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Search: Kamala Harris

Mar 30 2021

Classic Kamala Cackle

The mainly pointless, union-driven closure of schools in the name of the ChiCom virus has caused great hardship for people with children in the home who need to go to work. At least this has the benefit of tickling Kamala Harris’s funny bone:

Harris has been put in charge of the debacle at the border that has resulted from Biden’s invitation to the entire Third World to climb aboard the American welfare gravy train. We can’t show actual footage of her resolving the crisis, because that would violate administration policy regarding transparency. So here’s a reenactment:

Jan 08 2021

Biden, Harris, Media: Capitol Riot Proves Police Are Racists

Our liberal ruling class manages to be wrong about everything, even the appalling attack on the Capitol. According to Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the liberal media that got them elected, the incident proves that America is systemically racist.

From the New York Post:

Biden and Harris said Thursday police would have been more aggressive in quelling Wednesday’s unrest had it been a Black Lives Matter protest instead of supporters of President Trump.

The disconnect from reality is jaw-dropping. Black Lives Matter inflicted literally hundreds of riots on this country over the past year. They were able to do this because barely a finger was lifted to stop them. Local Democrat authorities held back the police and even defunded them.

Biden went so far as to call it “totally unacceptable” that DC cops used kid gloves, allowing the rioters to breach the Capitol.

The Capitol Police used tear gas, pepper balls, pepper spray, and flashbangs. Oh, and they shot an unarmed woman to death. But they would have killed her twice as dead if she had been black.

How many people would have to be shot to satisfy Biden/Harris?

It is worth noting that Kamala Harris has praised rioters as the “heroes of our time,” called for more riots, and raised funds to bail out rioters so that they could resume their mayhem.

Croaks Biden,

“No one can tell me that if it had been a group of Black Lives Matter protesting [Wednesday], they wouldn’t have been treated very, very differently than the mob of thugs that stormed the Capitol.”

This bizarre attempt to spin the Capitol riot as a racial issue despite it having nothing whatsoever to do with race indicates that ending divisiveness will not be a priority of the incoming administration.

Harris and Biden are not alone in pushing this grotesque and destructive viewpoint. As usual, the liberal establishment media is singing from the same upside-down hymnal. Bark the propagandists at NBC News:

As Americans watched Wednesday, an angry mob of mostly white people stormed the U.S. Capitol, seeming to overwhelm Capitol Police, who struggled to contain the violence. Officers yielded to the mob in some cases and allowed crowds of supporters of President Donald Trump into the halls of Congress as its members were affirming that President-elect Joe Biden had won the November election.

Many people saw in the images and videos that poured out of the Capitol more than a disturbing breach of security by people who believe Trump’s baseless claims of election fraud. They said they saw white privilege and double standards and questioned whether the police response would have been the same had the rioters been Black or brown people or their allies. …

Wednesday’s riot at the Capitol was an unfriendly reminder of the country’s racial double standards.

Ashli Babbitt could not be reached for comment.

Dec 06 2020

How Biden Will Resolve Disagreement With Harris

What will happen if Joe Biden is placed in the White House and he has a disagreement with de facto President Kamala Harris? Biden explains:

“[I]f I reach something where there’s a fundamental disagreement we have based on a moral principle, I’ll develop some disease and say I have to resign.”

Biden’s dementia is severe. He forgets himself to the point of telling the truth. He has admitted before that he is a “transition candidate.”

This time though, he was probably attempting humor. Jokes about disease aren’t very funny with the ChiCom virus raging, but the idea of Biden doing anything out of moral principle is good for a chuckle.

On tips from Varla, Dragon’s Lair, Not Quite Human, and Chuck A.

Sep 16 2020

Biden Confirms Ticket Is Harris-Biden

Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action. Biden reconfirms that the ticket is Harris-Biden, not Biden-Harris:

Via Breitbart:

Biden pitched U.S. military veterans on the notion of a “Harris-Biden administration” on Tuesday afternoon during a campaign swing through Florida. …

Such language has led some, most notably on the right, to suggest the Biden campaign is deliberately pitching Harris as the dominant player on the Democrat ticket.

