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Search: Portland

Mar 01 2023

Oregon Bill to Subsidize Homelessness

As with inflation, Democrats want the homelessness crisis to get worse. If not, explain this:

A proposed Oregon bill would provide the deep blue state’s homeless population $1,000 per month that recipients could use at their own discretion.

The bill, introduced last month, would establish a People’s Housing Assistance Fund Demonstration Program to give 12 monthly thousand-dollar payments to those suffering from homelessness or who are on the brink of becoming homeless.

You won’t even have to be homeless to be given other people’s money.

People who spend more than 50 percent of their monthly household income on rent, and those who earn 60% or less of the area median income would also be eligible for the funding.

Already Oregon has a homelessness problem.

The state has been experiencing a long-lasting homeless issue for several years, especially in areas like Portland where up to 700 tent camps have taken over sections of the city.

To quote Ronaldus Magnus, if you want more of something, you subsidize it. However, with some things, decriminalization does the job:

The state has also been dealing with increased drug use and trafficking after it passed a law decriminalizing street drugs last year.

No one could be this stupid. Liberals are destroying America on purpose.

In the short term, the leftists who rule Oregon will be doing their first good deed by passing the bill. The rest of the country will be cured of homelessness as drug-addled derelicts head west to get their free drug money.

But then the moonbattery will metastasize to other jurisdictions.

When Democrats achieve the leverage to impose similar handouts at the national level, game over. All future elections will be won by whomever promises to raise the payouts by the most. When the economy collapses beneath the burden of inflation and taxation and because too few have a reason to work, straightforward Marxism can be imposed. This is the ultimate objective of Democrat economic policy.

On a tip from Jack D.

Nov 19 2022

Double Mastectomy Victim Sues

Jackpot justice malpractice suits are often the equivalent of a Black Lives Matter mob looting the corner store, except the thieves wear suits and ties instead of $200 sneakers. But in the absence of severe legal penalties, the wave of lawsuits coming at the fiends who inflict sex change surgery is just what the doctor ordered:

Camille Kiefel, 32, represented by Jackson Bone LLP, announced a lawsuit last week against the health professionals who approved the surgery to have her breasts removed after only two brief Zoom meetings.

Unsurprisingly, she bitterly regrets the double mastectomy she underwent in 2020.

“I was 30 and at the end of my rope when I transitioned,” Kiefel testified at a hearing on the efficacy of pediatric medical transition held by the Florida Boards of Medicine. “At the time I believed I was nonbinary, I struggled with severe mental illness and suicidal ideation.”

It goes without saying that people believing themselves to be members of the opposite sex (or some nonexistent sexual category like “nonbinary”) suffer from mental illness. For professionals to encourage illness rather than attempting to cure or mitigate it is willful malpractice. To remove healthy body parts in this context takes malpractice to the extreme.

Kiefel is suing social worker Amy Ruff and mental health therapist Mara Burmeister, as well as their respective Portland-based gender clinics — Brave Space Oregon and the Quest Center for Integrative Health.

Her background explains how she became susceptible to exploitation:

“I had a trauma history: when I was in sixth grade my best friend had been raped by her brother,” Kiefel said at the Florida Board of Medicine meeting. “Being a girl meant I was more vulnerable, so I started to present as more masculine.”

Seeds of mental illness were nurtured in college.

Kiefel was introduced to gender identity ideology in 2010, while she pursued a women’s studies minor in college, and in 2016, began to identify as “nonbinary” after seeing a “gender-affirming” therapist.

Although the Experts made matters worse, she managed to turn her own ship around.

Kiefel says that since she started putting more emphasis on taking care of her physical health, the anxiety and depression that led to her rejection of womanhood resolved. Now she is left with feeling distress over her body after her double mastectomy.

Having been permanently disfigured limits her ability to live a normal life.

If Kiefel has a case, lawsuits by victims who were subjected to deformities in the name of LGBT ideology as children should be a walk in the park. The butchers I mean surgeons who have been getting rich off the transsexual fad would be wise to store their ill-gotten gains off shore.

On a tip from Franco.

Jul 24 2022

Decriminalizing Public Defecation

Kalamazoo, Michigan is helping to advance what Barack Obama called America’s “fundamental transformation” by officially decriminalizing, littering, public urination, and even public defecation.

Local business owners are not happy:

Becky Bil, co-owner of Pop City Popcorn in downtown Kalamazoo, said there are aggressive and unstable panhandlers in the area and she is concerned about people avoiding downtown because of these issues.

