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Category: Anarchotyranny

Mar 04 2024

Judge Who Released NYC Subway Maniac Is a Moonbat

Anarchotyranny prevails in jurisdictions controlled by leftists like Soros stooge Letitia James. While Big Government cracks down on opposition candidates and eating meat, violent savages like Amira Hunter run amok:

A 23-year-old with eight prior arrests was busted in the shocking, caught-on-video bottle attack on a New York City subway cellist — and was promptly cut loose Thursday despite pleas that she be held on bail.

Amira Hunter was nabbed Wednesday night, 15 days after she allegedly bashed Iain S. Forrest, 29, in the head as he performed in the Herald Square station.

Meet Amira:

No wonder local police get demoralized. There is not much use arresting maniacs like Hunter with maniacs like Marva Brown in charge:

The Big Apple judge who cut loose an alleged nut accused of randomly attacking a subway cello player is a former Legal Aid attorney with ties to progressive politicians.

Judge Marva Brown … became a Brooklyn civil court judge in November after campaigning as self-described “zealous advocate, compassionate advisor, respected negotiator and skilled litigator,” according to her campaign site.

By “zealous advocate,” she means a zealous advocate for moonbattery.

On a tip from seaoh.

Feb 22 2024

Is New York State Still Part of USA?

The Democrat Death Spiral doesn’t just destroy cities like formerly prosperous Detroit. It can take down whole states — like New York, which due to Democrat rule is effectively no longer part of the USA.

In America, political opposition is permitted. Not so in the People’s Republic of New York, where it is destroyed through lawfare:

New York Attorney General Letitia James threatened to seize former President Donald Trump’s New York properties if he can’t come up with the money to pay the $354 million civil fraud fine he was handed down last week by a New York judge.

The judgment is a farce that no reasonable person takes at face value. It signifies the collapse of rule of law into anarchotyranny, whereby hoodlums are allowed to rule the streets while authorities target political opponents over nonexistent crimes.

As businessman Kevin O’Leary observes, it is no longer advisable to do business in New York:

O’Leary, the star “Shark Tank” investor, slammed Judge Arthur Engoron’s ruling against Trump in the civil fraud trial. Last Friday, Engoron ordered Trump to pay a penalty of $355 million plus interest — a total of approximately $450 million. The fraud case was brought by New York Attorney General Letitia James, a Democrat who campaigned on targeting Trump. …

According to O’Leary, the ruling demonstrates what he and many other businessmen believed was already true: New York is a “loser state” because of liberal policies, high taxes, and uncompetitive regulation.

“I would never invest in New York now,” he promised.

Assurances from the inept governor that you can still do business in New York so long as liberals don’t especially hate you will not win back investors.

New York’s anarchotyranny has reached the extreme that other states will not extradite criminals there, knowing that the pro-criminal kooks in charge cannot be trusted:

Maricopa County prosecutor Rachel Mitchell said in a press conference Wednesday that [a murder] suspect will instead remain in Arizona.

“Having observed the treatment of violent criminals in the New York area by the Manhattan DA there, Alvin Bragg,” Mitchell said, “I think it’s safer to keep him here and keep him in custody, so that he cannot be out doing this to individuals either in our state, county, or anywhere in the United States.”

The suspect, 26-year-old Saad Almansoori, stands accused of the murder of a 38-year-old woman in New York City earlier this month. He was arrested in Arizona days later, after stabbing a second person.

Bragg was installed in office to advance the liberal agenda by George Soros. Showcasing the astonishing hypocrisy that characterizes leftists, his spokesmoonbat accused Mitchell of “playing political games” by not turning over Almansoori.

For now, Americans can still enter New York without a passport. But I wouldn’t advise it.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket, KirklesWorth, Wiggins, seaoh, and Franco.

Aug 16 2023

Assisted Suicide Skyrockets in California

In Canada, state-sanctioned killing is presented as a solution for everything except crime (and regretting sex change procedures) — including anorexia, PTSD, being poor, needing a wheelchair lift, and long waits to see a doctor. When it comes to ghoulish moonbattery, can the USA hope to catch up to Canada? Sure we can; we have California:

The number of deaths from assisted suicide in California increased by 63% in just one year, according to the state’s latest report.

Consistent with the principles of anarchotyranny, the same hyperregulatory state that soon won’t let people drive normal cars passed a law legalizing assisted suicide.

Since it took effect, the number of people who died under the lethal legislation has climbed each year, and 2022 was no different. In 2021, 525 people died from assisted suicide. In 2022, that number rose to 853.

