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Apr 05 2022

Beto O’Rourke Accidentally Gives Good Advice

No moonbat is more conspicuously vile than Beto O’Rourke. Click the tweet to see him “virtue” signal by wearing a t-shirt reading, “Don’t mess with Trans kids” — i.e., by ostentatiously endorsing the satanic campaign to convince children they are transsexual and then to use brainwashing, chemical castration, and even surgery to permanently destroy their minds, their bodies, and their lives as sacrifices to the sick LGBT agenda:

Few if any children come by transsexuality on their own. They are coaxed into it by their teachers, Disney, social media, et cetera. It is actually good advice not to mess with them, as Sarah Corriher explains:

The vast majority of so-called transgender children, when truly left alone, grow out of gender dysphoria. Yet, when such children are started on hormone therapies instead of being allowed to develop naturally, they fail to progress beyond it. The gender dysphoria becomes a permanent condition. …

If we left the kids alone, then people like Beto O’Rourke wouldn’t advise such children they were made incorrectly…

The transgender fad is but a more extreme form of what all teenagers feel: a lack of belonging. That sense of not fitting in is magnified, which allows abusers to tell such children that all of their fears are true: they will never fit in, they were made wrong, they must deny themselves and pretend to be something else to have value. This is an ideological movement that requires destroying the self-worth of those that it claims to help.

For creeps who share Robert Francis O’Rourke’s ideology to leave kids alone would be wonderful.

On a tip from Blackjack.

Apr 01 2022

Why California Needs Parental Rights in Education Act

We have already seen examples reinforcing the need for the Parental Rights in Education Act, or as liberals mendaciously mischaracterize it, the “Don’t Say Gay” law. We have seen why it is particularly needed in Florida, home of the cesspool known as Disney. A similar law is even more needed on the Left Coast, where the California Teachers Association has distributed a packet promoting gay and transgender clubs to advance depraved sexual doctrine in schools:

The packet acts as an instructional guide on propagandizing students with gay and transgender information. One of the most disturbing parts is the recommendation for these clubs in elementary schools, where children are 10 years old or younger. Another concerning section focuses on teachers proactively recruiting students to be leaders of these clubs.

The packet suggests activities for the LGBT clubs. One is filling out the Kinsey Scale, aka the “Am I Gay? Test,” which analyzes (and encourages) sexual perversions.

Other perverted indoctrination activities include a recommended videos list. The packet suggests the First Person YouTube channel. It provides 52 videos on various topics such as “Drag as a Tool for Self-Advocacy,” “Queer Black Cosplay,” “Growing Up Intersex,” “Asexuality,” and “The Importance of Being Cliterate,” among many others. Additionally, other suggested videos are “Coming out GAY to my 5 year old brother” and the animated music video “Everyone is Gay.”

Teachers are encouraged to help fund the clubs. Students are entreated not to tell their parents about what goes on in them.

Applying appropriate punishment to those driving this agenda will require a constitutional amendment creating an exception to the Eighth Amendment proscription against cruel and unusual punishment. In the meantime, the most urgent task is to pry these demons away from children.

On tips from Franco and MrRightWingDave.

Mar 30 2022

Why We Need the Parental Rights in Education Act

The kooks and cretins of Tinseltown as well as malign corporations like Disney are enraged because Florida has taken a baby step toward protecting children third grade and younger from perverse sexual indoctrination imposed by their teachers. Some might wonder whether the Parental Rights in Education Act is really necessary. As a pair of examples should suffice to demonstrate that it is.

Example 1:

Austin Independent School District’s Blackshear Elementary School hosted a Pride parade for elementary schoolers, which the school’s principal dubbed a “Wellness Walk” …

One of the teachers didn’t like the Wellness Walk. Here’s why:

“I feel that it is inappropriate to call our parade this morning a ‘Wellness Walk’ …

“The first Pride was a riot. It was not enough to just ‘welcome,’ ‘love,’ and ‘celebrate’ Queer folx,” she continued. “Your allyship should always lead you to activism…”

The teacher went on to say that of the 32 students that she teaches, “20 of them are LGBTQIA+ and have come out to me.”

The reason there were no allegedly homosexual or transsexual children in the elementary school classes of your youth is that anyone engaging in the behavior of this teacher would have been torn limb from limb by a mob of angry parents.