“People have to clean up where they have defecated right in front of your door of your business,” Bil said.

Yet the city commission approved the decriminalization unanimously. Under liberal rule, monster corporations like Amazon and Walmart have a prominent seat at the table. Local businesses are not even allowed in the room, as we learned during the campaign to eradicate them during the Covid lockdowns.

Cherri Emery, owner of Cherri’s Chocol’art, said there is a major problem downtown. …

Business owners are dealing with urinating and defecating around their businesses on a daily basis, she said.

“I don’t understand why we would make it easier for them,” Emery said.

Kalamazoo Mayor David Anderson explains why. Because equity.

Anderson said he hopes the change will allow police to better use their time related to these issues, and that the effort is part of changing ordinances for equity.

He is of course a Democrat.

As Andrea Widburg observes,

In the name of equity … it’s clear that wokesters in city governments across America are determined to return us to a time of stench, diseases (dysentery, typhoid, plague, etc.), and parasites (you don’t want to know) that many of us foolishly believed had gone forever. In Portland, which was once a sparkling, clean Northwestern city, the homeless have spread across whole neighborhoods

It isn’t only businessowners who have a problem with public defecation in Portland:

In utopia, every city will smell like San Francisco.

That’s what you vote for when you vote for Democrats. That’s what you tolerate when you tolerate moonbattery.

On tips from R F, Chris Neilson, and Mr. Freemarket.

Jul 21 2022

Starbucks and the Decline of America

Corporate America panders obsequiously to the leftist crocodile, each company hoping that by appeasement it will get eaten last. This contemptible strategy has failed once again. Starbucks is as cloyingly self-righteous about its moonbat politics as any corporation, even allowing itself to be bullied into turning its restrooms in public toilets/drug dens. Stores have predictably become too dangerous to operate. Sixteen will close; more will no doubt follow.

CEO Howard Schultz blames politicians. As a Democrat donor, he is in no position to cast stones:

“I must say, in my view at the local, state and federal level, these governments across the country and leaders, mayors and governors, city councils have abdicated their responsibility in fighting crime and addressing mental health,” Schultz said in a video posted on Twitter.

The problem is specific to Democrat-governed localities. The store closures are in Seattle, Los Angeles, Portland, Philadelphia, and Washington.

All four states and the District are run by Democrats — Jay Inslee in Washington, Gavin Newsom in California, Kate Brown in Oregon, Tom Wolf in Pennsylvania, and Muriel Bowser in D.C.

Starbucks has made corporate policy of promoting Black Lives Matter moonbattery, and consequently does not deserve to partake of the blessings of law & order — that is, of civilization.

Schultz calls Starbucks “a window into America.” From across the ocean, people look through that window at America disintegrating under moonbat domination and recoil in horror:

On tips from Blackjack and KirklesWorth.

Mar 31 2022

Benefit of Flying in a Trump Shirt

If you have to fly, be sure to wear a shirt that establishes your unwoke credentials. It can help clear the area of progressives:

Anyone surprised that Portland is her hometown?

The moonbat ought to be pleased she was kicked off the flight, in light of her faith in the global warming hoax. Surely she would not want to be complicit in producing carbon emissions at the expense of the planet.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Feb 25 2022

How a Deadly Pandemic Spreads

The states of Washington and Oregon were part of America once. Then California established colonies in Seattle and Portland. The results are personified by crazed leftist governors Jay Inslee and Kate Brown.

Flaky liberalism has made California so unlivable that now we see this:

Maybe this time they aren’t colonists. Maybe the majority of former Californians have learned the hard way that moonbattery is not an option, and they will help defend what is left of our country against it.

Otherwise, Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases should study this graphic to learn how a deadly pandemic spreads.

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble.

Jan 26 2022

Antifa and Dartmouth Team Up to Shut Down Andy Ngo

The liberal media establishment has refused to inform the public about the violent thugs comprising Antifa, for the same reason that prominent Democrat politicians pretend Antifa doesn’t exist — namely, because Antifa goons are to progressive ideology what Hitler’s Brownshirts were to Nazism. Consequently, the best reporting on Antifa has been done by someone outside the establishment, Andy Ngo.

Antifa has used the tactics you would expect to silence Ngo, including physical assault and repeated threats of further violence. At one point, he had to leave the country for his safety.

