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Jul 17 2023

37% of US Attack Subs Out of Commission

Here’s some encouraging news — if you are Xi Jinping:

On June 16, 2023, a date which will live in infamy, the Pearl Harbor base featured the story of Lt. Nick Grant, an “out gay cisgender man” who was a co-chair of the Naval Medical Force Pacific Transgender Care Team (NMFP TGCT).

The title of the Pride Month feature was “serving with pride”.

The purpose of a US Navy transgender care team is to help sailors transition to make-believe members of the opposite sex.


In 2017, 28% of submarines were out of commission. By 2022, it was 33%, and now it’s 37%. At the rate that the woke Naval brass are going, most subs will soon be out of order. …

If only the Navy could repair subs as quickly as its transgender care teams castrate sailors.

It is America in general that liberals have been castrating.

The Navy doesn’t focus all of its attention on promoting perversion and sexual psychosis. The other major priorities are racial favoritism and the global warming hoax:

The Navy’s 2023 budget wastes $718 million on fighting global warming.

There is no evidence that any amount of our money wasted by the Navy will have a measurable impact on the climate — but plenty of evidence that the ChiComs will begin filling the power vacuum by annexing Taiwan.

They won’t stop there.

On the bright side, when Chinese conquerors come to our shores, they will make Pride Month stop.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jun 09 2023

No Escape From the Marginalized

The liberal ruling class tells us that sexual perverts are “marginalized.” This means that the brand of leftism dedicated to reorienting society around their proclivities is rammed down your throat everywhere, even in the least appropriate settings, including elementary schools…

…law enforcement offices…

…and even Cracker Barrel:

If The Waltons were still on TV, John-Boy would come out as transsexual.

No one could possibly think Cracker Barrel customers want sexual deviants shoved in their faces. But if anyone in charge cared what customers want, Anheuser-Busch and Target would not be losing money by the $billions.

The Land of the Free is now the Home of the Depraved — until sufficient pushback reverses the social engineering.

On tips from Wiggins and Franco.

May 09 2023

Biden Regime Comes After Dishwashers

If it makes your life better, then liberals will take it away from you for the sake of the climate their power trip. They won’t stop at gas stoves or even cars. Now the Biden Regime is coming after dishwashers with new “efficiency” regulations:

New dishwashers imported into the United States beginning in 2027 would have to consume 27% less power and use 34% less water, while more compact models would need to implement a 22% power reduction and an 11% water use reduction, according to an analysis of the proposal released by Bloomberg Law. Energy Department officials estimate that consumers would have to spend $15 more for a new dishwasher but would witness three times as much in energy savings over the appliance’s lifetime.

Energy savings will be substantially less if dishwashers have to be run multiple times to get the dishes clean, as with the planet-saving toilets that you may have to flush twice because the federal government won’t let them hold enough water.

Reasons to abolish the evil elf Jennifer Granholm’s Department of Energy continue to accrue. It exists primarily to make our appliances more expensive and less effective, to launder our money through corrupt green boondoggles, and to wage war on the energy industry.

The Biden administration, which has established a “whole-of-government effort” to reduce carbon emissions, drafted several similar regulations over the past two years.

This is why we have to stop playing along with the global warming hoax and state plainly that carbon emissions are both inevitable and harmless. Otherwise, Democrats will continue to exploit the hoax as a pretext to micromanage every aspect of our existence.

Guard your air conditioner and your refrigerator with your life. Democrats will come for them soon.

On tips from Ed McAninch and Franco.

Apr 05 2023

State and Municipal Democrats Will Stick Us for the Bill

Where moonbats are in charge, they throw gargantuan sums of money at all things left-wing. New York City offers illegal aliens free healthcare and phones. New York State provides them with free college. California may give out $800 billion to reward a loyal Democrat constituency for being black. Philadelphia will pay women $1,000/month to be pregnant. An Oregon bill would pay derelicts $1,000/month to be homeless. State and municipal Democrats spend as if they will never have to pay their own bills — because they won’t. Who will pay it? Everyone:

The balance-sheet risks for mismanaged states and municipalities have been hiding in plain sight just as they were at Silicon Valley Bank. Continued financial-market turmoil and a prolonged economic downturn could cause some pension funds to collapse and cities to declare bankruptcy.

