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Category: Black Oppression

Apr 12 2023

2023’s Answer to Rosa Parks Gets Punched at Target

Stop the presses — a black person has been oppressed:

The ugly incident happened in October at the [Target] megastore in Blue Ash, Ohio, and began when Karen Ivery asked a cashier for their manager regarding the bill and reparations, according to the police report reviewed by The Post.

The suits at obnoxiously woke Target probably thought the crocodile would eat them last. As usual with those who pander to leftism, they were wrong.

When speaking with the manager, the customer first asked for reparations and grew angry as she walked “aggressively” toward the manager, according to the report.

Lunacy spawned in the leftist fever swamps of California and New York soon finds its way to places like Blue Ash, an inner suburb of Cincinnati.

“Ivery kept berating her about reparations and her privileged life,” the report alleges as the patron kept walking toward the manager.

Entitlement is not an easy beast to get back in its cage.

Security officer Zach Cotter tried to get Ivery to calm down and leave…

But she allegedly began screaming at Cotter and followed him to his office.

When he tried to shut the door, Ivery allegedly forced her way in and Cotter threw a punch, according to the report.

The respective races add up to oppression — and yet:

After reviewing footage of the incident, authorities wrote that they determined Ivery was the “aggressor” and she was placed under arrest.

Black Lives Matter tried to warn us that police are racist. You can see why they must be defunded and abolished.

“Ivery was confrontational with officers on the scene and didn’t want to explain her actions,” the report states.

Grunts Ivery:

“This is my Rosa Parks moment.”

We have come a long way since Rosa Parks.

Ivery was charged with disorderly conduct. We’ll see if that counts for or against her when she brings her lawsuit demanding $millions.

On tips from Franco and ABC of the ANC.

Apr 11 2023

Professor Eric Stewart Appears to Be Race Fraud

Not all of the racial fraud in academia relates to phonies claiming privilege by pretending not to be white. Florida State University Associate Professor and 2005 W.E.B. Du Bois Fellow Eric Stewart looks black enough. Yet he appears to be a race fraud:

The Florida Standard reports that Eric Stewart, a fellow of the American Society of Criminology, has had six studies retracted in recent years, after being accused of falsifying data first in 2019 by a professor named Justin Pickett from the University of Albany.

Stewart’s focus has been on racial data and research. That’s where the grant money is.

Pickett says he asked that a study he was involved with be retracted because the data was altered to the point of mathematical impossibility.

The study reported that as populations of black and Hispanic Americans grew, the public desire for discriminatory sentences also grew. However, Pickett later noticed that the sample size of the study somehow grew from 500 to over 1,000 and the number of counties polled dropped from 326 to 91.

Sometimes you have to cook the numbers so they come out politically correctly. That’s how we know math is racist.

Stewart responded by squealing that Pickett “essentially lynched me.”

Pickett told the Florida Standard that there is a “huge monetary incentive to falsify data and there’s no accountability. If you do this, the probability you’ll get caught is so, so low.”

Even so, academics have not been able to fabricate a factual framework for Critical Race Theory to rest upon that passes the laugh test. But at least they are trying. That proves they are good people, not lynchers like Pickett.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Apr 10 2023

Missing Persons Alert for Black Women and Children Only

As on Orwell’s animal farm, everyone is equal under moonbat rule, but some are more equal than others. Blacks are so equal that a California bill proposes an Ebony Alert system to report missing black women and children so they can be given priority over less favored identity groups:

In a release on the race-based crime bill, state senator Steven Bradford said that the bill would “address the often ignored or lack of attention given to Black children and young Black women that are missing in California.”

You know, like the White House needed to promote a Transgender Day of Visibility 4 days after the Covenant School Massacre because of the lack of visibility given to transsexuals.

The media will be encouraged to prioritize Ebony Alerts, missing women and children of other racial groups being less newsworthy.

Despite all the favoritism, blacks are systematically oppressed, according to the same people who tell us that men can be women. That is the justification for California preparing to give blacks $800 BILLION of other people’s money.

It pays to be extra equal, or as liberals put it, oppressed.

Bradford distributes privilege to his fellow oppressed persons.

