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Search: venezuela

May 18 2022

Democrats Target Energy and Food

If you think prices are high now, give Democrats a chance to fix the problem they caused with their excessive spending, repressive regulations, and war on energy. Rather than take responsibility for the crisis, they accuse the people who overcome government hurdles to provide us with energy of “price gouging.” Their solution is Marxism:

Elizabeth Warren and seven Democratic colleagues in the Senate and six in the House want to punish companies that raise prices more than they like.

As everyone who was alive during the 1970s or who knows what has been going on in Venezuela is aware, price controls produce shortages.

The legislation unveiled last week would grant sweeping new powers to the Federal Trade Commission. It bans companies with $100 million or more in revenue from selling goods or services “at an unconscionably excessive price” during a market shock. The public employees in their Beltway offices would define what is “unconscionably excessive,” and they could then slap offenders with a penalty of up to 5% of annual revenue.

That would be crippling. It is intended to be. When disfavored industries like “Big Oil” can no longer function due to government shackles, they will be nationalized, as in Venezuela.

Gasoline is not the only essential product Democrats will make unavailable:

Warren denounced “corporations taking advantage of the current crisis to prey on consumers,” and listed grocery stores, car-rental firms and drug companies as nefarious price gougers.

The profit margin at grocery stores is particularly thin. Putting companies like Kroger — which Warren has denounced by name — out of business will require nationalization of food distribution. Democrats have learned well from Joseph Stalin regarding the effectiveness of the food supply as a political weapon.

Liberals posture ostentatiously regarding their support for Ukraine. Ask a Ukrainian about the Holodomor and you will understand Warren’s game plan.

Venezuela was the wealthiest country in Latin America, sitting on the world’s largest oil reserves. Then people cut of the same cloth as Warren, Biden, and Bernie Sanders took over. The result was empty shelves at the grocery store and no gas at the pumps. It won’t turn out differently here.

The danger is that the idea of price controls spreads beyond the Senate’s Venezuelan caucus and into the Treasury and White House. It’s the definition of economic insanity, which means in this Administration it is all too possible.

Not only possibly, but likely. With Biden’s leftist handlers in charge, the dysfunctional socialist dictatorship in Venezuela is not a problem to solve. It is our likeminded ally:

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador returned from a visit to Havana this month and announced the next day that the U.S. had agreed with Caracas to buy one million barrels of Venezuelan crude daily. This would require lifting U.S. sanctions that are designed to squeeze the dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro and help return the country to democracy. …

In March, Team Biden sent three representatives to Caracas to talk to Mr. Maduro. Venezuela later released two of more than a half-dozen American hostages it has been holding. … Rumors persist that back-channel talks continue. …

Venezuelan supply wouldn’t make much of a dent in global oil prices. But it is revealing that American progressives apparently put appeasing the Latin left above their climate-change principles.

In contrast to global warming hogwash, Marxism is something Democrats really do believe in, because it would grant them the absolute power enjoyed by fiends like Stalin, Mao, and Maduro.

The Biden Administration’s sanctions dance with the dictator is taking place even as it acts at every turn to restrict U.S. oil and production.

That is because Venezuela is an ally to the Biden Administration, whereas America is its enemy.

On tips from Varla.

May 13 2022

Biden Appointee Praises ChiCom Tyranny

The Biden Regime has pursued inflationary policy so aggressively that you might think Biden’s handlers are using Venezuela or Zimbabwe as a role model. Actually, the template for Democrats as they fundamentally transform America is based more on the totalitarian nightmare Mao Zedong established in China. They come close to admitting it:

Biden tapped Dominic Ng, the chairman of East West Bank, to represent the United States on the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Business Advisory Council (ABAC), comprised of a group of business leaders that advises governments on issues in the region.

While speaking at the Future of Asia Conference in 2018, Ng appeared to praise the Chinese Communist Party’s authoritarian economic system, remarking “there is nothing better than that.” Ng made the admission while answering a question about the future of China’s economy and a potential crash. …

The Chinese Communist Party, explained Ng, can “control the media to not get out of control” and stop them from “spreading rumors that would hurt the economy”…

We now have a Ministry of Truth for that sort of thing.

Ng’s comments follow his unearthed ties to a bevy of Chinese Communist Party-linked foreign influence groups including the Committee of 100 and the China United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF), which function as part of China’s United Front Work Department (UFWD).

