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Search: Rachel Levine

Jul 02 2023

Julyteenth Celebrations Underway in Baltimore

Historic first female four-star admiral Richard “Rachel” Levine has proclaimed the extension of Pride Month into Pride Summer. Looks like Juneteenth has been extended as well. Julyteenth celebrations are underway in diverse Baltimore:

At least two people were killed and more than two dozen others were injured in a mass shooting that took place during a block party early Sunday morning in Baltimore.

Baltimore Police Department Acting Commissioner Richard Worley said an 18-year-old woman was found dead at the scene. A 20-year-old man also died, and three others are in critical condition, WBAL TV reported. …

During a press conference, Worley confirmed there were a total of 30 victims in the shooting, which broke out just after 12:30 a.m. in the Brooklyn Homes area of South Baltimore.

The tradition continues (see here, here, here, etc.). Because the moonbats overseeing all this are all about tradition. It’s just our traditions that they don’t like.

On tips from Wiggins and Varla.

Jun 29 2023

Acceptance of LGBTism Was Only the Beginning

In case you were wondering why esteemed countermoonbat Ron DeSantis plans to abolish the Department of Education (along with the weaponized IRS), listen to Education Secretary Miguel Cardona explain the objective when it comes to instilling depraved LGBT ideology in children:

Barks the conspicuously creepy Cardona, “Acceptance isn’t the ultimate goal; it’s actually the minimum.” The maximum is brainwashed children having their genitals surgically removed in hopes of making them into lifelong perverts — unless Democrats are capable of conceiving of something even more satanic than their current policy.

Note the flag on Cardona’s lapel, the same one we have seen in the dominant position in front of the White House. Old Glory is our flag. Our rulers prefer a different one.

The federal government’s push to LGBTify children extends beyond the Department of Education:

That chilling scene featuring the rabid racist Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke and cross-dressing freakazoid Richard “Rachel” Levine is from a recent event entitled Creating Inclusive and Nondiscriminatory School Environments for LGBTQI+ Students — duckspeak for “Pushing LGBTism on Children.” The federal government prioritizes this as the nation tailspins into debt and decline.

You can’t say they haven’t produced results. Behold the success liberals have had at recasting American boyhood in their image:

That little guy has already learned to love the power that can be wielded in the name of glorified sexual psychosis. I would say he might be a future Democrat POTUS, but by the time he is old enough, his skin color will be a disqualification for the office.

On tips from Barry A and Mr. Freemarket.

Jun 28 2023

Biden Official Extends Pride Month

Pride Month is almost over. Soon the volume of LGBT propaganda projectile vomited into our face from every direction by the liberal establishment will ease back to its usual level — or maybe not. Biden’s cross-dressing Assistant Secretary for Health Richard “Rachel” Levine — best known for advocating sex change surgery for children and for getting his own mother out of a nursing home while subjecting the other residents to Covid — has declared the extension of Pride Month to Pride Summer:

Next after Pride Summer comes Pride Year, all year, every year. Under Democrat rule, America is a theocracy. The state religion is moonbattery — i.e., depraved degeneracy.

On tips from Franco and KirklesWorth.

Apr 26 2023

Teen Killed by Horrific Sex Change Procedure

The Orwellian euphemism “gender-affirming care” encompasses sex change operations too nightmarish for Josef Mengele or the island of Dr Moreau. These are not medical procedures, but crimes against humanity. If Satan were to devise how someone should die, it would look like this:

Once again, Holland is at the cutting edge of liberalism:

A 2016 medical article documenting the tragic death of one of the participants in the linchpin Dutch study upon which the entire child sex change experiment is based indicates that puberty suppression was to blame for the young person’s death.

The case is that of an 18-year-old trans-identified male whose puberty was blocked by the Dutch researchers at a very early stage, meaning there wasn’t enough penile tissue for surgeons to use to create a “neo-vagina.” Therefore, a more risky procedure using a section of the patient’s bowel was necessary, which resulted in fatal necrotizing fasciitis.

Technically, he was an adult when they killed him. But social engineers put him on track for this as a child, when the desecration and destruction of his body on behalf of the LGBT agenda were already well underway.

It isn’t just the Netherlands. In the USA, sex change operations are performed on children, with the support of the Biden Regime.

If there is a crime worse than murder, this is it.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Feb 16 2023

Biden Official Cancels Parents in Favor of Groomers

Surprise, surprise. Cross-dressing Assistant Secretary for Health Richard “Rachel” Levine believes parents should not be allowed to impede the recruitment of their children into the LGBT lifestyle:

Levine said some “LGBTQI+” children need to replace their parents with “one supportive adult” while criticizing a parental rights law as “a gag rule” in a video clip posted on Twitter Tuesday.

