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Dec 06 2022

Tyrannical New York Hate Speech Law Now in Effect

If you object to New York paying out a massive “reparations” jackpot, maybe you had better keep your views to yourself. The state has officially banned online speech that liberals don’t like:

A new law went into effect in New York State on Saturday and it has free speech advocates up in arms for good reason. The law seeks to squelch any vaguely-defined instances of “hate speech” online. But this one goes much further than previous proposals to silence people on the major social media platforms. It applies to blogs and any other websites that allow readers to leave comments… such as the one you are reading right now. The law requires the operators of such sites to post a content moderation policy, and remove comments that may offend or “incite violence against” a list of favored demographic groups.

Moderators are obligated to solicit and directly respond to complaints of offensiveness. Liberals have already weaponized such complaints, which they use for example to get sites like this one blacklisted by online advertisers.

The apparent intent of the law is to put an end to comments sections altogether, lest someone leave a comment that contradicts the Democrat platform.

As we all know by now, “hate speech” simply means any speech leftists want silenced:

[U]nder the modern Left’s new definitions, anything that someone in a protected group doesn’t want to hear is being redefined as “violence.” If you complain about the genital mutilation of children, you’re posing a “threat” to transgender people. If you point out that BLM turned out to be a massive cash-grabbing scheme, you’re a racist who is “endangering” Black people. The list goes on. (Of course, you can say anything you want about straight, white, Christian males and they’re never in any danger at all.)

New York imitates California by attempting to impose its own authoritarian moonbattery on the rest of the country. Given the political leverage, there is no doubt that Democrats would directly inflict this level of tyranny from Washington.

Eugene Volokh and the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression are suing New York for this glaringly obvious violation of the First Amendment.

Yet again we see that the Constitution is the only thing that stands between us and absolute tyranny. A sufficient number of Democrat-appointed judges will render the Constitution effectively null and void.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Nov 23 2022

Unclean Conditions Make Beyond Meat Even Less Edible

Bad news continues to accrue for investors in the synthetic pseudomeat that Bill Gates and the rest of the Davos crowd want to shove down our throats. Impoverished through Biden’s inflation, people are not in a mood to pay more for an inferior product to virtue signal wokeness. There are serious concerns about the wisdom of eating a substance created in a laboratory through gene editing. Now we read that one of the biggest excreters of this gunk is neck-deep in bacteria and food safety violations:

Internal documents and photos from the Beyond Meat plant in metro Philadelphia paint a picture of dangerous conditions with possible repercussions for consumers. …

Purported photos from the faux meat plant — a 45-minute drive on the Pennsylvania Turnpike from Philadelphia — show mold growing on walls, as well as soiled containers used in food preparation.

Plant-based “meats” manufactured at the facility were found infected with the bacteria Listeria at least 11 different times since the second half of 2021…


The FDA is yet to make a safety inspection of Beyond Meat’s Pennsylvania facility since the public company acquired the plant…

Being on the correct side politically has its advantages. The Deep State bureauweenies of the FDA are all in for synthetic pseudofood, which pleases the weather gods according to liberals’ weirdly atavistic religion.

Internal plant documents also suggested that inorganic materials like wood, string and metal had been found inside Beyond Meat products engineered at the facility.

So long as it isn’t food, the climate won’t mind if we eat it, so…

…the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture “found no instances of nonconformance with regulations,” hailing Beyond Meat’s food safety protocols in reports that followed March and September plant visits…

The Pennsylvania state bureaucracy produced America’s first four-star “female” admiral, Richard “Rachel” Levine, who used his position as Health Secretary to sentence elderly patients to death by forced nursing homes to accept Covid cases while wisely getting his own mother out of a nursing home. The election of the mentally incapacitated ultraleft loafer John Fetterman to the Senate confirms that there is something very wrong in the Keystone State. An infectious agent far worse than bacteria has seeped out of the pustule moonbattery has made of Philadelphia to sicken the whole state.

On tips from Blackjack and Jester.

Oct 26 2022

Cats and Dogs as Climate Crimes

Bad news for our beloved canine and feline companions. They have no place in the plans our liberal overlords have for our lives. First Bloomberg told us that we need to adjust to the inflation caused by Democrats’ grotesquely extravagant wasteful spending by denying our pets veterinary care. Now CNN suggests that even the healthy ones ought to be sacrificed to the climate:

Their meat-heavy diet is the biggest contributor to their carbon pawprints, which requires an abundance of energy, land and water to produce. And the production of pet food emits huge amounts of planet-warming gases.

