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Search: World Economic Forum

Oct 26 2023

Prime Minister of Iceland Declares Herself Oppressed

No matter what heights of power they attain, allegedly marginalized members of the Cultural Marxist coalition will never admit they are not oppressed. On the contrary, the more victimhood works, the more it will be brandished. Barack Obama was made president mainly for being black; we were rewarded with the politicized racial animus that soon degenerated into Black Lives Matter. In Iceland, a woman is prime minister. Katrin Jakobsdóttir was not on the job Tuesday; she was on strike to protest being oppressed:

The prime minister of Iceland went on strike Tuesday in protest of gender discrimination.

Would Jakobsdóttir admit she isn’t oppressed if they made her Queen of Iceland? She would not.

The main grievance:

Women in Iceland earn approximately 10% less on average compared to their male counterparts, according to the World Economic Forum.

The WEF also tells us that we must eat larvae to please the climate and that we will own nothing and be happy.

Apparently Iceland has no real problems, so Jakobsdóttir focuses on a crisis that does not exist:

The widely debunked theory of a gender pay gap supposes that men and women earn the same amount of money for doing the exact same work. Total earnings often show a difference between genders without factoring in work hours, profession, or time lapses in a career.

Given that men tend to work more hours, gravitate to more remunerative professions, take fewer extended absences, et cetera, the miniscule 10% wage gap in Iceland suggests that women are being paid more for the same work compared to men.

Iceland consistently ranks at the top of equality indexes, however, including at the World Economic Forum where Jakobsdóttir wrote an article in 2017 boasting the country’s gender successes.

Maybe Iceland has a real problem after all. Its prime minister is in league with a sinister globalist cabal. She is listed as a WEF “agenda contributor.”

In 2020, the Icelandic leader said that in regard to “rebuilding and reimagining societies after COVID-19,” it was crucial to keep “gender & racial equality, democracy & social justice at the forefront.”

“Democracy” and “social justice” are ominous terms coming from Klaus Schwab acolytes.

At least Jakobsdóttir can explain away statistics showing the wage gap to be a load of crap. The algorithms were designed by men, who are sexists:

On a tip from R F.

Sep 21 2023

Phoenix Mayor Is Coming After Meat

Fourteen major US cities have committed to imposing moonbattery in the name of the World Economic Forum’s globalist agenda. Among them is Phoenix, whose mayor is the ditzy moonbat Kate Gallego:

Gallego now serves as “Vice Chair of the C40 Steering Committee,” which provides rigorous oversight to ensure C40’s mission is driven by and responsive to the needs of C40 cities and their climate goals.

The C40 is a global network of cities run by leftists working together to inflict the progressive conception of utopia in the name of the global warming hoax. Cities like Phoenix have shouldered responsibility for controlling the global climate. This will be accomplished in part through the war on meat.

No worries; Mayor Kate says she doesn’t want to ban meat just yet. You can believe her, because she uses a knife to eat a bowl of milk:

Or maybe you can’t. From AZ Free News:

According to the C40 Cities website, “C40 is a global network of mayors of the world’s leading cities that are united in action to confront the climate crisis.” C40 has many documents outlining the organization’s desire to reduce and abolish the consumption of meat. …

[O]n March 4, 2020, Gallego and the Council passed the 2025 Phoenix Food Action Plan. In Strategy 2, under Goal 1, the fifth “Progress on Action” creates a new policy for the Office of Environmental Programs (OEP) at the City of Phoenix to enter a contract with Arizona State University to “establish an AgriFood Tech Incubator in 2023 to accelerate ventures in sustainable food systems…”

That likely entails eating insects and repulsive lab-grown pseudofood. It certainly does not involve eating meat.

The City of Phoenix has multiple policies for sustainable food systems in the 2020 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory report conducted by [Arizona State University]. …

While Gallego is able to say she is not literally banning meat, she is implementing policies that make meat more expensive and will lead to major reductions of meat consumption in the future.

To think I moved to Phoenix to get away from the moonbats in New York. Turns out, you can’t run away from leftists. You can only stand your ground and fight.

On tips from R F and Wiggins.

Aug 30 2023

Could Global Warming Turn Earth Into Venus?

The reason leftists of the climate cult like models so much is that they strike the naïve as scientific, yet can be used to prove anything imaginable. The wannabe globalist tyrants of the World Economic Forum have even used them to prove that Venus — with its sulfuric acid cloud cover and mean surface temperature of 867°F — was just like Earth before climate change came:

According to recent climate modelling, for much of its history Venus had surface temperatures similar to present day Earth. It likely also had oceans, rain, perhaps snow, maybe continents and plate tectonics, and even more speculatively, perhaps even surface life.