Parents who are not on board with the transsexualization of their children are to be canceled in favor of outside groomers.

“One supportive adult,” Levine, who is transgender, said in the clip posted on Twitter. “I’d love it if that was always the parent, but it’s not always a parent. Frequently it’s a teacher, or a guidance counselor, or some other coach or another school personnel.”

When moonbats bark “It takes a village,” they don’t necessarily mean the entire federal bureaucracy. A single sicko willing to advance the agenda will do.

The supposed “gag rule” is the Parental Rights in Education Act, among the feathers in the cap of the esteemed countermoonbat Ron DeSantis:

DeSantis signed legislation protecting parental rights in Florida in March, which came following a spate of lawsuits across the country centered around clandestine social transitions of children in schools. The law prohibits discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity from kindergarten through third grade and required schools to notify parents about services for mental, emotional and physical health.

That such a law has proved necessary indicates the seriousness of the situation. The conspicuously evil creep Levine having achieved a position of authority is not an anomaly. Far from it:

Levine previously endorsed a June 2022 executive order by President Joe Biden that expanded access to sex-change procedures for children…

Failure is not an option in the Culture War.

On a tip from Franco.

Nov 28 2022

Moonbats Turn on Musk Part III

Even as moonbats rave about Russia and stop driving Teslas because Elon Musk has been allowing more free speech on Twitter, some speech will be restricted that was previously permitted. Consequently, Antifa has joined the jihad against Musk:

Musk called for members of the public to report violations of the site’s terms of service against child sexual exploitation and far-left extremist violence.

Numerous self-identified Antifa militants including several prominent organizers have been banned for calling for violence against Chaya Raichik, who operates the popular “Libs of TikTok” account, and Daily Wire host Matt Walsh.

“Incitement to violence will result in account suspension,” said Musk in response to journalist Andy Ngo, who explained that a large number of Antifa accounts operate on the website to promote riots and provide tips to each other on how to identify targets and commit violence.

Ngo would know:

“Antifa used Twitter to direct comrades to swarm me after I ran into a hotel following a violent street beating,” wrote Ngo.

Multiple users were banned shortly after having been reported to Musk for using Twitter to incite leftist violence.

Antifa — the Democratic Party’s comical yet dangerous answer to the Sturmabteilung — responded as you might expect:

Hours after the bans, Antifa militants took to the social media platform to organize arson attacks on Tesla locations around the United States, posting the addresses of Tesla service centers and dealerships.

Producing screenshots, Ngo remarked,

“This is just a drop in the ocean of years of violent organizing on Twitter.”

Meanwhile, under the old guard, the now-reinstated Babylon Bee was banned for observing that men are not women. You can see why liberals liked Twitter the way it was before Musk.

On a tip from Marty.

Nov 23 2022

Unclean Conditions Make Beyond Meat Even Less Edible

Bad news continues to accrue for investors in the synthetic pseudomeat that Bill Gates and the rest of the Davos crowd want to shove down our throats. Impoverished through Biden’s inflation, people are not in a mood to pay more for an inferior product to virtue signal wokeness. There are serious concerns about the wisdom of eating a substance created in a laboratory through gene editing. Now we read that one of the biggest excreters of this gunk is neck-deep in bacteria and food safety violations:

Internal documents and photos from the Beyond Meat plant in metro Philadelphia paint a picture of dangerous conditions with possible repercussions for consumers. …

Purported photos from the faux meat plant — a 45-minute drive on the Pennsylvania Turnpike from Philadelphia — show mold growing on walls, as well as soiled containers used in food preparation.

Plant-based “meats” manufactured at the facility were found infected with the bacteria Listeria at least 11 different times since the second half of 2021…


The FDA is yet to make a safety inspection of Beyond Meat’s Pennsylvania facility since the public company acquired the plant…

Being on the correct side politically has its advantages. The Deep State bureauweenies of the FDA are all in for synthetic pseudofood, which pleases the weather gods according to liberals’ weirdly atavistic religion.

Internal plant documents also suggested that inorganic materials like wood, string and metal had been found inside Beyond Meat products engineered at the facility.

