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Search: South Africa

Feb 16 2021

Dem Rep Sara Jacobs Calls for Truth Commission

Rep Sara Jacobs (D-CA) confirms several things we knew, including: (1) Democrats see George Orwell’s 1984 not as a warning, but as an instruction manual; and (2) the dystopian horror that has been made of South Africa serves them as a role model.

Via Summit News:

“You know, a truth commission, a lot of people will think of South Africa. We’ve used them in countries around the world,” Jacobs stated while touting the deranged idea.

Hard left Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has also demanded a South Africa–style “truth and reconciliation” commission.

Jacobs’ call for a truth commission follows a recent call in the New York Times for Joe Biden to appoint a “reality czar” to debunk “disinformation,” a notion that many pointed out conjures up the Ministry of Truth from Orwell’s 1984.

See here for more on the NY Times vision for imposing the Ministry of Truth.

Bringing Minitru to life is necessary because, as their transsexual and green energy agendas make particularly obvious, liberals are at war with reality.

Jacobs also confirms that the impeachment spectacle was “just the start” of holding Donald Trump and anyone likely to have voted for him accountable for the scandalous lack of security at the Capitol on January 6 and the farcical “insurrection” that resulted. Democrats won’t stop milking this until they are laughed off the public stage.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Feb 04 2021

University of Leicester Phases Out English Literature

When liberals bark that they want to “decolonize,” what they mean is that they want to abolish Western Civilization. If that sounds like hyperbole, consider why the University of Leicester is dropping its English language and medieval literature modules.

The BBC reports on the unfolding consequences of its ideology:

If adopted, the changes would also mean the university discontinuing BA English with English language, and MA English Language and Linguistics.

The university said it would instead offer “a range of modules which are excitingly innovative”, such as modules on race, ethnicity, sexuality and diversity.

The university said the changes would provide a “decolonised curriculum”.

It turns out England is located in Europe. Despite the recent onslaught of welfare colonization from the Third World, virtually all English authors have been white. Being white is offensive per woke dogma, so out goes English literature.

Goodbye Chaucer and Milton. Shakespeare will soon follow. But at least we still have Toni Morrison.

The university triumphantly crows that last year’s undergrads were 56% BAME (black and minority ethnic). Confirmation accrues that this is not a matter of England passing on its culture to people who came from different parts of the world to be English. It is a matter of England being erased, and its land populated with different people with a different culture, all things English becoming forgotten, because English people are white and therefore incorrect.

“There will always be an England,” they used to sing. Then came moonbattery.

Note the progression. Recently, “decolonization” meant discarding the beneficial influence of European culture in colonial lands like South Africa. Already it means erasing English culture in England. Progressives employ a head-in-the-tent strategy on everything, though they progress much more aggressively now that total control is nearly in their grasp.

There is still resistance:

Among those opposed to the changes is Professor Isobel Armstrong, a fellow of the British Academy, who has returned her honorary doctorate from the university in protest.

The Leicester branch of the University and College Union (UCU) said Prof Armstrong made her decision “in protest at the egregious attack on the integrity of English at Leicester and the attempt to eradicate 1,000+ years of language and literature from the curriculum”.

“Eradicate.” Professor Armstrong chooses her words well.

On a tip from Varla.

Feb 01 2021

Big Government Makes It Safe to Pump Gas in Chicago

Even if civilization has been collapsing all around us, there is no reason to worry, because under Democrats, Big Government will keep us safe. An example from single-party Chicago:

Chicago Alderman Stephanie Coleman reacted to a surge in city carjackings by hiring a private firm to provide security for an hour each day in which residents can safely pump gas.

The project is called “Operation Safe Pump.”

This is of course only a temporary measure. We don’t want to rely on private firms. Maybe the federal government could start a new Department of Gas Pump Security to place armed guards at pumps throughout the country, at least until fossil fuels have been abolished. That would provide job opportunities for the thousands in the energy sector who have already been thrown out of work by Biden’s executive orders. After all, not all of them will want to immigrate to communist China so as to follow John Kerry’s advice and make solar panels for a living.

The Black Lives Matter–driven War on Police has had a predictable effect on public safety:

Carjackings in 2020 were up 135 percent over 2019. Breitbart News reported that a December 3, 2020, carjacking resulted in the fatal shooting of retired Chicago Firefighter Dwain Williams.

