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Category: Abortion

Apr 28 2023

Why Democrats Obscure Their Stance on Abortion

To learn where Democrats stand on abortion — and what it takes to be a law professor these days — let’s go to a recent Senate Judiciary Committee hearing:

University of California, Irvine Chancellor’s Professor of Law Michele Goodwin testified during a hearing on “The Assault on Reproductive Rights in a Post-Dobbs America” Wednesday, continually comparing the harm black women experienced during slavery and Jim Crow laws to modern abortion restrictions, which she notes are spreading through “what was the U.S. confederacy.” Judiciary Democrats announced the hearing shortly after a Texas judge suspended the FDA’s approval of abortion pill mifepristone, a decision the Supreme Court recently granted a stay on pending its appeal in the Fifth Circuit.

Blacks are overwhelmingly more likely than whites to be killed by abortion. Yet the professor’s learned stance on abortion is that those who don’t like it are guilty of racism Racism RACISM!

Good thing a low IQ is protection from irony. Otherwise, she would knock herself off her chair:

“The state of Mississippi has notoriously been a death sentence for black women dating back to the time of slavery, through Jim Crow into the present,” Goodwin said. “If we don’t thread that needle together, then there’s a lot that we are missing…Mississippi is one of the deadliest places not just in the country to be pregnant, but one of the deadliest places in all of the industrialized world to be pregnant.”

Although not as deadly a place to be a black baby as say, hyperliberal New York City, where…

…thousands more black babies are aborted than born alive each year, and the abortion rate among black mothers is more than three times higher than it is for white mothers. According to a city Health Department report released in May, between 2012 and 2016 black mothers terminated 136,426 pregnancies and gave birth to 118,127 babies.

Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) figured that since Professor Goodwin was there to talk about abortion, not racism, she might as well elucidate her stand on the matter. He received a lesson in how to answer a question by refusing to answer it:

Ted Cruz explains why the nutty professor would not just say yes:

Few people are sick enough to find it acceptable to kill viable children on the technicality that they have not yet passed entirely through the birth canal. Despite what you may have heard, moral decency is not a losing position.

At least Democrats stay true to their first principles. Given that men are women if they say they are women, then they ought to be allowed to compete in women’s sports. Likewise, given that a baby’s life has no value, then you can snuff out that life whenever you wish, regardless of when it began.

Towering shrines to evil can be constructed upon the silliest of lies. This is why moonbats must always be called out on their lies.

On tips from Varla and Franco.

Apr 27 2023

Moonbat Musical: To All the Babies I’ve Killed Before

The Party of Death has power because it represents the Culture of Death — that is, the morally depraved cultural of our degenerate ruling class. To see how explicitly this culture celebrates death, look to the Ivy League, where the crème de la crème receives its accreditation:

A group of Princeton University students performed a feminist musical over the weekend focused on abortion and “self-empowerment.”

“To All the Babies I’ve Killed Before; A Love/Hate Letter to Storytelling” explores “the challenges of being heard and cultivating self-empowerment as a queer, cognitively-disabled (ADHD) woman in artistic spaces that traditionally center archaic, western, patriarchal narratives grounded in firm structures of storytelling and comedy,” according to a program description.

What do students need classes for when they can get their woke indoctrination distilled to its essence and injected effortlessly through entertainment?

The title “twists a well-known saying to many writers, ‘sometimes you have to kill your babies,’” according to the thespians.

In this case, babies are not just a metaphor:

“Questions of agency and womanhood have, of course, long plagued our society in more ways than just artistic expression,” the description reads. “Today, in the U.S., more than 19 million women live in contraceptive deserts, lacking access to affordable reproductive healthcare [yadda yadda yadda].”

“Reproductive healthcare” is Liberalese for killing inconvenient babies.

The description directs readers to a Planned Parenthood website to find local abortion facilities in New Jersey.

The political purpose is not subtle. At least no one is likely to waste their time sitting through the production expecting literary merit. But then, if you wanted something other than moonbattery, what would you be doing at Princeton?

