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May 26 2021

Open Thread

Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. - George Washington
Apr 29 2024

What Tentifada Reveals About Democratic Party

If anyone has a hard time grasping that the Democratic Party is not merely wrong but evil, the Tentifada show of support for the Hamas terror atrocities of October 7 might help.

Participants are vicious sociopaths like organizer Khymani James:

One of the most vocal student activists leading the anti-Israel Gaza Solidarity Encampment at Columbia University, Khymani James, openly stated in an live-stream of an official university inquiry in January that “Zionists don’t deserve to live.”

In the context of current events, the term “Zionist” generally means a Jew or anyone who doesn’t agree that Jews should be driven from their ancient homeland.

“I feel very comfortable, very comfortable, calling for those people to die,” James says.

Once again, we see that liberals are incapable of both self-awareness and irony:

He compared the need to kill Zionists to killing Hitler…

James expands the definition of Zionist in accordance with progressive doctrine by proclaiming,

“What is a Zionist? A white supremacist.”

A white supremacist is someone who does not agree that Caucasians and Western Civilization should be eradicated.

As you might expect, Khymani James is a pervert who goes by the pronouns “he/she/they.” If he ever set foot in Gaza, he would be chucked off a rooftop by the Islamists he strategically champions.

At last word, Columbia won’t say whether Khymani James has been expelled, despite his open attempts to engineer racial violence.

Countermoonbat Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) wants the National Guard to be called in to protect Jews from these psychos — though he knows it won’t happen because the ruling party is on the maniacs’ side:

Next after Jews will be Christians, who are hated by both members of the Muslim–moonbat alliance, and who are already under increasing attack.

Bernie Sanders reacts predictably to Tentifada by denouncing Bibi Netanyahu:

Sanders is the heart and soul of the Democratic Party. Top donor George Soros is its brain. He has been bankrolling Tentifada.

As the leftist saying goes, the issue is never the issue; the issue is always the revolution — specifically, the Marxist revolution, as this campus speaker confirms:

Many Tentifada participants are neither students nor faculty. But leftist revolutionaries know where to secure a sympathetic audience.

To see where this is headed, and to get the education you were deliberately denied by our leftist-dominated schools, please read The Gulag Archipelago by Alexander Solzhenitsyn. It documents the sort of society we will live and die under if their top-down revolution succeeds.

Assuming the officer in the video below is headed toward the nearest Dumpster, all Tentifadists need to be dealt with like this:

The next essential step is to drive the party that supports them out of power in a comparable manner.

On tips from Steve, Anonymous, ABC of the ANC, and WDS 2.0.

Mar 11 2024

AI Will Make Many of Us Second-Class Citizens

Google’s ham-fisted attempt to marginalize whites through artificial intelligence with Gemini is only the tip of the iceberg:

The manipulation of AI is just one aspect of broader “discrimination by algorithm” being built into corporate America, and it could cost you job opportunities and more.

The leftist ideologues running Big Tech are building “anti-bias” into everything. “Anti-bias” is Liberalese for bias against groups liberals don’t like.

For example, LinkedIn algorithms discriminate against whites:

LinkedIn justified the racial and other identity-group manipulation as necessary “to make sure people have equal access” to job opportunities, but what it meant by “equal access” was actually preferential treatment.

It is hard to push back against racism that happens under the hood.

Our leftist government plays a role:

The Biden administration has issued an executive order to require bias-free algorithms, but under the progressive DEI rubric built into this policy, the lack of bias is demonstrated not on equal treatment, but on “equity.”

Equity is a codeword for quotas.

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Antiwhite discrimination is bias-free. See here for more on the Regime’s use of AI to inflict DEI discrimination.

Google’s black George Washington and lost job opportunities are only the beginning:

Discrimination by algorithm has the potential to manipulate every major detail of our lives in order to obtain group results and group quotas. …

Because Big Tech already knows a lot about you, including your race and ethnicity, it’s not hard to imagine discrimination by algorithm manipulating access to a host of goods and services.

Big Tech also knows your political inclinations.

Get turned down for a job, a loan, an apartment, or college admission? Could be a “bias free” algorithm at work.

But how do you prove it?

Imagine HAL 9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey programmed to hate conservatives, whites, men, heterosexuals, Christians, and all the other identity groups vilified as “privileged” by liberals. Then imagine a totalitarian society run by HAL. That’s our future under AI.

Hat tip: Legal Insurrection.