According to our own State Department, UFWD advances ChiCom interests by infiltrating our media, universities, and government.

Personnel is policy. That’s why it is so alarming that Biden’s handlers keep appointing communists and other malevolent kooks.

The communist Chinese government to which his appointees and even Biden himself have ties is the most malevolent in all of human history, based on the number of its own people it has killed. Mao’s genocidal regime was never overthrown, but evolved into today’s China, where the same utter contempt for the liberty and very lives of the Chinese people continues to be on open display, with people locked in their apartments to starve lest they spread Covid.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Apr 19 2022

Confirmed: Terrorists Are Pouring Over the Border

Meanwhile, as Democrats demand that we launch World War III over the territorial integrity of an obscure country on the other side of the world that has nothing to do with us, our own border remains open, posing a severe national security threat.

The intended medium-term consequence of Biden’s border policy will be the degeneration of the United States into a Third World country suitable to be permanently ruled over by the third-rate socialist authoritarians who are in charge now. Unavoidable short-term consequences will include lower wages, more unemployment, more crime, more homelessness, more decay, more dysfunction, less social cohesion. An even more immediate consequence may be Islamic terror attacks:

Federal law enforcement caught at least 23 suspected terrorists crossing the southern border last year, according to documents revealed exclusively by Fox News and published Monday.

Considering the porousness of the border, you can expect dozens of more competent and therefore more dangerous terrorists to get through for each bumbler who gets caught.

In August, retiring U.S. Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott warned his 19,000 agents that known or suspected terrorists were entering the United States “at a level we have never seen before.”

Even the few who are caught may be released:

Lebanon-born Venezuelan Issam Bazzi was reportedly released by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) despite being listed on the FBI terrorism database. Citing “highly derogatory information,” the FBI worried Bazzi posed a flight risk and recommended detention. Leaked documents from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) however, show Bazzi was released from custody to pursue asylum in Michigan.

Will it take a dirty bomb going off in a major American city to get it through people’s heads that it is unacceptable to have the likes of Biden running the federal government?

Conversely, such a bomb might constitute another crisis that Democrats won’t let go to waste as an opportunity to increase their stranglehold on our throats.

On a tip from Blackjack.

Apr 12 2022

Thank You Joe

You’ve heard of the Maduro diet, which helped the population of Venezuela lose weight (except for the social rulers, of course). America has something better. All we have to do is vote blue no matter who and excess pounds are no longer a problem. Nor will we stress out over too many options at the grocery store. As an added bonus, walking when we used to be able to drive will keep us in shape:

On a tip from Wiggins.

Apr 05 2022

Yesterday’s Joke Is Today’s Democrat Economic Policy

The last time Democrats inflicted this much damage on the economy, Jimmy Carter was bumbling around the White House and Saturday Night Live was funny:

Dan Aykroyd must have been peering into the future:

“I will present to Congress the Inflation Maintenance Program, whereby the US Treasury will make up any inflation cost losses through direct tax rebates to the public in cash.

“Now you may say, Won’t that cost a lot of money? Won’t that increase the deficit? Sure it will. But so what? We’ll just print more money.”

Unsurprisingly, California leads the way in actually implementing this policy. If you want to see what Democrats will do to us next, look to the erstwhile Golden State. To see what comes next after that, refer to Venezuela, then Zimbabwe.

A long list of other states have plans to counter inflation with tax rebates:

Even so, the rebate checks aren’t likely to cover the increased costs that most Americans are facing, since states are typically proposing checks of several hundred dollars while the average family will pay an estimated $2,000 in additional costs this year due to the higher prices of gas alone.

But inflation is insidious, so you don’t notice just how much it is costing you. In contrast, even a modest tax rebate can feel like a bonanza — especially if you are getting rebated the taxes someone else paid.

The rising cost of gasoline — a major driver of all rising costs — is mainly the result of Democrats’ ideologically inspired war on fossil fuels. The media has been gaslighting the gullible into blaming Putin, but only our real enemies inflate our currency or prevent us from drilling our own oil — namely, Democrats.

On a tip from seaoh.

Mar 17 2022

AOC Links Fossil Fuel Extraction to Murder of Minorities

Prominent Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) has been hailed by the Chairman of the Democratic National Committee as the future of her party. She has forced Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer to go hard left for fear that she will primary him. Her ability to push the ruling party in the direction of her choice makes her one of the most powerful people in the country.