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Mar 12 2023

Jane Fonda Calls for Murder to Defend Abortion

If female moonbats would kill their own babies, imagine what they would do to you. Pro-abortion fanatic Jane Fonda spells it out:

How else to defend killing people but with murder?

It’s okay; later she said it was “hyperbole.”

Hanoi Jane — infamous for posing with communist antiaircraft guns used to kill Americans — has fittingly aged into a loose cannon, sloppily letting spill what she really thinks. Earlier, she admitted to viewing Covid as “God’s gift to the Left.” (Actually, the gift was provided by the Chinese Communist Party and its friend Tony Fauci.)

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Feb 21 2023

South Park Saw Into a Crystal Ball

The best satire foretells the future. The Babylon Bee has shown a remarkable ability to predict tomorrow’s headlines. In the clip below, South Park did even better. A scene where the teacher Mr. Garrison identifies as a woman and tries to get an abortion predicted our present culture nearly 2 decades in advance:

The doctor breaking the news to him that he can’t fulfill his progressive conception of womanhood by having an abortion is hilarious because it hits home:

“Mrs.” Garrison: “You mean, I’ll never know what it feels like to have a baby growing inside me and scramble its brains and vacuum it out?”

Doctor: “That’s right.”

“Mrs.” Garrison: “But I paid $5,000 to be a woman. This would mean I’m not really a woman. I’m just a guy with a mutilated penis!”

You can tell this originally appeared some time ago, because no one would dare produce it now. The penalty for telling the truth about transsexual psychosis is cancelation.

Sure enough, DNYUZ reports that the episode “Mr. Garrison’s Fancy New Vagina” first aired on March 9, 2005, back when a relatively mainstream show could speak freely.

On a tip from Varla.

Feb 08 2023

Democrats Wore Abortion Pins to SOTU Address

Biden’s mendaciousness and senility were not the only aberrations on display during yesterday’s State of the Union address. Where you might expect patriotic flag pins, Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) and Congresscreature Madeleine Dean (D-PA) wore affirmations of something they truly believe in — human sacrifice on the altar of degeneracy:

The heart has a double meaning, representing both liberal love of abortion and the fact that abortion stops a beating heart at about 6 weeks after gestation.

LifeNews reports on where they got the pins:

Markey said the pins were a gift from Planned Parenthood. The abortion chain spends massive amounts of money to elect pro-abortion Democrats every year while reporting billion-dollar revenues and aborting more than 383,000 unborn babies annually.

The abortion industry’s investment has helped infest Washington with fiends who want to “codify this right” by inflicting abortion on a federal level,

something Biden called for in his speech Tuesday evening.

Nicknamed the Abortion Without Limits Up to Birth Act, the bill would force states to legalize abortions for basically any reason up to birth and force taxpayers to pay for them. It also would end parental consent for minors and jeopardize conscience protections for doctors and nurses who refuse to abort unborn babies.

Dean and Markey both support the bill, as do almost all Democrats in Congress.

Try to get your head around the lies leftists tell themselves to justify their moral depravity:

Killing children is healthcare because it saves lives. If you can say that with a straight face, you are ready to take the next step and embrace abortion as not only acceptable but sacred.

“I say the word, I wear the word.” Dean’s blasphemy is as subtle as a Sam Smith Grammy performance. Christians believe Jesus Christ is the Word. Democrats adhere to an opposing religion.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Feb 03 2023

Satanic Temple Launches Abortion Clinic

The demonic statue atop a New York City courthouse commemorating Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s devotion to abortion reminded us that there is something satanic about liberals’ vociferous advocacy of snuffing out innocent life in the womb. The word “satanic” is meant literally:

Via Daily Wire:

[The Satanic Temple] will raise funds to assist girls and women around the country to have “access to safe and legal abortions, no matter where they live or what their financial situation may be.” So, it would appear they will send out pills for at home medicated abortions while funding abortion tourism so Americans can travel to states where abortion is legal.