Why such a drastic increase? In 2021, California legislators moved to remove safeguards from assisted suicide, including decreasing the waiting period to just 48 hours, when it was previously 15 days. … Some patients have also reported that insurance companies in California are refusing to cover treatment, and instead, will only pay for assisted suicide.

This state of affairs was created by the same liberals who bark that we must be denied the fundamental right of self-defense because we might use guns to commit suicide.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jun 06 2023

Free Crack Pipes in NYC Vending Machines

Our moonbat overlords can apply the principle of anarchotyranny to anything — from police recruitment that encourages illegal immigration to vending machines that force taxpayers to subsidize the violation of drug laws:

Big Apple officials unveiled a street vending machine Monday that covers it all when it comes to catering to drug-users, offering free handy paraphernalia such as crack pipes and lip balm — and also Narcan for overdoses.

The lip balm “can be used to smoke crack and crystal meth.” Naturally the free goodies also include condoms.

The vending machine, one of four set to be placed in some of the city’s most drug-infested neighborhoods, swaps out what would be more typical offerings such as candy bars and potato chips for the drug-related freebies to try to combat the surge in overdoses in the five boroughs, city Health Department bigs said.

The machines cost taxpayers $11,000 apiece, party supplies not included.

While the first machine does not include syringes, future ones may include them, [Health and Mental Hygiene Commissioner Ashwin] Vasan said.

New York’s Health and Mental Hygiene Commissioner uses public funds to facilitate recreational drug use, during a drug crisis that has been leaving people “in a catatonic state and with conditions that eat their flesh off.”

Once again we see that liberal rule entails the absolute inversion of sanity.

On tips from THOUGHTCRIMINAL2084 and Ed McAninch.

Jun 06 2023

Illegal Alien Police Officers

The system of government moonbats seek to impose is known as “anarchotyranny.” It combines tyrannical government overreach with contempt for rule of law, as liberal Illinois demonstrates by recruiting illegal aliens as police officers:

A bill aimed at clearing a path for recipients of a federal immigration program to become police officers — and at the same time helping departments that say they are struggling with recruitment — is moving forward with bipartisan support in the Illinois Legislature, but only after being amended to make clear that potential hires need to get federal approval to carry a gun.

The federal immigration program is DACA, which applies specifically to people who are in the USA in violation of American law.

Federal law generally bars noncitizens from carrying guns unless it’s for “official use,” meaning police officers who are not U.S. citizens would not be allowed to carry the weapons off-duty, according to a spokesperson for the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

The Illinois legislators want the federal government to change the rules so that people who are in the country illegally can carry guns legally even when not on duty as police officers.

The measure’s Democratic sponsor in the House is state Rep. Barbara Hernandez, whose aim is to help recipients of the federal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA, become police officers while also giving law enforcement agencies another option for recruiting.

Recruiting has been a problem because Democrat authorities aggressively side with criminals against law enforcement. This alarming phenomenon has been taken to the last extreme in Chicago, whose leftist fever swamps spawned the community organizer who went on to push DACA as the 44th president. Maybe the recruitment and morale problems will be mitigated when the cops themselves violate the law just by being here.

Multiple states including of course California allow illegal aliens who qualify for Obama’s DACA program to be police officers.

The legislation passed 101-0 in the Illinois House on March 24 and is now before the Senate, where it already has two sponsors.

Update: The bill has now passed both houses.

The next logical step is to enlist convicts as police officers rather than incarcerating them. This will have the desired effect of reducing the prison population. It could be how Dim and Billyboy got jobs as bobbies in A Clockwork Orange.

On a tip from Dr Kufi Tutite.

Mar 22 2023

More 1/6 Protester Arrests; Cash Rewards for BLM Rioters

The Department of Justice has reacted to video revealing that the “insurrection” on January 6 was more peaceful than the average Black Lives Matter demonstration by announcing there will be as many as 1,200 more arrests. A thousand people have already been arrested. Those who did anything remotely worthy of incarceration are already sitting in jail. The Democratic Party is rounding up political prisoners.

In jarring contrast, leftist rioters are not hunted down by federal agents. They are handed cash rewards at the expense of law-abiding taxpayers:

Philadelphia has reached an agreement to pay a total of $9.25 million to more than 200 people who were injured during the police response to protests following the murder of George Floyd in May 2020.