The Democrat base is in no mood to vote for an old white guy who molests females and has been passed off as a moderate. Chances are good that Harris and Biden have been “misspeaking” on purpose, to underscore who will really be the president if Democrats prevail. Biden is likely to step down for health reasons within the first year or so, and to never meaningfully take charge of anything.

In the video below, Styxhexenhammer666 correctly describes Biden as a Trojan horse for leftists like Harris and puts his finger on what is so scary about Harris/Biden and the oligarchs behind them: “They want to abandon the United States, because they’re globalists. They have no specific loyalty to the United States whatsoever.”

On tips from Varla, Rapinhoe, KirklesWorth, and Jester.

Dec 17 2022

Open Thread

On tips from Jester and DCGere.

Apr 27 2024

Denied Healthcare for Affirming Only Women Are Women

Under a totalitarian regime that is still relatively soft and decentralized, you won’t be subjected to torture in Room 101 for stating incontrovertible facts along the lines of 2 + 2 = 4. But you might be denied healthcare:

A disabled Pennsylvanian woman is speaking out after Planned Parenthood Keystone dismissed her from medical treatment over what they allege are “anti-trans and transphobic” views. The woman, who uses the pseudonym Jane Lane, had been receiving healthcare at the Pennsylvania clinic for over a decade.

With Democrats in charge, Planned Parenthood is in effect a branch of the government. It is funded lavishly with taxpayer money. Much of this is kicked back to Democrats as campaign donations. Democrat apparatchiks will break the kneecaps of those who give Planned Parenthood trouble, as when Kamala Harris went after journalist David Daleiden for exposing Planned Parenthood’s practice of selling body parts harvested from the children it kills.

Without warning, Lane’s upcoming medical appointment was canceled, and she was not allowed to make future appointments. A letter from Planned Parenthood Keystone CEO Trish Tashjian made explicit that Lane was being punished for her viewpoint:

“The dismissal from services is due to repeated offensive conversations and symbols that contradict our commitment to creating an inclusive and compassionate environment for both staff and patients.”

Lane was denounced for “anti-trans and transphobic rhetoric and symbols.”

The letter was initially shared on X by @TTExulansic, who also included photos of the shirts Lane had occasionally worn to her appointments. Among the shirts were those with slogans “Make Women Female Again”; “Woman: Adult Human Female”; and “100% Natural Woman, Female Original.”

That is, her crime is to have affirmed that only women are women. That they regard this fact as impermissible provides insight into whether the ostensible feminists at Planned Parenthood really support women.


Lane says she witnessed a Planned Parenthood staff member with yellow and purple hair wearing similarly politicized t-shirts and jewelry, including a “smash the gender binary” pin and “they/them” pronoun earrings.

In a show of liberal tolerance, Planned Parenthood agreed to see Lane “in case of medical emergencies until 5/10/2024” — which is more compassion than you might expect from people who mainly kill babies for a living.

You can see why Democrats have made a priority of incrementally seizing control of healthcare. It gives them significant leverage to punish resistance.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Apr 19 2024

Why NPR Must Be Immediately Defunded

NPR has always been moonbatty, often to the point of inducing nausea, but in recent years it has gone overboard into hardcore leftism. Uri Berliner worked there for a quarter of a century. He was recently driven out for publicly noticing the extreme bias of what is supposed to be an objective news outlet:

The change, he said, started with the election of Donald Trump. He described how the programming relentlessly pushed the Russian-collusion story only to leave it largely unmentioned once the Mueller report did not establish collusion; how NPR consciously refused to cover the Hunter Biden laptop story in the runup to the 2020 election; and how during Covid, its journalists portrayed the lab-leak theory as having been debunked when it had not been.

There is a thin line between spinning and lying. NPR crosses it on behalf of a profoundly destructive ideology.

In the wake of the George Floyd killing and the ensuing riots, NPR followed other institutions in imposing a DEI framework organization-wide.