So long as it isn’t food, the climate won’t mind if we eat it, so…

…the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture “found no instances of nonconformance with regulations,” hailing Beyond Meat’s food safety protocols in reports that followed March and September plant visits…

The Pennsylvania state bureaucracy produced America’s first four-star “female” admiral, Richard “Rachel” Levine, who used his position as Health Secretary to sentence elderly patients to death by forced nursing homes to accept Covid cases while wisely getting his own mother out of a nursing home. The election of the mentally incapacitated ultraleft loafer John Fetterman to the Senate confirms that there is something very wrong in the Keystone State. An infectious agent far worse than bacteria has seeped out of the pustule moonbattery has made of Philadelphia to sicken the whole state.

On tips from Blackjack and Jester.

Oct 25 2022

Waking Up to the Horror of Sex Change Surgery

Authorities begin to admit that the gender dysphoria so many troubled kids are pushed into on behalf of the LGBT agenda is just a phase:

Most children who believe that they are transgender are just going through a “phase”, the NHS has said, as it warns that doctors should not encourage them to change their names and pronouns.

The permanent disfigurement inflicted by “gender-affirming” hormone treatments and sex change surgery is not just a phase. They have to live with it for the rest of their lives.

Changing names and pronouns is just a fad. Yet even that causes damage:

NHS England says that the interim Cass Report has advised that even social transition, such as changing a young person’s name and pronouns or the way that they dress, is not a “neutral act” that could have “significant effects” in terms of “psychological functioning”.

Going back to living as what you really are is easier said than done:

When a prepubescent child has already socially transitioned, “the clinical approach has to be mindful of the risks of an inappropriate gender transition and the difficulties that the child may experience in returning to the original gender role upon entering puberty if the gender incongruence does not persist”.


NHS England has announced plans for tightening controls on the treatment of under 18s questioning their gender, including a ban on prescribing puberty blockers outside of strict clinical trials.

Already, transitioners are beginning to realize with horror what they have allowed to be done to them. Ritchie Herron was having a problem dealing with perverse sexual urges. In earlier times, a priest or minister might have helped him get the better of them. This being the 21st century, he went to health professionals, who temporarily convinced him that he was actually a woman.

Herron is currently preparing a legal case against the NHS Trust which paid for the operation to remove his genitals which has left him in constant pain. …

He said that he “nearly bled to death” on the operating table and has since had trouble using the toilet and has no sensation.

After castration came vaginoplasty, making him into a monstrosity.

Herron was an adult at the time. Imagine doing this to a child, as the Biden Regime has championed.

Among the blackest pages of human history, the current transsexualization of children stands out as arguably the most profoundly evil. Who in any other time or place would have permanently mutilated innocent children in order to promote sexual depravity?

This is what history will remember us for.

On tips from Anonymous, Bluto, ABC of the ANC, and Franco.

Aug 11 2022

Mark Milley Is Four-Star Hypocrite

The most prominent characteristic of moonbats may be not their psychotic delusions, moral depravity, or festering malice, but their hypocrisy, which lack of self-awareness allows to reach astonishing proportions. The hyperpolitical Chairmoonbat of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is a case in point.

As noted earlier,

If Bob Woodward’s reporting is accurate, the absurdly overdecorated Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley committed straightforward treason during the Trump Administration in collusion with our communist Chinese adversaries. He has publicly espoused antiwhite race hate, and openly regards tens of millions of American citizens as enemies of the government.

As a result of an egregious staffing error, Milley was among the advisors and cabinet members who accompanied Trump when he enraged liberals by being photographed with a Bible in front of St John’s Church near the White House. The house of worship had been cleared of the Black Lives Matter scum that tried to burn it down the day before.

Afterward, Milley told the graduating class of National Defense University,

“I should not have been there. My presence in that moment and in that environment created a perception of the military involved in domestic politics.”

As the debacle in Afghanistan illustrated, Milley is of no use to anyone except to Democrats as a rabid partisan who aggressively involves himself in domestic politics.

Milley was so upset about being part of the photo op, he penned a letter of resignation, which he regrettably never submitted, choosing instead to be apolitical by undermining the administration from within. The letter strongly implied that Trump is a racist, a Nazi, a thought criminal, et cetera. Barked Milley:

“The American people trust their military and they trust us to protect them against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and our military will do just that. We will not turn our back on the American people.”

This from a guy who was reportedly conspiring to side with our most formidable enemy in the case of war.

Even by the standards of his fellow Democrat pols, Milley’s hypocrisy is staggering. No wonder he has had such a successful career in the Swamp.

On a tip from Blackjack.

