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Search: drag queen story hour

Jun 25 2023

LGBT Groomers Target Special Needs Kids

Coming after children isn’t evil enough. They have to come explicitly after children with autism, who are even more vulnerable. They don’t feel the need to hide it:


by Line Up The Books & Drag Queen Story Hour NYC

Storytime with local drag performers, adapted to be more accessible to kids with autism and other disabilities.

Drag Story Hour is just what it sounds like—drag artists reading stories to children in libraries, schools, and bookstores. DSH NYC captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models.

An organizer describes the focus on autistic children at Line Up the Books:

Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH) is exactly as awesome as it sounds: fabulous drag queens reading picture books to children. …

But in its first year in my city, I didn’t take my own kids to a single event. I knew my young twin boys, who both have autism, would be overwhelmed by the huge crowds, have difficulty meeting other people’s behavioral expectations, and wouldn’t connect with many of the books.

When I reached out to DQSH about my concerns, they set to work on collaborating with me and the NYPL on how to curate events that work for children with special needs like autism.

The participation of the New York Public Library confirms that taxpayers are forced to subsidize the grooming of vulnerable special needs children. It isn’t just a handful of perverts doing this; the entire liberal establishment is responsible.

On a tip from Barry A.

Jun 22 2023

Our Societal Collapse Summed Up in a Scene

In better times, we had Norman Rockwell to paint wholesome scenes of American life. In the 2020s, we need an anti-Norman Rockwell to document scenes like a recent one in Boston — since the mainstream media won’t do it. Thomas Lifson provides an introduction:

Apparently as a counterpart to the ongoing lavish media attention paid to “Pride Month,” a media black hole has opened up and swallowed a horrifying story of four children, ages five to ten, rescued from a transsexual sex party in a Boston housing project that turned deadly. Nary a word about it from monarchs of mainstream media, including the hometown Boston Globe. But the always lively Boston Herald either didn’t get the memo or didn’t care.

From the Herald:

Four children living in squalid conditions while being hidden from first responders were found in an apartment filled with “alcohol, drugs, sex toys” and a dead man, according to an incident report and outraged officials.

“This is sickening,” said At-Large City Councilor Michael Flaherty. “I was informed by people at the scene that there were drugs, alcohol, sex toys all around the apartment as well as a dead body on the floor.”

That is the culture being bred at your expense for its votes the way farmers breed chickens for eggs at housing projects like Boston’s Mary Ellen McCormack.

Firefighters’ incident report is a glimpse into the hell on earth liberals have been engineering:

“The apartment was in extremely unsanitary conditions. Approximately 6 adults, who appeared to be males, were seen in the apartment,” they wrote, saying they subsequently found “four children in the back bedroom being hidden by an adult male from first responders.”

Whoever wrote the report had better take care. Misgendering can put your job in danger.

“All of the adult parties were being uncooperative and did not provide helpful information. All adults present denied having children inside the apartment,” they wrote.

The Massachusetts Department of Children and Families could not be reached for comment on what happened to the kids because it was closed for Juneteenth, aka George Floyd Day, the federal holiday honoring lawlessness and urban decay.

Flaherty, Public Safety chairman on the council, told the Herald Monday night the dead body found on the floor was “from an apparent overdose” and that “a man wearing a wig claiming to be the father” of the kids was found in a back bedroom.

Multiple sources tell the Herald some of the adults were dressed as women when first responders arrived at the scene.

Imagine what the establishment media would do with this story if it were not devoted to promoting the lifestyle that produced it.

David Strom places this apparent botched party by a transsexual pedophile sex ring into context:

[W]hat happened in that apartment in Boston wasn’t exactly Drag Queen Story Hour, but it wasn’t exactly as far away from it as the proponents of this sick practice would like you to think. We have already moved from men dressed up as female clowns fully clothed in libraries to men prancing around in skimpy lingerie twerking in front of children, and the entire Leftward side of the country is applauding.