Example 2:

MSNBC host Yasmin Vossoughian invited kindergarten teacher Cory Bernaert, who is gay, to share his reaction to the education bill becoming law.

“It’s two-fold. It really hits hard in my heart professionally and personally both. Professionally it truly makes me feel like I am not trusted as a professional,” Bernaert said.

He went on to demonstrate why he should not be trusted as a professional by whimpering that it “scares” him that he is not allowed to talk to kindergartners about his homosexual relationships.

Until the public schools can be purged of people who do not belong anywhere near children — or better still, until public schools can be abolished altogether — the Parental Rights in Education Act is crucial legislation that needs to be extended through high school and to all 50 states.

On tips from Dragon’s Lair, Wiggins, and Varla.

Mar 19 2022

ESPN Stops Spewing Moonbattery for 2 Minutes

Believe it or not, ESPN went 2 entire minutes on air without pushing left-wing propaganda. The context is less surprising. It was a protest in favor of the indoctrination of small children into deviant sexuality.

From likeminded Yahoo Sports:

With the start of the NCAA women’s tournament on Friday, two ESPN announcers used the platform to take a stand against Florida House Bill 1557, dubbed by critics as the “Don’t Say Gay” bill.

To start the second half of Friday’s game between South Carolina and Howard, ESPN’s Carolyn Peck and Courtney Lyle spoke about the bill in solidarity with their Disney colleagues. Disney owns ESPN.

Disney has been bullied by LGBT activists into opposing the Parental Rights in Education bill (or as liberals deliberately mischaracterize it, the “Don’t Say Gay” bill), which seeks to protect small children from being subjected to depraved sexual indoctrination in kindergarten through third grade. Literally no decent person who understands its contents would oppose the bill.

Lyle’s broadcast partner Carolyn Peck then introduced a moment of silence. …

Gameplay then started with Peck and Lyle declining to call the action for the first two minutes of the half.

No doubt this improved the viewing experience.

Even in a society succumbing to the rot relentlessly promoted by its degenerate ruling class, most Americans support the Florida bill. However, it is unlikely that many in sports media support it. In the Long March Through the Institutions, the conquest of sports by the radical left has been absolute. In place of patriotism, we see ballplayers kneeling as if in worship to explicitly anti-American Marxist scumbags as they loot small businesses and tear down statues of the Founding Fathers. In place of sportsmanship, we see a jerk pretending to be a girl ruining competitive swimming for all the real girls.

This moonbattery is driven largely by sports media. Physically inadequate to be athletes and mentally inadequate to work as proper journalists, many of the hacks comprising sports media seem to wallow in a resentful, safe-hating mentality that is a perfect fit for liberal ideology. Their obsessively woke viewpoint sets the tone for television coverage.

On a tip from Bluto.

Jan 30 2022

Professional Dwarf Cancels Snow White Dwarves

Peter Dinklage, who has become rich and famous in the entertainment industry, proclaims that it is offensive to him as a dwarf for his fellow dwarves to play dwarves in Disney’s live action remake of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. Consequently, the dwarves have been canceled, to be replaced by politically unoffensive “magical creatures.”

Other dwarves are not pleased to see their careers threatened by Dinklage’s sanctimonious posturing and Disney’s eagerness to comply with PC lunacy. Via Daily Mail:

Some are now begging Disney to bring the parts back and are begging for the chance to audition for them. …

‘Peter Dinklage is the biggest dwarf actor probably of all time but it doesn’t make him king dwarf,’ Dylan Postl, who played Hornswoggle the leprechaun in WWE for 10 years and has also acted in The Muppets, told

‘When he was cast as a little person role in Lord of the Rings or in a Game of Thrones or in Elf or this that or the other thing… those checks cashed just fine.

‘He had no issue then. But now he wants to be progressive? Come on man.’

Dinklage was paid $1.2 million per episode to be a dwarf in Game of Thrones. Brandon Morse comments:

Success for me but not for thee. Dinklage, like most social justice advocates, considered his virtue signaling far more important than the careers of others.