Jan 25 2024

Mandatory Race Hate at University of Wisconsin

Not since the fall of the Third Reich has a society so aggressively imposed an ideology based on race hate:

A mandatory orientation for first-year University of Wisconsin Law School students denounced “whiteness” and ripped “colorblindness” as a sinister racist tool, according to reports.

Racists are politically unclean and are to be unpersoned. If you don’t agree that everything should be viewed through the Cultural Marxist prism of race, you are a racist.

Students were given preparatory literature beforehand to acquaint them with the session’s imperatives.

One section reminded white students they benefit from racial oppression regardless of their correctional efforts — and that “there are no exceptional white people.”

Don’t waste your admiration on George Washington, James Madison, Alexander the Great, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Leonardo da Vinci, William Shakespeare, Plato, Nikola Tesla, Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton, Marie Curie, the Wright Brothers, or any other pale people. They benefitted from racial oppression by belonging to the race hated by our liberal overlords. Therefore they were not exceptional.

No white person could be exceptional; to be white is to be racist and therefore a blemish on the planet.

Permitting society to be dominated by people who vociferously hate us for our race will not end well, even if most of them are white themselves.

On tips from R F, Jack D, and Barry A.

Oct 27 2023

Leftists Ceremonially Desecrate Robert E. Lee Statue

It doesn’t suffice for the giants of American history to be erased. First, their memory needs to be desecrated:

The statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee that once stood in Charlottesville, Virginia, was secretly melted down at a ceremonial event.

Everyone knew that taking down statues of this great man would not be enough, because so long as progressives encounter minimal resistance, nothing is ever enough — not even this:

The Washington Post reported that “Swords Into Plowshares,” a project led by University of Virginia religious studies professor Jalane Schmidt and Charlottesville’s Black history museum executive director Andrea Douglas, “will turn bronze ingots made from molten Lee into a new piece of public artwork to be displayed in Charlottesville. They made arrangements for Lee to be melted down while they started collecting ideas from city residents for that new sculpture.”

The great man who fought honorably for his homeland Virginia was denounced as “White supremacist toxic waste.”

Coercively funded government media tells us to approve of our history being defiled and flushed away:

NPR also covered the event and credited Swords Into Plowshares for its efforts to “create a more inclusive public art installation.”

That which you don’t defend will be taken from you. Americans have failed to defend their heritage.

Other great Virginians (e.g., George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, George Mason) will meet the same fate and for the same reason. This process is already underway.

No great American will be spared, not even Lee’s adversary Abraham Lincoln.

In compensation, future generations will be offered George Floyd to venerate and emulate.

On a tip from Varla.

Jul 25 2023

California Parents Cave to Newsom on LGBT Curriculum

Sometimes parents and even teachers put up a fight against progressives using public schools to indoctrinate innocent children in the ruling class ideology of politicized sexual depravity. Usually, it is not enough of a fight:

A Southern California school board on Friday adopted a social studies curriculum that includes gay rights that was approved by parents and teachers after initially rejecting it.

When CNN says “gay rights,” it means glorification of LGBTism.

Why did parents agree to this? Arms were twisted.

[Leftist Governor Gavin] Newsom previously warned that the district could be sanctioned if it didn’t use the state-approved curriculum.

Newsom denounced attempts to protect children from the glamorization of sexual sickness as “extremists’ desire to control information.”

Don’t worry, it isn’t as if children are being brainwashed into revering perverts who prey on them. According to Allison Barclay, a Temecula Valley Unified School District board member,

“There is no mention of Harvey Milk in the textbook that I know of,” she said. “He is listed in a supplemental section titled ‘Biographies’…”

Supervisor Harvey Milk was shot along with San Francisco Mayor George Moscone by Dan White, a former supervisor who became unhinged when he couldn’t get his job back. White received a wrist slap after using the infamous Twinkie defense. Because Milk was a pervert who molested children, the same sort of liberals who don’t want you to see Sound of Freedom exploited his death to enshrine him as a martyr to their cause. The Navy even named a ship after him.

We grew up with George Washington. The next generation will grow up with Harvey Milk. Because all societies need heroes.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jul 05 2023

Ben & Jerry’s Attacks America on Independence Day

If most of us agree that Anheuser-Busch deserves to be boycotted into oblivion for constantly ramming LGBTism down our throats, how can any countermoonbat still buy Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, which has long branded itself on pushy leftism? While regular Americans celebrated their great country yesterday, Ben & Jerry’s vomited woke bile on it:

The New York Post reports:

Taking to social media, the ice cream company divided fans over its Independence Day post, tweeting, “The United States was founded on stolen indigenous land. This Fourth of July, let’s commit to returning it.”