Despite Venus being 40 million kilometers closer to the sun, it can’t be ruled out that it even had Starbucks. Then came global warming.

Less than one billion years ago, the climate dramatically changed due to a runaway greenhouse effect. It can be speculated that an intensive period of volcanism pumped enough carbon dioxide into the atmosphere to cause this great climate change event that evaporated the oceans and caused the end of the water cycle.

Fortunately, we have taken steps to prevent that from happening here. The Biden Regime has declared war on light bulbs and ceiling fans.

In case that does not suffice, we must succumb to hysteria, forsake our freedom and standard of living, and place our fate in the hands of globalist Experts, whose models will tell them exactly what must be done to us.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Aug 28 2023

Trudeau Regime Terrified of Trump

The reason Democrats dropped the incremental approach and tipped their hands as authoritarians by arresting the leading opposition candidate is that the resistance Trump has come to personify threatens to snatch away absolute power just as they are on the verge of achieving it. This scares leftists all the way up in Canada:

Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly reportedly stated in an interview that Canada has been working on a “game plan” for the outcome of America’s upcoming presidential election.

Joly speaks not only for Canada; the sinister globalists of the World Economic Forum named her a “young global leader.” She is considered a Justin Trudeau protégé who might succeed him.

“Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly says Canada has been considering a ‘game plan’ for how it would respond if the United States takes a far-right, authoritarian shift after next year’s presidential elections,” Dylan Robertson wrote in a piece shared by National Post.

“Far-right, authoritarian” refers to resistance to the leftist authoritarianism that prevails in Canada and characterizes the Biden Regime.

During the same interview, she declared that “the other aspect of the question is more about knowing how we as a democracy are able to thwart the growth of the far right in our country, because it’s happening in the United States, it’s happening in Europe.”

Let’s hope so.

Anything so menacing as the “far right” naturally calls for stringent measures to repress. Pushback against Democrat overreach in the USA will be exploited as a pretext for crackdowns north of the border.

Joly has condemned political opposition at home and abroad before, such as when she appeared to blame American conservatives for interfering in Canadian politics by supporting truckers in the Freedom Convoy as they protested against vaccine mandates.

Wouldn’t it be a shame if the congealing totalitarian regime in Canada had to deal with a resurgence of liberty right across its border?

On a tip from Barry A.

Aug 20 2023

Fourteen US Cities Commit to Poverty and Tyranny

Abject poverty is bad enough when it is imposed by circumstance. Worse still is when it is inflicted by our liberal ruling class out of sheer moonbattery:

Fourteen major American cities are part of a globalist climate organization known as the “C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group,” which has an “ambitious target” by the year 2030 of “0 kg [of] meat consumption,” “0 kg [of] dairy consumption,” “3 new clothing items per person per year,” “0 private vehicles” owned, and “1 short-haul return flight (less than 1500 km) every 3 years per person.”

C40’s dystopian goals can be found in its “The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World” report, which was published in 2019 and reportedly reemphasized in 2023. The organization is headed and largely funded by Democrat billionaire Michael Bloomberg.

Uncoincidentally, Bloomberg has spent many $millions attacking the Second Amendment, the main purpose of which is to defend us from tyranny.

Nearly 100 cities across the world make up the organization, and its American members include Austin, Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New Orleans, New York City, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Portland, San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and Seattle.

Local leaders have begun imposing restrictions in pursuit of these malevolent objectives. For example, in NYC,

Eric Adams announced that the city will place caps on the amount of meat and dairy served by city institutions, such as schools and prisons.

Kooks like Adams need to pick up the pace in the race to impose poverty and tyranny in the name of the weather. Europe is pulling ahead of them:

The U.K. has banned the sale of new gas-powered vehicles after 2030, and France has banned short-haul flights “to cut carbon emissions.”

The goal is to reduce us to a Third World standard of living, while restricting fundamental liberties like freedom of movement and property rights. Though the implementation may be local, the design is globalist:

In 2020, the World Economic Forum (which promotes C40 Cities on its website) introduced “The Great Reset,” which seeks to use the Covid-19 pandemic as a point from which to launch a global reset of society to supposedly combat climate change. This reset, however, has far more to do with social control than it does with the climate. If globalist leaders truly cared about the environment, they wouldn’t be chartering private jets or owning massive, energy-consuming mansions on the coast in California, which, by climate fanatics’ own calculation, will soon be underwater.

Few could be dumb enough to take the supposed “climate crisis” at face value. Yet in the absence of resistance, the agenda continues to move forward.

