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Search: Kathy Hochul

Aug 22 2022

New York Focuses on Gendered Language

The Black Lives Matter riots and war on local police have simmered down for now, yet violent chaos continues to spiral out of control in moonbat-ruled New York, with major crime up 36% so far this year. Rather than attempt to make the streets safe again, those in charge have other priorities, such as suppressing gendered language:

Senate Bill 536 replaces instances of the word “salesman” with the word “salespeople” and replaces instances of the pronouns “his” or “her” with “their” in New York legislation.

The bill amends Real Property Tax Law Article 12-a so as to eradicate the disfavored language. This is what liberal legislatures do with their time at taxpayer expense.

New York State Senator Anna M. Kaplan squawks that taking a stand against the gendered language that has evolved over the centuries is a way to “reflect our New York values.”

New York State Assembly member Danny O’Donnell, who sponsored the bill with Kaplan, said, “People of all professions deserve to feel valued, but gendered language in our real property law fails to adequately recognize the contributions of women and non-binary New Yorkers.”

Governor Kathy Hochul proudly signed the bill. The streets of New York continue to degenerate into savagery, but those whose lived experience has included oppression by the gendered language of property law no longer need to feel unsafe.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Aug 19 2022

HUD Is Moving Whole Town

As the Inflation Aggravation Act reminds us, there is no limit to how much money the federal government can waste on the imaginary climate crisis. Neither is there a limit to the level of tyranny the global warming hoax can be exploited to inflict. Ideologically deranged social engineers might decide that whole towns need to be moved:

The Department of Housing and Urban Development awarded the state [of Louisiana] $48.3 million in 2016 to resettle the [Jean Charles Choctaw Nation] tribe to higher ground, the first federally funded effort to move an entire community because of climate change. Officials saw a chance to create a model of wholesale voluntary relocation for a country that urgently needs to prepare for many more such projects.

“Urgently” because the hysterical prognostications of disastrously rising seas that we have been assailed with for decades might someday become accurate, according to the media — and not only in Louisiana, which is a gigantic swamp located in Hurricane Alley, largely below sea level, and which is losing land mass not because of nonexistent melting glaciers but because the state is sinking.

Relocation experts warn that climate resettlement in the U.S. will fall far short without … far more money … and greater sensitivity to the needs of communities affected by the United States’ long history of forced relocation and racism. Those are often the places most threatened by the climate crisis.

As we have been told, climate fluctuation — which has existed as long as the planet has — is racist.

Is global warming really responsible for the shrinking of Isle de Jean Charles? Only partially — and theoretically. But fossil fuels are allegedly involved, and everyone knows that fossil fuels and climate change are practically the same thing:

This loss was caused both by global warming and local oil and gas development. Dredging canals for fossil fuel infrastructure near the island undermined the land and hastened its descent into the Gulf, researchers say. Climate change on its own would have caused the island to disappear more slowly by sending more frequent and worse storms and increasing sea levels.

“Would have” is theoretical musing, not journalism. Virtually all reporting on this topic makes heavy use of terms like “would have,” “might conceivably,” et cetera. As noted in the context of climate change supposedly causing megafloods and pudgy children,

“Could” is the operative word in liberal media stories about the weather.

If all goes well with Isle de Jean Charles, future wholesale relocations will be less voluntary. Not everyone is on board with the liberal agenda. If most people believed in the global warming hoax, the hottest city in the USA would not recently have been named the fastest growing 5 years in a row.

A recent ruling in New York could constitute a setback on our road to utopia:

On July 8, 2022, Judge Ronald Ploetz ruled that the “Isolation and Quarantine Procedures” regulation is unconstitutional and “violative of New York State law as promulgated and enacted, and therefore null, void and unenforceable as a matter of law.”

This put the kibosh on detention camps planned by Governor Kathy Hochul (although Attorney General Letitia James is appealing the decision).

It is no good making arrangements to move whole cities because climate change, only so that a recalcitrant judge can rule that Big Government cannot tell us where we have to live. Democrats have another reason to use the TERM Act to take control of the Supreme Court.