Parents take their children to these shows, and governments and corporations sponsor them.

Already we have seen photos and videos of drag queens exposing their genitals to children, and bare buttocks are de rigueur these days. …

Grown men flashing their privates at children is not outré; it is sick.

And any society that allows this to happen is on the road to allowing much, much worse.

God’s wrath against Sodom and Gomorrah was not indiscriminate, even if not everyone who perished personally wallowed in sin and depravity. What a society allows to flourish, the whole society is responsible for.

On tips from StephaneDumas, R F, seaoh, and No Hammer for Nanzi.

Apr 13 2023

When Is a Hate Crime Not a Hate Crime?

A hate crime is not a hate crime when the culprit hates who he is supposed to hate. It helps if he is the kind of guy our rulers love, like the moonbat who vandalized St. Louise Catholic Church in Bellevue, Washington:

“Transgender” suspect Maeve Nota, a man who claims to be a woman, attacked the church building on June 28, 2022, smashing the glass doors, destroying a statue of the Blessed Mother, and spray-painting profane messages such as “F*** Catholics,” “kid groomers,” “woman haters,” and “rot in your fake hell.” Damage was estimated to be $30,000.

The “kid groomers” accusation coming from a transsexual in the age of drag queen story hours is an example of the jaw-droppingly hypocritical projection that typifies leftists.

Thirty-one-year-old Nota also assaulted a church employee and resisted arrest, according to FOX News.

But it was all justified, because the motive was that Nota did not agree with Roe v. Wade finally getting overturned. Consequently, Biden’s Department of Injustice charged him with a misdemeanor and recommended no jail, 3-year probation.

The concept of “hate crimes” is useful because it is subjective enough to allow authorities to crush people they don’t like while greenlighting violence against other people they don’t like.

The DOJ website indicates: “At the federal level, hate crime laws include crimes motivated by bias” against a victim’s perceived “race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or disability.” Washington state has adopted all of these categories under its own hate crime laws as well.

But since hate crime is thought crime, this only applies when the liberal ruling class does not approve of the imputed thoughts. By “religion,” they mean Islam. They sure don’t mean Catholicism.

On tips from DCGere, MrRightWingDave, THOUGHTCRIMINAL2084, and Jack D.

Dec 02 2022

Scott Weiner Hate Hoax

Belligerently homosexual California State Senator Scott Weiner is known for introducing the bill that made California a sanctuary state for the sexual mutilation of children and another that reduced the crime of knowingly infecting others with HIV from a felony to a misdemeanor, as well as for suggesting that drag queen story hours should be a mandatory part of K-12 education. Add to his list of misdeeds a hate hoax:

On Tuesday, conservative pundit Charlie Kirk made a Twitter thread pointing the finger at Weiner for contributing to the release of “thousands of pedophiles” in California “after just a few months in jail.”

Read more on California releasing child rapists after only token jail time here. This tweet leads to Kirk’s thread:

Weiner responded to the thread with a screen cap of a threat he claimed it inspired…

Except, there’s a cursor at the bottom of the message, and grammar suggestions are underlined – leading many to accuse the California lawmaker of faking the entire thing.

Point and laugh at the egg running down the hate hoaxer’s face:

Caught with his limp-wristed hand in the cookie jar, Weiner then claimed that he received the threat as a phone message and typed it. However, no one could hear his explanation above the laughter.

Once again, we see that the victimhood of militant sexual deviants is fake, and that it is a cudgel with which they attempt to beat others into submission.

On a tip from StephaneDumas.

Nov 23 2022

Gay Nightclub Killer Anderson Lee Aldrich Is Nonbinary

A psychotic maniac who had apparently committed multiple felonies within the past year was allowed by authorities to run loose. Predictably, he committed mayhem, killing five and wounding over 20 at a gay nightclub in Colorado Springs. Before the bodies had stopped twitching, the left-wing authoritarians who run the media swept in like vultures to exploit this avoidable tragedy.