To get an idea of how cartoonishly malevolent these maniacs are, consider WEF-linked “bioethicist” Dr. Matthew Liao:

Liao has proposed the idea of scientists genetically modify humans to be allergic to meat. Liao has also discussed shrinking the physical size of humans via eugenics or hormone injections so they consume fewer resources.

When they have us helpless enough, they can experiment at will.

If demanding we surrender our freedom and standard of living in the name of the weather stops getting traction, social engineers can always fall back on Covid-19. You thought that was over? Why would they let it be over?

On tips from R F and Jester.

Jun 04 2023

Cows Are Casualties in Leftist War on Food

The last time utopian oligarchical collectivist authoritarians had this much wind at their backs, Stalin and Mao each starved millions of their own subjects to death. This makes the unfolding War on Food by conspicuously evil globalists like John Kerry alarming in the extreme.

Animals are collateral damage in this war. Leftists used to denounce the anthropocentrism of not granting animals the same rights as people. Now, their weather gods demand the killing off of cows:

Ireland’s government is pushing plans to slaughter a staggering 200,000 healthy cows to fight so-called “global warming,” according to reports. …

To slash the nation’s “emissions,” the government wants to gut the national dairy herd by 10 percent.

According to ruling class ideology, bovine flatulence is offensive to the climate.

[M]ultiple reports confirm that the cows will be “culled,” costing taxpayers €200 million ($215M) per year over the next three years to meet green agenda emissions targets.

There is no sane reason to believe that killing cows will have any perceptible effect on the weather, not that there is anything wrong with the weather anyway. It will however have an effect on food prices.

Ireland is not the only country succumbing to malevolent green tyranny.

The revelation is just the latest in a series of troubling moves from Western nations to green agenda goals dictated by the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the United Nations (UN).

Take for example the world’s #2 agricultural exporter:

The Dutch government shut down 3,000 productive farms to comply with “global warming” goals.

Across the border,

Germany ordered farmers to slash fertilizer after the Dutch farms were shut down to comply with global warming standards.

Moonbats are not merely insufferably full of crap. They want to hurt us. They have been putting themselves in a position to do it on a scale that will be remembered for centuries.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket, seaoh, and StephaneDumas.

Jan 22 2023

Absolute Tyranny: Individual CO2 Limit

The reason the ruling class is so relentless in pushing global warming ideology is that it provides a pretext to control at not only a macro but a micro level. Klaus Schwab et al. will regulate every industry on behalf of the weather and also every individual:

Hans Joachim Schellnhuber from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) said … that every person should have a limit of three tonnes of C02 emissions per year and those who exceed their limit should be forced to pay for the pleasure.

The amount of harmless CO2 generated by any given purchase or activity will be determined by bureaucrats on an arbitrary basis.

In case you doubted that global warming is an ideology created by and for the well-to-do ruling class:

In a carbon credit style scheme, those who emit over the three-tonne limit by the middle of the century would need to privately purchase credits from those who are under the limit, he suggested: “Every person gets three tons of CO2 per year, but if you need more, you just have to buy it.”

No problem — so long as you have the money.

Three tons are not much:

[T]he average German is far above Schellnhuber’s proposed limit, as ten tonnes of C02 emissions are produced by the average citizen. Citing the Paris World Inequality lab, there are some millionaires within the country that produce over 100 tonnes of CO2 per year, and some thousands of elites worldwide emit over 2,000 tonnes per year.

Two thousand tons puts you in the Davos set with Climate Czar John Kerry.

Just as rich Democrats don’t mind ever higher taxes, they won’t mind paying CO2 fees. Climate ideology is a form of socialism. Its purpose is to pull up the ladder the elite have climbed, so that their position atop society is secure. In the end, their absolute power will ensure that we pick up the tab. To see how it works, look to the lavish lifestyle enjoyed by socialist dictators and their cronies in starving hellholes like they have made of formerly wealthy Venezuela.

Aside from not spelling out how he expects people to drastically reduce their carbon emissions, the German scientist did not elaborate on how exactly this will be tracked and monitored.

Omnipotent, omniscience government will be required — which is the main point of the global warming hoax.

The ChiComs and the WEF will guide the way into our micromanaged low-carbon future:

[A]t last year’s World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in Davos, Alibaba Group President J. Michael Evans said that the Chinese tech giant is currently developing a digital “individual carbon footprint tracker” to monitor the emissions of the public.

“We are developing through technology the ability for consumers to measure their own carbon footprint… where are they travelling, how are they travelling, what are they eating, what are they consuming on the platform,” the former Goldman Sachs banker explained.