NPR pushed its trademark flakiness to new extremes with “affinity groups”…

… including “MGIPOC (Marginalized Genders and Intersex People of Color mentorship program); Mi Gente (Latinx employees at NPR); NPR Noir (black employees at NPR); Southwest Asians and North Africans at NPR; Ummah (for Muslim-identifying employees); Women, Gender-Expansive, and Transgender People in Technology Throughout Public Media; Khevre (Jewish heritage and culture at NPR); and NPR Pride (LGBTQIA employees at NPR).”

Imagine expecting accurate coverage from this collective of kooks.

NPR regards identity group diversity as its “North Star.” As for viewpoint diversity,

When Berliner did a search of voter-registration records of editorial employees of the D.C. newsroom, he found 87 Democrats and zero Republicans.

They say a fish rots from the head. The head of NPR is CEO Katherine Maher:

“I do wish Hillary wouldn’t use the language of ‘boy and girl,’” she lamented in 2016, “it’s erasing language for non-binary people.” In 2020, she defended rioters, posting, “I mean, sure, looting is counterproductive. But it’s hard to be mad about protests not prioritizing the private property of a system of oppression founded on treating people’s ancestors as private property.” She also wrote, “Lots of jokes about leaving the US, and I get it. But as someone with cis white mobility privilege, I’m thinking I’m staying and investing in ridding ourselves of this spectre of tyranny.”

That must be a reference to Donald Trump, whose participation in a fair election represents what NPR types would call a “threat to Our Democracy.”

At another point, she posted a picture of herself — masked outdoors, naturally — with a “Biden for President” hat. In a meandering TED Talk that makes Vice President Kamala Harris’s musings seem coherent, Maher blurted out the gem that, “We all have different truths.”

Prepare to be condescended to as the head of NPR explains the concept of truth:

She clarifies that although all “truths” are equally valid, truths that do not comply with woke ideology are not valid; bitterly clinging to these wrong truths is what causes deplorables to distrust the liberal establishment:

Maher calls the First Amendment the “number 1 challenge” to suppressing “bad information” — i.e., “truths” she doesn’t like:

In this apparatchik’s conception of utopia, everything except the corrosive lies spewed on NPR would be illegal.

Bad enough that the federal government forces us to fund a news program. This is obviously unnecessary given the alphabet soup of news outlets (ABC/NBC/CBS/CNN/MSNBC/ETC.) and outside its constitutional purview. Forcing us to fund propaganda that does not pass the laugh test as objective news is corrupt.

Grotesquely excessive federal spending threatens the viability of the American economy. To save the country, a Javier Milei style chainsaw is required. Defunding low-hanging fruit like NPR/PBS is a no-brainer.

On a tip from Varla. Hat tip: Matt Walsh.

Mar 24 2024

Democrats Come After Guns With Red Flag Angle

If anything should raise a red flag, this is it:

The announcement coincided with this:

On Saturday, Vice President Kamala Harris spoke from Marjory Stoneman Douglas high school and announced three quarters of a billion dollars being dedicated to securing more red flag laws.

Marjory Stoneman Douglas was the sight of the infamous 2018 Parkland, Florida school shooting, confirming Democrats’ eagerness to exploit tragedies resulting from failures in law enforcement and mental health treatment in order to attack our right of self-defense.

Even in the context of the ongoing Biden looting spree that has destabilized the economy, $750,000,000 is a lot of money. Big Government doesn’t need that much to notice that people like Nikolas Cruz belong in padded cells. However, it might be needed to ensure we don’t kick up too much of a fuss if extreme measures are required to keep Biden or rather his handlers in power.

As for the effectiveness of red flag laws for reducing mass shootings,

Harris did not mention that California adopted a red flag law in 2014, according to Giffords. However, FBI data showed that California led the nation in “active shooter incidents” in 2021.

So long as our right to bear arms is acknowledged, this is essentially a free country going through a rough patch. We won’t reach the end game until Democrats have tried to disarm us.