There have already been “at least” 166 Chicago carjackings in 2021, including the alleged carjacking of an off-duty Chicago Police Officer’s car on Tuesday.

We will catch up to South Africa in no time, even in terms of carjacking.

You can see why Democrats are planning to phase out private gun ownership for law-abiding citizens. We won’t need guns to defend ourselves, with armed agents of the state watching over every gas pump.

On a tip from Stormfax. Hat tip: Conservative Playlist.

Jan 25 2021

Why WaPo Won’t Keep Biden Lie Database

To quote the figurehead of our ruling oligarchy, “We choose truth over facts.” That could be why, with Biden’s handlers in power, WaPo no longer needs to fact check presidential statements, after 4 years of having politicized fact checkers denounce nearly every utterance from Trump.

The Daily Caller reports:

The Washington Post ended its false claims project for President Donald Trump on Wednesday and has no current “plans” to start a new database for President Joe Biden, the paper told the Daily Caller.

WaPo fact checkers discovered 30,573 “false or misleading claims” by Trump. Maybe they don’t want to do the same with Biden because the sheer volume of lies would bury them.

Biden is infamous for attempting to glorify himself with easily disprovable or outrageously unlikely lies. For example, lying about his performance in law school was one of the reasons his 1988 presidential bid collapsed amid gales of laughter.

Via Time:

The “final blow” for the campaign came when Newsweek unearthed C-SPAN footage of Biden rattling off his academic accomplishments, including saying that he graduated in the top half of his law school, when in fact, he ranked 76th out of 85.

More recently, Biden has lied repeatedly about being arrested in South Africa for attempting to visit Nelson Mandela.

Some of his tall tales are hilariously improbable, like his Corn Pop adventure:

Other Biden whoppers include:

1. Biden said his helicopter was “forced down” near Osama bin Laden’s lair in Afghanistan

2. Biden said he was a coal miner

3. Biden said he was “shot at” in Iraq

4. Biden said he called Slobodan Milošević a “damn war criminal” to his face

5. Biden said he participated in sit-ins at segregated restaurants and movie theaters

6. Biden said he criticized President George W. Bush during lengthy private meetings in the Oval Office

Click through for details.

Occasionally Biden’s lies could be vaguely based on reality, as with his distorted and embellished story about giving a reluctant Navy captain a Silver Star in Afghanistan, which he vouched for with “my word as a Biden” and proclaimed to be “God’s truth.”

The Federalist published a list of lies Biden had told as president 2 days into his presidency. Keeping such a list current beyond a few weeks would require such massive data storage as to be infeasible, especially since Amazon Web Services would pull the plug on it.

On a tip from Occam’s Stubble. Hat tip: Summit News.

Jan 14 2021

AOC: Let’s Exploit Riot to Exert Control Over Media

It isn’t only Silicon Valley technoweenies who see the January 6 insurrection as an opportunity to crack down on free speech. During a Tuesday night livestream on Instagram, Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was asked if the Democrat-controlled Congress is considering “truth and reconciliation or media literacy initiatives” in the wake of the riot.

This recalls the Truth and Reconciliation Commission featured in South Africa as leftists transitioned it from a First-World to a Third-World country. “Literacy” is liberalese for political indoctrination.

AOC’s response will alarm advocates of free speech:

“I can say, there is absolutely a commission being discussed but it seems to be more investigatory, in style rather than truth and reconciliation, so I think that’s an interesting concept for us to explore, and I do think that several members of Congress, in some of my discussions, have brought up media literacy because that is a part of what happened here and we’re going to have to figure out how we rein in our media environment so that you can’t just spew disinformation and misinformation.”

As we have been reminded repeatedly over the past year, the overwhelming majority of the media is effectively a propaganda service for the Democrat Party. But information and opinion that conflict with the party line is still disseminated by Fox News, the New York Post, and a few other outlets. Democrats want these outlets controlled, so that every public source of information will speak with a single voice.

On a tip from Henry.

Aug 25 2020

Apartheid Blamed for COVID-19 Corruption

When does white guilt ever end? It doesn’t. In South Africa, Apartheid is blamed even for COVID-19 corruption:

Cyril Ramaphosa has reacted to the public fury regarding the COVID corruption, which he says has ‘infected’ South Africa. The president has penned an open letter to all members of the ANC, telling them to stand against those who have exploited the pandemic for personal gain. However, the ANC leader also linked the state-sponsored looting spree to the ills of apartheid.