Most non-Democrats view her as a moron and a kook. She is worse. She is psychotic.

If you doubt it, watch the video below, in which she presents a new justification for the ongoing Democrat War on Energy that has been driving prices beyond a level we can afford. To quote:

“We have a crisis of missing and murdered indigenous and black women in the United States. Today I want to discuss part of this crisis that is all to often overlooked, but whose evidence shows that there is a very meaningful connection here: the correlation between fossil fuel extraction sites and abductions and murders of indigenous women across the United States.”

At least this explains why fossil fuels aren’t so bad so long as we buy them from enemies like Iran and Venezuela rather than extracting our own.

Don’t like shivering in the dark while Democrats pretend that wind turbines and solar panels can supply sufficient energy? You must hate indigenous women.

We are ruled by lunatics. They do not mean us well.

On a tip from Varla.

Mar 16 2022

World Begins to Move Away From Dollar

When people of Joe Biden’s caliber took over Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) and Venezuela, the resulting looting spree produced hyperinflation that reduced the currency to virtual worthlessness, so that money literally was not worth the paper it was printed on. The inflation Biden has presided over is bad but not that bad yet, because the US dollar is the world’s reserve currency. The ongoing spending blowout by Democrats — financed largely through inflation — comes at the expense not only of Americans, but of the whole world. But this arrangement will not last forever, because the rest of the world does not like being looted by our corrupt and insatiably greedy politicians.

Saudi Arabia has had enough:

Saudi Arabia is in active talks with Beijing to price some of its oil sales to China in yuan … a move that would dent the U.S. dollar’s dominance of the global petroleum market and mark another shift by the world’s top crude exporter toward Asia.

Reckless spending is not the only factor debasing the value of American currency. Democrats’ inept foreign policy also plays a role:

The Saudis are angry over the U.S.’s lack of support for their intervention in the Yemen civil war, and over the Biden administration’s attempt to strike a deal with Iran over its nuclear program. Saudi officials have said they were shocked by the precipitous U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan last year.

The pro-terrorist rhetoric from prominent congresswoman Ilhan Omar of the Committee on Foreign Affairs probably doesn’t help.

China buys more than 25% of the oil that Saudi Arabia exports. If priced in yuan, those sales would boost the standing of China’s currency.

ChiComs’ gain is Americans’ pain, as this comes at our expense. But as Kamala Harris reminds us, many Americans asked for this.

The majority of global oil sales—around 80%—are done in dollars, and the Saudis have traded oil exclusively in dollars since 1974, in a deal with the Nixon administration that included security guarantees for the kingdom.

What is a security guarantee from the USA worth after Biden’s debacle in Afghanistan?

The Saudi move could chip away at the supremacy of the U.S. dollar in the international financial system, which Washington has relied on for decades to print Treasury bills it uses to finance its budget deficit.

Ham-fisted attempts to punish Russia over Ukraine are not helping:

Ali Shihabi, who … ran a pro-Saudi think tank in Washington, said the kingdom can’t ignore China’s desire to pay for oil imports in its own currency, particularly after the U.S. and EU blocked the Russian central bank from selling foreign currencies in its reserves stockpile.

Speaking of Russia,

Russia, many of whose banks have been cut off from the Swift financial network, is exploring opening alternative payment channels with India…

India and Russia are also exploring the possibility of using China’s yuan as a reference currency to value the rupee-ruble trade mechanism…

The rupee-ruble trade is a payment mechanism that can allow Indian exporters to be paid in rupees instead of standard global currencies such as the dollar…

Says Dmitry Solodov, a spokesperson for the Russian embassy in India,

“[T]here is an ongoing natural tendency, which is aimed to decrease the level of dollar-denominated transactions. This tendency is relevant not only to Russia or India but to many other countries too.”

Attempts to marginalize Russia may have the effect of marginalizing the dollar.

Barack Obama used to promise to make America “more like the rest of the world” — i.e., just another country, with no advantages over the rest of them. Biden has followed up on this promise.

On tips from Occam’s Stubble and Gringoman.