Return it to who? Indians? Most of our ancestors came from Europe, theirs came from Asia. What’s the difference?

Are pious liberals going to lead the way by resettling in some other country? Unfortunately not.

This isn’t about progressives’ bizarre reverence for the Stone Age savagery that once prevailed in this part of the world. It is about hatred of America and its heritage. Confirmation:

In a similar message on its website, the company argued that July 4 festivities and celebrations can “distract from an essential truth about this nation’s birth.”

Ben & Jerry’s proposed to “start with Mount Rushmore,” writing, “What is the meaning of Independence Day for those whose land this country stole, those who were murdered and forced with brutal violence onto reservations, those who were pushed from their holy places and denied their freedom.”

“The faces on Mount Rushmore are the faces of men who actively worked to destroy Indigenous cultures and ways of life, to deny Indigenous people their basic rights,” the statement concluded.

George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln are villains to be canceled according to the moonbats at Ben & Jerry’s.

Esteemed countermoonbat John Rich responds:

Heroes have sacrificed their lives for America. The rest of us should at least be willing to sacrifice a brand of ice cream.

On tips from Ed McAninch, Jack D, Wiggins, Marty, and ABC of the ANC.

Jun 07 2023

Chris Christie Worse Than We Knew

Ronald Reagan’s 11th Commandment was excellent advice: “Thou shalt not speak ill of thy fellow Republican.” The last thing we want is to help moonbats by firing on each other instead of the enemy while they destroy the country. But what to do when Republicans are moonbats themselves?

Chris Christie has joined the herd of GOP also-rans who are helping to secure Trump’s nomination by diverting votes from Ron DeSantis. Christie stands no chance of winning the nomination himself, which is a blessing, considering his appraisal of past presidents:

Christie admonished George Washington while praising the foreign policy of former President Woodrow Wilson, who has been regarded as one of the worst presidents in history mostly due to his insistence in involving America in World War I and his failure to negotiate a fair peace with Germany, which could have prevented World War II.

Wilson, who opposed the US constitution, has been called the world’s first fascist dictator. Mussolini acknowledged him as a role model. Only Hitler himself was more responsible than Wilson for causing the greatest cataclysm in world history, WWII.

“In 1917, when Europe was at war and dictatorships were taking over the entire continent, and America had followed the admonition of George Washington since its founding to stay out of foreign entanglements, Woodrow Wilson said, ‘no, if America allows Europe to go under dictatorship, we will be next,’” explained Christie. “Franklin Roosevelt said the same thing 24 years later when Hitler and Mussolini and Hirohito decided that dictatorship is what was going to rule the world.”

Few fault Roosevelt for standing up to the Nazis and imperial Japanese. But FDR did more than even Wilson to increase the power of the federal government at the expense of liberty.

George Washington is the gold standard by whom all other leaders should be judged. Comparing the father of our country unfavorably to the personification of federal hypertrophy disqualifies Christie for public office.

Christie’s rhetoric is particularly alarming in light of the recklessly belligerent views some hold regarding Ukraine, a situation that could easily escalate into WWIII if we continue to butt in where we have no business.

As Politico reported, “recent polling suggests the former New Jersey governor is deeply unpopular with Republican voters. He has the highest unfavorable ratings of any candidate in the field. Sixty percent say they would not support him under any circumstances. No other contender has numbers even close to that bad.”

Maybe Christie is angling for his own show on CNN.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Apr 13 2023

Ballet on Moonbattery

Whatever moonbattery touches, it defiles and destroys. It reduced Western art to random smears of paint, education to indoctrination, athletes from role models to pampered cowards kneeling in obeisance to Black Lives Matter rioters, American leadership from George Washington to Joe Biden. You can probably guess which of these is a graduate of Britain’s Royal Academy of Dance:

“All the grace of a giraffe on roller skates,” observes Ian Miles Cheong.

Talented girls try and fail to get into the Royal Academy of Dance. Admission is easier if you are a lumbering 6’3″” middle-aged guy with two left feet who proclaims himself to be a girl.

On a tip from Jester.

Feb 28 2023

Biden Panders to Antiwhite Race Hate

Presidents of consequence are remembered by characteristic quotations:

George Washington: “The harder the conflict, the greater the triumph.”

Thomas Jefferson: “Most bad government has grown out of too much government.”

James Madison: “The future and success of America is not in this Constitution, but in the laws of God upon which this Constitution is founded.”