On tips from Lyle and seaoh.

Apr 17 2022

Beware Fallen Churches

As Christians celebrate this most holy day, the leftists who have infiltrated and subverted churches as relentlessly as rust will presumably devote themselves to the usual — blasphemous moonbattery like this:

Praying to “the Great Queer One,” students at United Methodist-affiliated Duke Divinity School proclaimed God’s acceptance and support for LGBTQ relationships in a Pride worship service March 22.

For more on God’s acceptance and support for LGBT behavior, refer to Leviticus 18:22, Leviticus 20:13, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, Romans 1:26-27, Jude 1:7, et cetera.

The service was sponsored by Divinity Pride, which is devoted to subverting Christianity by using its trappings in the worship of the LBGT agenda.

“Strange one, fabulous one, fluid, and ever-becoming one,” prayed second-year Master of Divinity (M.Div) student Caroline Camp in opening the service. She stated that God is “mother, father, and parent” and “drag queen, and transman, and gender-fluid.”

Easter might be a good day to stay out of United Methodist churches. You wouldn’t want to be in one when it gets hit by a bolt of lightning from a clear blue sky.

Although LGBT militants have been at the tip of the spear in the progressive assault on Christianity, there have been attempts to subvert it in the name of other aspects of liberal ideology, as Robert Spencer observes:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Grey Goose) a year ago gave thanks to her god for his salvific sacrifice: “Thank you, George Floyd, for sacrificing your life for justice.” Catholic University displayed a painting of George Floyd as Jesus.

New York Governor Kathy Hochul (D-Planned Parenthood) proclaimed in September 2021 that the unvaccinated “aren’t listening to God and what God wants.” The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), which is so far-Left as to make Duke Divinity School look like MAGA country, last October published a new hymn entitled “The Climate is Changing.” In September 2019, climate idolaters at Union Theological Seminary began worshipping potted plants as a “liturgical response to our climate crisis.”

Leftists expect that once they have hollowed out Christianity and replaced its viscera with wokeness, it will whither and die. In the meantime, it can be exploited to manipulate the gullible.

It isn’t enough to attend churches; they need to be defended before they are subverted.

On a tip from Blackjack.

Feb 16 2022

Eric Adams Falls Back on Race Card

Eric Adams has two big advantages that helped him become mayor of the nation’s largest city: (1) he is black and (2) he has no shame about playing the race card. Watch how it is done to deflect even the slightest criticism from an obsequious media establishment that worships his skin color:

Meanwhile, Adams refers to people not blessed with his politically advantageous pigmentation as “crackers.” We all know what racists crackers can be.

In other Eric Adams news, he just fired over 1,400 city workers for not submitting to an increasingly superfluous Covid vaccine, even as the pandemic peters out.

It is doubtful that New York City will ever have a worse mayor than Bill de Blasio. But then, who would have thought that New York State would have a worse governor than Andrew Cuomo — until Kathy Hochul came along?

On tips from THOUGHTCRIMINAL2084 and Wiggins.

Jan 23 2022

Break the Law, Get Tuition Assistance

In Moonbat World, only suckers pay their debts. Those who don’t count on people like Elizabeth Warren to force others to pay them. Only suckers obey the law. Those who don’t get tuition assistance:

What you reward, you get more of. What do Democrats reward that we would want more of?

New York has deteriorated politically to the point that Lee Zeldin stands minimal chance of becoming governor, even against the outlandishly awful Kathy Hochul. Best of luck to him anyway.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jan 21 2022

Clinging to a Dying Pandemic

Despite panic and hype from the governmedia, Omicron is mild and largely unavoidable, spreading natural immunity wide and far. This puts the Covid pandemic on a respirator, kept alive for political purposes. Already, Britain is letting it die. Some don’t want to admit it, but the grift is over:

Like Airstrip One’s Dr Hilary, the People’s Republic of New York is holding out to the bitter end. Governor Kathy Hochul seized on Omicron to declare a state of emergency. Even now, she won’t let up on harmful mask mandates for children, who were barely affected even by the more serious variants. After all, children can be made to get used to anything:

On tips from KirklesWorth, Wiggins, and Varla.