Rioters’ lawyers claim they deserve other people’s money because the zip ties, tear gas, and rubber bullets required to restrain them were hurtful. Some even claim to have suffered mental trauma. The liberals in charge are only too happy to open the public purse.

Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney said in a statement obtained by FOX29 that the “pain and trauma” that police violence and racism have caused Black and Brown Philadelphians is “immeasurable.”

What do you expect in a country where the vice president explicitly raised funds to bail rioters out of jail and called for more riots?

Democrats reward rioting because they want more — so long as it serves to advance their agenda. Otherwise, even peaceful protesters may have their families awakened by FBI agents kicking in the door. This form of government is called “anarchotyranny.”

Weaponization of the justice system has gone well beyond anything someone worthy to be called an American would find tolerable. Under Democrat rule, this is becoming a banana republic. Those familiar with the French and Russian revolutions know what kind of Reign of Terror lays ahead if leftists are allowed to consolidate power further.

On tips from Wiggins and ABC of the ANC.

Mar 01 2023

Anarchotyranny From Texas to Vermont

The system of justice implemented by liberals is known as “anarchotyranny.” Under it, criminal activity is largely permitted, but we are closely monitored so that innocuous but politically incorrect behavior can be punished severely.

This has resulted in astonishing arrogance among the criminal class. In Humble, Texas, a shoplifter took to Facebook to boast of her career:

“Drop the name, tell them who it is,” a woman says in a Facebook video. “Not only did I steal, the world knows I steal. That ain’t surprising. Now, (expletive) that’s walking around this (expletive). That’s what I do. Shoplifting is what I do, that’s not surprising to nobody.”

Her crowing was in response to people recognizing her from surveillance images of a thief stealing from the Deerbrook Mall.

“It’s just crazy to me how y’all wait,” said the woman. “How these ugly (expletive) white folks wait this long to post something. You post stuff to get more likes and more haha’s.”

While plying her trade, the thief brought along her baby and a possible boyfriend. Shoplifting isn’t her worse crime:

While leaving the store, a deputy stopped the couple. While the man was apprehended, the woman kept running. While she ran from authorities, police say she left her baby and stolen items in the mall parking lot and drove off.

“Turn me in all you (expletive) want,” said the woman on Facebook. Y’all can tell them my name, my first name, last name, all that. I’ll be out of jail tomorrow. That’s don’t bother me. I’ll be out of jail tomorrow. No probation. No parole.”

She knows the system well.

As for the police, who systemically oppress her according to the ideology of our ruling class,

Two Vermont state troopers are on paid leave as state police officials investigate claims they made racist and misogynistic comments while playing an online game when they were off duty.

Troopers Nathan Jensen and Nathan Greco were ratted out by an anonymous informant to Democrat State Senator Nader Hashim, resulting in an investigation.

The troopers in Vermont are likely in bigger trouble than the shoplifter in metro Houston.

On tips from Wiggins and seaoh.

Oct 14 2022

Hatchet-Wielding Maniac Arrested and Released Again

The maniac who threatened customers and smashed up a Lower East Side McDonald’s with a hatchet, only to be predictably released, has equally predictably been arrested and released again:

Michael Palacios … was approached by police around 5:40 p.m. Sunday after he was seen spraying graffiti behind 69 Second Ave. in Gowanus, according to police sources.

The 31-year-old messenger ran and snatched a bicycle from in front of a coffee shop and tried to ride off before he was detained, sources said.

The blue bike, valued at $3,500, was damaged in the chase, sources said.

The charges:

Palacios was charged with grand larceny, two counts of criminal mischief, possession of stolen property, making graffiti and possession of graffiti instruments. In connection with [an earlier] graffiti incident, he was charged with additional counts of making graffiti and possession of graffiti instruments.

Graffiti is merely vandalism, which is a crime in New York only in a technical sense. Same with the other charges. He was released without bail.

What a glorious time to be a sociopath in a place run by Democrats.

Meanwhile, we are asked to believe that blacks like Palacios, who menaced whites with a deadly weapon during his McDonald’s rampage, is oppressed by a racist criminal justice system.

I’ll go out on a limb and predict that this won’t be the last time Palacios is arrested and released. How long he goes without killing someone could be a topic for a betting pool.

But don’t get the impression that you can get away with saying, “illegal alien” in New York, which is illegal. Authorities are likely to come down on you hard. That’s why liberalism is also known as “anarchotyranny.”

On tips from Wiggins and Chris Neilson.

Sep 22 2022

Our Two Tiers of Justice

The leftist system of government is anarchotyranny. This entails a two-tiered system of justice: one to punish the innocent, the other to exonerate the guilty.