If the idea of dwarves being offensive to dwarves makes sense to you, maybe you can explain to the rest of us why the name of the Cleveland Indians and the lovely squaw on the Land O’Lakes butter packaging were offensive to Indians. Do you honor people by erasing them?

Someone needs to inform YouTube that Peter Dinklage finds this offensive, so that it can be memory holed:

Uh oh. All the dwarves are white. That could constitute intersectional offensiveness.

On tips from Anonymous, Ed McAninch, and Varla.

Jan 27 2022

Will Snow White Remake Be Woke Enough?

Everything must be recast in homage to moonbattery, even classic fairy tales. But no matter how woke the remakes, can they ever be woke enough?

Peter Dinklage makes a nice living being a dwarf in front of cameras for shows like Game of Thrones. But even though an impending live action version of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves stars a Colombian-American as Snow White, he still regards it as insufficiently politically correct — because it will have dwarves in it.

Only in Hollyweird could this be on the level:

Dinklage, who has achondroplasia, a type of dwarfism that results in him being 4 feet 5, found the movie especially hypocritical as they were “very proud to cast a Latina actress as Snow White.”

“You’re progressive in one way, but then you’re still making that f–king backwards story about seven dwarfs living in a cave together, what the f–k are you doing, man?” the “Station Agent” actor spluttered.

Being a Little Person no doubt qualifies Dinklage as oppressed, so he is in a position to bark demands.

[Dinklage] said the only way he’d be hunky-dory with the “Snow White” reboot is if the creators put “the most f–ked up, cool, or progressive spin on it.”

The movie is being made by Disney. Dinklage needn’t worry about lack of progressive spin.

“To avoid reinforcing stereotypes from the original animated film, we are taking a different approach with these seven characters and have been consulting with members of the dwarfism community,” a Disney spokesperson told The Post.

Sounds unwatchable, like the rest of the politically impeccable dross Tinseltown has been excreting.

If you have the original animated version on DVD, bury it somewhere secure. After such works have been officially banned, there will be a lucrative black market for prewoke entertainment.

On a tip from Franco.

Nov 29 2021

Notre Dame to Be Rebuilt as Woke Theme Park

In 2019, Notre Dame suffered a devastating fire, which had the hallmarks of Islamic outreach. Looks like it will not be restored so much as repurposed. A conspiracy to radically alter the external appearance has been thwarted, but the inside of the famous cathedral may never be the same:

Under the proposed changes, confessional boxes, altars and classical sculptures will be replaced with modern art murals, and new sound and light effects to create “emotional spaces”.

There will be themed chapels on a “discovery trail”, with an emphasis on Africa and Asia, while quotes from the Bible will be projected onto chapel walls in various languages, including Mandarin.

The final chapel on the trail will have a strong environmental emphasis.

“It’s as if Disney were entering Notre-Dame,” fumes Parisian architect Maurice Culot. “It’s a kind of theme park and very childish and trivial given the grandeur of the place.”

Notre Dame also sustained severe damage during the French Revolution, but afterward it was restored to its previous glory. Today’s ruling class wants only to revile and pervert Western history. The people in charge refuse to preserve our heritage, much less restore it.

Mohammad permitted churches to remain standing in regions conquered by his armies, but did not allow new ones to be built or old ones to be restored. In effect, his policy is still in force where Notre Dame is concerned.

On a tip from AintYerPa.

Nov 19 2021

Pronoun Lunacy Imposed on New York Utilities

If you live in New York and are wondering why you received an incomprehensible letter from the power company asking about your pronouns, the answer is that moonbattery is a totalitarian ideology, so where it prevails, all human activity must be subordinated to it. Consequently, utility companies have been coercively enlisted in the campaign to impose obeisance to LGBT militants on every facet of private life.

You thought no one could be worse than Andrew Cuomo? The latest lunacy from his replacement:

Kathy Hochul signed a bill Monday that will require utility corporations, municipalities, water-works corporations, and telephone service providers to utilize each customer’s desired name and pronouns in communications.

Here’s how Hochul spends her time instead of dealing with the Empire State’s growing economic and societal problems:

By “correct” she means “politically correct.” She most definitely does not mean “biologically correct.”