After an incident like this, liberals normally go after our right of self-defense. This time, the emphasis has been on free speech, as they play on emotions to advance the agenda item that any speech contrary to the LGBT agenda must be suppressed. Even the grooming of small children by men dressed as hypersexualized parodies of women during drag queen story hours must be passively accepted.

Shrieks Rex Huppke at USA Today:

For months in America we’ve heard hideous anti-LGBTQ rhetoric coming from one side of the political aisle. Lawmakers, parents and pundits senselessly calling out drag queens, labeling teachers who dare speak of gender identity as “groomers,” passing or supporting legislation making the word “gay” seem taboo.

The reference is to a much-needed Florida law that prohibits schoolteachers from sexually indoctrinating children in kindergarten through third grade. Leftist kooks and cretins call it the “Don’t Say Gay” law.

And now we have a mass shooting at an LGBTQ nightclub in Colorado. …

What did you think was going to happen? Did you think all that hate would just drift up into the ether? Did you think, in a country filled with guns and rage, it was all just harmless talk?

Clearly talk that impedes the LGBTQ agenda must be banned, because it is “hate” and leads to killing sprees.

Huppke admits to not knowing killer Anderson Lee Aldrich’s motives, but…

…what we know already should be enough to make anyone who has tossed about the word “groomer” or made specious claims that LGBTQ people are a threat to children feel at least partially responsible for the violence.

If you disapprove of sexual perverts grooming children or even use the word “grooming” to describe it, you are a murderer and should be treated as such.

The rest of the Democratic Party–establishment media axis of evil piled on:

Brandy Zadrozny from NBC News singled out the Libs of TikTok Twitter account and Fox News host Tucker Carlson for pushing “online hate trends” against the LGBTQ community. President Joe Biden also chimed in, saying that “gun violence continues to have a devastating and particular impact on LGBTQI+ communities across our nation and threats of violence are increasing.”

Only when speech is strictly regulated to conform to Democrat ideology will society be safe for sacred sexual deviants.

In the meantime, let’s sue into oblivion anyone who objects to the LGBT agenda, yells MSNBC’s Frank Figliuzzi:

As I’m sure I was not the only one to predict, it turns out the killer is not a right-wing advocate of moral decency, but rather a member of the sexually deranged community:

The shooter who is suspected of gunning down five people at a Colorado Springs LGBTQ nightclub Saturday identifies as “non-binary” and uses “they/them” pronouns, attorneys said Tuesday according to a court filing obtained by The New York Times.

The revelation that the suspect identifies as “non-binary,” one of several categories contained under the LGBTQ+ umbrella, comes amid popular narratives that animosity toward individuals who identify as LGBTQ+ motivated Aldrich’s attack.

Maybe the killer is faking LGBT credentials to mitigate punishment, as CNN propagandist Alisyn Camerota and friends suggest. If so, this would undermine the liberal narratives that Aldrich is a right-wing martyr and that privileged sexual deviants are oppressed.

Nonetheless, moonbats are taking pains not to bruise the sensitive feelings of the homicidal maniac by “misgendering” him:

If anyone is guilty other than Aldrich himself, it is the leftists who have done all they can to undermine sanity and to let criminals run amok.

On tips from Come&TakeIt, Anonymous, Angel, Wiggins, Mr. Freemarket, and Occam’s Stubble.

Nov 22 2022

Report on What Democrats Are Doing to US Military

At last a little light is shining on the social engineers who have been using wokeness to debilitate American armed forces. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) have issued a report finding that indoctrinating the US military with Critical Race Theory and LGBT ideology has significantly weakened it:

The report finds that instructors at military academies use “antiracist” approaches to education that direct soldiers to center their understanding of American society on an acknowledgment of its racist past and present, the report said.

“Antiracist” means “racist against America’s core population.”

Kelisa Wing, the chief diversity equity and inclusivity officer at the Department of Defense, has tweeted she is “exhausted with these White folx” and suggested Black people are incapable of racism…

More on professional racist Kelisa Wing here.

