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Search: war on christmas

Nov 22 2021

Liberalism Kills Five at Christmas Parade

Liberal policy is to let criminals out of jail with minimal or low bail, so as to impose “equity.” By now you have learned the consequence of this lunacy in Waukesha:

Five people were killed and 48 others were injured, including two children in critical condition, when a 39-year-old man driving a maroon SUV plowed into a crowd at a Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin, on Sunday.

The suspect, Darrell Brooks, will be charged with five counts of first-degree intentional homicide and other offenses, according to police chief Dan Thompson.

The dead include members of the Dancing Grannies.

More on Darrell Brooks:

Brooks’ social media accounts and online court records show that he is an aspiring rap singer with a lengthy criminal history and two open felony cases in which he was released on $500 and $1,000 bail, the latter just days before the parade deaths.

Sounds like exactly the kind of guy the liberal establishment would deify while demonizing the police for trying to defend us from him. Like liberal hero Jacob Blake, he “may have been involved in a possibly domestic abuse-related incident earlier that day.”

Brooks’ “extremely long criminal history” includes:

[O]pen charges filed November 5, 2021, in Milwaukee courts for resisting an officer (misdemeanor), felony bail jumping, second degree recklessly endangering safety (felony) with domestic abuse assessments, disorderly conduct and battery (both misdemeanors, also with domestic abuse assessments.)

He posted $1,000 cash bail on November 19, 2021.

For perspective, Kyle Rittenhouse — whose innocence was obvious from the beginning, who was arrested only for political reasons, and who had not just jumped bail — had his cash bail set at $2 million. Yet the media tells us that the judicial system is racist not in favor of blacks but against them.

Brooks has denounced the Rittenhouse verdict. He is a Black Lives Matter supporter who spews antipolice and black nationalist rhetoric and openly advocates violence against whites. He is an admitted child sex trafficker:

Not an easy fellow to paint as the good guy — not even for a media establishment that managed to lionize George Floyd and Jacob Blake.

Too bad for the media that he didn’t use a gun. They could have made the story about the need to deny us our right of self-defense. As it is, the liberal establishment has a choice between trying to somehow blame the police for this and just letting the story sink without a trace. Paul Joseph Watson is probably right that it will opt for the latter:

Every society has sociopaths capable of deliberately driving through a Christmas parade. A sane society keeps them in prison before they can amass anywhere near the rap sheet Brooks did. A society controlled by liberals lets them run amok and wreak havoc.

On tips from Bluto, 100Bravo, DM, KirklesWorth, and Varla.

Jul 16 2021

Disney World Cancels Christmas

Leftists’ annual War on Christmas is off to an early start this year. Hyperwoke Disney has already fired the first cannon blast of 2021:

Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party, an extremely popular yuletide tradition, is going to be rebranded. Instead, the Magic Kingdom will host a night time show.

The new “don’t call it Christmas” event is called ‘Disney Very Merriest After Hours’ – a generic, holiday-themed celebration.

The word “merry” may be all that survives of Christmas tradition if moonbattery prevails.

Like every other facet of our cultural heritage, Christmas has been deemed “noninclusive” and therefore “offensive.” Those who find generic winter scenes too drab are allowed to celebrate one of our proliferating black supremacist holidays, Kwanzaa.

More purging at Disney World:

Among the “offensive rides” that have been updated are Pirates of the Caribbean and Splash Mountain – a ride inspired by Song of the South. They also plan to update the Jungle Cruise over concerns about the depictions of natives.

Only that which woke scolds have not gotten around to declaring to be offensive is allowed in the public square. What remains of American culture becomes ever narrower as it shrinks away to nothing.

Disney also eliminated the words “ladies and gentlemen” and “boys and girls” from recorded greetings at its theme parks.

What is the point of an amusement park for children when even the concepts of boys and girls have been canceled?

On a tip from Dragon’s Lair.

Dec 20 2020

Christmas Canceled in UK

Like the perpetual progressive campaign against liberty, the War on Christmas has become more forceful thanks to exploitation of COVID-19. Boris Johnson said it would be “frankly inhuman” to cancel Christmas. Then he canceled it. Paul Joseph Watson brings us up to date on Airstrip One’s coronavirus-enabled yuletide lunacy:

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Dec 10 2020

Moonbat Neighbor Rebukes Nurse Over Christmas Lights

Another December means another installment in the moonbat War on Christmas. The low-profile light display on her home helped cheer up nurse Kim Hunt of St Anthony, Minnesota, who works a dangerous and depressing job on a coronavirus ward. Still more depressing are the leftist grinches who disapprove of holiday cheer. Hunt and her husband received an anonymous letter dripping with the sanctimonious malice that characterizes today’s liberal ruling class:

“I couldn’t help but notice your Christmas lights display. … The idea of twinkling, colorful lights are a reminder of divisions that continue to run through our society, a reminder of system biases against our neighbors who don’t celebrate Christmas or who can’t afford to put up lights of their own.”