Big College is glad to contribute to the campaign to silence legitimate reporters who do not play for the same team as Antifa — including the prestigious Ivy League. Anyone who wants to live in a free country rather than succumb to political terror will be appalled by what happened when Ngo attempted to speak at Dartmouth last week.

Straight from Ngo:

The Thursday “Extremism in America” event was meant to highlight America’s long history with far-left violent extremism

Soon after the event was announced, Antifa and its army of online trolls threatened violence to shut it down. In turn, Dartmouth administrators gave the extremists exactly what they wanted: The Hanover, NH, college canceled the in-person event at the last minute, citing vague “safety issues.”

The threats of violence against Ngo and cospeaker Gabriel Nadales (a former Antifa nihilist) were credible. However, they were not a valid reason to shut down the event.

Hanover police, nearby Lebanon police and the Grafton County Sheriff’s Office met the threats with a robust and commendable response. Dozens of officers secured the lecture hall where we were scheduled to speak. They secured every entrance and exit at the building, Moore Hall.

And yet,

Two hours before the event was set to begin, and with many attendees already en route, the administration canceled it.

At the last moment, they were forced to hold a farcical Zoom meeting instead.

Nadales and I spoke on a staffer’s old laptop in an empty lecture hall. The video stream was plagued with sound issues.

Naturally, the ACLU stands firm against this brazen attack on free speech. Just kidding:

The lack of condemnation from the New Hampshire chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union and other so-called civil rights groups signals that those actions are permissible.

The stakes could not be higher. If those on whose behalf Antifa terrorizes prevail, we will be ruled by fear of violence rather than governed by the Constitution. The liberal establishment — including universities, the media, and the Democratic Party — sides with terror against freedom.

We know what lies ahead, because we have seen other countries go down this road. Dissidents will soon find themselves in prison camps if not basement torture chambers. Anyone who supports the liberal establishment supports this outcome.

On a tip from TCS III. Hat tip: Hot Air.

Dec 27 2021

$1.5 Million for Salvadoran Police Covid Stress Relief

It is as if they deliberately flush away our money in the most arrogantly wasteful manner possible. Judicial Watch reports:

[T]he federal government is dedicating $1.5 million to assist police in El Salvador with challenges and stress created by COVID-19. The goal is to help the Central American nation’s 26,966-member National Civil Police (PNC) asses its role and capacities during a crisis and efficiently provide training to manage a public health emergency like the pandemic. “The training will particularly focus on public health orders, personal and workplace safety measures, education in regards to transmission and proper treatment, and management of operational continuity,” according to a grant announcement made public this month.

That $1.5 million comes out of our pockets, mostly through inflation.

El Salvador isn’t the only backwater to win a free jackpot as our moonbat rulers fling our money to the four winds:

That includes $200,000 to advance “gender equality” in Costa Rica’s police forces by hiring more female cops.

There’s more:

A few months ago a Clinton community policing program received $33 million from the government to advance a nationwide effort that includes tolerance, diversity, and anti-bias training as well as crisis intervention teams and de-escalation training.

The flaky program was designed by Bill Clinton to support “creative” alternatives to normal policing.

Meanwhile, back home,

In the last year more than a dozen cities slashed police funding or decreased the number of officers, according to a probe conducted by a national news agency. They include the nation’s two largest cities—Los Angeles and New York—which eliminated $150 million and $1 billion respectively from their police budget. Other cities that drastically cut police funding include Austin, Seattle, San Francisco, Baltimore, Portland, Salt Lake City and Philadelphia. Washington D.C. decreased its police budget by $15 million. Predictably, there has been a rise in crime…

Under the control of liberals, our government is not our government, because it does not perform the fundamental duties of government, like defending the border and maintaining public safety. It confiscates our money and spends it in ways that provide us no benefit. It is our enemy.

On a tip from Chuck A.

Dec 06 2021

Mask Mandate to Be Permanent in Oregon

Just how far will Democrats extend “Two Weeks to Stop the Spread”? In deep blue Oregon, the answer may be forever. The state’s liberal rulers are taking steps to make an indoor mask mandate permanent:

The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) convened a Rules Advisory Committee (RAC) on Thursday. The RAC provided feedback on the indoor mask rule. The point of the committee is to suggest what should and shouldn’t be included in the ruling and discuss the impact it will have on the public. …

This is the first step in making the rule permanent.