Abraham Lincoln: “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”

Joe Biden: “I I I may be a white boy, but I’m not stupid.”

America’s moonbattery-induced decline has reached a new nadir:

Actually, Biden is stupid. Even before dementia set in, he was conspicuous for his lack of intelligence. This is why he lies about his college record.

Imagine the contempt blacks would feel toward one of their own who pandered to an audience of guffawing Caucasians by groveling, “I may be a n*****, but I’m not stupid.” The contempt would be well earned, as is the contempt in which Biden is held.

On tips from Barry A, KirklesWorth, and Chris Neilson.

Jan 19 2023

Profiles in Countermoonbattery: Ivan Provorov

These days professional sports are characterized by craven conformity to moonbattery. Athletes came to a fork in the road during the Black Lives Matter riots, and decided that they would rather kneel before their liberal elite paymasters by taking a knee to the lowlifes who were tearing down statues of George Washington than stand up for their country, decency, sanity, and self-respect. Even at the time, it would have taken courage to refuse to bow before leftism. Now that virtually every athlete has sold out, it takes such guts that Ivan Provorov inspires awe:

Provorov, an ice hockey defenseman and alternate captain for the Philadelphia Flyers in the National Hockey League, declined to wear the team’s LGBT warmup jersey for the Pride Night Tuesday following the team’s 5-2 home win over the Anaheim Ducks.

“I respect everybody’s choices,” Provorov told reporters, according to footage captured by Associated Press sportswriter Dan Gelston. “My choice is to stay true to myself and my religion.” He identified his faith as “Russian Orthodox.”

May God reward him.

Provorov moved from Russia to Pennsylvania at age 13. He has had plenty of time to imbibe the Kool-Aid that the rest of us are drowning in. But he stayed true.

Typical of pro sports, the Flyers hosted an elaborate extravaganza to promote homosexuality and transsexualism, which all players are expected to explicitly endorse.

[T]he Flyers hosted a “pre-game skate for local LGBTQ+ youth and officers from the Greater Philadelphia G.O.A.L. organization.” That organization advocates for “LGBTQ+ first responders and military members,” aiming to “educate first responders in LGBTQ+ competency” and “provide community outreach … between the LGBTQ+ public and first responder agencies.”

Flyers Charities presented the LGBT activist group with a $5,000 check and sold special Pride Night autographed mystery pucks for $35. The Wells Fargo Center also displayed rainbow colors during the game. The Flyers provided complimentary tickets for the game to nine LGBT groups, including the Philadelphia Gay Men’s Chorus, the William Way LGBTQ Community Center, and the Independence Business Alliance.

Yet Provorov withheld his endorsement of degeneracy, perversion, and mental illness.

Moonbats demand total conformity. The backlash from viciously “tolerant” liberals has been ferocious. Sports media predictably wants to crucify Provorov:

Liberals are furious because they know that one man’s courage can change a whole society, if others take inspiration from it.

On tips from Wiggins, Jeremy R, Bluto, Franco, MrRightWingDave, and KirklesWorth.

Aug 07 2022

Call for “Action” Against Mount Rushmore

The purpose of ESPN is to present leftism in the context of sports entertainment, so as to brainwash people who have no interest in politics. An audience is easier to manipulate when it expects only to be entertained, not to be indoctrinated. The moonbattery pushed by ESPN does not attempt to win arguments, but only to present a worldview that the audience is implicitly expected to share. This is the worldview of our liberal ruling class. It is hostile to American civilization, which progressives are in the process of eradicating.

Mount Rushmore is one of America’s most iconic monuments, featuring four of our greatest presidents, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Teddy Roosevelt. Liberals want these giants erased, so as to replace them with a new class of heroes, such as George Floyd, who will be apt representatives of the country they wish to create where America used to be.

To that end, ESPN’s Jalen Rose calls for the very words “Mount Rushmore” to be struck from the Newspeak Dictionary as unspeakable, and for his audience to “take action” against the monument:

There could be no more profound an enemy than we face in politically correct liberals. They want not only to conquer and destroy America, but to twist, defile, and erase its history, so that it will be as if our nation never existed. Compared to Jalen Rose and the liberal ruling class that provides him with a megaphone, our worst foreign adversaries are friends.

On tips from Varla and THE DEVIL WEARS A PRADA HAT.

