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Search: Eric Adams

Sep 09 2022

Fundamentally Transformed America

John Adams said,

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

What are the odds that Adams would have thought the Constitution adequate to govern a people characterized by intellectual disability?

Liberal control of education explains ignorance, but other factors were involved to reduce the nation that was first in flight and first on the moon to this:

Congratulations to progressive social engineers. Through their control of pretty much everything, they are fundamentally transforming America into a nation worthy of their rule.

On a tip from Chris Neilson.

Jun 28 2021

Profiles in Countermoonbattery: John Adams

In healthier times, Americans did not honor posturing buffoons of contemptible character as it does today, or submit to be ruled by them. Qualities like intellect, personal integrity, and clarity of thought were admired. We had heroes like John Adams, without whom America would not exist as anything more than another Canada.

Here’s what our liberal education establishment stopped teaching so that it could focus on critical race theory indoctrination instead:

Learn what you can while you can about the great men who built this country. They are slated for erasure by a ruling class vastly more intolerable than 18th century British royalty.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

May 17 2021

Biden Kills National Garden of American Heroes

At least Trump respects our country and its heritage, in stark contrast to the political opposition:

Executive Order 13978, signed Jan. 18 by former President Donald Trump, directed a task force to construct a statuary park populated with sculptures of important figures in American history. Trump enacted the order in response to calls to dismantle monuments and landmarks commemorating Americans who played major roles in the nation’s development.

That dismantling has been effected on an impromptu basis throughout the country by Black Lives Matter and Antifa thugs, who have defaced and destroyed statues of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and others to express a ferocious hatred of America to which Biden and his party are eager to pander.

Executive orders are easily rescinded by more executive orders. This will be a wonderful thing if the For the People Act is defeated, because if we have fair elections a Republican president will be able to do away with the avalanche of EOs Biden’s radical handlers have placed before him. It is not such a wonderful thing with Democrats in power. On Friday, Biden signed an order nixing the National Garden of American Heroes, putting an end to a national project for the “restoration, veneration, and celebration” of those who created our great nation.

Critics claimed that these monuments highlighted controversial personalities, such as certain Founding Fathers, with a record of wrongdoing that shouldn’t be celebrated.

If they can dupe us into rejecting our own Founding Fathers, liberals have killed America.

The National Garden was set to feature influential Americans including John Adams, Muhammad Ali, Andrew Carnegie, Frederick Douglass, Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin, Milton Friedman, Andrew Jackson, and Franklin D. Roosevelt, among many others, according to the order.

Note that it included heroes of the Left, like the socialist tyrant FDR and the anti-American draft dodger Muhammad Ali. Not good enough. It also included people leftists hate for not being leftists. All such people are to be canceled, not honored.

Biden’s handlers are likely to reverse any Trump executive order out of juvenile spite. Five other ones were revoked on Friday. It is surprising they didn’t get around to killing the National Garden sooner, given their intolerance toward American tradition.

In its place, they might create a National Garden of Sociopathic Lowlifes, featuring statues of the dead criminals the liberal establishment demands we revere.

On a tip from Varla.

Feb 12 2021

HR1/S1 Will Reduce American Elections to Farce

As mentioned earlier, today’s Democrats do not plan to relinquish power once they have gotten their hands on it. As also mentioned earlier, if you like the mess they made of the 2020 election, you will love what they plan to inflict with House bill HR1 and its companion Senate bill S1.

Former Justice Department lawyer J. Christian Adams sums up just how much damage Democrats plan to inflict on the American electoral system:

They are named H.R.1 and S.1 for a reason. The bills are the top priority of the newly empowered Democrats in Congress.

No more registering to vote. Ballots will be mailed out automatically to addresses generated by the bloated and incompetent federal bureaucracy. Excess ballots will be sent all over the place.

States also would be blocked by H.R.1 from signature verification procedures.

You say it is unconstitutional to deny states the right to run elections? No worries:

H.R.1 rigs the system for any lawsuits challenging the constitutionality of the law. All lawsuits can only be filed in one court – federal court in the District of Columbia.