Jan 09 2022

Washington State Plans Covid Concentration Camps

They have them in Australia and Canada. Why shouldn’t we have them in the USA? Authoritarians are planning concentration camps for those they want held in isolation in the name of Covid.

From the moonbat-ruled state of Washington comes a bill called WAC 246-100-040. It starts out like this:

At his or her sole discretion, a local health officer may issue an emergency detention order causing a person or group of persons to be immediately detained for purposes of isolation or quarantine in accordance with subsection (3) of this section, or may petition the superior court ex parte for an order to take the person or group of persons into involuntary detention for purposes of isolation or quarantine …

Now that any extreme of tyranny can be justified to the media’s satisfaction in the name of public health, health officers are the new Gestapo:

A local health officer may invoke the powers of police officers, sheriffs, constables, and all other officers and employees of any political subdivisions within the jurisdiction of the health department to enforce immediately orders given to effectuate the purposes of this section …

Reportedly, internment camps have already been constructed in the Evergreen State. Video apparently of a Covid quarantine site under construction in Washington was posted here previously. The administration of leftist Governor Jay Inslee — who ran for president on a platform consisting almost entirely of global warming hysteria — has been recruiting what it has called “strike teams” to run the camps.

Maybe Democrats won’t need global warming after all. Even as it peters out into the mild Omicron variant, Covid may serve as pretext enough to impose Total Government.

As noted earlier, the People’s Republic of New York has already produced legislation allowing for the internment of undesirables in the name of public health. Naziesque Assembly Bill A416 has passed the Assembly and the Senate and only needs the signature of Governor Kathy Hochul to become law. Hochul is a tyrant who has squeezed every drop of power she can get out of Covid (see here, here, here, and here). She can be expected to sign the alarming bill.

The CDC has already taken steps to impose Covid quarantine camps at the federal level.

It becomes increasingly obvious that the exploitation of Covid by authoritarians is more dangerous than Covid itself. With Democrats controlling nearly every lever of power, there is no guarantee that even the most fundamental liberties will survive.

On tips from Chris Neilson and 100Bravo.

Dec 31 2021

New York State Declares Racism to Be a Public Health Crisis

Our rulers have learned from the ongoing Covid overreaction that any extreme of tyranny — no matter how outrageously intrusive and repressive — can be excused if it is inflicted in the name of public health. They cannot maintain Covid hysteria indefinitely, especially not with Omicron appearing to indicate that it is petering out into the common cold. No worries; any problem real or imaginary can become a health crisis by waving the magic wand of postmodernism, according to which reality is determined by the words used to describe it.

Some thought no one could top the Covid tyranny of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, who earned the adoration of the liberal establishment by crushing small business in the name of the virus, meanwhile killing thousands of seniors by forcing nursing homes to take in Covid patients. His replacement Kathy Hochul proved otherwise, declaring a state of emergency over the mild Omicron variant.

Soon even Hochul will have to admit that Omicron is no crisis. So now the health crisis is racism. This is official, Hochul having signed legislation:

“For far too long, communities of color in New York have been held back by systemic racism and inequitable treatment,” Hochul said. “I am proud to sign legislation that addresses this crisis head-on, addressing racism, expanding equity, and improving access for all.”

As the existence of this legislation indicates, the notion that there is significant racism against anyone other than whites in the USA is a preposterous lie. Imagine any governor signing a law explicitly intended to benefit Caucasians. It could not happen in this country.

Hochul signed a package of legislation on December 23 containing six bills that declare the public health crisis and implement ways to address it. Legislation S.70-A/A.2230 enacted the hate crimes analysis and review act, which gives law enforcement guidelines for the collection and reporting of demographic data for hate crime victims and alleged perpetrators.