Mar 13 2022

Biden “I Did That” Stickers Spread Like “Let’s Go Brandon”

Just as Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia, the steep increase in gasoline prices that began with Biden’s ascension to power over a year ago has always been caused by Russia invading Ukraine late last month; just ask Biden. It has nothing to do with his relentless war against the American energy industry, which he launched on his first day in office and which has continued to the present, just as inflation in general has nothing to do with the grotesquely excessive wasteful spending that has characterized the federal government since Democrats took control. Yet still we see these stickers:

The stickers are popular even in left-leaning New York:

Decals of a finger-pointing President Biden, with the words “I did that!” in big, bold print, have been appearing on fuel pumps across the country — including New York City — as gasoline prices skyrocket.

Liberals bark at us to believe that it is Putin rather than Biden who made gasoline unaffordable. Some fail to comply:

“I don’t go for the Democrats. They make it seem like they got the backs of minority people, but in reality, they’re just in it for themselves,” said Vincent Williams, 29, a black Harlem resident who said he could only afford to put $15 in his tank — which these days barely buys three gallons. “The rise in gas prices is B.S.”

Blaming it on Russia when Democrats have been systematically driving up energy prices on purpose for an entire year in accordance with their ideology is the ultimate BS. Leftists believe that if we produce our own energy, it will have a harmful effect on global temperatures; so they want us to buy energy from our enemies like Iran and Venezuela instead. They believe that when gasoline prices have been driven high enough, we will drive inefficient electric vehicles. This will somehow benefit the climate, according to liberal doctrine.

If we freed ourselves from moonbat rule, we would actually benefit from high energy prices, because we would be exporting rather than importing.

The best thing about the stickers is that they cause liberals to blow their tops. Leftists are accustomed to controlling the narrative. The stickers get under their skin the way “Let’s Go Brandon” does, by reminding them that despite their control of the media, they will never achieve absolute control of public opinion.

Surprisingly, Amazon is still selling the stickers.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Mar 11 2022

This Approach to Controlling Climate Not for Squeamish

Our current strategy for fighting climate change is to buy oil from hostile tyrannies like Iran and Venezuela rather than using our own, and to waste massive amounts of taxpayer money subsidizing electric moonbatmobiles that run largely on coal. But last year Vivienne Westwood came up with a new approach that is every bit as effective at controlling global temperatures but does not cost us a penny:

The 79-year-old British fashion designer took to Instagram Friday to share a series of posts about saving the planet — in what appears to be nothing but a metallic leaf covering her privates from the waist down.

It wasn’t quite public indecency:

Westwood was, in fact, wearing flesh-colored tights paired with a black and gray top, shiny purple gloves, a printed cap and chunky boots to deliver her message.

As if saving the planet from the imaginary climate crisis were not heroic enough by itself, she also helped rescue us from Covid:

She began her nearly two-minute speech — which was posted in its entirety on Instagram Live — by urging non-essential workers to think twice before returning to work as the coronavirus lockdown rules loosen in the United Kingdom.

She also denounced economic freedom, averring that the reason we can’t trust the government or the media is that they “have their heads buried in capitalism.”

However, her main focus was controlling the weather. Her approach does not consist entirely of wearing a leaf over her crotch:

“I am a very practical person. I have a plan, as you know, a solution. I will write it down for the Tuesday diary,” she says.

What a relief not to have to lay awake at night worrying that the climate will continue to fluctuate the way it always has.

Tragically, if she did reveal her plan, the powers that be must have suppressed it. After all, if we can control the weather by wearing foolish outfits, there is no need for foolish taxes and regulations.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Mar 08 2022

Ilhan Omar Doesn’t Want Oil From Saudis Either

Biden’s puppeteers have banned all oil imports from Russia. Problem is, since access to our own oil is severely limited by the leftist ideologues running the federal government, we have to buy it from somewhere to keep the lights on.

Biden has turned to Iran and Venezuela, but they are no better than Russia. Neither is Saudi Arabia, home of most of the 9/11 hijackers — although the Saudis do have their positive qualities, or Ilhan Omar would not oppose buying oil from them:

The Blaze reports:

Since 2015, Saudi Arabia has helped the Yemeni government fight against an insurgent movement by the Houthi Islamists, a group which has been labeled as a terror group.

To understand why Omar so righteously sides with the Houthis against our nominal Saudi allies, consider that this is the Houthi slogan:

“Death to America, Death to Israel, Curse the Jews, Victory to Islam.”

Rep Omar, who often expresses vehement hostility toward the USA, sits on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, thanks to Democrats controlling Congress. Why she has not been prosecuted for a variety of felonies remains a mystery — unless it has something to do with the intersectional quintet of being a left-wing black female Muslim foreigner.