On tips from Wiggins, R F, Anonymous, and WDS 2.0. Hat tip: Pirate’s Cove.

Mar 15 2024

Kapo Chuck Schumer Undercuts Israel

Even the evil achieved in Nazi concentration camps can be surpassed. The depravity of Josef Mengele’s medical atrocities is rivaled by gender-affirming care. In the aftermath of October 7, Jewish leftists may top the kapos:

In exchange for better food and clothing, increased autonomy, possible occasional visits to a brothel, and a 10 times greater chance of survival, kapos served as the first line of discipline and regulation within the camps.

They supervised their fellow inmates, oversaw their slave labor, and often punished them for the slightest infractions — sometimes by beating them to death.

In 2019, the Jewish Chronicle called the word kapo the “worst insult a Jew can give another Jew.”

Yet some have been voting for the modern day equivalent:

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) issued an extraordinary demand Thursday for Israel to hold new elections aimed at ousting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, whom the Biden administration and Democrats dislike.

They would prefer a liberal patsy who will agree to a ceasefire with Hamas.

Democrats know all about the systematic rape, torture, and murder of women and children inflicted on October 7. They know that “ceasefire” means surrender and that “from the river to the sea” means the eradication of Jews from their homeland. Yet they undercut our only real ally in the Middle East by trying to topple its leadership while it has its back to the wall.

Election interference targeting Netanyahu began under Obama, who some believe is currently the acting president.

Democrats have resented Netanyahu ever since he publicly opposed President Barack Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran, which gave billions of dollars to the Iranian regime for its terror activities and would have allowed Iran to emerge as a nuclear power after roughly a decade even if it complied fully with the terms of the deal. Netanyahu has also opposed President Joe Biden’s proposal to establish a Palestinian state as the outcome of the current war, which was started by Hamas terrorists.

Schumer and the rest side with Iran and Hamas against Netanyahu — and against America. Muslims hate both for the same reasons, as do leftists.

Biden has been publicly critical of Netanyahu, saying that he is “hurting” Israel more than he is “helping” it. Last week, Biden was caught on a hot mic saying that he had told Netanyahu he needed a “come to Jesus” meeting. And Vice President Kamala Harris signaled a desire to oust Netanyahu when she said last week that it was important to distinguish between Israel’s government and the Israeli people, as if the latter had not recently elected the former.

With Jews like Schumer, you don’t need Nazis. With friends like the USA under Democrat rule, you don’t need enemies.

On a tip from Varla.

Jan 03 2024

Claudine Gay Blames Racism

Turns out there is a limit to what even Harvard can pass off as excellence on behalf of Cultural Marxism — or as proponents currently call it, diversity/equity/inclusion. Affirmative action hire Claudine Gay was such a conspicuous disaster that even though Harvard at first circled the wagons around her, she was finally forced to walk the plank:

Gay, the president of Harvard University, resigned from her position on Tuesday after just six months in the role. Gay has recently come under sharp public scrutiny over her handling of antisemitism on campus since the start of the Israel-Hamas war, as well as accusations of plagiarism in some of her past academic writings. She announced her decision to resign in a letter addressed to the Harvard community.

This comes in the wake of her getting hit with six new plagiarism charges.

That Claudine Gay was made president only for purposes of identity politics could not be more obvious:

Gay’s plagiarism is one indication among others that she had a lackluster record. Gay published no books and just 11 papers in 20 years. Last week, a journalist at Substack reported that after two professors questioned a method she used in a 2001 paper because of its “logical inconsistencies,” Gay refused to share her data with them. Gay’s academic record is far below Harvard’s normal standards for both professors and presidents.

Even the little bit she published she did not necessarily write:

Gay has been hit with nearly 50 allegations of plagiarism affecting eight of her 17 published works.

Gay topped this off by saying that calling for the genocide of Jews can be okay depending on context — i.e., depending on whether the call is made on behalf of people viewed as less white than Jews.

As with Kamala Harris, Ketanji Brown Jackson, and Karine Jean-Pierre, that Gay is the best left-wing black woman our moonbat overlords could find for the job does not make left-wing black women look good.