Clearing dead people off the rolls would not benefit the Democratic Party, so:

It prohibits states from conducting list maintenance on the voter rolls.

You need ID for everything else, but after Biden signs this bill, requiring it for voting will be abolished by federal law.

The power grab goes beyond blatantly encouraging and facilitating fraud. It lays the groundwork to disenfranchise states that vote the wrong way:

“Congress can reduce a state’s representation in Congress when the right to vote is denied.” Without qualification or definition, Congress could rely on this sentence unilaterally to cut the number of House members from any state it claims is denying the right to vote.

Similar phony claims are already common. Democrats often use them to deflect investigations into voter fraud. If HR1/S1 passes, investigating voter fraud might get you thrown in jail:

It criminalizes anyone who uses state challenge laws to question the eligibility of registrants wrongly. The penalty is up to one year in prison per instance.

The power grab unsurprisingly encroaches on free speech:

It criminalizes publishing “false statements” about qualifications to vote and “false statements” about which groups have endorsed which candidates.

If making what the authorities determine is a “false statement” about an election can get you thrown in jail, there is a good chance that the election is a charade and that you do not live in a free country.

The bill does away with election day:

Nationwide, states must accept mail ballots on Election Day plus 10 days later.

Al Franken and more recently Joe Biden can tell you how valuable it is to be able to keep counting votes until you get the desired result.

And of course, unlimited ballot harvesting — having a third party “help” to fill in and gather up ballots, then drop them off at a polling station or other designated station — is guaranteed.

If this abomination is imposed, America will officially become a single-party banana republic. Elections will be taken no more seriously than they are in Venezuela.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Apr 28 2024

NYC Dictates Warning Labels for Soda and Hot Chocolate

Anarchotyranny means that even as the streets devolve into such violent chaos that the homicidal maniac John Hinkley Jr steers clear of New York City, businesses like Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks are not permitted to sell their harmless products without warning labels:

Fast-food chains and coffee shops in New York City would have to slap a warning on menu boards and packaging under a new rule from the Adams administration.

The city Health Department’s first-in-the-nation edict will mean labels warning on food and drinks with more than 50 grams of added sugar, including frozen coffee drinks from places like Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donuts, fountain sodas and even hot chocolate.

Hordes of sociopathic scumbags looting and burning in the name of antiwhite race hate? No problem. Gangs of illegal aliens beating up police officers just off Times Square? No problem. People drinking soda and hot chocolate? Big problem, but no worries; Eric Adams is on it.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Apr 15 2024

Squatter Charges Rent for NYC Apartment

Meanwhile, as celebrity pubs are seized by squatters in London, this is the state of affairs at ground zero for the squatter epidemic — namely, New York:

A crafty squatter bilked his landlord of at least $72,000 in rent for his Lower East Side apartment — then made tens of thousands in profit by subletting the unit, the owner charges.

For three years, computer programmer Thor Boucher hasn’t paid a cent of his bargain-rate $2,000-a-month, two-bedroom, one-bathroom Essex Street pad, claiming he didn’t have to because the building was noisy and shook, according to landlord Ed Yau and Manhattan Civil Court documents.

The alleged freeloader had no qualms renting the space out, though, charging as much as $1950 per room monthly since November 2021 on platforms including Airbnb and Craigslist.

Some actually benefited from Covid tyranny:

Boucher also applied in 2022 and 2023 to the state’s COVID rent-relief program, which effectively barred Yau from evicting his tenant during the application process.

No wonder housing in NYC is outrageously expensive. Try to imagine being a landlord in a place that would let Eric Adams be the mayor.

Either we overthrow rule by liberals or civilization continues to collapse.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Apr 15 2024

$2.1 Billion Raise for NYC Bureaucrats

Under leftist Mayor Eric Adams, New York City has showered $billions upon $billions on illegal aliens, even providing them with prepaid credit cards, while driving out the tax base with Marxist policies, forcing cuts in essential services like police. Now is the time for him to give his underlings a $2.1 billion raise:

The salary increases, which Adams approved in February without putting out a press release, will retroactively boost salaries by 16.2% for managers and other non-union employees when compounded annually over a five-year period dating back to 2021. …

Under Adams’ order, managers and non-union staffers making $100,000 will see their pay increase to $112,550 next month and $116,208 the following year.