You can see why people have been escaping New York in droves. Unfortunately, leftist lunacy has taken root at the federal level.

Hochul is likely following the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) lead. CDC Director Rochelle Walensky declared racism a “serious public health threat” in April.

The CDC already has the power to suspend rent payments, effectively seizing the property of all landlords without due process — and that started with a Republican in the White House. Imagine what steps it might take to cure us of our allegedly racist attitudes.

“What we know is this: racism is a serious public health threat that directly affects the well-being of millions of Americans,” Walensky said. “As a result, it affects the health of our entire nation.”

The CDC has also identified the firearms and the imaginary climate crisis as threats to public health.

Multiple cities have already taken the absurd yet terrifying step of declaring “racism” — i.e., political incorrectness— to be a public health crisis, including Chicago, Boston, Louisville, and of course, New York City. Like Covid in a ChiCom laboratory, radical moonbattery is engineered in the petri dishes of dying cities before it is unleashed on the rest of us.

Fascism no longer looks like rock-jawed Benito Mussolini in jackboots. Now it looks like Tony Fauci in a lab coat.

On tips from Anonymous and Wiggins.

Dec 01 2021

Twitter: Meet the New Boss, Worse Than the Old Boss

Our leftist ruling class can always find someone still more awful to impose on us. You thought no one could be worse than Andrew Cuomo? Meet New York’s new Governor, Kathy Hochul. You thought no one could be worse than Jack Dorsey? Meet Twitter’s new CEO, Parag Agrawal, who is just as left-wing and even more hostile to free speech than the guy under whom Twitter banned the President of the USA for having the wrong politics.

Hot Air breaks the bad news:

The first major initiative by Twitter in the Agrawal era is not to make speech freer, but to give Twitter’s apparatchiks and activists even more power and less clarity on what will bring the ban hammer.

This is accomplished by banning media of private individuals without the permission of those depicted. Twitter makes its leftist motivations clear in this statement:

Sharing personal media, such as images or videos, can potentially violate a person’s privacy, and may lead to emotional or physical harm. The misuse of private media can affect everyone, but can have a disproportionate effect on women, activists, dissidents, and members of minority communities.

By “activists” and “dissidents,” they refer mainly to Black Lives Matter and Antifa thugs, whose sociopathic activities are covered up by the fellow-traveling mainstream media and left to private citizens to report on. The wokesters running Twitter are hardly likely to apply the ambiguous new rule even-handedly. As Hot Air notes,

Consider that their explanation assures users that they will “always try to assess the context” of the picture to see whether it is posted “in the public interest,” or whether it will “add value to public discourse” or “relevant to the community.” Nothing arbitrary, capricious, or subjective about that, right? Right?

Yet under Democrat rule, Twitter will continue to enjoy the legal protections of a neutral service provider rather than a publisher with an editorial viewpoint. Under a corrupt government, it pays to have a seat at the table.

Mark Dice has more:

Where political issues are concerned, Twitter will soon serve exclusively as a megaphone to promote antiwhite race hate and other left-wing causes. This may actually be good news, if it serves as the catalyst to get a critical mass of users behind an alternate platform like Gab. That’s where people will have to go to see great pages like Libs of TikTok.

The only reason to use Twitter is that everyone else does. Once enough bail out for alternatives, Twitter will become just another boring, irrelevant moonbat echo chamber, like public broadcasting.

On tips from TCS III, ABC of the ANC, and KirklesWorth.

Nov 29 2021

Omicron Fails to Live Up to Hysteria

It would have been called the Xi variant, but the ChiCom tools who control the WHO were afraid that would offend the communist dictator of the country that probably engineered the virus before unleashing it on the world. So they went for the next Greek letter. Omicron turns out of be more appropriate anyway, since it is an anagram for “moronic.”

New York Governor Kathy Hochul declared a state of emergency over the Omicron variant, despite not a single case of it having appeared in the USA. Other tyrants also seized on the latest pretext to crack down on freedom. Israel was so concerned that it banned all foreigners except beautiful women.