May 06 2022

The Lighter Side of Hating Both Babies and Democracy

It isn’t easy to parody the evil Democrats reveal by using intimidation tactics in an attempt to impose abortion by federal decree rather than letting voters decide. The Babylon Bee still manages:

In a somber press release outside the burning gates of torment and suffering, the fire god Moloch warned of looming supply chain issues regarding child sacrifices. …

“My demon logistics department is reporting a supply chain shortage of children to sacrifice upon burning idols and in fiery pits,” said the god of brazen gratification and hedonism. “The scarcity of innocent young lives to be brutally murdered at my feet is mostly due to the US Supreme Court’s upcoming reversal of Roe v. Wade, led by white supremacist Clarence Thomas.”

For once a supply chain issue cannot be laid at the feet of hyperregulating Democrats.

An uncomfortably large percentage of the US population cried out in fear and terror at the prospects of not being able to sacrifice children of a loving Heavenly Father for their own, selfish desires. …

“What about my career as a corporate drone who loves binge-drinking on the weekends!” cried one woman at the steps of the Supreme Court building while holding a protest sign reading “My Body, My Choice, My Vanity, My Career, My Parties, My Barren, Loveless Life.”

You can see why Twitter locked its account. That beats trying to argue that the Babylon Bee does not portray the liberal mentality accurately.

Speaking of people Twitter has suppressed, Libs of Tik Tok is back in action after a suspension for countermoonbattery. This is not parody, but for real:

Letting moonbats rule over us is not an option.

On a tip from Jack S.

Apr 05 2022

Beto O’Rourke Accidentally Gives Good Advice

No moonbat is more conspicuously vile than Beto O’Rourke. Click the tweet to see him “virtue” signal by wearing a t-shirt reading, “Don’t mess with Trans kids” — i.e., by ostentatiously endorsing the satanic campaign to convince children they are transsexual and then to use brainwashing, chemical castration, and even surgery to permanently destroy their minds, their bodies, and their lives as sacrifices to the sick LGBT agenda:

Few if any children come by transsexuality on their own. They are coaxed into it by their teachers, Disney, social media, et cetera. It is actually good advice not to mess with them, as Sarah Corriher explains:

The vast majority of so-called transgender children, when truly left alone, grow out of gender dysphoria. Yet, when such children are started on hormone therapies instead of being allowed to develop naturally, they fail to progress beyond it. The gender dysphoria becomes a permanent condition. …

If we left the kids alone, then people like Beto O’Rourke wouldn’t advise such children they were made incorrectly…

The transgender fad is but a more extreme form of what all teenagers feel: a lack of belonging. That sense of not fitting in is magnified, which allows abusers to tell such children that all of their fears are true: they will never fit in, they were made wrong, they must deny themselves and pretend to be something else to have value. This is an ideological movement that requires destroying the self-worth of those that it claims to help.

For creeps who share Robert Francis O’Rourke’s ideology to leave kids alone would be wonderful.

On a tip from Blackjack.

Nov 30 2021

Covid Cases: Florida Lowest, Michigan Highest

Here’s an interesting fact those residing within the liberal establishment media’s bubble of propaganda may never know. Free Florida — the subject of pearl-clutching by the media because Governor Ron DeSantis does not engage in Covid tyranny — has the lowest Covid cases per capita in the nation. Blue Michigan — under the heel of Covid tyrant Gretchen Whitmer — has the highest.

Via ABC/NBC/CBS/PBS/CNN? Not likely. Via Fox News:

DeSantis has been slammed by critics in the media since the start of the pandemic over his opposition to government-imposed mask and vaccine mandates. In 2020, DeSantis was accused by a Democratic politician of going on a “killing spree” for opposing mask mandates and a Vanity Fair headline from September of this year referred to the governor as an “angel of death.”

At the same time Florida reported the lowest amount of new cases in the country per capita, coronavirus cases are surging in many states where strict lockdown orders were issued by Democratic governors.

Michigan, where Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer imposed some of the most controversial restrictions in the nation during the height of the pandemic, leads the nation in daily coronavirus cases per capita.

Gretchen “DAISNAID” Whitmer infamously forbade Michiganders from buying garden seeds because Covid. Like Andrew Cuomo and former Pennsylvania Health Secretary (currently the historic first female four-star admiral despite being male) Richard I mean “Rachel” Levine, she killed people who were mostly done paying taxes anyway by forcing nursing homes to accept Covid patients.

Freedom works. Tyranny does not work, except for the tyrants. Freedom is the exception and tyranny the rule because it is the natural state of affairs for those in charge to seize ever more power at the expense of everyone else. Society is only healthy when that power is limited. It is only limited when the population cherishes freedom enough to limit it. We will only cherish freedom sufficiently when we stop listening to tyrants’ lackeys — that is, to the liberal establishment media.

Hat tip: Not the Bee.


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