It doesn’t matter that pet food consists largely of byproducts of human food production, because that too must be limited in favor of eating insects.

According to leftists, the carbon dioxide that plants require to live is bad.

According to a 2017 study, feeding dogs and cats creates the equivalent of around 64 million tons of carbon dioxide in the US each year.

The want us to eat bugs because meat is also bad.

And, if our furry friends formed a separate country, it would rank 5th in global meat consumption behind China, the US, Brazil and Russia, according to UCLA professor and author of that study Gregory Okin.

CNN admits pets do a lot for us:

Having a pet in the family is associated with lower stress, fewer heart attacks, lower rates of depression and increased self-esteem.

You can mitigate the climate crime of pet ownership by withholding meat, making them eat insect-based pet foods, buying recyclable toys and leashes, forsaking effective clay cat litter for inferior products made out of old newspapers, flushing pet poop down the toilet, not buying anything for your pet that isn’t necessary so as not to indulge in environmentally offensive consumerism, and trading in your large dog for smaller model. But in the end, the existence of higher animals is never going to fit into the liberal agenda.

“Small rodents and birds are great options,” Okin said. “Snakes, turtles and reptiles can have a really low impact, too, for those that are into it.”

Even if you are able to love rodents and reptiles, they won’t love you back. But the climate will love you — or at least, it won’t hate you as much.

Progressive social engineers don’t want us to have children because they regard human reproduction as environmental vandalism. Why would they let us have dogs and cats? But at least the weather won’t mind if we keep a pet rat, at least for now. I’m going to name mine “Al Gore.”

On a tip from Varla.

Oct 20 2022

Biden Energy Policy Pushes America Toward Ruin

Joe Biden ran for office openly promising to abolish the fossil fuels that are the lifeblood of the economy. Shockingly, people voted for him anyway. Literally from the day he took power, he has waged war on the American energy sector (see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, etc.).

Unsurprisingly, this has driven energy prices into the stratosphere, pulling overall inflation with it. So with midterms coming up, he recklessly drains 15 million more barrels from the strategic reserves in another pathetic attempt to lower the prices just long enough to get Democrats past the election. Adding insult to injury, he calls us idiots by asking us to believe that this is “not politically motivated at all.”

He then compounds this with a still more insultingly outrageous lie:

“My administration has not stopped or slowed U.S. oil production.”

Really now:

Biden has leased fewer acres for oil and gas in his first two years than any other administration at the same point since the end of World War II.

Biden also issued an executive order freezing oil and gas leases, a decision that has been tangled up in the courts.

The president also suspended oil production leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, after former President Donald Trump opened up the vast oil reserves for production.

Biden also ordered the halt of the Keystone XL oil pipeline, which would have moved 830,000 barrels of crude oil from Canada to the United States.

Biden’s war on American energy continues:

As a result of these policies, we are heading toward an energy depression.

Biden has been draining the strategic reserves for some time now, treasonously selling some of it to our communist Chinese adversaries. Here is the effect this has had on our strategic reserves:

If this continues, we will have no strategic reserves, just as our money will have no value because Democrats have been inflating the currency to finance their ongoing green spending looting spree.

Meanwhile, these same Democrats lurch ineptly toward war with energy-rich Russia.

If they were destroying our country on purpose, what would they do differently?

On tips from Jester.

Sep 15 2022

Eat the Bugs

Klaus Schwab and the rest of the Liberal World Order have made it clear that so as not to offend the climate, we must eat anything but food: weeds, synthetic pseudofood, plastic trash, lentils, grass, wind turbine blades, et cetera. Most of all, they want us to eat insects, including crickets, larvae,and mealworms, slathered in maggot butter, washed down with a tall glass of cockroach milk.

On behalf of the planet, The Refusers have set these demands to music:

On a tip from Kimberly M.