Surprise! The Omicron variant is probably no big deal:

Big Government and Big Media have cried “Wolf!” so many times that when a real crisis hits, no one will believe them.

On tips from KirklesWorth, Dragon’s Lair, and Anonymous.

Nov 19 2021

Pronoun Lunacy Imposed on New York Utilities

If you live in New York and are wondering why you received an incomprehensible letter from the power company asking about your pronouns, the answer is that moonbattery is a totalitarian ideology, so where it prevails, all human activity must be subordinated to it. Consequently, utility companies have been coercively enlisted in the campaign to impose obeisance to LGBT militants on every facet of private life.

You thought no one could be worse than Andrew Cuomo? The latest lunacy from his replacement:

Kathy Hochul signed a bill Monday that will require utility corporations, municipalities, water-works corporations, and telephone service providers to utilize each customer’s desired name and pronouns in communications.

Here’s how Hochul spends her time instead of dealing with the Empire State’s growing economic and societal problems:

By “correct” she means “politically correct.” She most definitely does not mean “biologically correct.”

This may seem like a frivolous waste of time, but it actually serves a purpose. Hochul and her fellow Democrats are establishing that the government has the power to compel speech, regardless of the First Amendment. It has the power to force people to overtly reject objective reality in favor of official ideology, just like in Orwell’s 1984.

In case legislation requires anyone to ask for my preferred pronouns, I’ll put them on the record in advance. They are “Let’s go Brandon/Let’s go Brandon.”

Speaking of New York, if your kids are “Been there, done that” about Disneyland, you might consider bringing them to the Big Apple. Democrat rule has transformed it into a theme park that offers a preview of our dystopian future if liberalism prevails. Be sure to take a ride on the subway; it is much more of a thrill than any of the rides in a traditional amusement park:

Maniacs run wild while bureaucrats micromanage pronouns. The term for this is “anarchotyranny.”

On tips from Wiggins.

Sep 28 2021

Stuart Scheller Imprisoned for Demanding Accountability

It was either treason or incompetence taken to levels never seen previously. Yet there has been no accountability for Biden’s catastrophically bungled withdrawal from Afghanistan. On the contrary, the only person punished (other than the Americans senselessly allowed to be killed or left behind, the military dogs abandoned, and the innocent civilians killed in a “righteous” drone strike) has been Marine Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Scheller, who was relieved of command after calling for accountability. He resigned his commission. Now he has been imprisoned:

Scheller first rose to internet stardom by posting a video to Facebook blasting military leaders for the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, questioning their command decisions on the events leading up to and during the final evacuation effort.

Scheller would go on to release several more videos, generating praise and controversy while drawing the ire of military leadership. Eventually, he was told by superiors to stop posting to social media altogether, an order he immediately ignored by posting about the gag order.

At the end of his last video, he indicated that he knew where he was headed, saying, “Col Emmel please have the MPs waiting for me at 0800 on Monday. I’m ready for jail.”

Scheller is “currently in pre-trial confinement,” a spokesperson for Training and Education Command said of the officer’s status.

No wonder New York Governor Kathy Hochul wants to replace healthcare workers who won’t obey intrusive Covid decrees to be replaced with the military. That way, anyone who needs an attitude adjustment can be thrown in the brig.

On tips from Dragon’s Lair and ABC of the ANC.

Sep 19 2021

Covid Tyranny as Child Abuse

When tyrants like Kathy Hochul dictate that toddlers must wear Covid obedience muzzles, this is what they are imposing:

Children don’t like being suffocated with snot- and germ-encrusted masks. They would like it even less if they knew that it is completely senseless, as Covid is less of a threat to them than the flu, whereas the masks themselves carry more serious health risks (see here and here).

This lunacy has reached the point that American Airlines kicked a 2-year-old with asthma off a flight for not wearing his mask properly. Unlike the liberal ruling class, the child posed no risk to anyone.