Interest rates were too low for too long, encouraging irresponsible spending.

When borrowing is dirt cheap, why not max out the taxpayer credit card?

However, inflation caused by Biden’s looting spree put an end to the party. Now comes the hangover:

A report by the research shop Equable estimated that the 228 largest public retirement systems were running a $1.4 trillion unfunded liability at the end of last June.

The bluer the jurisdiction, the more wasteful spending, the deeper the hole.

Chicago’s four pension systems have only enough assets to cover about 25% of what they owe workers and retirees, which is less than Detroit’s pension funds had when the Motor City declared Chapter 9 bankruptcy a decade ago.

Dysfunctional Detroit serves as a model for other single-party Democrat jurisdictions.

Insolvent cities could declare bankruptcy, but states as a matter of federal law can’t. That means their taxpayers will inevitably have to pay more to cover the pension shortfalls. In Illinois 25% of general tax revenues pay for pensions. Many states—including Illinois—can’t afford to bail out their underwater cities, but they also may not want the stain of allowing them to go bankrupt.

The most likely outcome: A cascade of bailouts by some combination of U.S. taxpayers, the Fed and municipal bond investors. Democratic-run states and big cities are simply too politically important for the Biden administration to let fail.

The appeal of liberalism is that it forces someone else to pay. That someone else is all of us.

On a tip from Varla.

Apr 02 2023

Carbon Offsets Confirmed as Swindle

In Cult of Climate Change, buying carbon offsets is the equivalent of buying indulgences from the church in the Medieval times. The practice allows corporations to posture greenly and comply with government mandates while doing nothing likely to influence the supposedly problematic weather.

Via Frontpage Mag:

For example, makers of actual cars were forced to buy credits from Tesla by California so that working-class drivers were financing luxury car owners. Airlines now routinely announce that they’re buying offsets which means a portion of your ticket is going to pay off some company that is supposedly doing some environmentally sound. Your power company buys credits resold by some company that’s supposedly running wind farms in Wyoming (that nobody needs) which doesn’t mean that you’re using wind power, but that you’re paying for someone else to use wind power to atone for your use of fossil fuels.

This is such an obvious scam that even the blindered moonbats at The Guardian noticed earlier this year:

The forest carbon offsets approved by the world’s leading certifier and used by Disney, Shell, Gucci and other big corporations are largely worthless and could make global heating worse, according to a new investigation.

The research into Verra, the world’s leading carbon standard for the rapidly growing $2bn (£1.6bn) voluntary offsets market, has found that, based on analysis of a significant percentage of the projects, more than 90% of their rainforest offset credits – among the most commonly used by companies – are likely to be “phantom credits” and do not represent genuine carbon reductions.

This is good news for plant life, as CO2 helps it to grow. However, according to leftist ideology, carbon causes climate chaos.

Only a handful of Verra’s rainforest projects showed evidence of deforestation reductions, according to two studies, with further analysis indicating that 94% of the credits had no benefit to the climate.

The less gullible might assume this number to be 100%. Good thing the forests weren’t really in such peril anyway:

The threat to forests had been overstated by about 400% on average for Verra projects, according to analysis of a 2022 University of Cambridge study.

If only offset posturing merely had no effect. Actually, it does harm:

Human rights issues are a serious concern in at least one of the offsetting projects. The Guardian visited a flagship project in Peru, and was shown videos that residents said showed their homes being cut down with chainsaws and ropes by park guards and police. They spoke of forced evictions and tensions with park authorities.

More recently, Bloomberg has admitted that South Pole, the world’s leader in selling carbon offsets with a valuation approaching $1 billion, is basically a swindle.

What do you expect? The very concept of carbon offsets is a swindle.

No matter how obvious the scam, don’t expect Big Government to let go of it soon. Climate offsets are too lucrative:

Imagine if Tony Soprano forced everyone in his neighborhood to buy “breathing credits” from him, which grant you the privilege to breathe a certain amount of air. And that, naturally, it would cost Tony Soprano nothing to create as many of these “breathing credits” as he wanted. He could also hand them out to his friends and others who did favors for him, creating a corrupt patronage system.