Technocrat Paul Cieslak of the OHA assures us that making it permanent doesn’t mean it will go on forever. It can be repealed. However, that will probably require Oregonians to elect Republicans — not a likely prospect in this colony of California.

Bureauweenies say they must make the mandate permanent in order to extend it. If they still want to extend it now, why would they ever let it end? Even if Covid ever goes away, there is always the flu — plus, you never know when the ChiComs will oblige them by cooking up a new virus.

On a tip from Dragon’s Lair.

Nov 16 2021

OR Pol: Give Blacks Time Off After Rittenhouse Verdict

By now it is beyond obvious that not even the almighty mainstream media can frame Kyle Rittenhouse for murder, because there are mountains of evidence including video confirming his innocence. Moonbats are preparing for the inevitable. For example, former Portland activist and current Vice Chair of the Oregon Democratic Black Caucus Gregory McKelvey calls for blacks to be given time off from work following the verdict, presumably so they don’t have to riot on their own time:

You can see why a guy arrested for assaulting an underage girl would be upset about the failed railroading of Kyle Rittenhouse, who killed Joseph Rosenbaum in self-defense:

Rosenbaum was charged by a grand jury with 11 counts of child molestation and inappropriate sexual activity with children, including anal rape.

Prosecutor Thomas Binger calls rioters like Rosenbaum “heroes.” When your heroes include people like George Floyd and Joseph Rosenbaum, it’s time to ask, “Are we the baddies?”

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Oct 27 2021

Hippopotamuses Are People Too

Flawed ideologies can be debunked by extending their precepts to their logical conclusions. This is called “reductio ad absurdum.” For example, liberalism is exposed as a joke by applying human rights to hippopotamuses:

The offspring of hippos once owned by Colombian drug kingpin Pablo Escobar can be recognized as people or “interested persons” with legal rights in the U.S. following a federal court order.

The ruling does not apply in Colombia, where the invasive hippos are breeding wildly and causing havoc, so that authorities want to kill or sterilize them. But it could have legal consequences closer to home.

In the suit, attorneys for the Animal Legal Defense Fund asked the U.S. District Court in Cincinnati to give “interested persons” status to the hippos…

Federal magistrate Judge Karen Litkovitz in Cincinnati granted the request on Oct. 15. The animal rights group based near San Francisco said it believes it’s the first time animals have been declared legal persons in the U.S.

This is heading in an alarming direction for moonbat demigod Tony Fauci, who is said to bear responsibility for funding sadistic experiments on dogs and monkeys.

If applied consistently, left-wing ideology would cave in on itself, leaving nothing but a black hole of absurdity. So moonbats avoid consistency. Whereas hippopotamuses qualify as people, prenatal humans do not. Leftists are not consistent even in their absence of compassion regarding abortion. Municipal employees of hyperliberal Portland qualify for bereavement leave if they feel blue after killing their babies.

On tips from KirklesWorth and Mr. Freemarket.

Oct 02 2021

Statues Vandalized by Antifa Will Not Be Restored

Do we care enough about the heritage that defines us to restore the statues of great Americans that have been destroyed by Antifa and Black Lives Matter vandals? Not in liberal Portland we don’t.

From Hot Air:

Last October, Portland’s Antifa announced what they called an Indigenous People’s Day of Rage (in place of Columbus Day). The day of rage was intended from the start to include “direct action” which is anarchist code for smashing things. The group was true to its word. They tore down statues of Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt, smashed the entrance to the Oregon Historical Society, and damaged a bunch of retail outlets. They even smashed windows at a Portland State University police office.

On Wednesday…

…Portland’s Regional Arts and Culture Council (RACC) decided that the statues of Washington, Roosevelt and Lincoln would not be returned to the places where they stood before.

However, they will restore a vandalized statue of an elk, presumably because they don’t feel that elk deserve to be canceled.

Virtually all Antifa/BLM violence has happened with the tacit approval if not open encouragement of Democrat authorities. Liberals in charge further endorse the desecration and erasure of our history by making it permanent.

There is no meaningful difference between the sociopathic scum tearing down statues of George Washington and their bureaucratic fellow travelers. The same goes for the propagandists at Willamette Week, which covers the destruction of the Roosevelt and Lincoln statues from the viewpoint of the vandals:

The fate of the statues could prove a measurement of how swiftly Portland public opinion has shifted on which historical figures should be celebrated. Both presidents are towering figures in American history. But Roosevelt espoused eugenics and led imperialist wars. And Lincoln, while chiefly remembered for the Emancipation Proclamation, held racist views of Black people and presided over the removal of Native Americans from their land.