Unless everyone chooses to celebrate Christmas, no one should celebrate Christmas. Because tolerance and diversity.

The condescending progressive preachiness dial is then cranked to 11:

“We must do the work of educating ourselves about the harmful impact an outward facing display like yours can have. I challenge you to respect the dignity of all people, while striving to learn from differences, ideas, and opinion of our neighbors.”

Once properly educated regarding differences, everyone will conform to political correctness with 100% homogeneity, and no moonbat will ever again have to grouse about Christmas lights.

“We must come together collectively and challenge these institutional inequities; St. Anthony is a community welcoming of all people and we must demand better for ourselves.”

A welcoming community of all people — except those who celebrate Christmas.

The mentality of this letter explains how it is possible that Democrats get elected.

On a tip from Rapinhoe.

Dec 24 2023

Jesus Replaced With “Cuckoo” Because Sensitivity

The War on Christmas often goes over the top in Europe, with climate kooks painting Christmas trees orange and Islamic colonists beheading manger displays or setting them on fire. But it can also be relatively subtle, as when kids are made to replace Jesus with the word “cuckoo” in Christmas carols in Italy:

The episode took place in a primary school in the municipality of Agna, where fundamental changes were made to the lyrics of a song for the annual Christmas party. Instead of “Jesus will soon be born”, the children had to sing “Cuckoo is made from above”. And furthermore, the passage “Where the angels prepare Jesus’ birth” was replaced with “All together prepare a feast in the blue sky”.

With these changes, the school reportedly wanted to show consideration for the feelings of non-Christian children and parents.

The importation of millions of Muslims is exploited as a pretext to suppress European culture. Assimilation is not only out of the question, it would defeat the purpose. But remember, if you don’t agree that “Jesus” should be replaced with “cuckoo” in Christmas carols, you are an insensitive bigot who is mean to immigrant children.

Apr 03 2023

Words Constituting Microaggressions Proliferate Explosively

Authoritarians require criminals to punish. Thought criminals are in short supply, liberal attempts to generate hatred toward preferred groups through outrageously unjust favoritism (e.g., Affirmative Action, reparations) having largely failed. So they resort to the concept of microaggressions, the list of which must constantly expand.

As usual, universities are at the vanguard of moonbattery. As reported by the New York Post, taxpayer-supported Michigan State University has issued an Inclusive Guide listing words that have been deleted from the Newspeak Dictionary and therefore constitute microaggressions.

Many of the forbidden terms apply to the War on Christmas, which has expanded to Easter. They include: merry, Christmas trees, wreaths, gifts, reindeer, bunnies, eggs (in an Easter context), and chicks.

Other forbidden terms reflect the thin skin of educrats and campus activists: crazy, insane, bonkers, nuts, loony, and lunatic.

“Terrorist” is banned, presumably because it might offend the ghost of Osama bin Laden or Audrey Hale. “Freshmen” and “upperclassmen” are no good, because students must avoid “male-centric and western father-son language.” Meanwhile, “female” made the list because it is a “pejorative term [that] reduces women to their assumed biological anatomy.” The word “America” is banned because it is “American-centric.”

MSU has plenty of company:

Other schools with similar lists include Indiana University at Bloomington, the University of Texas at Austin, Brandeis University and the University of San Francisco.

The disfavored words are not literally banned, but there might be consequences for using them.

It isn’t only students who must live in fear of committing microaggressions. From Easthampton, Massachusetts:

Superintendent finalist Vito Perrone said Friday that the School Committee rescinded its offer to hire him in executive session Thursday night, alleging that the reason was a perceived microaggression contained in an email he sent to the committee chairperson.

The committee had offered him an annual salary of $151,000/year to be an educrat. But then he deviated from permissible vocabulary when he sent an email to committee members Cynthia Kwiecinski and Suzanne Colby in which he referred to them as “ladies.”

Evidently they are not ladies, but moonbats.

According to Perrone, Kwiecinski said that using “ladies” was a microaggression and “the fact that he didn’t know that as an educator was a problem,” he said.