Aug 29 2022

Let Them Eat Mealworms

Moonbats love diversity. There are lots of things they will allow us to eat, even after they have consolidated power to the point that they can impose utopia in the name of the climate. In addition to cockroach milk, maggot butter, weeds, synthetic pseudofood, plastic trash, lentils, grass, crickets, larvae, and wind turbine blades, we can also eat mealworms:

Researchers In Hee Cho and Hyeyoung Park presented their development of a meaty mealworm flavoring at the American Chemical Society’s fall meeting, according to a news release issued on Wednesday. Their research, they say, is a response to the dietary demands of a growing global population and the looming climate crisis.

CNN and the ruling class it speaks for expect you to believe that the weather is a problem and that you can fix it by eating creepy-crawlies. Their contempt for you is that profound.

Insects are “truly eco-friendly and more efficient in comparison to typical livestock,” Cho said.

Too bad The Experts don’t really care much about efficiency. Then we could stop subsidizing solar and wind energy.

Here’s why anyone would want there to be such a thing as mealworm flavoring:

Cho and Park’s research focused on the flavor possibilities associated with mealworm powder, exploring how different forms of cooking can produce different flavor profiles that might make the insects more enticing to eat.

Say you are attempting to choke down the synthetic beef Bill Gates has decided we should eat. Maybe insect powder will make it seem more like food:

People trying to reduce their meat consumption could use a mealworm additive to fulfill their meaty cravings…

The scientists hope their work will “contribute to the commercial development of meat-like and savory flavorings and seasonings, and will encourage the convenience food industry to include edible insects in their products.”

Incidentally, mealworms are the first bugs listed in a study finding that eating insects can result in parasitical infection.

On a tip from Steve T.

Aug 27 2022

Cui Bono? Not You

Who benefits from letting America be systematically destroyed by a senile left-wing corruptocrat? Some people, but not you. Biden’s own inner circle admits it:

Fox News’ Peter Doocy spoke with Education Secretary Miguel A. Cardona following President Joe Biden’s announcement of a $300 billion student loan debt “forgiveness.”

During the interview, Cardona — after being asked repeatedly by Doocy — finally revealed what many Americans already knew: The student loan handout offers absolutely no benefit to the vast majority of tax-paying Americans who either already paid off their student loans or never borrowed any to begin with.

Doocy: “The people that already paid their student loans … don’t get anything out of this deal.”

Cardona: “That’s right.”

For some to get a free ride, others have to pay for a ride they never took. Democrats refer to this as “fairness.”

College kids who prefer to stick other people with their bills are not the only beneficiaries of Democrat rule. The megarich who use the party to raise welfare recipients for votes the way farmers raise chickens for eggs make out better still. Some even benefit from the economically devastating Inflation “Reduction” Act. Bill Gates, for example:

“Everybody wants to be part of this,” Carmichael Roberts, the head of Bill Gates’s green energy investment fund, gushed. “The calls that I’m getting now — tremendous, already.”

Gates was described as having personally lobbied Senator Manchin and Schumer in “anticipation of a rare moment in which significant federal dollars might be secured for the clean-energy transition.” Billions of those dollars, ripped out of the hands of truck drivers, veterans and small businessmen, will have been “secured” for Gates and his ventures.

Helping the rich get richer and poor stay poor while squeezing the middle class out of existence is the Democrat mission.

As a Bloomberg article described, “This is no hypothetical for Gates. His investments through Breakthrough Energy, the Gates organization that does climate work, has sunk at least tens of millions into green cement startups such as Ecocem, Chement and Brimstone. None have yet reached commercial scale. He saw the bankruptcy filing of a battery startup he backed, Aquion, that might have had a fighting chance if energy-storage tax credits were available.”

As George Carlin would say, “It’s a big club and you ain’t in it”:

The board members and investors of Breakthrough Energy Ventures include Bill Gates, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, Michael Bloomberg, Virgin’s Richard Branson, Facebook billionaire Dustin Moskowitz, Walmart heir Ben Walton, LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman, along with Chinese Communist tycoon Jack Ma of Alibaba and Saudi Arabia’s Prince Alwaleed bin Talal.

Green energy boondoggles are certain to have no perceptible effect on the supposedly problematic weather. But they do have their advantages:

Where else can you invest a few hundred thousand in lobbying cash and come away with a few hundred billion in subsidies while the middle class pays for it?

As your standard of living deteriorates and your future grows dim, take solace that for the international ultrarich, Democrat rule is working out fine.

On tips from Blackjack.