This may seem like a frivolous waste of time, but it actually serves a purpose. Hochul and her fellow Democrats are establishing that the government has the power to compel speech, regardless of the First Amendment. It has the power to force people to overtly reject objective reality in favor of official ideology, just like in Orwell’s 1984.

In case legislation requires anyone to ask for my preferred pronouns, I’ll put them on the record in advance. They are “Let’s go Brandon/Let’s go Brandon.”

Speaking of New York, if your kids are “Been there, done that” about Disneyland, you might consider bringing them to the Big Apple. Democrat rule has transformed it into a theme park that offers a preview of our dystopian future if liberalism prevails. Be sure to take a ride on the subway; it is much more of a thrill than any of the rides in a traditional amusement park:

Maniacs run wild while bureaucrats micromanage pronouns. The term for this is “anarchotyranny.”

On tips from Wiggins.

Aug 11 2021

It’s a Woke World After All

At this point, it is almost impossible to parody the left-wing extremism of Disney. But this excellent video proves it can still be done:

There’s more to the video than may immediately meet the eye. Joel Abbott breaks it down nicely.

On a tip from Bluto.

Jul 15 2021

Universal Sued Over Okay Sign

Never let the tip of your index finger touch the tip of your thumb while your other fingers are extended. Someone might think you are making the okay sign, which until recently signified approval, but like so much else has recently been declared racist by the thought police. In the ultrawoke world of baseball, it will get you banned for life from Wrigley Field. In the ultrawoke world of NBCUniversal, it will get you fired and the company sued:

Two families are suing Universal Orlando after an actor dressed as the “Despicable Me” character Gru flashed a white power symbol while posing for photos with biracial children.

The lawsuit filed on the behalf of two girls, who were 5 and 6 years old at the time of the photos, alleges that they suffered humiliation and mental anguish from the separate episodes at the theme park in Orlando, news station WKMG reported.

In the unlikely event that the kids suffered any mental anguish, this was caused by their greedy parents and other moonbats lying to them that they had been oppressed.

The looters are seeking $30,000 in damages. The guy who made the okay sign — almost certainly accidentally — has of course been fired.

Here’s what passes as racist oppression circa 2021:

Liberals deeming the okay sign to be a thought crime is not totally arbitrary. It is the result of a 4chan hoax, launched to prove that they could be duped into believing absolutely anything to be racist. The joke — which as usual is on moonbats — is that the sign used by all sorts of people for as long as anyone remembers actually forms a “WP” for “white power.” There is no fool like the willful fool.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jun 24 2021

Racist Kiran Ahuja Confirmed to Head OPM

The belligerent racism of the Biden Administration continues to escalate, with the support of the radicalized Democratic Party:

The Senate on Tuesday voted to confirm Kiran Ahuja to be the director of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) on a 50-50 party-line vote with Vice President Kamala Harris providing the tiebreaking 51st vote in Ahuja’s favor.

As usual, Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) was an overruled voice of sanity:

Hawley said he is “concerned that Ms. Ahuja is a disciple of radical critical theorists.” He noted that she has “frequently promoted” Ibram X. Kendi, an anti-racism activist and advocate for critical race theory and that she wrote last year that “we must free the nation from the daily trials of white supremacy.”

“Anti-racism activist” is a euphemism for “antiwhite racist.”

“I’m concerned that as the federal government’s HR director, Ms. Ahuja could use her platform to promote radical ideologies to divide rather than unite the American people.”

Democrats will be shocked and disappointed if she doesn’t.

“The advocates of critical theory tell us we have to dismantle our culture, our history, our families, our Jewish and Christian heritage and beliefs because they’re all oppressive,” Hawley said. “They say the future of this nation will be defined by racial division and racial strife. Mr. President, I reject that prophecy of our future and I take my stand on the goodness of the American people and the God who guides us.”

Hawley knows that Ahuja was chosen because she will throw critical race theory brainwashing of the type Christopher Rufo has been exposing into overdrive for all federal employees.

Putting a militant openly hostile to Caucasians in such a position is the equivalent of hanging a “Whites Need Not Apply” sign on every door of the vast federal bureaucracy. As in South Africa, they will have to hire some whites, even including white men, in order to get anything done — but only if no nonwhites can be found to fill the position. The goal is to create a nationwide plantation that consists of a government staffed overwhelmingly by nonwhite bureaucrats ruling over mostly white tax slaves.