Blessedly, mass resistance to Covid tyranny is finally starting to get underway, even in bastions of liberalism like Melbourne…

…and New York:

On tips from Dragon’s Lair, Anonymous, and Wiggins.

Sep 05 2021

Yusef Salaam of Central Park 5 Running for State Senate

Did you think the political leadership in New York could not possibly get worse? Wrong. Progressives will always find a way to progress still further into hitherto unimagined depths of sociopathic depravity. Even in light of the chaos unleashed by bail reform, New York’s rulers could become still more pro-criminal. Yusef Salaam of the Central Park 5 is running for State Senate.

Salaam’s claim to fame is being convicted of raping a white woman and beating her into a coma.

From the liberal Daily News:

Nearly 20 years after a judge vacated convictions against him and four of his buddies in one of the most sensational criminal justice cases in city history, Salaam has told associates that he is running to fill the seat being vacated by Harlem state Sen. Brian Benjamin (D), who was nominated last week to be New York’s next lieutenant governor.

The lieutenant governor is next in line to become governor; that’s how the godawful Kathy Hochul got her current job. Maybe if Salaam wins — and with his qualifications, he is likely to in Harlem — he will be next in line for lieutenant governor.

Associates said Salaam, 47, plans to focus, in part, on issues that made his name synonymous with wrongful conviction: criminal justice and prison reform, police brutality and the abolition of juvenile solitary confinement.

What did you expect him to do, make the city safe for white women to go jogging?

Background on the Central Park 5, via

When Trisha Meili’s body was discovered in New York City’s Central Park early in the morning on April 20, 1989, she had been so badly beaten and repeatedly raped that she remained in a coma for nearly two weeks and retained no memory of the attack.

The brutal assault of the 28-year-old white investment banker, who had been out for a jog the night before, led to widespread public outcry and the quick arrest and subsequent conviction of five black and Latino teens…

These included Yusef Salaam, who served almost 7 years for first-degree rape and robbery.

Meili’s rape and attack was so severe, she lost 75 percent of her blood, suffering a severe skull fracture among other injuries. The woman, identified in the media as the Central Park Jogger until she made her name public in 2003, had been bludgeoned with a rock, tied up, raped and left for dead.

Later, Matias Reyes claimed to be the lone culprit. The five wilding teens had their convictions voided and were handed a $41 million bonus courtesy of taxpayers, because they were said to be the victims of “racial discrimination.” The wolf pack of savage youths were paid about $1 million per year each for cooling their heels in prison.

Revisionist propaganda has deified the Central Park 5. Yet they almost certainly participated in the rape of Trisha Meili, as well as robbing and beating other innocent people that night. As former sex crimes prosecutor Linda Fairstein notes,

Salaam took the stand at his trial, represented by a lawyer chosen and paid for by his mother, and testified that he had gone into the park carrying a 14-inch metal pipe—the same type of weapon that was used to bludgeon both a male schoolteacher and Ms. Meili. Mr. Reyes’s confession changed none of this. He admitted being the man whose DNA had been left in the jogger’s body and on her clothing, but the two juries that heard those facts knew the main assailant in the rape had not been caught. The five were charged as accomplices, as persons “acting in concert” with each other and with the then-unknown man who raped the jogger, not as those who actually performed the act. In their original confessions—later recanted—they admitted to grabbing her breasts and legs, and two of them admitted to climbing on top of her and simulating intercourse. Semen was found on the inside of their clothing, corroborating those confessions.

Even if he really were innocent, Salaam would not be the one to bring safety to the streets of New York. He holds a bitter grudge against law enforcement:

“The overwhelming feeling that I have towards the police and prosecutors is that they knew that we had not done this crime,” Salaam told NPR earlier this year. “They knew it, but yet they chose to move forward. They built their careers off of our backs. And the law of karma caught up to them.”

The law of karma is catching up with all New Yorkers, as their deranged liberalism places maniacs in charge.

Salaam has one other bullet point on his resume. He received a Lifetime Achievement Award from Barack Obama. I’m not kidding.

On a tip from Sean C.


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