Most Americans who do actual productive work make a lot less. Systematically destroying a formerly great city pays well:

Anyone earning $200,000 before the agreement – first reported by Politico – would have their salary surge to $225,101 in May and $232,417 next year.

The greed and arrogance of our moonbat rulers are so prodigious, you almost have to stand in awe.

Where will the money to pay for this come from? Your savings, after NYC’s inevitable federal bailout is financed through inflation.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Mar 27 2024

Prepaid Debit Cards for Illegal Aliens in NYC

After opening the border and inviting millions upon millions to flood in from the Third World to displace us, our arrogant rulers are treating the invaders to prepaid debit cards, to be financed by taxpayers:

Migrant families in New York city have begun receiving prepaid debit cards as part of a controversial scheme that could see them receive up to $18,200 a year. …

Mayor Eric Adams is pressing ahead with the $53 million scheme, despite a furious backlash…

A family of four with two children could receive up to $350 per week…

More motivation to drop those anchor babies quickly. Democrats want their offspring on the voter rolls ASAP.

Don’t worry, all the money will be spent appropriately:

Participants will also have to sign an affidavit swearing they will only use the cards for food or baby supplies at the risk of being removed from the program.

They would invade our country in contravention of our laws to effectively enslave us via the welfare state, but they would never sign an affidavit and then cheat.

In case you aren’t enraged yet, here’s what our liberal rulers think of our intelligence:

Adams insists the debit cards will save the city $600,000 a month

Haven’t you heard? Wasting money saves money.

That must be why liberals let the numberless hordes of illegal aliens invade in the first place: so as to save money by showering it upon them.

You can’t blame Democrats for thinking the public is witless. After all, people voted for Adams.

Chances are good you didn’t vote for him. Nonetheless, you will help pick up the tab for his moonbattery when New York inevitably spends itself into bankruptcy and gets bailed out by the federal government. This will be financed largely through inflation.

Adams’ decision to award the contract for the debit cards to Mobility Capital Finance on an emergency basis without competitive bids from other companies has also raised eyebrows.

This company defines itself with the slogan, FINTECH FOR AN EQUITABLE SOCIETY. That is, it is run by Marxists, just like New York.

This closely related story will surprise no one:

The New York City Council is begging an appellate court to authorize more than 800,000 foreign nationals to vote in the city’s municipal elections.

At the state level, to make sure the “newcomers” know who to vote for,

New York Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul has proposed $2.4 billion in spending for migrants…

At the national level, Biden continues to reward the illegal aliens he invited to invade and move them toward the voter rolls.

It has been said that democracy only works until people realize they can vote themselves largesse out of the public treasury. As it is turning out for us, it only works until one party figures out it can import a vast and explosively reproducing underclass that will largely subsist on that largesse. In either case, economic collapse is inevitable, followed by an authoritarian form of government.

On tips from Chuck A, Ed McAninch, Wiggins, and WDS 2.0.

Mar 20 2024

NYC Cracks Down on Pizza

Environazis will even come after pizza in New York. In the absence of sufficient pushback, they are pressing forward with restrictions:

New York City has quietly approved a controversial green plan to require pizzerias and matzah bakeries using decades-old wood- and coal-fired stoves to cut their smoky pollutants by 75%.

Mayor Eric Adams’ Department of Environmental Protection said the fresh edict takes effect April 27, with some city businesses having already coughed up more than $600,000 for new smoke-eating systems in anticipation of the expected mandate.

Uundercapitalized businesses (to use a favorite Shrillary term) that can’t afford a $600,000 system to appease bureauweenies may have to go under — or make pizza that doesn’t taste as good.

New York is already the most expensive city in the country to buy pizza.

Why come after pizza? Because New Yorkers love their pizza. Their moonbat rulers are testing the limits of how much pointless repression they will docilely submit to.

On a tip from Chris Neilson.