On some, authorities come down hard:

New York state Attorney General Letitia James on Wednesday announced she is suing former President Donald Trump and three of his children for fraud stemming from her long-running civil investigation into the Trump Organization’s business dealings.

The entire liberal establishment has focused on bringing down Trump for years. The best they could come up with is the Russian collusion hoax. But as the Mar-a-Lago raid demonstrates, they will never stop trying, so long as they regard him as a threat.

In addition to Trump, the additional defendants named in the lawsuit include his three eldest children (Donald Jr., Ivanka and Eric)…

They must be regarded as politically threatening too. Or maybe James is going after his kids out of sheer malice.

“Mr. Trump and the Trump Organization repeatedly and persistently manipulated the value of assets to induce banks to lend money to the Trump Organization on more favorable terms than would otherwise have been available to the company, to pay lower taxes, to satisfy continuing loan agreements and to induce insurance companies to provide insurance coverage for higher limits and at lower premiums,” James said during the remarks, which came after the 222-page civil complaint was filed in New York Supreme Court on Wednesday morning.

Disputing past estimates of the values of assets is not as spectacular as accusations concerning Russian collusion, insurrection, and nuclear secrets, but Democrats will settle for anything they can make stick at this point.

So many senseless laws have accrued, it is said the average American commits three felonies per day. Surely they can pin something on Trump.

The New York attorney general said she is making a criminal referral to the Internal Revenue Service and the Southern District of New York.

The Democrat strategy is to criminalize opponents, then dispatch government agents to drag them off to prison, as in banana republics.

Compare that to the carte blanche offered to known criminals:

House Democrats on Tuesday blocked an inquiry into 150 reports of suspicious financial activity surrounding the international business dealings of Hunter Biden and other Biden family members, which Republicans said could compromise President Joe Biden.

The Biden family has engaged in criminal activity for years, arrogantly secure in the knowledge that powerful Democrats are above the law.

Republicans on the committee requested that the Treasury Department provide about 150 suspicious activity reports, called SARs, from banks about the Biden family’s financial activity. Such information had been available upon request to members of Congress, but the Biden Treasury Department reversed the policy and refused to comply with the request, [Rep. James] Comer [R-KY] said.

You might as well ask the Injustice Department to investigate the Bidens.

Guilt and innocence are irrelevant now. All that matters is whether you are associated with the ruling class or its opposition. This has induced otherwise sane people to identify as Democrats.

On tips from Lyle and Varla.

Aug 28 2022

Illegal to Sell Whipped Cream to 20-Year-Olds in New York

When moonbats achieve dominance, the mode of government they impose is anarchotyranny. For example, in New York, violent crime is virtually legal. So is shoplifting. Shooting a police officer can go unprosecuted. Foreigners who are in the country illegally are welcomed with open arms as if there were no laws; authorities even hand them cash gifts, house them for free in luxury hotels, and want them to vote. However, you can get in big trouble for calling the illegal aliens “illegal aliens.” You can also get in trouble for selling whipped cream:

It’s now illegal to sell the sweet treat to anyone under the age of 21 due to a law targeting nitrous oxide abuse.

Nitrous oxide is used as a propellant in whipped cream canisters.

“This new law is an important step in combating a significant problem for many neighborhoods throughout my district,” said New York State Sen. Joseph Addabbo, a sponsor of the bill. “Used whippits piling up in our communities are not only an eye sore, but also indicative of a significant nitrous oxide abuse problem. This law will help to protect our youth from the dangers of this lethal chemical, while helping to clean up our neighborhoods.”

Addabbo is of course a Democrat.

Next, they may target dentists’ offices. The police have to do something with their time, now that Black Lives Matter has declared it racist to keep the streets safe.

On tips from Wiggins, Bluto, and Anonymous.

Aug 19 2022

Collapse of Civilization on Display at Los Angeles 7-Eleven

What the Democratic Party has been achieving at the national level with looting sprees like the Inflation Aggravation Act, mobs consisting of the Democrat base apply at the local level. From a Los Angeles Police Department press release:

On August 15, 2022, around 12:40 a.m., a street takeover initiated at the intersection of Figueroa Street and El Segundo Boulevard. Motorists flooded the intersection and blocked traffic with their vehicles from all directions to create a “pit” in the middle of the intersection. During the incident, spectators exited their vehicles and watched as motorists recklessly drove in a maneuver known as ‘doing donuts.’ …

The spectators then formed a ‘flash mob’ of looters and rushed a nearby 7-Eleven located at the northwest corner of Figueroa Street and El Segundo Boulevard. Video surveillance from the store showed the looters fanning out across the store and grabbing all the snacks, drinks, cigarettes, lotto tickets, and other merchandise. Looters also vandalized the store and threw merchandise at employees. The looters then exited the store to the surrounding parking lots and streets, and quickly dispersed before police arrived.