Barks Ramaphosa,

“While the current allegations about corruption in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic have brought this issue to the fore, the reality is that corruption in this country has far deeper roots. Apartheid was both morally and materially corrupt.”

If slavery is to blame for problems caused mainly by black fatherlessness in 2020 America, it stands to reason that Apartheid is the reason South Africa under the African National Congress tends to be corrupt.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Apr 19 2024

Why NPR Must Be Immediately Defunded

NPR has always been moonbatty, often to the point of inducing nausea, but in recent years it has gone overboard into hardcore leftism. Uri Berliner worked there for a quarter of a century. He was recently driven out for publicly noticing the extreme bias of what is supposed to be an objective news outlet:

The change, he said, started with the election of Donald Trump. He described how the programming relentlessly pushed the Russian-collusion story only to leave it largely unmentioned once the Mueller report did not establish collusion; how NPR consciously refused to cover the Hunter Biden laptop story in the runup to the 2020 election; and how during Covid, its journalists portrayed the lab-leak theory as having been debunked when it had not been.

There is a thin line between spinning and lying. NPR crosses it on behalf of a profoundly destructive ideology.

In the wake of the George Floyd killing and the ensuing riots, NPR followed other institutions in imposing a DEI framework organization-wide.

NPR pushed its trademark flakiness to new extremes with “affinity groups”…

… including “MGIPOC (Marginalized Genders and Intersex People of Color mentorship program); Mi Gente (Latinx employees at NPR); NPR Noir (black employees at NPR); Southwest Asians and North Africans at NPR; Ummah (for Muslim-identifying employees); Women, Gender-Expansive, and Transgender People in Technology Throughout Public Media; Khevre (Jewish heritage and culture at NPR); and NPR Pride (LGBTQIA employees at NPR).”

Imagine expecting accurate coverage from this collective of kooks.

NPR regards identity group diversity as its “North Star.” As for viewpoint diversity,

When Berliner did a search of voter-registration records of editorial employees of the D.C. newsroom, he found 87 Democrats and zero Republicans.

They say a fish rots from the head. The head of NPR is CEO Katherine Maher:

“I do wish Hillary wouldn’t use the language of ‘boy and girl,’” she lamented in 2016, “it’s erasing language for non-binary people.” In 2020, she defended rioters, posting, “I mean, sure, looting is counterproductive. But it’s hard to be mad about protests not prioritizing the private property of a system of oppression founded on treating people’s ancestors as private property.” She also wrote, “Lots of jokes about leaving the US, and I get it. But as someone with cis white mobility privilege, I’m thinking I’m staying and investing in ridding ourselves of this spectre of tyranny.”

That must be a reference to Donald Trump, whose participation in a fair election represents what NPR types would call a “threat to Our Democracy.”

At another point, she posted a picture of herself — masked outdoors, naturally — with a “Biden for President” hat. In a meandering TED Talk that makes Vice President Kamala Harris’s musings seem coherent, Maher blurted out the gem that, “We all have different truths.”

Prepare to be condescended to as the head of NPR explains the concept of truth:

She clarifies that although all “truths” are equally valid, truths that do not comply with woke ideology are not valid; bitterly clinging to these wrong truths is what causes deplorables to distrust the liberal establishment:

Maher calls the First Amendment the “number 1 challenge” to suppressing “bad information” — i.e., “truths” she doesn’t like:

In this apparatchik’s conception of utopia, everything except the corrosive lies spewed on NPR would be illegal.

Bad enough that the federal government forces us to fund a news program. This is obviously unnecessary given the alphabet soup of news outlets (ABC/NBC/CBS/CNN/MSNBC/ETC.) and outside its constitutional purview. Forcing us to fund propaganda that does not pass the laugh test as objective news is corrupt.

Grotesquely excessive federal spending threatens the viability of the American economy. To save the country, a Javier Milei style chainsaw is required. Defunding low-hanging fruit like NPR/PBS is a no-brainer.

On a tip from Varla. Hat tip: Matt Walsh.

Feb 18 2024

Germans Undergo Multicultural Enrichment

Rejoice, Germans. You have been multiculturally enriched:

Witnesses at the train station at Graben-Neudorf in Karlsruhe, located in southern Germany, say a 35-year-old migrant attacked a 57-year-old rail employee when the worker tried to check his ticket. A police spokesperson said the suspect, who has a “North African” appearance, severely injured the train worker “by punching, kicking and choking” her.