Respect and courtesy can now cost you a cushy job.

No matter how bad they make a situation, liberals can always make it worse still. Inevitably, Big Government will get involved, imposing fines if not prison terms for committing oppression by saying “ladies” or “Christmas tree.”

It is already a crime to call illegal immigrants “illegal immigrants” in New York City.

In France, a woman was just fined $13,000 for calling resident Emmanuel Macron “filth” in a Facebook post. That wasn’t even racist, sexist, or ableist.

Considering how fast forbidden words proliferate, fining them could represent the most promising revenue-raising opportunity for Big Government since carbon offsets — although it is less efficient than the current Democrat practice of simply printing as much money as they want and letting us pick up the tab through inflation.

On tips from Jack D, Barry A, and Wiggins.

May 31 2021

Repurposing Memorial Day

Our holidays affirm our culture, which leftists are in the process of eradicating. This makes holidays problematic, hence the War on Christmas. Ideally, holidays will be repurposed, so that they undermine America instead of celebrating it. For example, Columbus Day celebrates the spread of Western Civilization. Progressives are replacing it with Indigenous People’s Day, which celebrates the miserable Stone Age savagery that Western Civilization displaced.

Memorial Day honors those who made the ultimate sacrifice to defend America. Leftists would prefer to honor a violent career criminal whose death by fentanyl overdose they have exploited to attack America.

The Washington Post’s Colbert I. King bleats cynically about…

…the thousands of Black men who responded, whether voluntarily or via the draft, to the call to arms from a nation that demanded loyalty and discipline while often forgetting to reciprocate.

They died pointlessly for a country that didn’t deserve it, according to King. His plans for honoring Memorial Day:

I’m also going to honor Black people in America who have paid the ultimate price, but unfairly at the hands of sworn officers of the law.

Out of a population of 46.8 million blacks, there are bound to be a few unfortunate incidents involving police. Few if any in recent memory involved deliberate killing. First listed is of course George Floyd.

King goes on to shriek about lynching that occurred more than a century ago, as if this casts the sacrifice of servicemembers into comparative insignificance.

Memorial Day is as good a time as ever to also commemorate the other fallen — precious Black lives that mattered, as least to some of us.

Since the Passion of George Floyd occurred on Memorial Day, we can expect that under liberal rule the day will increasingly honor the anti-American ideology he has come to personify. Every year Black Lives Matter flags will cancel out Old Glory on flagpoles above US embassies around the world, as they are currently.

Those holidays that cannot be repurposed will be killed by increments. For example, the Biden Administration has nixed the annual July 4 fireworks display at Mount Rushmore. Thanksgiving and Easter will be progressively deprecated on grounds of “racism” and “homophobia.” If leftists prevail, no trace will survive of the civilization so many have died to defend.

On a tip from Troy H.

Dec 28 2020

Kamala Harris Panders on Kwanzaa

It is hard to distinguish yourself for phoniness within the Democratic Party, but Kamala Harris manages. She even manages to outdo herself. Remember when this former prosecutor boasted that she smoked marijuana while listening to Tupac Shakur in college, despite Shakur’s first album appearing years after she had graduated? She tops that by proclaiming that “multiple generations” of her family have celebrated Kwanzaa, which was invented in 1966 and didn’t take hold until the late 70s.

Via The Blaze:

“You know, my sister and I, we grew up celebrating Kwanzaa. Every year our family would – and our extended family, we would gather around, across multiple generations, and we’d tell stories. The kids would sit on the carpet and the elders would sit on chairs, and we would light the candles…”

Sure. Amid wreathes of marijuana smoke, with Tupac rapping about offing b*tches in the background.

If Kamala Harris has a redeeming quality, it is that the stories she tells about herself while racially pandering are not true. Her father was born in Jamaica, her mother in India, and she spent much of her childhood in Canada. There is virtually no chance that Kamala Harris grew up celebrating the exclusively American contrived holiday Kwanzaa — which is a good thing.

Like Harris, Kwanzaa is pernicious and fake. It was invented by Ronald Everett (a.k.a. Ron Karenga, Maulana Ndabezitha Karenga), who also founded the black nationalist cult United Slaves and was convicted in 1971 of torturing two of its female members.

Before progressives declared war on Christmas, it served to unite us. That was never the point of Kwanzaa, the purpose of which was the “de-whitizing” of the holiday season, according to Al Sharpton. Karenga’s goal was to give blacks “a holiday of their own.” It is to Christmas what “Lift Every Voice and Sing” (the so-called black national anthem) is to the “Star-Spangled Banner.”

