Big Government’s exploitation of Covid. That fight continues.

If pushback is not sufficient, the next pandemic will provide a pretext to move the ratchet yet another notch toward absolute tyranny.

On tips from Blackjack, Lyle, and KirklesWorth.

May 17 2022

Feminists Versus Black Pampers

One problem with Cultural Marxism is that the radicalized identity groups that have been mobilized against hated heterosexual white men will inevitably turn on each other as they jockey for position in the faux victimhood hierarchy. This has already begun to happen with feminists and more highly favored trans militants, who hold that women do not exist in any meaningful sense.

Black Bloc clowns attempting to mimic Brownshirts have appointed themselves muscle for the trans militants, just as they did for black supremacists during the Black Lives Matter riots. Some are fighting back on behalf of feminism:

[On Sunday] a group of gender critical feminist campaigners (called TERFs by trans activists) gathered for a protest in the city of Manchester. Their plan was to hold their rally at a public statue of a UK suffragette named Emmeline Pankhurst. However, counter-protesters gathered at the site, including some in black bloc, and refused to let anyone else near it.

Having studied their liberal talking points, the Black Bloc moonbats barked about being on the “right side of history.”

The Black Bloc enforcers have found suitable opponents for combat in the streets — middle-aged women:

When one of the gender critical protesters attempted to get to the statue carrying a suffragette flag, she was assaulted.

As J.K. Rowling proudly notes, she never dropped the flag.

Others referred to the Black Bloc weenies as the “Black Pampers”:

Given Antifa’s infantile mentality and proneness to tantrums and whining, “Black Pampers” ought to stick.

As for the role of law enforcement in this farce, an officer asked the feminist who was assaulted to leave:

She refused and there was nothing more he could do.

Antifa has flourished because police take their orders from the liberal establishment and therefore largely leave violent leftists alone. However, a police-free world would not be a pleasant place for Antifa types. For starters, feminists might give them the spanking they have been asking for.

On a tip from TCS III.

May 10 2022

Bill Gates Admits Covid Has Been Overblown

Even the pear-shaped prince of the globalist plutocracy now admits that Covid was hyped out of proportion. Bill Gates says that back in the early days of the virus,

“We didn’t understand that it’s a fairly low fatality rate, and that it’s a disease mainly of the elderly, kind of like the flu…”


“Once Omicron comes along, the vaccine is not reducing transmission, hardly at all, particularly about three or four months after you take the vaccine,” he said.

His comments came after top officials at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said much the same thing, that COVID-19 is now akin to the flu.

Gates only recently named Australia as a role model for handling Covid. Australia degenerated into a biosecurity police state, complete with concentration camps. He must have shifted his interest to the next pandemic, which he says will require health equity to prevent.

Speaking of communism, a more appropriate role model for moonbats like Gates would be China, which has implemented most of the Big Government agenda, minus Cultural Marxism and global warming malarkey. Maybe Gates can get word to the ChiComs that the virus they created does not warrant a hysterical response.

On a tip from Wiggins.

May 09 2022

ABA Advises Dropping LSAT

According to political correctness, your only relevant qualification is your position on the intersectional identity totem pole. Aptitude is as irrelevant as performance. Consequently, there is no point in law school applicants taking the LSAT:

The American Bar Association favored dropping standardized tests from law school admissions in a newly released memo approved by the organization’s strategic review committee.

The shift in the bar’s position to make standardized admissions tests optional could substantially affect how the Law School Admissions Test, which law school applicants are currently required to complete, is used in law school admissions.

The point is to facilitate discrimination against whites and Asians, in favor of those who may be less qualified but who represent racial groups favored by the liberal ruling class.

Reuters explains why the LSAT has to go:

Studies have shown significant disparity in LSAT scores across racial groups. A 2019 study found the average score for Black LSAT takers was 142, compared to 153 for white and Asian test takers.

Since equity exists only in leftists’ totalitarian fever dreams, there is no valid test on which all groups will perform equally. Ergo, there will be no meaningful tests. Instead, students might write essays about the hurtfulness of their historical marginalization. No extra credit would be given for proper spelling and grammar, because that would be racist.

The ABA’s woke social engineering goes beyond dumping the LSAT. There is also Standard 206:

The ABA’s original proposed revision met with so much pushback that ABA delayed moving forward with it. The recently revised proposal (which likely won’t be adopted before August) aims to increase student admissions and faculty-staff hires of members of groups underrepresented in law compared to the U.S. population overall. Although the ABA Council has denied seeking to impose quotas, its effort to guarantee a proportional share of admissions/hires is likely unlawful.

Who is better suited to break the law than lawyers?

The Supreme Court is expected to hear cases involving racial discrimination in admissions at Harvard and UNC next term. The liberal establishment is abolishing objective standards in advance.

Legal Insurrection notes that the ABA has a near monopoly on accrediting power, and should be stripped of it due to its devotion to Cultural Marxism at the expense of fair admissions.

As our explicit Affirmative Action VP Kamala Harris so often serves to remind us, merit and moonbattery cannot coexist.

On a tip from Blackjack.

Apr 13 2022

School Groomers in Strategic Context

The infestation of groomers in schools is worse than we knew. Thanks go to Florida Republicans for flushing them out of their crevices with the much needed Parental Rights in Education law, and to Libs of Tik Tok for documenting what it means to let liberals control education by posting videos like this:

The preschool teacher above puts the grooming phenomenon in its proper context:

“There’s a whole lot of really amazing figureheads and people to look up to in this world who aren’t white or straight or male…”

Hatred of white men who are not sexual deviants is the driving force of the Democrat Party and the rest of the Left. That’s why the LGBT agenda gets so much traction. It has the support of the entire liberal establishment, because like Critical Race Theory it is an implementation of Cultural Marxism — the strategy to erase and replace America that has been horribly effective since its introduction by the Frankfort School.

On a tip from StephaneDumas.


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