Absurdly yet predictably, despite having exploited racial favoritism to climb to a position for which she is clearly unqualified, Gay squawks that she is the victim of racism:

Gay painted herself as a victim, suggesting she found it frightening “to be subjected to personal attacks and threats fueled by racial animus.”

Here’s her resignation letter:

Eight score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we (metaphorically) stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Black and LGBTQIA2S+ slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. …

But 160 years later, I see no changes. All I see is racist faces. Misplaced hate makes disgrace to races. …

When my brief presidency is remembered, I hope it will be seen as a moment of reawakening to the importance of striving to find our common humanity—and of not allowing rancor and vituperation to undermine the vital process of education. I promise to never give you up, to never let you down, to never run around and desert you. To never make you cry, never say goodbye, or tell a lie and hurt you. After my picture fades, and darkness has turned to gray, watching through windows, you’re wondering if I’m okay. If you’re lost you can look and you will find me, time after time.

No wait, that was a parody. Hard to tell the difference with a moonbat as cartoonish as Claudine Gay. Here’s the real resignation letter:

Another esteemed countermoonbat is not so glad to see her go:

It’s important to Harvard that its brand survive Claudine Gay. It’s important to America that it doesn’t.

Gay was arguably performing a constructive service by keeping a klieg light trained on the absurdity of DEI.

Harvard and academia will try to claim the problem is over. In fact, they’ll claim there never was a problem, she was singled out because she is a black woman. …

Rearranging administrative chairs on a sinking ship is not the answer.

Havard and other Ivy League schools need to jettison not just their Presidents, but the DEI industrial complex…

The pervasive rot that is moonbattery will not be purged with a single resignation. That task may take generations. The Ivy League is unlikely to survive it.

On tips from WDS 2.0, Bluto, ABC of the ANC, KirklesWorth, and Mr. Freemarket.

Dec 11 2023

Biden Promises to Shut Down 60% of US Electricity

Last week we acknowledged Pearl Harbor Day. The point was not only to mourn those who died, but to remind ourselves never again to let our enemies sneak up on us. Imagine if the Japanese had been able to inflict something truly devasting — like shutting down 60% of our electric power:

Team Biden announced it will stop production of all new coal plants in the United States.

This comes on the heels of President Biden’s Environmental Protection Agency saying this year it would impose new power-plant emission regulations that are virtually impossible for coal plants to comply with.

That’s only one prong of the attack. They are also coming after natural gas:

Kamala Harris trumpeted the next day new rules to “sharply reduce methane from the oil and natural gas industry.” …

Eliminating methane is a de facto ban on natural-gas power plants.

Natural gas is relatively clean and plentiful. It is largely responsible for keeping the lights on.

These regulations will cause rolling blackouts and brownouts across the country, much like we’ve already seen in California — America’s forerunner of radical anti-fossil fuel policies.

The lights will go out intermittently, and home heating in the winter and air conditioning in the summer will have to be turned off or rationed.

Coal provides 20% of our electricity. Natural gas provides 40%. Green energy boondoggles are highly effective at laundering taxpayer money to pay off Democrat campaign donors, but they do not reliably generate energy. Consequently,

Without gas and coal plants, hospitals, schools, the Internet, construction projects and factories will be routinely shut down when unreliable alternative-energy sources like wind and solar power aren’t delivering enough juice.

We could use generators for when there is no power — except that Democrats are coming for those too.

Meanwhile, Democrats are progressively banning real cars, so that transportation will be reliant on the overburdened power grid.

The Biden administration, in other words, wants to nearly double the demands on the electric-grid network at the same time it wants to shut down more than half of the nation’s power generation — and the most reliable sources at that.

The imperial Japanese — like every other enemy America ever faced — were downright benevolent by comparison. But at least Democrats are launching their attack right out in the open. If we don’t stop them, we have no one to blame but ourselves for the pointless poverty, tyranny, and misery they have planned for us.

On a tip from Jack D.