Bishop Garrison, another diversity official at the agency, has promoted elements of critical race theory through his praise of the 1619 Project, a controversial education project that describes slavery at the core of American history.

Imagine our national defense in the hands of people who have in affect been indoctrinated by the New York Times.

This focus on diversity, the Republicans’ report notes, even extends to the United States Special Operations Command, which oversees special operations conducted for national security. That group’s Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan, which all agencies were required to submit in response to an executive order from Biden, stated that “leaders must integrate diversity and inclusion efforts into unit goals, mission objectives, talent management initiatives and operational priorities for a successful implementation.”

Under Democrat rule the military strives not for combat effectiveness but to advance Cultural Marxism and the LGBT agenda.

The report also notes that the military covers the costs of transgender procedures for its members and allows them to serve as transgender and use the bathroom of their preferred gender. Military recruitment videos in recent years have touted the military’s inclusivity to LGBT members with the use of the rainbow pride flag.

George Patton vomits in his grave.

A U.S. military base in Germany this year scheduled a drag queen story hour for children…

Not falling under Democrat rule, the Chinese army likely finds other uses for its time than immersing small children in degeneracy and sexual perversion.

Roy notes that “Biden’s woke Pentagon is using taxpayer dollars to promote blatant anti-American ideology.” This has not helped recruitment efforts, but it fits with the agenda.

Readers will recall that upon taking office Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin announced a military-wide stand-down to root out “extremists.” An extremist is someone who joined the military to defend America and the Constitution from its enemies foreign and domestic.

Liberals can’t push their agenda much farther without disarming us. Who is going kick down your door and snatch away your AR-15? Beto O’Rourke? Chris Hayes?

Local police can’t be trusted, especially after Democrats have spent the past several years demonizing and hamstringing them. The military will be required. But it will have to be staffed with people willing to follow orders a patriot would refuse to obey. The purges and the social engineering are intended to drive such people out.

On a tip from Chuck A.

Sep 25 2022

PayPal Weaponized

The totalitarianism currently unfolding differs from repressive regimes of the past. Rigid adherence to official ideology is imposed on a more decentralized basis. The Constitution defends us against political censorship imposed by the federal government. So our rulers utilize private sector cat’s paws like PayPal, where you can find yourself banned for any thought the liberal opinion enforcers don’t like.

Even gays opposing the sexual exploitation of children can find themselves canceled:

Gays Against Groomers is far from alone:

On the same day, the Telegraph reported that PayPal shut down the accounts of Free Speech Union, its founder Toby Young, and his opinion and news website the Daily Sceptic last week without a clear explanation. Free Speech Union is a nonpartisan organization that opposes cancel culture and has defended academics who have criticized transgenderism and people who have been fired for expressing their opinions.

Toby Young sounds off:

The infraction:

[C]omments from PayPal given to the Advocate suggest the bans are related to both Free Speech Union and Gays Against Groomers’ public opposition to “radical gender theory” and drag queen story hours in schools.

Quacks a PayPal apparatchik:

“Achieving the balance between protecting the ideals of tolerance, diversity and respect for people of all backgrounds and upholding the values of free expression and open dialogue can be difficult, but we do our best to achieve it.”

How do you argue with NPCs who tell you with a straight face that deviation from their demented ideology must be suppressed in the name of tolerance and diversity?

The arms of the octopus work in tandem:

Hours after being banned by PayPal, Gays Against Groomers shared that the group’s gmail account had also been disabled.

The implications of this developing form of liberal tyranny are truly alarming. Paul Joseph Watson explains:

Revelation 13:17 tells of a time when no one may buy or sell without the Mark of the Beast. Compliance with woke ideology is the Mark of the Beast.

On tips from Anonymous, Mr. Freemarket, KirklesWorth, and ABC of the ANC.