This is basically what governments plan to do with carbon credits. Except they are also gaslighting you by telling you they are helping save the planet.

Government can get away with more evil by pretending to do good.

On tips from Henry.

Mar 24 2023

Why Hunter Biden Is Not in Prison

The reason the Big Guy’s influence pedaling bagman Hunter is not in prison if only for committing a federal firearms violation is that we have two systems of justice: one for powerful Democrats and those they favor, and another for the rest of us. Rep. Tom Tiffany (R-WI) provides an example with the unwitting help of Rob Wilcox, Senior Director of Policy for Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun rights Everytown for Gun Safety:

Via Fox News:

The incident to which Tiffany referred relates to one in which a gun owned by Biden was thrown in a trash can outside a market in Delaware. A firearm transaction report indicated that Biden purchased a gun earlier that month.

On the firearm transaction report, Biden answered in the negative to a question that asked if he was “an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?”

However, Biden was discharged from the Navy in 2014 after testing positive for cocaine. Biden would later write a book about his issues with drugs and addiction.

Don’t try this yourself or you might wind up in federal prison. Unless of course you are among the favored.

This dual system of justice explains why a growing number of political prisoners rot behind bars for having trespassed in the People’s House while Black Lives Matter hooligans are given cash rewards for rioting at taxpayer expense.

On a tip from Dr. Kufi Tutite.

Mar 22 2023

New York Offers Free College for Illegal Aliens

The favoritism offered to illegal aliens invited by Democrats to displace us is so over the top, it must be intended as a deliberate stick in the eye of the dying American people. New York Mayor Eric Adams gives the stick a twist:

Adams released a blueprint for dealing with a surge of illegal immigrants arriving in the Big Apple. The plan includes a pilot program, overseen by the newly created Office of Asylum Seeker Operations, that would allow undocumented migrants to attend community college gratis in the state while their asylum claims are being adjudicated.

It will take many years to adjudicate the massive backlog of phony asylum claims. By then, Democrats will declare amnesty. “Asylum seeker” is nothing more than a euphemism for “illegal alien” — a term that it is illegal to use in New York, where they are provided with free healthcare and phones.

Not enraged yet? Adams twists the stick some more:

Shelter, meals and other services for these new arrivals cost the city some $4.6 million every day, which works out to $1.7 billion a year, according to data provided by City Hall.

This will exacerbate the costly homeless crisis:

According to Bloomberg News, the city’s Department of Homeless Services spent more than $3 billion in 2021, which was three times what it had spent a year earlier.

What happens when the leftist kooks running NYC run out of money? The same thing that happens when banks run by leftist kooks run out of money. The leftist kooks running the federal government hand out ours.

On a tip from Varla.

Mar 12 2023

Get Woke, Go Broke: Silicon Valley Bank

To quote the only guy who has been giving even more money to Democrats than disgraced fraudster Sam Bankman-Fried,

Economic history is a never-ending series of episodes based on falsehoods and lies, not truths. It represents the path to big money. The object is to recognize the trend whose premise is false, ride that trend and step off before it is discredited. - George Soros

That’s why Silicon Valley Bank CEO Greg Becker, ignoring the advice of CNBC clown Jim Kramer, sold $3.6 million worth of stock in his own bank less than 2 weeks before it collapsed. The time has come to jump off the ESG train, which is going off the rails:

A head of risk management at Silicon Valley Bank spent considerable time spearheading multiple “woke” LGBTQ+ programs, including a “safe space” for coming out stories, as the firm catapulted toward collapse.

This collapse was the second largest in American banking history.

Jay Ersapah, the boss of Financial Risk Management at SVB’s UK branch, launched initiatives such as the company’s first month-long Pride campaign and a new blog emphasizing mental health awareness for LGBTQ+ youth.

Jay explains her qualifications to protect investors by managing risk:

“As a queer person of color and a first-generation immigrant [yadda yadda yadda].”

Jay has been a big success:

Her efforts as the company’s European LGBTQIA+ Employee Resource Group co-chair earned her a spot on SVB’s “outstanding LGBT+ Role Model Lists 2022,” a list shared in a company post just four months before the bank was shut down by federal authorities over liquidity fears.