The Satanic Temple explicitly regards abortion as a “religious ritual.”

Liberals often screech that nothing that reminds them of Christianity should receive any government funding because separation of church and state. Let’s apply that to the coercive taxpayer funding of abortion, which Democrats are so keen on that the Biden Regime may declare an official public health emergency because not enough babies are being aborted.

Call me old-fashioned, but I remember when the Devil came as a false angel of light masquerading as something good — not an in-your-face ode to the murder of another human.

By the same token, Democrats used to pretend to be the good guys, even if naive. Not so much anymore. In Hillary Clinton’s time, they would bark the bumper sticker slogan “Safe, Legal, and Rare.”

Democrats of the 90s pretended that they thought [abortion] was something to be ashamed of. Now, that shame is gone, and literal followers of Satan openly tout abortion to curry favor with the Left.

It would be hard to imagine more fertile recruiting grounds for satanists than the Democrat base.

The defense of civilization from moonbattery isn’t just right vs. left or even right vs. wrong. It is good vs. evil.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.

Feb 01 2023

FBI Victim Mark Houck Found Not Guilty

There is still some America left in this country. Pro-life author Mark Houck, the father of seven whose house was stormed by an FBI SWAT team as punishment for his defense of the unborn, has been found not guilty of violating the FACE (Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances) Act, which makes it a federal crime to obstruct access to abortion mills.

If anyone should have been brought up on charges, it is the FBI for abuse of power:

The early-morning FBI raid on Houck’s home included battering rams and ballistic shields at the ready and was committed even after Houck’s attorney had told the U.S. Department of Justice Houck would turn himself in if they asked. Since his arrest in September 2022, Houck and his lawyers maintained “This case is being brought solely to intimidate people of faith and pro-life Americans.”

That is as obvious as the ham-fisted authoritarian theater staged by the Biden Regime.

Houck is now freed from the threat of “a maximum possible sentence of 11 years in prison, three years of supervised release, and fines of up to $350,000.”

However, the point has been made that goons can drag you from your home to face serious charges on the flimsiest pretext.

After weeks of ignoring pro-abortion violence and threats against pro-life pregnancy support centers across the nation, dozens of FBI agents arrested Houck in front of his wife and seven children in a raid at his home in September. When Houck’s wife recounted that “they had big, huge rifles pointed at Mark and pointed at me and kind of pointed throughout the house,” the FBI defended their “guns out and ready” positions as necessary.

Necessary to make the point.

Regarding the supposed violation of the FACE act, Houck was 100 feet away and across the street from a Philadelphia Planned Parenthood plant when he was assailed by a pro-abortion activist serving as what moonbats call a patient escort:

The “patient escort,” Bruce Love, repeatedly initiated profanity-laced verbal confrontations with Houck and his son, Mark Houck Jr., said court documents. The documents also say Houck asked Love to stop multiple times, to no avail. On Oct. 13, 2021, when Love escalated by invading Mark Jr.’s personal space, Houck Sr. shoved him away.

For that, he got the full Gestapo treatment from Joe Biden, Merrick Garland, and the FBI — but fortunately not from a court of law.

Houck lucked out because leftists have not finished consolidating power.

On tips from Blackjack and seaoh.

Jan 26 2023

Satanic Statue Atop New York City Courthouse

We have concrete confirmation. Our moonbat rulers are hostile to innocence and virtue because there is something satanic about them:

The new eight-foot-tall golden statue by Pakistani American artist Shahzia Sikander now stands on the roof of the state courthouse in New York’s Flatiron district next to previous statues of respected lawmakers Moses, Confucius and Zoroaster.

The “NOW” statute, with curling braids and tentacle-like arms rises from a lotus flower, was created to pay homage to Ruth Bader Ginsberg and her fight for abortion. The statue is adorned with the late Supreme Court Justice’s signature lace collar.

Sikander said the statue is part of an “urgent and necessary cultural reckoning underway as New York reconsiders traditional representations of power in public spaces and recasts civic structures to better reflect 21st-century social mores.”