The migrant then grabbed the woman’s head and pushed it against his crotch in an attempt to simulate oral sex. He then turned to the people on the train and demanded they shout, “Heil Hitler.” As a final act, he urinated on his victim in front of witnesses, according to German newspaper Bild.

How dare she ask him for a ticket. That’s no way to treat Islamic conquerors.

The excitement continued:

The migrant walked into a nearby supermarket and proceeded to attack two other women, threw a plate at a saleswoman, and then hit a customer who was waiting to pay at a checkout counter.

He then walked into the supermarket parking lot armed with a broken bottle where he attacked a driver, stole his car keys, and fled in the victim’s gray VW T-Cross. While fleeing in the car, the man drove erratically, leading to several accidents.

At last word, he was still running the loose.

Meanwhile, the globalist liberals who created this situation want to make AfD illegal. The harder they suppress the natural instinct of self-preservation, the louder the bang when Germans finally throw off moonbat rule.

Or maybe Germany will just die and leave a Third World Islamic hellhole in its place. Those are the options.

On tips from ABC of the ANC.

Jan 19 2024

Early Swedes Were Now Black

It would be hard to imagine a group of people less black than characteristically blond and blue-eyed Swedes. But no lie is too outlandish to be rammed down the public’s throat by the moonbats running state media as they wage war on history to bring it into compliance with their hostile ideology:

As the Nordic Times reported last year,

The first Swedes are portrayed by black Africans and people from the Middle East in Sweden’s tax-funded state TV channel SVT’s blockbuster “History of Sweden”. Critics accuse SVT of falsifying history and the ‘experts’ involved of spreading propaganda for ideological reasons.

Historien om Sverige (The history of Sweden) is not just any TV series, but SVT’s biggest ever historical venture, which has taken three years to produce and will be broadcast this fall.

Europeans may have had darker skin in caveman days than they do now. As the theory goes, lighter skin evolved to help synthesize vitamin D. Even so:

Seven people from the 7700-year-old Motala archaeological site in southern Sweden had both light skin gene variants, SLC24A5 and SLC45A2. They also had a third gene, HERC2/OCA2, which causes blue eyes and may also contribute to light skin and blond hair. Thus ancient hunter-gatherers of the far north were already pale and blue-eyed…

But then, if Anne Boleyn could be black, why not Swedes? Believe — or prepare to get canceled for being a racist.

If all goes well for leftist social engineers, they will eventually use their control of the media to convince all Caucasians that they and those in their immediate physical vicinity are the only white people who ever existed.

On a tip from Barry A.

Dec 27 2023

Teen Girls Knifed for Being White in Grand Central

Step 1: Use the million mouths of the media to relentlessly push Critical Race Theory, according to which everything wrong in the world of blacks is the fault of whites. Step 2: Let criminals out of jail on the grounds that punishing crime has disparate impact. Step 3: Stand back and watch the fun:

Around 11:30 a.m. on Christmas Day, two teenage girls visiting New York City from South America were enjoying an early lunch with their parents at Grand Central Terminal in Midtown Manhattan. As the family members minded their own business, an unruly man — later identified as 36-year-old Steven Hutcherson of the Bronx — had become so disruptive at Tartinery in the Grand Central Dining Concourse that members of the Tartinery staff had to ask him to leave. …

Hutcherson reportedly became enraged and began complaining loudly that the two girls, ages 14 and 16, were allowed to continue eating at the establishment. “I want all the white people dead,” he said, according to police. “I want to sit next to the cr*ckers.”

Out came a knife.

The 16-year-old victim was stabbed in the back so deeply that the blade of the knife nicked her lung. The 14-year-old was stabbed in the thigh.

This is typical:

This arrest marks the third arrest for Hutcherson in the past six months. … Hutcherson has been arrested 17 times by the MTA police and the NYPD.

The liberals in charge want violent crime. Either they want society to spin apart into chaos that can be exploited to increase their power, or they enable evil as an end in itself. How else to explain the lunatic policies that allow sociopaths to run loose terrorizing the innocent?

On tips from MrRightWingDave and Wiggins.