Being woke, SVB pushed not only sexual perversion but also nonwhiteness and of course the global warming hoax. Check out the title of this SVB press release from last year:

Silicon Valley Bank Commits to $5 Billion in Sustainable Finance and Carbon Neutral Operations to Support a Healthier Planet

Do not entrust your money to flaky ideologues — speaking of which:

[A]s recently as March 7, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen was urging faster please on ESG [i.e., SVB-style corporate moonbattery]. “A delayed and disorderly transition to a net-zero economy can lead to shocks to the financial system,” she said.

The Biden Regime will probably further inflate the currency to finance a massive bailout of SVB, ensuring a more painful reckoning for all of us when the ESG house of cards inevitably collapses.

Fortunately, not everyone in the government is as clueless as Yoda’s Aunt Janet:

To be sure, plenty have been warning about the dangers of ESG, including House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-LA) and also some of those directly tasked with growing and safeguarding pension funds, such as West Virginia State Treasurer Riley Moore. There’s even a new network of right-leaning investment overseers, the State Financial Officers Foundation.

We don’t have to let the contagion spread until the entire economy follows SVB down the crapper. There may still be time to pry Democrats loose from power.

On tips from Chris Neilson, Bluto, Anonymous, KirklesWorth, Jack D, and Gringoman.

Feb 04 2023

Biden Fails to Respond to ChiCom Spy Balloon

Some say balloons are an obsolete means of spying on an enemy with whom you are expected soon to be at war, because these holdovers from the 19th century are easier to shoot down than satellites. However, our ChiCom adversaries have obviated this shortcoming by planning ahead. First, they purchased the inept corruptocrat the liberal establishment later installed as our Commander in Chief. This preparation having been made, China has dispatched a surveillance balloon over Montana, home to the nuclear missile field at Malmstrom Air Force Base that the ChiComs would be keen to take out.

Even under the clownish moonbat apparatchiks Lloyd Austin and Mark Milley, the US military is aware of the balloon, which the ChiComs admit is theirs but smirkingly claim is a weather balloon. However, our “leaders” say they can’t shoot it down because people might get hurt by falling debris.

The population density of Montana is seven people per square mile. Apparently, despite the $trillions upon $trillions consumed by the federal government, it lacks the resources to destroy the balloon in such a way that it won’t land on someone.

It’s not as if there has been no response. Our gelatinous Secretary of State is teaching the ChiComs a lesson by postponing a trip to China. Pointless meetings between international bureauweenies are no fun if Antony Blinken isn’t there to laugh at.

A second balloon has already been spotted over Canada.

Maybe it’s just a test. If NORAD can’t stop balloons, Xi Jinping need have no qualms about sending nuclear missiles. Promptly shooting down the balloons might allow us to analyze the information the ChiComs have been collecting, to see what they have planned for us. But our leadership is so useless that they might be allowed to float back to the land of Joe Biden’s paymasters.

Despite his willingness to side with our enemies as he did in Afghanistan, despite being weakness personified, Biden isn’t the whole problem. The entire Democratic Party is irresponsible, inept, and uninterested in American interests. The Chinese have exploited this. Veteran Senator Dianne Feinstein’s chauffeur was a Chinese spy. Only when Republicans took control of Congress was Eric Swalwell finally kicked off the House Intelligence Committee, despite having been seduced by a Chinese spy. (Fang Fang says hi.)

At least we can stop worrying about China conquering Taiwan. No longer having access to the computer chips that make everything go will be the least of our problems if they are collecting intelligence for a direct nuclear attack on the USA.

Having better leadership, Indians would have known just how to deal with enemy balloons:

On tips from Wiggins, Chuck A, Mr. Freemarket, Marty, Gringoman, and Varla.

Jan 30 2023

Let Them Eat Seaweed

Sniff our haughty moonbat rulers: Let them eat crickets. Let them eat beetleburgers. Let them eat maggot butter. Let them eat weeds. Let them eat synthetic pseudofood. Let them eat plastic trash. Let them eat lentils. Let them eat grass. Let them eat larvae. Let them eat Chef Boyardee. Let them eat wind turbine blades. Let them drink cockroach milk. Let them eat seaweed:

An area of ocean almost the size of Australia could support commercial seaweed farming around the world, providing food for humans, feed supplements for cattle, and alternative fuels, according to new research.