Sikander confirms that the twisting hair is meant to represent horns. As LifeNews notes,

Images used by Satanists and The Satanic Temple often depict Satan with goat-like horns.

Still more satanic than the statue is what Sikander means by “21st-century social mores.” When our mores consist of demonic moonbattery, civilization is lost; all we can do is await God’s judgment.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jan 23 2023

Right to Life Deleted From Declaration of Independence

Sometimes what you don’t say comes out louder than what you do, as when Kamala Harris quotes the Declaration of Independence but conspicuously leaves out the most essential right — the right to life.

Harris spoke yesterday on the 50-year anniversary of the absurd Roe v. Wade ruling that is celebrated by leftists for killing tens of millions of Americans and that has finally been struck down. It also followed shortly after the National March for Life march, but liberals ignore that, despite the excellent signs on display.

Via Fox News:

“We collectively believe and know, America is a promise … It is a promise of freedom and liberty,” Harris said. “Not just some, but for all. A promise we made in the Declaration of Independence, that we are each endowed with the right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

She was referring to these timeless words:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Now that life has been deleted, liberty is up next.

If the devil can cite Scripture, you would think Democrats could quote the Charters of Freedom. But no:

On tips from MrRightWingDave.

Jan 13 2023

Democrats Overwhelmingly Support Killing Newborns

Moving now from animal to human sacrifice…

The House passed the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which says any infant born alive after an attempted abortion is a “legal person for all purposes under the laws of the United States.” Doctors would be required to care for those infants as a “reasonably diligent and conscientious health care practitioner would render to any other child born alive.”

The bill passed 220-210, and all 210 of the “no” votes came from Democrats. Only one Democrat voted for the bill — Rep. Henry Cuellar of Texas — and one other Democrat, Rep. Vicente Gonzalez of Texas, voted “present.

The bill will go nowhere in the Democrat-controlled Senate, nor would supposedly Catholic Biden sign it. At least people can no longer say there isn’t a dime’s worth of difference between the parties.

There is a clear line between wrong and morally wrong — i.e., between misguided and evil. Democrats cross it.

These fiends would leave injured newborns to die unaided and uncomforted for the sake of their degenerate agenda. They are satanic.

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries barked incoherent demagoguery about “government-mandated pregnancies.” Prominent Democrat Jerrold Nadler explained his party’s position on children left to die for ideological reasons still more insanely:

“The problem with this bill is that it endangers some infants by stating that that infant must immediately be brought to the hospital,” Nadler asserted.

Whereas leaving them to die saves their lives. But then, if you wanted to save babies’ lives, you wouldn’t be trying to abort them in the first place.

Being moronic and/or psychotic does not excuse Democrats for being evil, because most of them are moronic and psychotic by choice.

More than a few lives end piteously as newborns are left alone to die after surviving attempts to kill them in the womb:

According to the CDC, at least 143 babies were born alive after botched abortions between 2003 and 2014 in the U.S., though there likely are more.

As for other countries where liberalism has corroded the moral fabric,

In Canada, the Canadian Institute of Health Information recorded 766 late-term, live-birth abortions over a five-year period in 2018. And in Australia, the country’s health minister admitted that 27 babies survived abortions in the state of Western Australia between 1999 and 2016. A report out of Ireland also suggests babies are surviving abortions and being left to die there.

Nazis answered for their crimes against humanity. Moonbats might too.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket and Chris Neilson.

Jan 05 2023

Abortion More Accessible and More Heavily Subsidized

Moonbats weep and gnash their teeth because the Supreme Court no longer pretends that the Constitution acknowledges an inalienable right for them to kill their babies. Yet abortion is more unrestricted than ever in the blue states they tend to live in, and also more heavily subsidized by those who regard it as murder.

The New American reports:

As of Sunday, all health-insurance plans in the states of New York and California that offer maternity-care coverage are required also to cover abortion at no additional cost.