Jun 18 2022

Wilma Mankiller Put on US Quarters

Lest we forget who are rulers are, moonbats are placing their stamp on American currency, even as they reduce its value toward nothingness through inflation. For political correctness, this may top even replacing Andrew Jackson with Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill. Not only is she “the first female principal chief of the Cherokee Nation,” her name is Mankiller:

Enthuses CNN:

The “tails” side of the coin depicts Mankiller in a traditional shawl looking to the future, with the seven-point star of the Cherokee Nation at her side. The “heads” side still depicts George Washington — but in a portrait designed by the late sculptor Laura Gardin Fraser.

George Washington’s days on the quarter are numbered. The father of our country has already been slated for cancelation.

If only Wilma Mankiller were actually a guy in drag, they would put her on the front of the quarter and rename the nation’s capital after her too.

On a tip from Lyle.

Jun 08 2022

Chesa Boudin Recall Could Be Turning Point

We have hit peak moonbattery. Now the backlash can begin. Weather Underground scion Chesa Boudin has been recalled as DA in the world capital of degenerate woke lunacy, San Francisco:

Voters in progressive San Francisco on Tuesday overwhelmingly supported the recall of Chesa Boudin, the city’s radical left-wing district attorney, two years after he was elected on a platform that emphasized reducing the jail population and prioritizing “restorative justice.”

“Restorative justice” is Liberalese for mollycoddling criminals.

Boudin’s platform could be summed up as “F the Police.” This was fashionable as the Black Lives Matter riots raged, but less so now that the media-manufactured mania had died down and people are waking up to the inevitable effects of wokeism, which include rampant crime.

Boudin’s liberal credentials are impeccable. He worked as a translator and advisor for Hugo Chavez, whose ruination of Venezuela has served as the primary template for the Democrat agenda. Born into moonbattery, he is the offspring of Weather Underground terrorists Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert. He was named after cop-killer Joanne Chesimard (aka Assata Shakur), the patron saint of Black Lives Matter, who now resides in communist Cuba.

Because his parents were incarcerated for killing two police officers and a security guard during a robbery, he was raised by two other Weather Underground terrorists, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. These same two terrorists launched the political career of Barack Obama from their Chicago apartment.

Boudin gave voters what they asked for:

He ended cash bail, stopped prosecuting drug-possession cases stemming from “pretextual” traffic stops, stopped using “enhancements” to extend prison sentences for convicted gang members, and stopped prosecuting so-called quality-of-life crimes — things such as prostitution, public camping, public defecation, and open-air drug use. Supporters of the recall say that sent a message that San Francisco was a consequence-free place to engage in low-level crimes, which simply encouraged more crime in the city generally.

By implementing the Broken Windows theory in reverse, Boudin helped make San Francisco into the uninhabitable hellhole it is today.

In 2021, a year that saw nearly 500 people in the city killed by a worsening fentanyl crisis, Boudin’s office didn’t convict a single person of dealing the drug. They chose instead to emphasize diversion programs and lower-level “accessory after the fact” charges, in part to protect immigrant drug dealers from deportation…

As with Biden, his administration has been a case study in applied liberalism.

That even left-wing San Francisco would overwhelmingly vote to oust one of the progressive-prosecutor movement’s leading figures shows just how much the nation’s mood has changed over the past two years as rising crime has plagued big cities across the country.

What are our rulers in the Democrat Party/mainstream media complex learning from this? Not a thing. Intelligencer honked in advance that if Boudin were to be recalled, it would be because San Francisco isn’t liberal after all. These kooks will continue to double down.

This does not necessarily apply to voters, even in San Franfreakshow:

Boudin’s ouster comes less than four months after San Francisco voters recalled three progressive school-board members who were widely condemned for prioritizing social-justice politics…

Those social justice politics included changing the names of 44 schools named after retroactively canceled thought criminals, including George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and even insufficiently left-wing former San Francisco Mayor Dianne Feinstein. Not even being homosexual has spared whites from cancelation by the San Francisco Board of Education on a racial basis, as Seth Brenzel learned. The school board is so politically correct that it canceled the concept of acronyms for being racist.

Let’s see what voters can do about other Soros-backed maniacs in positions like Boudin’s (e.g., George Gascon [Los Angeles] Alvin Bragg [Manhattan], Kim Foxx [Chicago], Larry Krasner [Philadelphia], Kim Gardner [St Louis], and Marilyn Mosby [Baltimore]). At the national level, let’s see what we can do about prying the pernicious Democratic Party from power.

On tips from Occam’s Stubble, Varla, and Dragon’s Lair. Hat tip: Maggie’s Farm.


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