Dec 25 2023

Italian Church Presents Lesbian Nativity Scene

Bad enough that in Europe, nativity scenes are beheaded or torched by Islamic colonists. This is worse, because the attack comes from the inside. In place of Mary and Joseph, a depraved nativity scene in Italy presents Jesus in the manger with lesbian mothers, one wearing the rainbow colors of politicized perversion:

The priest at the Church of Saints Peter and Paul, in Capocastello di Mercogliano, a hamlet in the province of Avellino about one hour’s drive east of Naples, has defended its depiction of the birth of Jesus.

“I wanted to show with this scene that families are no longer just the traditional ones,” Father Vitaliano Della Sala told Reuters.

Destroying the family so that the human race can no longer thrive and prosper is not a Christian objective but a Satanic one. The same goes for the celebration of sin.

Father Della Sala, known in Italy for sympathising with LGBT and left-wing causes, says his attitude is in line with that of Pope Francis, who this week, in a landmark ruling, allowed priests to bless same-sex couples.

The Bible condemns homosexuality adamantly throughout both Testaments. But the Bible will become irrelevant if leftists succeed in hollowing out the content of Christianity, leaving the outer shell in place to be refilled with its opposite: hatred of humanity and the worship of sin.

On a tip from Jack Bauer.

Oct 09 2023

Liberals Back Hamas Savages Against Israelis

The masks are coming off. It has become impossible to pretend that Hamas is not evil:

Here’s how Hamas treats women:

Over 700 have been killed and over 2,000 wounded so far. The carnage was significantly financed by the Biden Administration via Iran.

Looks like Biden even provided weaponry. He gifted more than $7 billion worth of American ordnance to the terrorists he surrendered to in Afghanistan — the same ones who provided a base of operations for the 9/11 attacks that he commemorated this year by giving $6 billion to Iran. Unsurprisingly, some of the weaponry appears to have found its way into the hands of Hamas:

[T]he terrorists are using our weapons we left in Afghanistan to fight. …

Knowing that the taxes we spent for two decades to fund the “War on Terror” helped equip terrorists is not only the peak of irony, but the greatest shame our nation has had in my lifetime.

We might be generous and chalk it up to Democrats having achieved a level of incompetence never before witnessed — except that some leftists are saying the quiet part out loud by openly siding with the terrorists:

A Washington Post columnist who once led the paper’s international opinions section lent support this week to those kidnapping, raping, and killing Israeli citizens.

Karen Attiah, a prominent journalist, echoed a social media post by a fringe Somali that said, “what did y’all think decolonization meant? vibes? papers? essays? losers.”

Attiah explicitly advocates terrorist violence to eradicate what liberals call colonialism and the rest of us call Western Civilization.

Crows Attiah:

“We are forced to see state violence as justified + moral, while violence by non-state actors isn’t. This is changing.”

Employing the projection that characterizes leftists, she denounces the Israelis being murdered as “murderers,” whereas terrorists are deified as “the oppressed.”

Normally, the liberal elite types running the establishment media are bright enough not to tell us openly what they really think, lest we rise up against them. Attiah is an exception, likely having climbed to her position by exploiting an asset other than intelligence — namely her own status as “oppressed” per progressive dogma:

Attiah is the daughter of a doctor from Ghana, but likely benefited from affirmative action at the Post intended to benefit poor African Americans.

Speaking of the liberal elite, here’s how Hamas is regarded at its flagship academic institution, the primary academy that staffs our ruling class, Harvard:

Harvard students expressed their support for Palestinian terrorists amid the unprecedented terror attack on Israel this weekend. In a joint statement signed by at least 57 student groups, the Ivy League students blamed Israel for the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas killing 600 Israelis.

“We, the undersigned student organizations, hold the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence,” a joint statement by scores of Harvard student groups read.

This isn’t whataboutism taken to the last extreme of absurdity. Harvard students emphasize that the terrorists who invariably initiate the violence are 100% blameless, and that Israel is “the only one to blame” for the savage atrocities that have been unfolding.

Democrats in Congress have predictably demanded that Israel “deescalate” rather than retaliating.

Already at least nine Americans have been killed in the terrorist blitzkrieg. But that’s a good thing from the liberal viewpoint, because Americans are oppressors too. Everything currently being inflicted on Israelis will soon happen to Americans, for the same reasons.

Hamas is only the tip of an iceberg of evil.

On tips from MrRightWingDave, Mr. Freemarket, and Anonymous.