Jun 22 2022

Why China Will Soon Invade Taiwan

Taiwan has been an island of freedom and prosperity, thriving beneath the looming shadow of communism thanks to implicit protection by the USA. This will not last. An invasion is imminent — if the ChiComs have seen this:

The Navy is training its members to create a “safe space” by using proper gender pronouns in a new instructional video modeled after a children’s show.

“Hi! My name is Jony, and I use he/him pronouns,” Naval Undersea Warfare Center engineer Jony Rozon, who sports a rainbow-colored t-shirt, states in the video’s opening.

It isn’t just the Navy.

The Army mandates similar gender identity training and trains officers on when to offer subordinates gender-transition surgery, the Washington Free Beacon reported in March. These programs are part of a larger push by the Biden administration to make the military more welcoming to transgender individuals.

Watch in horror at what the enemy within has done to the Armed Forces:

Then there is this:

Less than a month after a US Air Force base in Germany cancelled a series of drag shows, including a Drag Queen Story Hour for kids, nearby army base Kleber Kaserne is hosting its own drag story time event, for kids.

The event is being hosted by the KMC Theater Guild on June 30 and will feature “Drag Story Time for all ages,” a “history of drag,” and a “discussion on theater inclusivity.” The “out of character family-friendly Pride event” will be held live on stage, and is touted as a “family friendly Pride event.”

We have seen what “family friendly” means in the context of events featuring drag queens.

The military has been repurposed. Once it defended American liberty. Now it has a new objective: to promote degeneracy on behalf of liberals.

While our military devotes itself to pandering to the sexually deranged, China’s has other priorities:

China’s launch of a new aircraft carrier, its third and the second built entirely at home, speaks to Beijing’s ambitions to become a military power of global standing and reach.

A consequence of Biden and the moonbattery he personifies being allowed to take power will be the end of Taiwan. This will produce further consequences, including a crisis closer to home due to our reliance on Taiwan for computer chips.

On tips from Franco, Chris Neilson, and Wiggins.

Jun 17 2022

Transsexualization of Children Is Democrat Policy

If you thought nothing could lower your opinion of New York Mayor Eric Adams, think again:

That must be why New York City has spent over $200,000 of taxpayer money on drag queen story hours.

The only point of presumably homosexual men dressed as hypersexualized parodies of women reading “inclusive” stories to children is to groom them for induction into the exceedingly unhealthy LGBT lifestyle. If all goes as hoped, not only will kids be rendered vulnerable to pedophiles, they will have their bodies grotesquely and irreversibly deformed.

No reason to single out Adams. The entire Democratic Party is pushing the homosexualization and transsexualization of children. For example, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel proclaims that there should be “a drag queen for every school”:

Nessel made the comments during a civil rights summit in Lansing, Michigan, on Wednesday.

Nessel is the first openly gay person voted into statewide office in Michigan.

“Drag queens make everything better. Drag queens are fun,” she is quoted as saying by Detroit News reporter Craig Mauger.

This goes all the way to the top. The child-fondling creep in the White House just signed an executive order promoting the transsexualization of children — including sexual deformation that would have made Josef Mengele scream in horror:

The executive order will address the slew of Republican legislation banning transgender surgeries for minors and biological males from girls’ spaces — legislation dubbed by the Biden administration as “legislative attacks against LGBTQI+ children and families.”

Actually, the twisted concept of homosexual and transsexual children is an attack on children, whose innocence is respected by everyone except sex criminals, satanists, and Democrats. The concept of family is also under attack.

It will also “crack down” on conversion therapy, which the Biden administration describes as “a discredited and dangerous practice that seeks to suppress or change the sexual orientation or gender identity of LGBTQI+ people,” ordering HHS [the Department of Health and Human Services] to “explore guidance to clarify that federally-funded programs cannot offer so-called ‘conversion therapy.’”

If you attempt to dissuade children from sexual perversion or from believing that they are a member of the opposite sex, you have committed the thought crime of “conversion therapy.”