Aug 26 2022

Let Them Drink Cockroach Milk

Moonbat social engineers know just what we should drink to wash down the maggot butter, weeds, synthetic pseudofood, plastic trash, lentils, grass, crickets, larvae, and wind turbine blades they want us to eat: cockroach milk.

The Experts have spoken:

Although most cockroaches don’t actually produce milk, Diploptera punctate, which is the only known cockroach to give birth to live young, has been shown to pump out a type of ‘milk’ containing protein crystals to feed its babies.

The fact that an insect produces milk is pretty fascinating – but what fascinated researchers is the fact that a single one of these protein crystals contains more than three times the amount of energy found in an equivalent amount of buffalo milk (which is also higher in calories than regular cow’s milk).

Many will still admit that ingesting insect secretions is disgusting…

But if it helps alleviate the food shortages we’ll have to deal with this generation, we’ll take it.

The piece doesn’t mention that the food shortages we are likely to face will have been unnecessarily imposed by Big Government in the name of leftists’ deranged climate ideology. The Liberal World Order’s war on farming is already well underway in the world’s #2 agricultural exporter. In the world’s #1 agricultural exporter, the largest owner of farmland is reportedly Bill Gates, a member of the Davos clique who wants commoners to eat synthetic beef so as not to offend the planet.

If you don’t want to drink cockroach milk, you hate the climate and do not trust the science. That would make you a bad person.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Aug 24 2022

Let Them Eat Wind Turbine Blades

We can’t be sure we will have enough to eat, given that the maniacs in charge believe that, like efficient energy, food is offensive to the climate. In contrast, there will be no shortage of giant wind turbine blades of dubious usefulness, now that Democrats have devoted hundreds of $billions to green energy waste and corruption in the act of economic sabotage they insolently refer to as the Inflation Reduction Act. What to do with the blades when the turbines stop working is an ongoing dilemma. Jonathan Swift suggests a solution. We must eat the wind turbine blades.

First, we make them into gummy bears:

[R]esearchers at Michigan State University constructed a new form of composite resin for wind turbine blades.

It is comprised of a mixture of glass fibers with plant-derived and synthetic polymers. Once blades formed from this resin can no longer be used, the new material can be recycled into a variety of products – including gummy bears. …

“We recovered food-grade potassium lactate and used it to make gummy bear candies, which I ate,” explained John Dorgan, one of the authors of the paper.

He then vomited blood and collapsed writhing on the floor.

Just kidding about that last part, but the rest of it seems to be on the level — though it is hard to tell fact from parody under rulers who want us to eat maggot butter, weeds, synthetic pseudofood, plastic trash, lentils, grass, crickets, larvae, et cetera in the name of the climate.

On a tip from Blackjack.

Aug 22 2022

Kids Taught to Eat Insects

For long-lasting results, instill moonbattery before the victim has developed the rational faculties to recognize it as depraved. If teachers can coax children into embracing truly sick LGBT ideology, it should be child’s play to get them eating bugs in accordance with the liberal agenda:

Note that getting kids to eat insects is so important that teachers will even allow them to temporarily remove their pointless not to mention sadistic Covid muzzles for this purpose.

Making us live off bugs like pet lizards will allow for the destruction of agriculture, which is already underway in the world’s #2 agricultural exporter. This will make the weather nicer, according to moonbat doctrine. More to the point, employees at urban cricket farms will be easier to unionize and more likely to embrace the leftist agenda than farmers.

Future lessons will coax kids to embrace eating maggot butter, weeds, synthetic pseudofood, plastic trash, grass, larvae, and possibly even lentils.

On a tip from seaoh.

Aug 15 2022

Let Them Eat Maggot Butter

According to moonbat ideology, cows make it be too warm outside; consequently, they must be abolished. No cows means no butter. That’s all right; we can just eat maggot butter:

Maggot butter is good for the planet. Therefore — unless moonbats are turned back — you will eventually be forced to eat it.

Just don’t ask Bill Gates and the rest of the planet-friendly Davos social engineers to eat maggot butter. A few cows will be kept around so that they can enjoy food while the rest of us subsist on weeds, synthetic pseudofood, plastic trash, lentils, grass, crickets, larvae, et cetera.

On tips from seaoh and Wiggins.