On tips from Wiggins and R F.

Mar 31 2023

California Reparations Estimated to Cost $800 Billion

California has remained at the cutting edge of moonbattery by proclaiming that blacks should be handed massive cash payouts in honor of their position of privilege high in the cultural Marxist caste system. Estimated bill: $800 billion.

The $800 billion is more than 2.5 times California’s $300 billion annual budget and does not include a recommended $1 million per older Black resident for health disparities that have shortened their average life span. Nor does the figure count compensating people for property unjustly taken by the government or devaluing Black businesses, two other harms the task force says the state perpetuated.

To judge by liberal rhetoric, the main harm is slavery. But slavery was never legal in California. Nor was it legal anywhere in the USA during the lifetime of anyone alive today.

Handing out massive quantities of other people’s money is not the full extent of the nuttiness California kooks have planned in the name of racial preference:

Other proposals include paying incarcerated inmates market value for their labor, establishing free wellness centers and planting more trees in Black communities, banning cash bail, and adopting a K-12 Black studies curriculum.

Note that liberals conflate blacks with criminals.

The $800 billion estimate in California includes $246 billion to compensate eligible Black Californians whose neighborhoods were subjected to aggressive policing and prosecution in the “war on drugs” from 1970 to 2020.

Blacks are to be showered with money to compensate them for having been provided police protection.

To be a liberal is never to ask, “But how are we going to pay for this?” Someone else always pays.

California doesn’t have the cash to finance this looting spree. But lunacy hatched in California is eventually imposed at the federal level. The federal government doesn’t have the cash either. But it can print it.

If you think inflation is bad now, wait until Democrats have won another round of elections. We will be burning piles of hundred-dollar bills to keep warm.

On a tip from Chuck A.

Mar 25 2023

Floodgates Open on African Inventions

As they used to say in the Soviet Union, the future is known; it’s the past that keeps changing. It started with blacks having invented peanut butter (sorry Ambrose Straub!), and quickly escalated to their having constructed the pyramids. Recently, we were told that blacks invented coffee. Now the floodgates are open: blacks invented toilets, circuitry, chairs, traffic lights, cars, and computers:

As her accent suggests, Africans might also have invented the English language. After all, Shakespeare was black — unless you want him to be erased.

On a tip from Soros Backed Animal.

Mar 21 2023

Coffee Revealed as Racist

Leftists have had such a hard time finding racism against anyone except whites that they resort to hate hoaxes and even to claiming that drinking coffee is racist. Actual headline from the Afrocentric website AFRU:

Is coffee racist? How drinking coffee perpetuates white supremacy

Warns the subtitle,

Created by Black people for Black people—and now a pillar of white supremacist capitalism. If you consume coffee, you are helping an industry built on racism.

Specialty coffee is particularly racist:

It’s not just that Black folks cannot afford specialty coffee, but the very acceptance of the term “specialty coffee” suggests that some coffee is somehow superior to others, an idea that is rooted in whiteness. Values like “hard work creates better products” is an white supremacist idea that is constantly forced upon people of color and justifies stereotypes like the myth of “laziness” in people of color.

Whites’ dastardly racism doesn’t stop at coffee:

Milk also became racist after white supremacists began using the white drink as a symbol of their skin. Yes, racist roots in the coffee industry are certainly much deeper, but the whiteness of milk and milk’s devastating effects on the beautiful Black body makes it almost as bad as coffee for some Black people.

So, if both milk and coffee are racist, what can be done? Many people will insist that combining the two drinks actually cancels out the racism, because it represents the white becoming pregnant with Blackness, and creating a delicious Brown result. This is why antiracist folks often take milk in their coffee — a subconscious purifying ritual.

But ultimately, and I know this will hurt, a proper commitment to doing antiracist direct action requires that we give up coffee altogether.

The favoritism enjoyed by blacks makes it challenging for them to maintain the pretense of oppression that validates their position atop the racial caste system. Still more challenging is to distinguish the endless crybully whining from parody.