Feb 05 2024

New York Provides Government Jobs to Illegal Aliens

New York does more for illegal aliens than just hand out prepaid credit cards and allow them to run free after they beat police officers. At the state level, it provides them with government jobs:

Gov. Kathy Hochul’s administration recently agreed to a proposal that could make it easier for migrants to get temporary jobs in state government.

American citizens are less qualified for government jobs, because they may be infected with some vestigial remnant of American principles like limited government. No need to worry about that with the millions of Third Worlders Democrats are importing to displace us.

The Civil Service Commission voted to approve the measure on Jan. 18 and is working with agencies to implement the changes, which include dropping typical application requirements like proof of a high school diploma or proficiency in English.

According to Disney’s Wheel of Wokeness, those who are educated and/or speak English commit “privilege” and are therefore disfavored.

Hochul is eyeing 4,000 entry-level posts that are currently unfilled within state agencies, including clerical or administrative roles, technical support, equipment service and repair and food services.

Letting Americans take entry level posts rather than giving them to foreigners would provide an opportunity to get people off welfare. But why would Democrats want people off welfare?


Mayor Eric Adams also likes the idea.

“I would love to get migrants and asylum seekers to help with the lifeguard shortage. We’ve been successful in getting almost 30,000 people to [file] applications, including work authorization, asylum, TPS — we want more,” he said Tuesday during a press conference at City Hall.

TPS = “Temporary” Protection Status. “Asylum seekers” means “illegal aliens.” Tanks and artillery are outmoded. Nowadays, nations are invaded and conquered by vast hordes of rapidly reproducing Third Worlders who sneak into the country illegally and then recite the magic word “asylum,” which virtually guarantees they will never be deported.

Providing the invaders with jobs is only part of the displacement process:

“We’re also looking forward to the state continuing to work to resettle families,” said Anne Williams Isom, deputy mayor for Health and Human Services, during the City Hall-based press conference Tuesday.

But there’s an ongoing challenge convincing migrants to relocate upstate.

There are still a lot of Americans in New York, once you get north of the NYC, so Democrats will work hard to overcome this challenge.

On a tip from Barry A.

Feb 04 2024

NYC Provides Prepaid Credit Cards to Illegal Aliens

Even as New York City staggers under the economic not to mention societal impact of the illegal alien invasion that it explicitly invited with its sanctimonious sanctuary city posturing, the leftists in charge continue to redistribute the wealth created by Americans to foreigners unlawfully imported to displace us.

Via Daily Wire:

New York City, under the direction of Mayor Eric Adams, is set to begin a $53 million program that will give illegal immigrant families who have arrived in the Big Apple a prepaid credit card.

That would be the same Eric Adams who admits that illegal aliens are destroying the city, but who also insists that the US border remain undefended from foreign invasion.

The initiative will work like the state’s food assistance program, and illegal immigrant families will be instructed to only use the prepaid credit cards at grocery stores, convenience stores, and supermarkets. The cards will be refilled every 28 days, and families have to sign an affidavit promising to spend the credit card funds only on food and baby supplies.

You can always trust the word of foreign invaders who are in the country illegally, as surely as you can trust the word of leftist kooks who are systematically destroying the country:

The Adams administration said that the pilot program will save New York City taxpayers money…

Soon Adams will have saved enough to cause NYC to collapse into bankruptcy. Then comes the federal bailout, financed through inflation.

That’s why it does no good to escape from areas that have succumbed to the Democrat Death Spiral like New York. If we do not overthrow liberal rule, the entire nation will collapse.

On tips from Varla, Jack D, Wiggins, and WDS 2.0.

Jan 22 2024

New York Literally Reduced to Third World Toilet

“Third World toilet” is not just a metaphor for what Democrats are turning the USA into; it is a literal description. From my former neighborhood in New York City:

Since November, thousands of adult migrants have waited outside the former St. Brigid’s School on East 7th Street, and overflow into Tompkins Square Park, to score a bed in the city’s shelter system after their 30-day and 60-day stay limits expired.