Jul 19 2022

Replacing Battery Would Cost More Than Car

If electric cars made any sense, Big Government would not have to subsidize them with other people’s money, much less try to force us to drive them in defiance of the Supreme Court. The least sensible thing about an EV, aside from the extravagant cost, is the battery that makes it go.

These batteries are powered by fossil fuels, like proper automobiles but less efficiently. Mining materials for the batteries enriches our enemy China and causes environmental devastation. The batteries burst into flames, so that Chevrolet advises customers not to park their Bolts within 50 feet of another vehicle.

Then there is the issue of replacing the batteries after they inevitably burn out. It might be less expensive just to buy another car:

Avery Siwinski who is 17 years old was excited to get a car to drive herself to and from school. Her parents spent $11,000 on a used electric car for her. It’s a Ford Focus Electric. The car is a 2014 model, with 60,000 miles.

After 6 months, it abruptly stopped running, needing a new battery.

“The Ford dealership had advised us that we could replace the battery,” [Avery’s grandfather Ray Siwinsky] said. “It would only cost $14,000.”

If they don’t want to pay $3,000 more for a new battery than they had for the car, they could always just sell the vehicle. Auto Nation offered to buy it for $500.

“Then we found out the batteries aren’t even available,” he said. “So it didn’t matter. They could cost twice as much and we still couldn’t get it.”

The lesson: do not buy a used electric car. Manufacturers do not support them. Do not buy a new electric car. It will have minimal resale value. Do the environment a favor and buy a real car, moonbat social engineers be damned.

On tips from Wiggins and Blackjack.

Jul 12 2022

Electric Cars Are Worse for Environment

The Biden Regime is defying the Supreme Court in its campaign to force us into expensive, unreliable, combustion-prone, inefficient electric cars. Whatever its motives, this is not about the environment, despite the pious rhetoric. Electric moonbatmobiles are more harmful to Mother Nature than proper cars:

[A] new study published by the National Bureau of Economic Research found that electric vehicles are worse for the environment than gas-powered ones. By quantifying the externalities (both greenhouse gases and local air pollution) generated by driving these vehicles, the government subsidies on the purchase of EVs, and taxes on electric and/or gasoline miles, researchers found that “electric vehicles generate a negative environmental benefit of about -0.5 cents per mile relative to comparable gasoline vehicles (-1.5 cents per mile for vehicles driven outside metropolitan areas).”

Liberal readers should brace for a big surprise. The electricity to power their virtue-signaling Teslas does not come from pixie dust or slightly more viable renewable sources. It comes from the fossil fuels the Biden Regime is making so expensive.

“The comparison between a gasoline vehicle and an electric one is really a comparison between burning gasoline or a mix of coal and natural gas to move the vehicle,” according to The American Economic Review.

Good thing CO2 is only harmful in the alternate reality of moonbat ideology. However, making lithium-ion batteries really is bad for the planet. The batteries require lots of graphite from China…

Pollution can come “from graphite dust in the air, which is damaging whether inhaled or brought down to the earth in the rain,” a Bloomberg report found. More pollution results from the hydrochloric acid used to process mined graphite into a usable form. Hydrochloric acid is highly corrosive and can cause great environmental damage if leaked into groundwater or streams.

China’s communist rulers are no more worried about the environment than they are about human rights.

[T]he U.S. government’s EV subsidies end up subsidizing China’s highly polluted production. … We also know from past experiences that pollution in China ends up harming the rest of the world.

It seems our rulers don’t care about the environment any more than the ChiComs do. As if he were a dictator rather than a president, Biden has decreed by executive order that half of all new cars in truck sold in the USA by 2030 must be electric — on the preposterous grounds that this will improve the weather.

On a tip from Blackjack.

Jun 25 2022

Let Them Eat Crickets

Food is offensive to the climate, they say. So they want us to eat other things instead, like larvae, weeds, synthetic pseudofood, plastic trash, lentils, grass — and also crickets:

Canada is now home to the world’s largest cricket farm…

The massive facility run by Aspire, which the CBC describes as “a global industry leader in the production of edible insects,” will generate 9,000 metric tons of crickets that can be consumed by humans and pets, Canadian Manufacturing reported. …

Just 60 employees will work at the massive facility, which is mostly operated through artificial intelligence.

There may be no jobs in the future, but at least we won’t go hungry. Our robot overlords will feed us insects.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.


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