Let’s see if the site’s About page offers any clues as to whether it is on the level. There you will find a poem defining AFRU’s mission, which like Black Lives Matter transcends black supremacism to also embrace the LGBT agenda. Highlights:

Transgender and cisgender, gender non-conforming too,
Everyone is welcomed, their journey we’ll see through.
And the sex workers, drag queens, and those in the scene,
Their stories we’ll lift up, let their voices be seen.

Too bad they didn’t include an illustration so that we could see what a voice looks like.

Intersex, asexual, pansexual and more,
We stand with you, and we’ll fight for your roar.

Black, white, brown, yellow, and all shades in-between,
Racism has no place here, our love is supreme.

Except that white people are racists so don’t drink coffee.

Has to be serious. As parody, it would be too mean.

On tips from Wiggins and Lyle.

Mar 20 2023

Race-Pandering Katie Hobbs Upstaged by Rachel Dolezal

To grasp how much of a farce it is that left-wing ditz Katie Hobbs is now Governor of Arizona, consider this preposterous spectacle:

On Friday afternoon, Governor Katie Hobbs was joined by a group of black leaders and the former Rachel Dolezal, now Nkechi Amare Diallo, for the signing of an executive order banning racial discrimination based on a person’s hair in Arizona.

Rachel Dolezal is to racial impostors what Jussie Smollett is to hate hoaxers. Born of central European ancestry with blue eyes and straight blonde hair, she managed to become an NAACP chapter president and an instructor in Africana studies at Eastern Washington University before her fraud was revealed, ending her career as a professional black person. Astonishingly, she then doubled down on her tasteless racial impersonation, renaming herself with all the authenticity of Suzy Eddie Izzard.

The executive order will prohibit state agencies, and all new state contracts or subcontracts from discrimination based on hair texture and protective styles, such as braids, locs, twists, knots, and headwraps, in the workplace and in public schools to ensure protection against discrimination based on all race-based hairstyles.

Under our racially tiered justice system, anything that could be construed as “discrimination” against privileged blacks is already illegal. But new laws will accrue anyway, as leftist pols virtue signal their racial obeisance.

Here’s why Hobbs had to make a special show of bending the knee:

It is unknown how Dolezal/Amare Diallo managed to steal center stage from the governor, who has twice been found guilty by juries of discriminating against a black staff member of the Arizona Legislature.

The alleged victim is crybully Talonya Adams, who was fired despite being black. That even hardcore moonbats like Katie Hobbs are denounced for racism proves it is imaginary — unless you count racism against whites.

I didn’t realize Burger King still gives out those crowns.

On a tip from Barry A.

Mar 09 2023

Disney Memory Holes Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah

The moonbats running Disney are custodians of American popular culture. That has put them in a position to stuff another piece of Americana down the memory hole:

The iconic song “Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah” has been removed from Disneyland’s Magic Happens parade, presumably because it originated from the controversial 1946 feature Song of the South.

Disney also closed the classic Splash Mountain ride at Disney World because it refers to Song of the South, which has been erased because it is now regarded as thoughtcrime.

“Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah” entered the American zeitgeist in 1946 when black American actor James Baskett performed it in the part-animated/part-live action movie Song of the South. Baskett would make history by becoming the first black man to win an Oscar for his portrayal of Uncle Remus and “Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah” would go on to earn its rightful place in the American songbook.

That rightful place has been revoked because “racism.”

On a tip from Wiggins.

Mar 06 2023

Latest Demand: Black Bereavement Leave

Dance with the one who brought you. That appears to be the guiding principle of black educators, many of whom owe their positions to identity politics. Education is not about education; it is about weaponizing victimhood to advance blacks at the expense of other races. Angel Jones pushes the obsession with racial identity to the point of self-parody:

A professor at Southern Illinois University asserts that black American workers should get paid time off to grieve whenever a black person is killed regardless of whether they knew the person or were related to them.

Jones implies that blacks should get time off even when blacks are killed by other blacks, as is usually the case when they die violently.

Jones says she burst into tears when she was forced to email her students after Tyre Nichols’ death in Memphis.

No one disputes that Tyre Nichols was beaten to death by other blacks, although liberals have predictably tried to blame white racism for it.

Jones published a piece in Times Higher Education with the demanding title, “Where’s Our Black Bereavement Leave?