Meanwhile, the Biden Administration asserts that the solution to the skyrocketing oil prices it has caused with its ongoing war on domestic energy production is, in Jen Psaki’s words, “reducing our dependence on fossil fuels.” Yet no feasible alternative is provided. Politically correct but inefficient and unreliable wind turbines and solar panels cannot generate more than a tiny fraction of the energy we require to prevent total economic collapse.

At least the ban on Russian oil will help Democrats blame skyrocketing prices on Putin. The media can be counted on to forget that the crisis was already well underway before the Ukraine business began.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket and Dragon’s Lair.

Jan 20 2022

Elizabeth Warren: Socialize Student Loan Debt

Marxist Senator Elizabeth Warren says Biden could rescue the floundering Democrat Party by canceling some or all of the $1,732,200,000,000.00+ in outstanding student loan debt with the tyrannical stroke of a pen, thereby forcing the rest of us to pick up the tab for what is largely a grotesque waste of money.

This is outrageously unfair to those who have struggled to pay their debts, or to avoid incurring them. In the video below, Fauxcahontas explains why she wants to do it anyway:

• A lot of people who ran up student loan debt never got their degrees.

• Forcing other people to pay off student debt would benefit politically sacred blacks.

She comes close to explicitly stating the real reason: although at the extravagant price of exacerbating the national debt and inflation crises, it would theoretically purchase 43 million votes for the Democrat Party. Purchasing some people’s votes with other people’s money is the party’s business model; it works on the principle of concentrated benefits and dispersed costs.

Student loans were nationalized as part of the Obamacare power grab. This illustrates how essential it is to resist any further nationalization tooth and nail. In the short term, nationalization leads to corruption and dysfunction, as surely here as in Venezuela. In the medium term, it is communism by increments.

On a tip from Jack Bauer.

Jan 06 2022

Party of Karens

Democrats’ arrogant smugness largely comes from their belief that through welfare and immigration policy, they can fundamentally transform America into a nonwhite nation, thereby ensuring permanent power for the Party That Hates Whites. Problem is, not all nonwhites hate whites. Everyone hates Karens though.

Kristin Tate sees hope:

As President Biden’s approval ratings have tanked with nonwhite voters, the Democratic Party increasingly has become dominated by liberal white women who virtue-signal with suburban lawn signs and then henpeck people in supermarkets to pull their face masks up over their noses. Or, put more simply, the Democratic Party is at risk of becoming a party of “Karens.” Recent polling suggests that Hispanic and Black voters are abandoning the party — many of these individuals are being harmed by the surging inflation, anti-business COVID measures, and exploding crime rates in urban areas brought about by a year of left-wing measures.

Despite condescending Hispandering by Democrats, voters with Spanish-speaking backgrounds are following in the footsteps of Irish and Italian immigrants before them.

In February, nearly 70 percent of Hispanic voters supported Biden — by November, that number had crashed to below 50 percent. In early polling for the 2022 midterms, Hispanic voters split 37-37 percent between the two major parties in their congressional preferences. …

Not only are émigrés from socialism among Venezuelan and Cuban Americans increasingly voting Republican, so are Mexican Americans — especially in South Texas. The disapproval rate for Biden among the group is higher than that among whites.

Despite rhetorical obsequiousness and all manner of favoritism, Dems are even losing blacks due to their sheer awfulness:

Among Black voters, Biden’s approval had fallen from 85 percent to 67 percent by September and has continued to slide.

Democrats are in deep trouble if minority groups start voting their individual interests rather than letting themselves be bullied by the media into voting as a Borg. No wonder we see a renewed push to steamroll the filibuster so that Democrats can impose “voting rights” — i.e., take control of elections so as to win through fraud.

On a tip from Jester.

Dec 21 2021

Biden Proves Government Is Not the Answer

Everyone is good for something — even Joe Biden. He was selected as the figurehead of the Democratic Party because he personifies the incompetence, corruption, ideological intransigence, and general rot that characterize it. In that role, he is driving home a lesson that the media will not be able to obscure. The central belief of liberals — that bureaucratic coercion is the solution to all problems — is false.

As Gerard Baker puts it, the Biden Regime…

…has provided a real-time, data-rich, high-intensity and ultimately devastating case study in the defining conceit of progressive politics: the idea that government is the solution.