Making us eat seaweed “could have profound benefits to land use, emissions reduction, water and fertiliser use,” according to the researchers.

However, there is a drawback:

A review in 2019 of the risks of expanding seaweed farming in Europe highlighted concerns farms could upset the balance of marine ecosystems…

Whatever we are allowed to eat when moonbats have sufficiently consolidated power to impose utopia, it won’t taste good. But at least it won’t be offensive to the climate.

On a tip from Steve T.

Jan 16 2023

Let Them Eat Beetleburgers

Our moonbat overlords have decided that we must not eat food because agriculture offends the climate. But they are generous rulers, who provide us with a wide variety of alternatives, including cockroach milk, maggot butter, weeds, synthetic pseudofood, plastic trash, lentils, grass, crickets, larvae, wind turbine blades — and even beetleburgers:

Beetleburgers could soon be helping to feed the world, according to new research. The creepy crawlers’ larvae — better known as mealworms — could act as a meat alternative… The process uses a fraction of the land and water and emits a smaller carbon footprint in comparison of traditional farming.

CO2 makes plants grow. Unfortunately, this precious nutrient is regarded as haram in the moonbat religion. It offends the weather gods.

French biotech company Ynsect is planning a global network of insect farms, including nurseries and slaughterhouses.

No doubt plenty of government funding goes into the pockets of companies that make food alternatives, as with inefficient but politically correct energy alternatives. Big Government even pays farmers to stop farming by buying up their land with public money. Again, our rulers are generous.

Tenebrio molitor beetle larvae … can be turned into protein powders, shakes, burgers, cereal bars, and even cooking oils at a fraction of the environmental cost of traditional farming.

You don’t hate the environment, do you? Then shut up and eat the bugs.

On tips from Wiggins and Steve T.

Jan 10 2023

Feds Move Against Gas Stoves

There is no basic component of our lives so innocuous that moonbats won’t ban it mainly because they can. The petty tyranny starts in Petri dishes of wokeism like Berkeley, where authoritarians banned gas hookups in new buildings as of 2020. It moves on to blue states like California, which is banning gas-powered furnaces and water heaters by 2030, and New York, which is coercively phasing out gas heating. With Democrats in power, it soon goes nationwide, potentially moving beyond harassment actions like the recent stealth tax on natural gas to a federal ban on gas stoves — although it looks like the Regulatory State may hold off for now on confiscating politically incorrect stoves currently in use:

The US Consumer Product Safety Commission backtracked on claims it was considering banning all gas stoves across the United States over health concerns.

Richard Trumka Jr., an agency commissioner, said that potential regulations would only ‘apply to new products’ in a tweet Monday. ‘CPSC isn’t coming for anyone’s gas stoves. Regulations apply to new products,’ he added.

At least we don’t have to worry about heavily armed FBI agents showing up to confiscate our current stoves as dinner cooks. We just won’t be able to buy new ones.

Progressives borrowed this approach from a similarly totalitarian ideology, Islam. Mohammad allowed Christian churches to exist in the territory he conquered. But construction of new churches was forbidden.

If the name Trumka sounds familiar, that’s because Richard Trumka Sr was a left-wing labor leader. Big Government has as incestuous a relationship with Big Unions as it does with Big Media; all are run by power-hungry Democrats.

In his backtrack Monday, Trumka added that people who choose to switch to electric stoves would receive an $840 rebate due to President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act.

Only Democrats would pretend to reduce inflation by printing increasingly worthless money to hand out for free. If a private company were run by people this economically inept, it would go bankrupt within a month.

Democrats have it in for natural gas because it is a cheap, abundant, clean-burning fossil fuel. Energy must be expensive so as to lower our standard of living, because people are harder to rule when they aren’t focused on just trying to survive. This is what drives the global warming hoax, and is probably the impetus behind recent claims that the gas stoves we have been using for generations could cause higher rates of asthma and even cancer.