Crybullies Jones:

I am a proud educator who loves what I do. But before that, I am a Black woman. A Black woman who is expected to return to “business as usual” on Monday after seeing a member of my community murdered on Friday. Although it is customary for employees to receive support and understanding while grieving the loss of a loved one, the same care is rarely shown to the Black community when we lose someone in horrific and traumatic ways. Where’s our Black bereavement leave?

She also says that blacks deserve free counseling to deal with “racial battle fatigue” resulting from their imaginary oppression.

If you give children whatever they demand while purring obsequiously that they are somehow put upon, their demands will soon become absurdly unreasonable. This also applies to racial groups.

How to be black for a living.

On tips from Franco and Jack D.

Mar 03 2023

Crybully Sues University of Bristol for Microaggressions

If it is true that some hesitate to hire members of allegedly oppressed identity groups, it could be because no one wants to deal with the crap Christabelle Peters put the University of Bristol through:

A black university lecturer sued the faculty for race discrimination because her nameplate on her door didn’t have her ‘Dr’ title on it.

Other microaggressions Peters claims to have been subjected to include that her office furniture wasn’t delivered fast enough, that like coworkers she didn’t always get her pay slips in her pigeonhole, that someone expressed lack of interest in Africa, and that educrats racistly pushed her to take ill health retirement after she suffered a disabling stroke.

Even now, sanity sometimes prevails, even in academia:

The lecturer, who is black British of Guyanese origin, has lost all her claims at an employment tribunal.

This followed a week-long spectacle at which she denounced everyone around her as a racist.

As for the nameplate,

The tribunal found the nameplate issue was an ‘admin error’, that another lecturer had the same problem happen to him, and that the nameplates are often prepared by junior workers who don’t even know what they look like.

Regardless of her qualifications — which thanks to Affirmative Action could be nonexistent — would you want Christabelle Peters working for you?

Peters practices what she preaches: cultural Marxist moonbattery.

On a tip from Lyle.

Feb 27 2023

Open Thread

There is a certain class of race problem-solvers who don't want the patient to get well, because as long as the disease holds out they have not only an easy means of making a living, but also an easy medium through which to make themselves prominent before the public. - Booker T. Washington

On a tip from Jester.

Feb 14 2023

Academics Discover Lack of Wildlife in Cities Is Racist

If you pay academics enough, they can find racism anywhere. They have even managed to prove that racism causes wild animals to avoid minority neighborhoods:

“Systemic racism alters the demography of urban wildlife populations in ways that generally limit population sizes and negatively affect their chances of persistence,” write the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg’s Chloé Schmidt and Colin J. Garroway in a study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

In a study that examined 39 terrestrial vertebrate species in 268 urban locations across the United States, the researchers found “generally consistent patterns of reduced genetic diversity and decreased connectivity in neighborhoods with fewer White residents.”

The lack of urban wildlife was allegedly caused by iniquitous white people escaping to the suburbs to avoid crime several generations ago. Looks like wild animals are white adjacent and don’t like crime either. Or maybe they have other reasons to prefer not to live in densely populated cities.

The lack of wild animal equity has inflicted mental illness upon sacred BIPOCs:

Areas with less diversity could also be having negative effects on both the mental and physical health of the people who live in such ‘deprived’ neighborhoods.

They mean animal diversity, not the diversity that characterizes American inner cities, which wild animals are wise to avoid.

On a tip from Franco.

Jan 31 2023

Tyre Nichols Killing Was Caused by Erosion

When five black cops working for a black police chief in a majority black city beat to death a black guy, people looked for explanations for how this could have happened. The media establishment, applying the When All You’ve Got Is a Hammer principle, jumped the shark completely with the risibly preposterous assertion that white racism is to blame for the Tyre Nichols killing. The actual explanation is erosion — of both standards because of Affirmative Action and the War on Police, and the family because of sexual immorality and the welfare state.

Regarding the erosion of standards:

At least two out of of five Memphis police officers charged with murder in the fatal beatdown of Tyre Nichols joined the force after the department relaxed its hiring requirements.

Tadarrius Bean and Demetrius Haley joined the Memphis PD in August 2020, after education requirements were lowered.