The people who control the federal government also control the entertainment industry. That’s why poison like HBO’s In Treatment is labeled entertainment and rammed down the public’s throat:

For a Caucasian to still support the Democratic Party is as depraved and contemptible as a Jew supporting Nazis.

On tips from Varla and Sean C.

Jun 18 2021

Nickelodeon Pushes LGBT Brainwashing, Ratings Collapse

It is as if the fiends running Nickelodeon expect Satan to rise up from hell at any moment to reward them to the extent of the evil they have done. Their ongoing campaign to corrupt small children with sexually depraved leftist propaganda has gone into overdrive. But those expecting to be rewarded for evil works are often disappointed.

Within the past few weeks, Nickelodious has put forth drag queen Andrew Levitt (stage name Nina West) to promote pansexual families and to teach toddlers to revere the “Progress Pride” flag that ultra-left Interior Secretary Deb Haaland flew on Flag Day. It announced that the children’s cartoon Rugrats will be rebooted, featuring a lesbian single mom. It cast transgender 13-year-old Sasha A. Cohen in the series Danger Force opposite her twin sister Natalie to help undermine children’s understanding of gender.

As for the reward:

It must have come as a surprise to the woke college graduates staffing Nickelodeon that parents dislike the new pedophile-esque edge to the programming, because the cable channel, a Viacom flagship, has seen a 70% drop in its audience in just four years.

Via Pirates and Princes:

Since July of 2017, Nickelodeon’s viewership has dropped from 1.3 million average viewers per week to a June of 2021 average of only 372,000. In only four years, Nickelodeon has dropped more than two thirds of its audience. That is catastrophically bad for the cable channel, but with cable on the way out, maybe it’s not so bad? The catch here is that it is, in fact, that bad and perhaps worse, simply because Nickelodeon seems to be the primary driving force behind new subscribers to Paramount+.

With teachers’ unions using Covid as a pretext to keep schools closed, a kiddie network should have had great ratings over the past year and a half. Not so for Nickelodious. Get woke, go broke.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Mr. Freemarket.

May 14 2021

Together With Pride: Woke Cereal

If there is one thing moonbats cannot abide, it is the innocence of children. That’s why they come at kids from every direction with relentless indoctrination, corrupting them through the schools, through television, through the degenerate, hyperpoliticized entertainment industry — even through cereal boxes.

Kellogg’s has teamed up with the militant LGBT activist group GLAAD to produce a new cereal:

The new Together with Pride cereal is made of colorful bites that look like Froot Loops, but are shaped like hearts. They’re even dusted with edible “glitter” for a festive touch, per the brand. …

To top it off, you can give back with your purchase, since Kellogg’s is donating $3 to GLAAD’s efforts for the LGBTQ+ community for every box of Together with Pride cereal that’s sold.

To encourage children to reject their own gender in accordance with the LGBT agenda, the cereal box sexually disorients them by asking for their preferred pronouns.

The next step will be including fruit-flavored condoms as prizes. Or maybe they will invite kids to send in box tops to get an all-ages sex toy from the WinkWink Boutique.

On a tip from Anonymous.

Mar 16 2021

Our Culture Under Moonbats

We will still have a culture, even after leftists have canceled classical literature like Shakespeare, classical music like Beethoven, classic movies like Gone With the Wind, classic TV shows like The Dukes of Hazard, classic Christmas songs like “Baby It’s Cold Outside,” classic children’s authors like Dr Seuss, classic cartoons like Pepe le Pew, classic brands like Aunt Jemima, et cetera. It just won’t be our culture.

It will be an alien culture consisting only of that which bears the liberal ruling class’s stamp of approval. This culture was on display at the 2021 Grammys, where Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion performed a 5X platinum song that is known by the acronym “WAP” because its title is obscene. The pornographic lyrics are the state of the art in vulgarity as an end in itself.

Here’s what our rulers feed your kids while they forbid them to read Dr Seuss and stick offensive content warnings on The Muppet Show:

If there is a way for humanity to become even more debased, progressives will discover it and ram it down our throats.

The Culture War is not over so long as one decent person is left alive. Losing this war is not an option.

On a tip from Varla.


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