In March, New York Governor Kathy Hochul and California Governor Gavin Newsom, both Democrats, signed into law bills mandating “free” abortion coverage.

What your “private” insurance must cover is dictated by the government — as we learned from ObamaCare, which drove up insurance costs by forcing us to pay for coverage we will never need.

Hochul — who, like her abortion-loving counterpart in the White House, claims to be a devout Catholic — … signed a raft of laws guaranteeing that abortion-on-demand would remain legal in the Empire State even if the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, as indeed it did. Opponents of said laws, she declared, were “Neanderthals.”

It may be true that Neanderthals had more respect for the new life inside a pregnant woman than liberals do. They certainly couldn’t have had any less.

Newsom, not to be outdone by Hochul, signed twice as many pro-abortion laws as she had in June, “establishing some of the strongest abortion protections in the nation,” reported CalMatters. One of those laws “fund[s] procedures and travel costs for low-income individuals,” thereby forcing Golden State taxpayers to foot the bill for abortion tourism from pro-life states.

Planned Parenthood is getting our money’s worth regarding the taxpayer support it funnels back into the Democratic Party. Jodi Hicks, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California, reportedly “got very emotional” when Newsom privately announced signing pro-abortion legislation to “stakeholders.”

When Planned Parenthood smiles, the Devil smiles too.

This must also make him smile:

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced that retail pharmacies like CVS and Walgreens can now provide abortion pills.

The abortion drug Mifepristone was previously only available through doctors, clinics, or some mail-order pharmacies. The new rule change from the FDA will allow any pharmacy abiding by its guidelines to fill prescription orders in stores and by mail.

Death by mail. That’s maximum convenience. Canada is sure to offer something similar for suicide.

According to the Guttmacher Institute, medication abortion accounted for 54% of U.S. abortions in 2020. That percentage is likely to increase as retail pharmacies provide abortion pills.

Yet liberals work themselves into fits worthy of Regan MacNeil in The Exorcist over the supposed threat to their unholy sacrament. With assistance from the media, the Democratic Party exploits this hysteria to mobilize its ghastliest supporters.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Mr. Freemarket.

Dec 24 2022

Abortion Meets Environmentalism in Spending Blowout

A small fraction of the 2023 omnibus spending bill constitutes justifiable expenses. Most of it is preposterous waste. The rest is worse than wasteful. It is evil:

Several Republican figures, including [Rep. Dan] Bishop [R-NC], criticized the 4,200-page bill as more wasteful spending from the federal government passed without any clear knowledge of what’s in the text.

Other Republicans have actually voted to drive inflation further into the stratosphere by voting in support of this looting spree.

Bishop documented many of the examples from his Twitter account, including over half a billion dollars into “reproductive health” in places that could threaten endangered species.

“Reproductive health” is an Orwellian euphemism for preventing reproduction through the antithesis of health, namely, death by abortion.

“On a more sinister note, here’s at least $575 million for ‘family planning’ in areas where population growth ‘threatens biodiversity.’ Malthusianism is a disturbing, anti-human ideology that should have ZERO place in any federal program,” Bishop tweeted.

It should have zero place outside of an insane asylum.

Progressives always progress. You thought that nothing could be more evil than killing a child for being inconvenient? Try killing children out of explicit hostility to the human race.

No wonder The Exorcist was set in DC.

Where liberals will take their agenda from here, only Satan could imagine. All we can know is that we will be forced to finance it.

On a tip from R F.

Dec 10 2022

Biden Blocked on Forcing Doctors to Commit Atrocities

A drawback to attempting rational argumentation with progressives is that often they are not so much wrong as evil. How else would you describe those who want to force Christians to perform abortions and to surgically mutilate children for the sake of sexual depravity? Thankfully they have encountered resistance:

A federal court has dealt a significant blow to the Biden administration’s leftist medical agenda, sparing Christian doctors and religious hospitals from being forced to perform sex change mutilations and abortions in violation of their conscience and better judgment.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit agreed with a district court’s opinion that the Obamacare mandate requiring facilitation of sex changes posed “irreparable harm” to the plaintiffs’ “exercise of religion.”