This open contempt for law and order is a predictable result of the liberal establishment’s embrace of Black Lives Matter ideology and war on local law enforcement. Lawlessness has been greatly facilitated in cities like Los Angeles, where George Soros has installed an openly pro-criminal district attorney who will see to it that, in the unlikely event any looters are arrested, they will not be prosecuted.

George Gascon recently survived a recall effort because the authorities rejected over 195,000 petition signatures. Soros-appointed maniacs have subverted DA offices throughout the country (e.g., Alvin Bragg [Manhattan], Kim Foxx [Chicago], Larry Krasner [Philadelphia], Kim Gardner [St Louis], Marilyn Mosby [Baltimore]).

If police do attempt arrests, they are likely to be accused of racism. If any culprits succumb to a fentanyl overdose while resisting, officers will receive the Derek Chauvin treatment.

The leading figure in the political opposition has his home raided by FBI goons on a fishing expedition for anything that can be construed as evidence of a crime, while large mobs loot stores secure in the knowledge that they will not face consequences. The technical term for Democrat rule is “anarchotyranny.”

This is what the collapse of civilization looks like:

On tips from Jack Bauer and Wiggins.

Jun 29 2022

UK Police Investigate Playground Insults

Moonbat rule means anarchotyranny. That means that while professional shoplifters ply their trade without consequence, the police investigate 11-year-olds for calling each other names:

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Jun 23 2022

Marginalization of Police and Its Consequences

Liberal rule means anarchotyranny. This entails the paradox of a police state where the police have been marginalized and crime is rampant.

Mouth off at a school board meeting and you will draw the attention of federal authorities. But if you commit an actual crime, all you have to do to is run away:

Chicago police officers will no longer be allowed to chase people on foot simply because they run away or they’ve committed minor offenses, the department said Tuesday…

Cops know that when in doubt, they should let the criminal go:

The policy also makes a point of reminding officers that they or their supervisors will not be criticized or disciplined for deciding against a foot pursuit or calling one off…

Even if officers feel bureauweenies won’t punish them too severely for giving chase,

The policy includes a number of circumstances in which an officer must call off a chase, including a requirement that the pursuit must end if a third party is injured and needs immediate medical attention that can’t be provided by anyone else.

All the criminal needs to do is injure an innocent bystander. Perverse incentives are a specialty of the Democrats in charge.

In Britain, burglary is virtually legal now, because police are too busy repressing thoughtcrime to do anything about it:

You can’t expect the police to hunt down criminals when they have other priorities — like promoting sexual depravity on behalf of our degenerate ruling class:

The effects of marginalizing the police and subordinating law enforcement to moonbattery are becoming evident. Just visit a McDonald’s…

…or a grocery store:

Either civilization literally perishes of bleeding heart liberalism, or there will be a backlash against it so massive as to be audible from outer space.

On tips from Wiggins, KirklesWorth, and Lyle.

Apr 30 2022

Anarchotyrant Raphael Warnock Spends Big on Security

Life could get scary under a regime of leftist maniacs like Reverend Wright knockoff Raphael Warnock, who is now a Senator (D-GA). He opposes our constitutional right to bear arms, and also opposes local police. This recipe for anarchotyranny will leave us in a country where the cops are marginalized into irrelevance and only criminals have guns. The rest of us are expected to cower behind locked doors.

Not even a kook like Warnock would want to live under such conditions. He won’t have to. Our liberal ruling class can afford private security.

Via Law Enforcement Today:

[Warnock] won his nail-biter senate contest by campaigning in part on a message of gun control and “defund the police.” He called law enforcement “gangsters, thugs, bullies and a threat to children.” He demeaned law-abiding gun owners from his own pulpit.

But it turns out Rev. Warnock doesn’t practice what he preaches. He’s a true believer in the power of armed security. New records show he paid nearly $137,000 for private security for protection.

The French Revolution — which entailed not just regime change but the overthrow of an entire degenerate ruling class — makes more sense with each passing day.

On a tip from Dragon’s Lair.


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