Stalin himself never dreamed of this level of coercive control. That’s why global warming ideology is so important to the ruling class that Harvard Medical School plans to embed it into the curriculum.

In related news, cows are being fitted with masks and diapers lest their belches and farts offend progressives’ weather gods.

They have already proven they can make us dehumanize ourselves by wearing senseless masks. Mandatory diapers are only a matter of time.

On tips from ABC of the ANC, Jack D, and Chris Nielson.

Jan 21 2023

Scientific American Has Newspeak Dictionary Updates

Scientific American is where leftist propaganda imitates parody. Just as the World Economic Forum proclaims that we will be happy owning nothing, Scientific American assures us we like climate radicalism. With its cartoonish racialization of the Damar Hamlin injury, it jumped the shark and can no longer be considered even a kiddy version of a scientific publication. But that doesn’t mean it serves no purpose. It provides climate-related updates to the Newspeak Dictionary so as to help us avoid committing wrongspeak.

Transforming the way we talk about climate change can engage people and build the political will needed to implement policies strong enough to confront the crisis with the urgency required.

Modern leftism is founded upon postmodernism, a central tenet of which is that power is achieved through control of language. To implement this strategy, Scientific American provides a handy graphic listing politically correct terminology regarding the global warming hoax:

A key point to remember is that just as “global warming” became “climate change” to cover for when temperatures go down instead of up, “climate change” is now to give way to “climate disruption,” because too many people understand that the climate has always changed and always will, no matter how much tyranny progressives use it as a pretext to inflict.

Also, never say “natural disasters.” People who cling to wealth and freedom are to blame for all bad weather, so say “human-made disasters” instead. Because this racistly implies that sacred BIPOCs help cause bad weather, it will probably be updated to “Caucasian-made disasters.”

Further orders regarding politically expedient climate vocabulary:

Terms such as “regulate,” “restrict,” “cut,” “control” and “tax” are unpopular, especially among conservatives. Perhaps people would be more likely to support solutions described with words such as “innovation,” “entrepreneurship,” “ingenuity,” “market-based” and “competing in the global clean energy race.” The fact that the first significant U.S. climate policy is called the Inflation Reduction Act is another example of how word choice matters. The name itself helped to gain the crucial support of Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia, the swing vote. The name may also have made the legislation more appealing to the many Americans who worry about climate change but rank it below inflation and the economy on their list of priorities.

The Orwellian title convinced few that the blowout climate kookery spending bill would reduce inflation instead of making it worse. Scientific American thinks its readers are as dumb as Joe Manchin pretends to be.

On a tip from Steve D.

Jan 21 2023

The Culture of Our Globalist Moonbat Overlords

Our haughty Climate Czar John Kerry describes himself and his fellow globalist liberal elitists at the World Economic Forum moonbatfest in Davos as “almost extraterrestrial” in their grandeur as they determine how the rest of us must live to comply with their ideology. True enough, they are not of this world. A sample of their alien culture:

You will eat the bugs. You will own nothing and be happy. You will listen to this woman sing and like it.

On a tip from Troy H.

Jan 19 2023

Elitist Moonbats on Parade in Davos

Social engineers representing what the Biden Regime calls the Liberal World Order have gathered in Davos to decide what sacrifices we little people must make to facilitate imposition of their grim vision of utopia. This self-described “select group” towers not only above deplorable normal people, but above the very earth that they presume to “save.” Our treasonous Climate Czar, the pompous personification of elitist moonbattery, describes himself and his colleagues as “almost extraterrestrial” in their grandeur:

Their egos are as massive as their hypocrisy — speaking of which, the conspicuously consuming primary prophet of their global warming cult (a single home of whom expends 21 times more energy than the average American household) reveals that the oceans are already boiling:

If only Tipper would come back and make him take his meds.

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla was less loquacious than Albert Gore. Watch him refuse to answer questions from Rebel News, including when Pfizer knew the vaccines would not stop Covid transmission as promised:

The prostitutes who have flooded Davos to exploit the influx of self-indulgence are charging $2,500 per night. Considering what they are asked to crawl into bed with, it’s a bargain.

On tips from Steve D, Anonymous, and seaoh.

Jan 08 2023

Not Much Global Warming but Panic Anyway Says WaPo

By now, even the Washington Post has to acknowledge that the shrill predictions of significant warming that have been shrieked in our faces by the liberal establishment for decades are not coming true. But that’s no reason not to panic:

In the not-so-distant past, scientists predicted that global temperatures would surge dramatically throughout this century, assuming that humans would rely heavily on fossil fuels for decades. But they are revising their forecasts as they track both signs of progress and unexpected hazards.