Again we see that Kamala Harris is not ready for the big leagues and probably never will be. She is so conspicuously awful that her own presidential campaign collapsed before the primaries, despite her prized Woman of Color status. That’s why the powers behind the scene had to use the disoriented and easily corrupted Joe Biden as a Trojan horse to get her into office.

On a tip from Varla.

Feb 01 2024

Objecting to Satanic Defilement Now Qualifies as Hate

When a crime has been committed that is perceived to express hostility toward a group favored by the liberal ruling class, it constitutes a “hate crime.” Unsurprisingly, given the moral caliber of our rulers, these favored groups include satanists.

To stick it to Christians, the Satanic Temple was allowed to set up a shrine to Baphomet in the Iowa State Capitol as a Christmas decoration. Kudos to veteran Michael Cassidy for tearing down the obscenity.

Everyone knew Cassidy would be punished. But who would have guessed that authorities would be so obvious as to charge him with a hate crime?

Cassidy, a former congressional candidate from Mississippi, was charged the following day with fourth-degree criminal mischief, a misdemeanor. …

Now, Polk County prosecutors have accused Cassidy of a more serious offense. A charging document made public Tuesday charges him with felony third-degree criminal mischief and notes that the act was committed “in violation of individual rights” under Iowa’s hate crime statute.

According to Lynn Hicks of the Polk County Attorney’s Office, Cassidy made statements to the effect that he attacked the statue of Baphomet because it was satanic. That’s why he faces the more serious charges. That is, the main crime isn’t that he damaged a statue, but that he does not approve of devil worship.

What makes the charge a felony, Hicks said, is the hate crime statute.

Cassidy now faces 5 years in prison.

Probably to avoid getting the Kyle Rittenhouse treatment from the libs at GoFundMe, Cassidy is raising money for his defense via GiveSendGo.

Allowing ourselves to be governed by degenerates who are sympathetic to the literal worship of evil is not going to end well.

On tips from Chris Neilson, ABC of the ANC, and MrRightWingDave.

Dec 17 2023

North African Torches Nativity Scene in Italian Church

The Christmas spirit of Europe’s Islamic conquerors isn’t limited to beating up Santa Claus. Festivities also include setting fire to nativity scenes — and the churches that house them.

From Italy:

On Friday afternoon, the Church of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Santa Elisabetta di Villastanza, a district of the municipality of Parabiago, was badly damaged by an arson fire.

The flames are said to have started from the nativity scene housed in the church building, which was set alight by a man of North African origin who then fled from the church on foot…

The nativity scene caused large flames and smoke, which damaged the wooden parts and a 17th century organ.

The organ will not be the last treasure of European heritage to be damaged.

As Mayor Raffaele Cucchi observes,

“This is an attack on our traditions, our religion and our culture.”

That is the most likely motive not only of the vandal but of the leftists who imported millions like him, knowing they have no intention of assimilating into a culture they despise and have been waging a war of eradication against for the past 1,400 years.

Dec 14 2023

At the White House While Dark Clouds Gather

Over the southern border the largest invasion in human history continues to pour. The ChiComs are preparing to assert dominance over the entire pacific region after driving out the USA with a sneak attack that would dwarf Pearl Harbor. South America is becoming unstable, with our enemies on the march. The national debt is spiraling out of control, making fiscal collapse increasingly likely. Law and order were so attenuated by the Black Lives Matter riots and basic liberties by Covid tyranny that the next pretext for racial unrest or engineered Chinese virus could result in civil war. Americans have come to doubt the validity of elections. Dark clouds gather in all directions.

Meanwhile, here’s what’s going on in the White House:

That is the culture of our ruling class. If we can’t scrape these people off, we deserve what’s coming.

On tips from WDS 2.0, Anonymous, and seaoh.

Dec 13 2023

Michelle Wu Botches Electeds of Color Invitation

The twin pillars of the liberal religion are the global warming hoax and hatred of America’s core population. No one personifies the latter better than Boston’s moonbat mayor Michelle Wu. She sent to police an enemies list of business owners who have complained about her discrimination against the majority white population. Now she has sent out to all Boston city councilors an invitation to a Christmas “holiday” party that only “Electeds of Color” are allowed to attend:

Denise DosSantos, the mayor’s director of City Council relations, told the body’s “honorable members” that, “on behalf of Mayor Michelle Wu,” she was cordially inviting each of them “and a guest to the Electeds of Color Holiday Party on Wednesday, Dec. 13 at 5:30 p.m. at the Parkman House, 33 Beacon St.”