As for George Washington, by now it goes without saying among progressives that our greatest hero and the father of our country should be canceled. Like most if not all 18th century Virginia landowners, he owned slaves.

The statues will likely be replaced by “new public art representing more diverse cultural identities and histories” — i.e., anti-American moonbat propaganda.

On a tip from TCS III.

Sep 20 2021

Justice for J6 Fails to Constitute Insurrection

The philosophical founder of the modern Democratic Party remarked that “History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.” Now it works differently: first as farce (the January 6 riot), then as more pathetic farce (Justice for J6).

The original farce was when lax security allowed (and even explicitly invited) a handful of hooligans (possibly egged on by FBI provocateurs) and some well-meaning people who got caught up in the crowd to trespass in the People’s House. The only person who died violently was Ashli Babbitt, who was executed by unpunished, self-praising Capitol Police Officer Michael Byrd. Yet the unscrupulous leftists comprising the mainstream media and Democrat Party hyped the incident to the point that many liberals may literally believe that the guy in the buffalo costume nearly overthrew the US Government to install Donald Trump as Dictator for Life. The possibly treasonous Mark Milley tried to twist the event into a “Reichstag moment.”

Those who took part have been hunted down and imprisoned under atrocious conditions, in stark contrast to the participants in the many hundreds of Black Lives Matter/Antifa riots indulged in with Democrat encouragement last year. On Saturday, the liberal establishment attempted to exploit the Justice for J6 protest against their unjust treatment by hyping it into a second “insurrection.” This was even more of a farce.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin approved calling up 100 National Guard troops to defend the Biden Administration from the protesters. Like all things related to January 6, this was theater — more specifically, theater of the absurd.

Breitbart reports on how it turned out:

Photos and video taken around the Capitol show media and police, many heavily armed and in riot gear, vastly outnumbered protesters, who were gathered in support of defendants detained in connection with the January 6 Capitol attack.

Journalists alone reportedly outnumbered the entirely peaceful protesters, despite their numbers being swollen by cartoonishly obvious undercover FBI agents posing as right-wing extremists by dressing up as frat boys with fashy haircuts.

Authorities managed to find a protester with a gun. Unsurprisingly, he turned out to be yet another FBI infiltrator.

Meanwhile, the January 6 protesters still rot away in prison, effectively as political prisoners, and Ashli Babbitt is still dead.

As Andrea Widburg notes,

[A]lmost ten months after January 6, Americans are being held under miserable circumstances without the benefit of a “speedy and public trial,” and without being “informed of the nature and cause of the accusation” against each of them.

The extremely low turnout of actual protesters at Justice for J6 may be because conservatives tend to be responsible people with families and jobs. They cannot afford to spend 10 months cooling their heels in a DC jail. Democrat intimidation appears to be working.

On tips from Varla, Wiggins, and KirklesWorth.

Aug 16 2021

Heat Inequity

Decisions, decisions. Should neo-Marxists tear down America and impose authoritarianism in the name of cultural Marxism or in the name of the global warming hoax? Maybe they can prioritize both at the same time. The Climate Adaptation Planning Alliance shows the way.

CAPA activists drive around Portland with sensors on their cars, mapping urban heat. They find that high temperatures target the most vulnerable.

From Fox12 Oregon:

Joey Williams, CAPA Heat Watch program manager, … said East Multnomah County has a lot of asphalt and not a lot of tree cover – the two combined, along with other social factors, make for hotter days for residents who live there.

“The asphalt we’re standing on is a great example right now. It’s black and has low surface albedo, which means it’s absorbing all the short waves, high-energy radiation from the sun and it’s holding onto it. Whereas if we were on grass or under a tree we would see this dispersing heat much more quickly,” Williams said. “We know that people out here are also less equipped to handle that heat – social vulnerability aspects that can really affect someone’s ability to cope.”

Watch any random minute of liberal establishment news and you will be reminded that “social vulnerability” is correlated with politically preferred racial status. That means global warming is racist.

It follows that anyone who questions ostensible mitigation efforts — like the flagrant Green New Deal waste that makes up much of the Democrats’ next spending blowout — is a racist. No racist deserves to have an opinion. Anyone who defends a racist is subject to cancelation. The debate is over.

On a tip from Steve T.


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