Retired NYPD detective Mike Alcazar, who teaches at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, notes that this results in “less desirable” candidates.

“They’re desperate. They want police officers,” Alcazar said. “They’re going through it, they check off some boxes, saying, ‘Ok, they’re good enough, get them on.’”

Here’s how desperate:

The department showed signs of struggle with recruiting new police officers, offering $15,000 signing bonuses in 2021 and 2022, Fox 13 reported. …

The department also revealed that [it] was even offering waivers for people who have been convicted on felony charges.

Urban police departments are desperate to find recruits because the heavy emphasis on Affirmative Action shrinks the pool of candidates, and because the liberal establishment’s ferocious hostility to local police — which became conspicuous during the promotion of Black Lives Matter — has made the job unappealing. Few want to put their lives on the line with their hands tied, knowing that politically motivated brass will not have their back, and that the vermin comprising the mainstream media will side with criminals to rally the public against them.

Speaking of Affirmative Action, Memphis is one of the many cities that just happens to have a black woman for a police chief:

Cerelyn “CJ” Davis … was fired from the Atlanta police department in 2008 for her alleged involvement in a sex crimes investigation into the husband of an Atlanta police sergeant…

Two detectives accused Davis of telling them not to investigate Terrill Marion Crane, who was married to sergeant Tonya Crane after the police department obtained photos of him with underage girls.

A federal grand jury later indicted Terrill Crane on child pornography.

Thanks to identity politics, Davis will always be qualified for a top job, no matter how spectacularly she fails.

Personnel standards are not the only conspicuous manifestation of the moonbattery eroding America. Jason Whitlock enraged liberals by coming on Tucker Carlson’s show and drawing attention to what they would call “root causes.” Whitlock confesses to escaping the plantation:

I argued that the five police officers mimicked gang behavior and that the whole sad event is a byproduct of communities overrun with matriarchal values and controlled by single black mothers. I said that the conversation we should be having in reaction to Tyre Nichols centers on the cost of destroying the black family.

For this, the liberal thought police at Google’s YouTube labeled video of his appearance on Tucker Carlson as “inappropriate or offensive to some audiences” — the ultimate endorsement.

As usual, Whitlock makes good points. The intelligentsia was particularly enraged by his…

…attempt to spark a conversation about the real ramifications of America’s growing preference for female authority and alternative family structures. The matriarchy doesn’t work.

The black urban matriarchy has resulted from fatherless homes, resulting in turn from the stratospheric illegitimacy rate caused by the welfare state and the collapse of sexual morality.

General decay of our culture as it is presented to us by the lefty-dominated news and entertainment media also plays a role.

[The Nichols killing] feels like the outgrowth of a rotten culture, a culture where black men are canonized and celebrated for handling petty beefs and disrespect with lethal violence.

Whitlock’s solution is Christianity. It worked for 2,000 years. In stark contrast, liberalism is not working.

CNN’s Van Jones speaks for the establishment by barking about the Nichols killing being “driven by racism.” The implied solution is to double down on the progressive policies that caused the erosion.

No wonder CNN viewership just hit a 9-year low. The pernicious lies comprising the liberal misinformation bubble are so divorced from anything real, they only resonate with fanatics who live in an alternate universe of sheer moonbattery.

On tips from Wiggins, Varla, and Mr. Freemarket.

Jan 27 2023

White Liberal Attitude Toward Blacks

White liberals’ attitude toward blacks is hard to figure out. They seem to worship as deities blacks they select to represent the race (e.g., George Floyd). Yet they also regard blacks as inferior, or they would not presume to dictate how they are allowed to think.

The welfare state and its predictable consequences are illustrative. Blacks are treated as helpless dependents and manipulated into living in squalor. Yet white liberals who made cash oblations to Black Lives Matter must understand at some level that the welfare-bred lowlife looting in the name of George Floyd would slit their throats for the spare change in their purses.

A couple of stories sum up the condescendingly abusive yet reverently submissive attitude white liberals have toward blacks:

Not even Sigmund Freud could come up with a theory to explain the relationship. All we know for sure is that it is nothing to be proud of.

On tips from Occam’s Stubble.


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