Approximately 15 minutes later, however, DosSantos sent out a follow-up email to city councilors, apologizing for the prior email, which was apparently only meant for those who were invited. The body includes seven white councilors and six of color.

“I wanted to apologize for my previous email regarding a Holiday Party for tomorrow,” DosSantos, a Cape Verdean Black woman, wrote. “I did send that to everyone by accident, and I apologize if my email may have offended or came across as so.”

The first casualty of contrived diversity is competence.

Even as their hatred of regular Americans is exposed, not all the Electeds of Color running Boston are contrite:

Councilor Brian Worrell, who is Black and was vying for the Council presidency before tentatively agreeing to become the body’s vice president next term, defended the invite, however, saying that the holiday party is simply another example of reflecting “all kinds of specific groups” in city government.

Try to imagine a government party where only whites are invited.

Councilor Tania Fernandes Anderson, who describes herself as an African immigrant and Muslim-American woman, was more candid, saying that there is “no need for apologies at all.”

Invest in Zyklon B. There will be a big market for it when Joe Biden achieves his stated objective of making whites a minority.

On a tip from Jack D.

Nov 17 2023

Black Paraplegic Santa

Until social engineers have finished transforming Christmas into a pointless celebration of winter that will then be abandoned altogether, they repurpose it to promote their ideology. Santa Claus is now black and paraplegic:

As progress marches forward, next year paraplegic black Santa will be wearing a skirt and fishnet stockings.

Sep 26 2023

Wealthy Leftists Wage Lawfare Against Energy Industry

Leftists are systematically destroying the American energy industry, the better to reduce us to shivering in the dark. As with most devastation inflicted by Democrats, this has been accomplished largely through regulation, which is increasingly driven by lawfare — as practiced by the California firm Sher Edling.

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Rep. James Comer (R-KY) pull back some drywall to reveal the termites busily destroying the framework of the economy:

Cruz and Comer noted that Ann Carlson, the current acting administrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), worked as a consultant for Sher Edling before she joined the Biden administration.

Carlson has pushed regulation meant to deprive us of proper automobiles and force us into unsafe, unaffordable, unreliable, and often unusable glorified golf carts, as an intermediary step toward abolishing independent transport for the hoi polloi altogether.

Fox News Digital previously reported that she helped raise money from donors for the firm’s litigation, a scheme that involved famed actor Leonardo DiCaprio

Rich leftists like DiCaprio travel by superyacht while demanding the rest of us live like peasants because the climate.

Regarding the lawfare,

Since 2016, the year Sher Edling was founded, the firm has pursued aggressive climate-related litigation on behalf of Delaware, Minnesota, Rhode Island, New Jersey, New York City, Washington, D.C., San Francisco, Baltimore, Honolulu and several local governments across the country. The first-of-their-kind lawsuits allege major oil companies like Chevron, ExxonMobil and Shell have deceived the public about climate change.

Leftist ideology dictates that the fossil fuels that keep us alive by serving as the lifeblood of the economy make it be too warm outside. Anyone who fails to echo this dogma is a purveyor of misinformation.

This attack on our standard of living has been funded by dark money:

According to tax filings, between 2017 and 2020, the secretive Collective Action Fund for Accountability, Resilience, and Adaptation (CAF) wired more than $5.2 million to Sher Edling. Then, in 2021 alone, CAF funneled another $3 million to the firm.

Like the MSM, CAF appears to be an unofficial branch of the Democratic Party:

CAF switched its fiscal sponsorship from the Resources Legacy Fund to the New Venture Fund (NVF), a nonprofit that is part of the left-wing Arabella Advisors network and which boasts deep connections to big-dollar Democratic Party donors, sometime in 2021.

Money pours into CAF from pernicious left-wing foundations, of which there are many, including the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation.

“Some left-wing groups funnel millions to law firms to sue companies across the country on questionable legal grounds,” Comer remarked during a Sept. 13 Oversight Committee hearing on third-party litigation funding. “They are trying to use the courts to put these companies out of business or limit their ability to bring new products to market.”

Comer continues:

“These groups know that their tactics and goals are too extreme for the American people to support. So, rather than use the electoral process, they are implementing their agenda through litigation against both the public and private sectors.”

Democrats favor the democratic approach only so long as they find it expedient. Their agenda is so conspicuously malevolent that not even the complicit media can make it palatable to voters.

On a tip from Chuck A.


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