Sep 23 2023

Red Pope Calls for Europe’s Demise

The demographic crisis combined with the population explosion in Africa and effectively open borders add up to the eradication of Europe in the foreseeable future. Last week, over 8,000 welfare colonists invaded the small Italian island Lampedusa in just 2 days. If current trends continue, Africa will soon stretch north all the way through Scandinavia.

Because the extinction of Western Civilization is the ultimate objective of leftism, the Red Pope is on board. It isn’t enough to lure Third Worlders with promises of free money and then let them invade in their infinite numbers to displace Europeans; Europeans must actively help them:

Francis on Saturday condemned “belligerent nationalisms” and called for a pan-European response to migration to stop the Mediterranean, where thousands have drowned, from becoming “the graveyard of dignity”. …

On Friday, he said migrants who risk drowning at sea “must be rescued” because doing so was “a duty of humanity” and that those who impede rescues commit “a gesture of hate”.

By siding with a massive invasion force that is wiping away Europe just as predicted in The Camp of the Saints, Francis characteristically serves his true religion, leftism. Here’s the thanks he gets from other leftists:

Left-wing politicians have criticised [French President Emmanuel] Macron over his decision to attend the Mass, saying it violates strict separation of state and faith, known as laïcité.

He will get even less thanks from the majority population when it becomes Muslim as an inevitable consequence of mass immigration from points south. Christianity will be eradicated, as surely as it was throughout the Christian Middle East when it fell to Islamic armies.

Francis says that defending Europe is “scandalous, disgusting and sinful.”

Hagia Sophia once rivaled the Vatican. After Muslim conquest, it became a mosque. The Vatican will suffer the same fate if Francis has his way.

On a tip from Bluto.

Aug 07 2023

New York’s New Brand

Just as a fish rots from the head, a nation rots from its largest city. Let’s check in on progressive progress in New York:

The city is suffering a crime epidemic so bad even ice cream and laundry detergent are security-tagged in shops, and endless anti-business measures are driving down earnings, but politicians appear more preoccupied by the culture wars: woke causes and green issues, such as air pollution.

Yet for all the concern about air quality, the authorities have only themselves to blame for the all-pervasive stench of contraband weed on its streets, a consequence of officials’ disastrous tinkering with cannabis legalisation on the grounds of ‘racial equity’, which has led to the proliferation of 1,400 illicit marijuana shops.

And a city that prides itself on being the ultimate temple of capitalism now finds itself with 22 per cent of its office space lying empty, a stunning figure that is likely to get worse following the introduction of a congestion charge of up to $23 (£17.60) for driving into midtown Manhattan.

Those still willing to come into the city are expected to take the subway — which entails risking their lives:

Two weeks ago, even Alvin Bragg, Manhattan’s Left-leaning District Attorney and the chief architect of a controversial criminal justice policy aimed at keeping down jail numbers that has seen crime rates soar, admitted: ‘When one of my family members gets on the train, I, too, get a knot in my stomach.’

George Soros installed Bragg to drive crime higher. While doubling the number of felons freed without bail, Bragg prosecutes the heroic Daniel Penny for defending subway passengers from a violent criminal.

Last year City Hall said it would remove any homeless people who behaved in an ‘unsafe’ manner from the subway, but reportedly dropped the plan because the shelters where it planned to house them are full of the migrants and asylum-seekers pouring into the city, most from Latin America and Africa, and often bussed in from southern states after crossing the Mexican border.

Not long ago, Eric Adams proclaimed New York would continue to be a sanctuary city. Looks like he has changed his mind amidst the predictable tidal wave of illegal aliens.

As for the systematically demoralized police,

Some speculate that they’ve given up bothering to enforce the law because they know anyone they arrest is likely be released without charge.

NYC didn’t have to be like this:

It’s all a long way from the 1990s when, under Republican Mayor Rudy Giuliani, New York drastically cut raging violent crime by refusing to ignore even minor offences in a policy known as ‘zero-tolerance’ or ‘Broken Windows’.

The transformation after Giuliani took over from David Dinkins was astonishing. But it has been downhill ever since America’s Mayor left office.

Like formerly affluent Detroit before it, New York has entered the Democrat Death Spiral. As the sane and productive escape, ever more radical liberals will be elected by an ever more degenerate population until no one is left who isn’t living off welfare.

Remember the heartbreaking ending of Planet of the Apes, when Charleton Heston encounters the ruins of Lady Liberty in what must once have been New York? Reality has turned out sadder still:

On tips from Ed McAninch, Wiggins, and Bluto.


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