One thing that was not unexpected is that when global warming failed to materialize beyond normal climate fluctuation, moonbats would claim they warded it off with their moonbattery.

Accelerating solar and wind energy adoption means global warming probably will not reach the extremes once feared, climate scientists say.

We are told to believe that green energy changed the climate. Yet the global warming hoaxers at the World Economic Forum crow victoriously that wind and solar combined supposedly produced 10% of the world’s electricity in 2022. That is not impressive, considering the many $billions of public money flushed down these ratholes (largely to launder cash for political payoffs). Odds that green boondoggles have exerted a measurable effect on the climate are negligible.

Hold on, we are not out of the woods:

Researchers are increasingly worried about the degree to which even less-than-extreme increases in global temperatures will intensify heat and storms, irreversibly destabilize natural systems and overwhelm even highly developed societies.

Even moderate fluctuations in temperature such as always occur spell doom, so be sure to run around like headless chickens while The Experts impose their solutions to a problem that does not exist.

On a tip from Franco.

Jan 04 2023

Climate Warning Labels for Meat

When progressives disapprove of something, they ban it progressively. First comes a media crusade, then warning labels, then onerous sin taxes, finally outright criminalization. Meat — a fundamental component of the human diet, as can be ascertained by looking at our teeth — is moving beyond MSM propaganda to the warning label stage:

A recent study investigating the possible impacts of so-called climate impact menu labels finds that such labels may prove “an effective strategy to promote more sustainable restaurant food choices.”

The call for warning labels on meat was excreted by elite institutions that know what to study to keep lucrative government grants flowing.

The study done by researchers from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, the University of Michigan School of Public Health, and the Department of Human Ecology, University of California, Davis finds that customers may be more persuaded to choose more “climate friendly” options on menus that include a warning against how beef farming supposedly contributes to global warming.

Those who earnestly believe that eating beef makes it be too hot outside are encouraged to get in touch. I have started up a real estate business specializing in oceanfront property here in Arizona. Also, I’m taking offers on a bridge across the East River in New York.

The sin tax phase will follow soon:

Many European nations, including Germany, the Netherlands, and the U.K., have already considered enacting a value added tax (VAT) to the purchase of meat — none, as of yet, has crossed that barrier, but it appears to be only a matter of time.

No worries; our rulers have already presented plenty of climate-friendly meat alternatives for when we get to the total ban.

[G]lobalist groups such as the World Economic Forum continue to suggest that we can be “conditioned” to find sources other than red meat to fulfill our protein needs.

Potential sources include mealworms, cockroach milk, maggot butter, weeds, synthetic pseudofood, plastic trash, lentils, grass, crickets, larvae, and wind turbine blades.

The future won’t taste very good. But at least the climate will stop fluctuating for the first time in the planet’s history, so long as we don’t eat any meat.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jan 04 2023

Jane Goodall on Need to Reduce Human Population

Mating with short people may make New York Times readers feel righteous, but the social engineers of the World Economic Forum warn that more must be done to cut the human race down to a size that suits the Liberal World Order. Watch in horror as famous primatologist and anthropologist Jane Goodall (formerly known as Baroness Jane van Lawick-Goodall) asserts the necessity of reducing the human population to what it was 500 years ago:

The world population for the year 1500 was an estimated 450 million. Thanks to capitalism and the technological breakthroughs it enabled in agriculture and medicine, we are now up to 8 billion.

The WEF is working on what to do with the excess 7.5 billion. Expect attacks on agriculture and medicine to escalate.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Nov 15 2022

Alarming Aspirations at G20 Summit

Covid was only the beginning. The Liberal World Order learned a lot about how much tyranny we will tolerate. These lessons will be applied to the next pandemic. At the B20 (part of the G20 Summit in Bali), Indonesia’s Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin has called for digital health passports:

“Let’s have a digital health certificate acknowledged by WHO. If you have been vaccinated or tested properly, then you can move around. So for the next pandemic, instead of stopping the movement of the people, one hundred percent… you can still provide some movement of the people.”

As in the Soviet Union, you will still be allowed to move around on a limited basis, so long as you go where authorities want you.

Incidentally, the WHO is largely funded by American taxpayers but largely controlled by the Chinese Communist Party.

It used to be said that war is the health of the state. Now, it would be more accurate to say that sickness is the health of the globalist ruling class.

Also at the B20, founder of the sinister World Economic Forum/crown prince of the Davos crowd/cartoonish Bond villain Klaus Schwab reveals the scope of the tyranny they aspire to impose:

You don’t have anything that they don’t want to take away from you.

On tips from Wiggins.


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