Notably, the order will specifically charge HHS to “work with states to promote expanded access to gender-affirming care.”

“Gender-affirming” is Orwellese for “gender-denying.” More specifically,

Gender affirming care is a phrase used by transgender activists and media that includes the more grisly sounding transgender top and bottom surgeries, such as removing a biological women’s breasts, removing a biological man’s genitals, sculpting a fake penis on a biological woman, facial feminization or facial masculinization, and more.

That and chemical castration with hormones are what liberals support when they support the transsexualization of children.

Democrat politicians and propagandists pretend that offering up kids as human sacrifices to LGBT ideology prevents them from committing suicide. Unsurprisingly, “gender-affirming” crimes against nature actually have the opposite effect.

No one should try to reach a compromise position with these people. We can only fight them with everything we have, and pray we are forgiven for letting them take power.

On tips from Anonymous, Chuck A, and Franco.

Jul 14 2021

Doll From the Moonbat Toy Chest

We’re Coming for Your Children,” sings the San Francisco Gay Men’s Choir. When leftists come at something, they come at it everywhere.

They come at kids at school, with teachers teaching them to masturbate. They come at kids through television, with drag queens inculcating LGBT dogma. They come at kids at libraries, with drag queen story hours and the Rainbow Dildo Butt Monkey.

Even cereal boxes strive to recruit them for alternate sexualities. Some little girls are provided with crocheted male genitals. Others are provided with toys like this:

Children are to be inducted into a culture devoid of shame and morality, which is given over to the most sordid forms of self-indulgence. In that culture, adult moonbats have their own dolls.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jul 14 2021

Rainbow Dildo Butt Monkey Helps Splinter Leftist Coalition

England’s Rainbow Dildo Butt Monkey has invited further fragmentation of leftists’ cultural Marxist coalition.

As the Blaze reported yesterday,

An actor dressed in a rainbow-colored monkey costume outfitted with a fake penis, nipples, and bare bottom appeared at a children’s event at a library in the United Kingdom…

Video and images shared on social media over the weekend showed members of Mandinga Arts at Redbridge Libraries Summer Reading Challenge event at Goodmayes Library in east London…

The event was meant to encourage children to read…

Sure, that’s what this is all about — just like with the drag queen story hours that have taken place throughout North America and Europe.

Other Mandinga Arts costumes are comparably tasteless.

The reason leftist culture warriors are so sexually aggressive toward children is that liberal cancel culture has terrorized the public into submission. However, Muslim colonists — viewed by moonbats as allies against the culture they are in process of dismantling — are not on board with this flamboyant degeneracy.

Summit News reports:

Now a concerned Muslim activist group has vowed to stage a “peaceful family rally” aimed at raising awareness surrounding the safety of children and how Redbridge Council failed to consult parents before exposing kids to such disgusting antics.

The Parents United group is behind the protest, which will take place outside Ilford Town Hall at 19:15 tonight.

Muslim groups in the UK have put up resistance to the targeting of children before:

Muslim protesters were successful in forcing Parkfield Community School in Birmingham to put a temporary halt to the teaching of LGBT issues in class, with activist parents asserting that the lessons were “toxic” and represented “aggressive indoctrination.”

They must be particularly infuriated if they pay taxes. In the case of the Rainbow Dildo Butt Monkey,

The company responsible for arranging the performance – Vision RCL – received £740,000 under the government’s cultural recovery program, meaning the event was taxpayer funded.

Progressives who opened the floodgates wide to Islamic colonization took it for granted that Muslims would be too addicted to welfare to stray from the liberal fold. However, alliances cobbled together only to destroy a target are destined to disintegrate once they have accomplished their mission. Hope grows that the cultural Marxist coalition won’t last even that long.