Biden explicitly exhorted us to “Put trust and faith in our government.” That has not worked out.

Those liberal geniuses who told us they could manage the economy like a well-honed machine have managed to create the highest inflation in nearly 40 years, eroding real wages and imperiling economic stability. The brilliant ideologues who run our cities have presided over a surge in violent crime that has reduced life for many residents to a real-life dystopia. Those omniscient technocrats who know how to devise and implement a humane and functioning immigration policy have left us with a border in name only and chaos and lawlessness to accompany it. The strategic geniuses who told us “America is back” produced a debacle in Afghanistan whose full ramifications for U.S. security we haven’t even begun to see.

Then there is the Build Back Better monstrosity. Democrats attempted to inflict Venezuela-level inflation and economic dysfunction for the sake of their deranged ideology. Calamity was avoided only because a single Democrat Senator refused to be party to it.

In short, the party that constantly seeks control over our lives is now governing—or failing to govern—a nation that is spinning wildly out of control.

Presiding over this is the always conspicuously subpar Biden, who…

…is now a husk of a leader, a dangerously debilitated figure, who oscillates between displays of vacuous incoherence and weird, angry outbursts, like a confused old man at the wrong bus stop.

Awful as he is, Biden is only the tip of the Democrat iceberg of awfulness.

Meanwhile, a heartbeat and a spine-chilling cackle away from the presidency, is another living rebuke to the idea that government is virtuous and wise. Vice President Kamala Harris has demonstrated, evidently to the alarm of much of her own staff, that she is simply another of Mr. Biden’s many mistakes—perhaps the biggest one yet. It is a dismaying state of affairs that we must all pray nightly for the continued health of an inept president to avert the calamity of a worse one.

Only the most committed leftist ideologues will vote for more of this. Less than a year into this fiasco, Democrat pollster Doug Schoen finds the following:

• 53% of likely voters believe President Joe Biden “hasn’t paid enough attention to the country’s most important problems,” compared to 38% who believe Biden’s priorities are correct;

• 66% of likely voters agree that “Joe Biden and Democrats in Congress are out of touch with hardworking Americans” because “they have been so focused on passing their own agenda,” compared 30% who believe Biden and Democrats are not out of touch;

• 65% of likely voters agree that Biden has not improved the U.S. like he promised, compared to 31% who disagree;

• 52% of likely voters believe the economy has worsened because of Biden, compared to 36% who believe it is stronger under Biden;

• 71% of likely voters believe Biden’s policies are fully or partly to blame for inflation, compared to 24% who say Biden is not responsible for inflation;

• 69% to 23% of likely voters affirm that “Biden and Democrats are soft on crime”;

• 67% to 18% of likely voters believe the country is more divided, not more unified, compared to one year ago.

No wonder Democrats are pivoting to election fraud.

The collapse of public approval comes despite Biden enjoying the devoted support of the liberal establishment, including Big Media and Big Tech, which are largely responsible for putting him in power and were able to do this because they hold inordinate influence over public opinion.

Fortunately, influence is not total control. After another year of Biden and his handlers, virtually everyone capable of independent thought will be eager to flush Democrats out of power.

With luck, liberal ideology will get flushed away too. Then we can go back to living like Americans, putting our trust in God and in ourselves, rather than in authoritarian oligarchical collectivists.

On a tip from Varla.

Nov 09 2021

Buttigieg: We Must Spend to Combat Racist Bridges

It’s wonderful to see that Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg is finally done with his months-long maternity leave. Now at last he can address the supply chain crisis that has left store shelves looking as if we had already reached the Venezuela stage of socialism. No wait, he already did that by announcing that the crisis will end when everyone has submitted to vaccination. Now he has moved on to a crisis of more concern to liberals — racist bridges.

Biden’s handlers should look for qualifications other than gayness when appointing cabinet secretaries. Even the most devoted Democrats will have a hard time taking this clown seriously as he rants psychotically about highways specifically constructed to divide neighborhoods by race and to prevent Puerto Rican buses from passing underneath:

When all you have is a hammer, every problem is a nail. The Democrat hammer is race hate. No matter how many serious problems confront us — supply chain breakdown, foreign invasion, rampant inflation, Covid hysteria, ChiComs on the warpath, et cetera — all they will focus on is portraying the core population as racist oppressors and seizing on this pernicious lie as a pretext to grow government and waste money.

On a tip from Wiggins.


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