Back in the day, Tompkins Square was populated by drug-addled derelicts. No matter how bad the decay with moonbats in control, they will always make it worse. Now the park is home to a tiny fraction of the welfare colonists Democrats have illegally imported to displace the American population. Workers have given up on trying to maintain the porta-potties. You can see why.

In the past week, locals and volunteers said they’ve spotted cups filled with urine around the park’s entrance near the former school, along with human-sized poop in tree beds and between parked cars. …

One migrant had no problem taking an al fresco whiz on a tree Wednesday afternoon as The Post surveyed the stomach-churning scene.

Moonbat Mayor Eric Adams has proclaimed NYC to be a sanctuary city, welcoming the countless illegal aliens the Biden Regime has treasonously allowed to flood the country. The unfolding consequences were inevitable.

On a tip from Barry A.

Jan 10 2024

Illegal Aliens Displace Students From School

Democrats have made it clear that the hordes of illegal aliens they have imported from every corner of the Third World take priority over American citizens — including American kids:

New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) is moving nearly 2,000 border crossers and illegal aliens from Floyd Bennett Field into a Brooklyn high school’s gymnasium — forcing students into virtual classes.

As we learned during the Covid shutdowns, that means students will not be learning until the weather improves and they are allowed back in school.

James Madison High School Principal Jodie Cohen notified parents, students, and faculty that they would have to go virtual on Wednesday to accommodate the border crossers and illegal aliens and their gym being turned into a migrant shelter.

The symbolism of Americans sacrificed to the illegal aliens brought in to displace them is underscored by the school being named after a Founding Father.

This isn’t the first time New York students picked up part of the tab for the Great Displacement:

At the beginning of the school year, around 21,000 illegal immigrant children flooded New York City schools for the first day of classes, forcing one school to place kids in a different facility because it reached building capacity. …

Adams also cut the city’s education budget by more than $1 billion over the next two years to deal with illegal immigration.

The objective is to grow the Democrat voter base at the expense of the American people. Mark Dice has more:

On tips from Wiggins and KirklesWorth.

Nov 27 2023

Qualify as Oppressed by Obesity in NYC

Liberals must have run out of special privileges to bestow upon allegedly put-upon blacks and sexual deviants, because they are expanding the Cultural Marxist coalition. In New York City, you can now achieve cherished oppressed status not only by your race or your perverse sexual inclinations but by being overweight:

A new city law that bans discriminating against someone because of their height or weight went into effect last week, six months after Mayor Eric Adams first signed the legislation. …

“All New Yorkers, regardless of their body shape or size, deserve to be protected from discrimination under the law,” NYC City Council Speaker Adrienne Adams and Councilman Shaun Abreu said in a joint statement Sunday.

To be “protected from discrimination” is to belong to a higher caste. This caste if first hired, difficult if not impossible to fire, promoted at every opportunity, immune from criticism, favored in law courts, given housing priority, et cetera.

The insanity of outlawing “discrimination” against fat people could be far-reaching:

For instance, one NYU student said classroom desks were too small for her…

No doubt Democrats believe that having to replace all desks, chairs, doorways, et cetera out of obsequiousness to the morbidly obese will stimulate the economy through wasteful spending.

Characteristically, Adams took the opportunity to tell a pernicious lie:

“Science has shown that body type is not a connection to if you’re healthy or unhealthy,” said Adams, who authored a 2020 book about losing 35 pounds.

Back in reality, eating your way to a politically favored “body type” makes you more prone to type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, metabolic syndrome, fatty liver diseases, some cancers, breathing problems, osteoarthritis, gout, diseases of the gallbladder and pancreas, kidney disease, pregnancy problems, fertility problems, sexual function problems, and mental health problems, according to the NIH.

Other Democrat domains are on board:

Lawmakers in New Jersey and Massachusetts are considering similar measures, while places like Michigan and Washington State have already enacted discrimination bans.

It might seem that one day we will have equality again, after everyone in the county qualifies as oppressed. But malevolent ideologies require a demonized scapegoat class. Stalinists had kulaks, Nazis had Jews, Muslims have infidels, liberals have white male Christians who cannot lay claim to any redeeming defect.

On a tip from Barry A.


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