The court ultimately found the transsexual mandate unlawful and granted a coalition of Catholic healthcare professionals a permanent injunction. They will no longer face multimillion-dollar penalties for keeping their consciences clear.

Democrats can excuse any extreme of tyranny with the magic word “discrimination”:

Section 1557 [of ObamaCare] prevents federally-funded healthcare programs from discriminating against patients on the basis of sex.

The reason most everything is at least partially federally funded is so that it can be federally controlled by Democrats.

The National Review reported that in recent years, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) has broadened the statute’s definition of sex discrimination to include discrimination on the basis of “termination of pregnancy” and “gender identity.”

Ergo, not to kill inconvenient babies or surgically remove children’s healthy genitals is discrimination. Pick up that scalpel, bigot!

The ruling is welcome, but basing it on religious liberty is a problem. You do not need to belong to a church to understand fundamental differences between right and wrong. What if a doctor wants to refrain from committing crimes against humanity not because he is a Christian, but simply because he is a decent human being? He has no defense from fiends who would force him to commit atrocities.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Nov 25 2022

What a Moonbat Was Thankful for Yesterday

Leftists are more likely to denounce Thanksgiving than sincerely celebrate it, because bitterness, viciousness, and victimhood rather than gratitude dominate their mentality. But this year, a leftist at The Nation managed to find something to be thankful for — namely, depravity:

This holiday is founded on the unforgivable genocide of Native Americans, and my commitment to justice for all people makes it difficult for me to celebrate things I am thankful for. And the harsh reality is that the utter disregard for all Indigenous people in the 1800s fuels the same systems of white supremacy that dehumanize all of us today. Black lives are taken by the police and the prison-industrial complex, any sense of LGBTQ+ peace and tranquility has been obliterated by gun violence and hate, and, ultimately, the small promise of abortion access guaranteed by Roe v. Wade was stripped away by an illegitimate Supreme Court.

More of the usual bitterness and victimhood, along with the customary viciously distorted portrayal of America and its history. But hold on; even a moonbat can experience gratitude:

I am grateful to have accessed my abortions in Texas while it was still legal in the state, and that my multiple abortion experiences now guide my work.

She isn’t the only one who finds joy in abortion:

Many people who have abortions celebrate their experience. … No matter if it’s their first abortion or fourth, people should be supported in whatever they decide, every time.

Then follow testimonials of moonbats who are glad they killed their babies and encourage others to do the same.

This brings us to the ultimate objective of moonbattery, which distinguishes it from other authoritarian ideologies: depravity as an end in itself.

Why do leftists want to disarm law-abiding citizens, knowing that the criminals whom they aggressively prevent from being incarcerated will remain armed to the teeth? Because this is depraved.

Why do they roll out the red carpet for illegal aliens at the expense of American citizens? Because this is depraved.

Why do they relentlessly promote the LGBT agenda, particularly targeting children? Because this is depraved.

Why do they pass off hideous, meaningless garbage as art? Because this is depraved.

Why do they give the prize to whomever least deserves it? Because this is depraved.

Why do they place the supposed well-being of animals before the basic needs of people? Because this is depraved.

Why do they relentlessly promote societal decay? Because this is depraved.

Why do they demasculinize men? Because this is depraved.

Why do they champion Islam, even though it runs directly contrary to their own ideology? Because this is depraved.

Why are they attempting to homosexualize the military and demoralize troops with anti-American ideology? Because this is depraved.

Why do they side with criminals against the police? Because this is depraved.

Why are they incrementally replacing the economic system that has done more than anything in history to lift people out of poverty with socialism/communism? Because this is depraved.

Why are they reflexively treasonous? Because this is depraved.

Nothing could be more depraved than a mother killing her own child. That is why abortion is the highest sacrament in the moonbat religion, giving even the most miserable among them something to be thankful for.

On a tip from Jack D.


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