Mar 27 2021

Modernity 5

In a world succumbing to moonbattery, mobs become hysterical over minor infractions against largely symbolic COVID conventions; we are commanded to believe there is no difference between men and women; women ruin their lives by rejecting tradition and morality in favor of nihilistic hedonism; you have to claim “superstraight” as your sexual identity not to be expected to date men who pretend they are women; men’s fashion emasculates; Britannia is a black woman; Cardi B’s sleazy sex acts are presented as family entertainment; streets resemble violent video games; a judge addicted to child porn promotes drag queen story hour; the supposed Leader of the Free World cannot climb a flight of stairs, suffers from advanced dementia, and plans to run for reelection in 2024 (by which time the election may have no meaning); the mainstream media gaslights beyond the point any reasonable person could take its lies at face value; vicious hatred of men and Caucasians bombards us incessantly; and depraved, degenerate moonbattery shrieks at us from every corner of the establishment.

Buckle up — Paul Joseph Watson takes us on a tour of March 2021:

We are at the edge of an abyss. This won’t end well if we don’t turn back quickly.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Mar 18 2021

LGBT-Pushing Judge Arrested for Kiddie Porn

Just as the Culture War was looking like a rout, progressives encounter a minor setback:

A Milwaukee judge who serves as the President of an LGBTQ+ foundation in Wisconsin was arrested and charged with seven counts of possessing child pornography on Tuesday. Brett Blomme, an elected judge for Branch 5 of the Milwaukee County Circuit Court, is also the President and CEO of the Cream City Foundation.

The Cream City Foundation brags openly about organizing Drag Queen Story Hour events in Milwaukee on its website, sponsoring the practice in which impressionable youths are subjected to sexualized and cross-dressing drag queens.

The modern equivalents of Winston Smith have been hard at work at the Cream City website, stuffing material written by or related to its “Past President & CEO” down the memory hole.

According to the criminal complaint, Blomme sent images and videos depicting child sexual abuse using Kik, a messaging app.

[T]he complaint alleges that the abusive acts depicted in the material occurred in a Cottage Grove home owned by Blomme and his husband. The couple are the adoptive parents of two children.

Society has dealt those defenseless children a lousy hand.

Blomme is only ahead of his time. In 2021, he might still be punished for his crimes against children and against decency. After another decade of historic progress, the last remaining decent people will be jailed as pedophobes for objecting to similar activities.

On a tip from Henry.

Dec 20 2023

Trans Activist Kendall Stephens Arrested for Raping Kids

Given the LGBT community’s conspicuous obsession with lascivious self-indulgence, its emphasis on corrupting children, and that these people literally define themselves by their sexual perversions, transgender activist Kendall Stephens getting arrested for raping little kids should come as no surprise:

FOX29, WTXF-TV in Philadelphia, reported Monday that Kendall Stephens, 37, who identifies as a woman, was arrested Monday on an array of charges including rape, involuntary assault, obscenity to minors, corruption of minors, unlawful assault to minors and involuntary deviant sexual intercourse.

He was also charged with indecent assault against people less than 13 years of age, according to KYW-TV, the CBS affiliate in Philadelphia.

According to WPVI-TV, an ABC station in Philadelphia, sources said the victims were two boys under 13.…

Stephens is known for his left-wing political advocacy, particularly on the matter of transgender rights…

Mainstream media outlets obsequiously refer to this guy as “she,” thereby not only lying to the public but advocating and participating in his depravity, even in the context of small children being raped.

Kendall Stephens may have suffered a setback in his political activism, but he has earned a place in the representative Transsexual Violence Hall of Horrors:

Kendall Stephens
Leion Butler
Jason Lee Willie
Audrey Hale
Kimbrady Carriker
Maya McKinney
Snochia Moseley
Anderson Lee Aldrich
Moses Lopez
William Whitworth
Shanu Varma
A guy calling himself Lara
Zion William Teasley
Jason Michael Hann
Cali Anderson
Dana Rivers
Vivian Ginger-Rain Shemansky
Linnea Pugmire
Mark Campbell
Paul S.

On tips from Ed McAninch and Steve T.


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