As always with moonbats, the jihad against gas stoves has a cultural Marxist component. Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) and Rep Don Beyer (D-VA) sent a letter to the CPSC last month demanding action against gas stoves due to the “cumulative burden on black, Latino and low-income households that disproportionately experience air pollution.”

More to the point, low-income households are disproportionately affected by unnecessary regulations that raise the cost of household appliances. Rather than banning stoves, people should be encouraged to turn on the range hood for proper ventilation.

Trumpka told Bloomberg gas stoves were a ‘hidden hazard,’ and added that ‘any option is on the table’ and ‘products that can’t be made safe can be banned.’

Next, they will announce that forks must be phased out so that you don’t poke yourself in the eye with one.

On tips from Varla, THOUGHTCRIMINAL2084, and Ed McAninch.

Jan 04 2023

Climate Warning Labels for Meat

When progressives disapprove of something, they ban it progressively. First comes a media crusade, then warning labels, then onerous sin taxes, finally outright criminalization. Meat — a fundamental component of the human diet, as can be ascertained by looking at our teeth — is moving beyond MSM propaganda to the warning label stage:

A recent study investigating the possible impacts of so-called climate impact menu labels finds that such labels may prove “an effective strategy to promote more sustainable restaurant food choices.”

The call for warning labels on meat was excreted by elite institutions that know what to study to keep lucrative government grants flowing.

The study done by researchers from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, the University of Michigan School of Public Health, and the Department of Human Ecology, University of California, Davis finds that customers may be more persuaded to choose more “climate friendly” options on menus that include a warning against how beef farming supposedly contributes to global warming.

Those who earnestly believe that eating beef makes it be too hot outside are encouraged to get in touch. I have started up a real estate business specializing in oceanfront property here in Arizona. Also, I’m taking offers on a bridge across the East River in New York.

The sin tax phase will follow soon:

Many European nations, including Germany, the Netherlands, and the U.K., have already considered enacting a value added tax (VAT) to the purchase of meat — none, as of yet, has crossed that barrier, but it appears to be only a matter of time.

No worries; our rulers have already presented plenty of climate-friendly meat alternatives for when we get to the total ban.

[G]lobalist groups such as the World Economic Forum continue to suggest that we can be “conditioned” to find sources other than red meat to fulfill our protein needs.

Potential sources include mealworms, cockroach milk, maggot butter, weeds, synthetic pseudofood, plastic trash, lentils, grass, crickets, larvae, and wind turbine blades.

The future won’t taste very good. But at least the climate will stop fluctuating for the first time in the planet’s history, so long as we don’t eat any meat.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Dec 29 2022

Electric Garbage Trucks Fail in New York

Our moonbat rulers have decreed that, to signal compliance with their ideology, all vehicles must be electric — even heavy trucks, even school buses, even military vehicles. However, electric garbage trucks are not working out in New York:

The [Department of Sanitation] aims to switch all 6,000 vehicles in its fleet from gas to electric as part of the state’s goal to reduce emissions by 2040. But city officials say they haven’t found electric garbage trucks that are powerful enough to plow snow.

The department has ordered seven electric rear loader garbage trucks, custom-made by Mack and costing more than $523,000 each, with delivery slated for the spring. Used for curbside trash collection, the department’s current rear loader truck fleet runs on diesel and is outfitted with plows to clear streets during snow season.

But officials say previous electric trucks tested by sanitation have not lasted longer than four hours plowing snow before running out of power…

Fortunately, the same ideology that makes overpriced, unreliable electric trucks necessary also provides a solution. Just wait for global warming to melt the snow.

The founder of the Cult of Global Warming has been bellowing since at least 2007 that immediate radical action is required because the planet has a fever. Surely the snow must have melted already.

New York City’s commitment to plowing each street puts the sanitation department’s 2,100 collection trucks to work each winter, clearing the equivalent of 19,000 miles of street lanes. The service is one of the mayor’s most important duties. Mayors Bill de Blasio and Michael Bloomberg both faced withering criticism while in office for slow snow removal.

No worries. Government’s only commitment now is to uphold leftist ideology. All Eric Adams needs to do is denounce anyone who doesn’t like streets waist-deep in snow as a climate denier who hates The Science.

On a tip from Franco.


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