Dec 04 2023

Biden Flushes Away More $Billions on Climate Malarkey

Great news for the allegedly imperiled climate. Biden promises to fix it by throwing our money at it:

The Biden administration announced Saturday it is sending $3 billion in U.S. taxpayer funds to the U.N.’s flagship Green Climate Fund (GCF) in a move applauded by Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry.

If Kerry and the United Nations like it, it isn’t good for America.

Vice President Kamala Harris announced the cash splash as part of a series of a series of U.S. climate initiatives aired at the COP28 climate conference now underway in Dubai.

As with green energy boondoggles that enrich Democrat donors at our expense, the global warming hoax once again serves as a pretext for wealth transfers:

The GCF … is supposed to distribute $100 billion per year to poor countries under the guise of funding various emissions reduction initiatives and compensation for climate-related damages, as Breitbart News reported.

American taxpayers are literally held responsible for what the weather does in Third World dictatorships.

The Regime’s schedule is ambitious. Creepy Joe says he will please his weather gods by preventing us from making productive use of 30% of our country by 3 years ago:

On a tip from Barry A.

Nov 11 2023

Vets Insulted on Veterans Day

What greater insult to veterans than to present this senile husk of a left-wing corruptocrat…

…as Commander in Chief?

From the New York Post:

Biden needed stage directions from a military member during the solemn wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier during Veterans Day observances at Arlington National Cemetery Saturday. …

The military member pointed a gloved hand back toward Vice President Kamala Harris, who was standing several feet away, and the president returned to his mark beside her.

Harris and Denis McDonough, Biden’s Secretary for Veterans Affairs, both appeared to be suppressing grins as the president dithered.

Compounding the insult, Biden scolded the military for not always having been devoted to sexual perversion:

“We have doubled down on our efforts to ensure … that no veteran is denied the honor they earn because there was discharged for being LBTQ plus,” he mumbled.

Admittedly, keeping the acronym straight isn’t easy, with social engineers constantly adding in new forms of sexual derangement for us to revere.

Why not appoint Rashida Tlaib Commander in Chief? She can hawk up a gob of spit and let fly at the Tomb. It wouldn’t be much worse than this

On tips from Wiggins and Jack D.

Oct 02 2023

Marylander Laphonza Butler Picked for California Senate

You may not have to be a California resident to qualify as California Senator, but as Gavin Newsom announced in advance, you do have to be a black woman. This rules out 94% of the population. From there, he narrowed the field further to a black woman who is publicly homosexual and of course radically left-wing. Out of this pool, he chose the one most conspicuously devoted to evil, pro-abortion militant Laphonza Butler.

Butler is president of ultraleft EMILY’s List, a PAC that exists to promote the killing of unborn children. It is now helping her pretend she doesn’t live on the opposite side of the country:

“FEC filings from EMILY’s List record Laphonza Butler’s residence as Silver Springs, Maryland as recently as 31 days ago,” said FEC analyst Rob Pyers. “FPPC and FEC filings indicate that soon-to-be California Senator Laphonza Butler hasn’t been a resident of the state for over two years.”

Pyers noted that EMILY’s List was already cleaning up their website to hide where Butler allegedly lives. The organization removed the following line from their website: “She lives in Maryland with her partner Neneki Lee and their daughter Nylah.”

Surely Pyers would not be such a racist sexist homophobe as to suggest that residency requirements pertain to a Left-Wing Lesbian of Color.

If you like her fellow explicit identity politics selections Kamala Harris and Ketanji Brown Jackson, you will love Laphonza Butler. She personifies both race/sex favoritism and the war on morality, making her the ideal Democrat.

Also, she was a union leader for the infamously pernicious SEIU.

As for political experience, Newsom describes Laphonza as “a trusted adviser to Vice President Harris.” Experience conducting trainwrecks will be helpful if Democrats continue to consolidate power.

Look out, Michelle Obama; you could have competition after Democrats dump Biden next year.

On tips from seaoh, ABC of the ANC, and Chris Neilson.


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